Miscellaneous Ideas Thread


Well-Known Member
I just checked three times, and TV fanfiction doesn't appear to have one of these, just idea threads for specific shows.

Person of Interest:
The timing on the aftermath of the ferry bombing is just a little different. Grace goes to makeshift clinic, find Harold before he wakes up, and then Hersch's people show up. How does Harold get away with his fiancee in tow, wanting to know what's going on? How does he explain who he really is? What happens from there?


Well-Known Member
Well I was inspired by something in the Once Upon a Time season premiere pre-show where the creators answer various fan letters while teasing stuff for the new season.  One letter asked "When was Darth Vader coming to Storybrooke?" and both the creators smiled and one replied, "What makes you think he's not already there?"

So... what if Vader, or at least a post RotJ Anakin, is in Storybrooke dating all the way back to the first Dark Curse?  Obviously, like many OUAT version of stories you'd have to play with things at least a little bit to get him there.  But also like most OUAT stories, the newer the story the closer it seems to be to the "original" source material.  So... let's put at least the full first two trilogies in play relatively unaltered, but the kicker is that Anakin lived.  Luke kept his mask on him until he could get medical aid and he did recover, somewhat.  He was also something Leia felt had to be kept hidden if Luke wanted him to remain alive (whether she agreed with him or not) so they reported his death, burned his armor, and kept him stashed away.  Unfortunately he was causing mounting tensions between his children and realized that his time in the galaxy was coming to an end.  Eventually to try to end the conflict brewing between the twins he chooses to wander out past the boundaries of known space never to be heard from again.  The only kicker was at some point he came upon a wormhole and was guided to crash land on the world that contained the Enchanted Forest from OUAT.

I figure he arrived somewhere in the later years of Regina's time as the Evil Queen and, for the most part, chose to stay out of the politics of the region living as a simple hermit as he tried his best to repair his ship.  Then he gets caught up in the Dark Curse with everyone else and the broken, mostly prosthetic-bodied, Anakin Skywalker is replaced by fully flesh and blood Kenneth "Ken" Walker, owner of Storybrooke Electronics and the man charged with acting as the IT specialist for pretty much the whole town.  Things go on as per canon through at least the breaking of the first curse and now you have a fully able bodied Anakin living in town and observing things around him much more keenly, particularly Regina's struggles with Darkness and redemption and Rumple constantly playing people the same way Palpatine once played him.

From there it becomes a story of Anakin's seeing the parallels between himself and Regina and whether he can bring himself to step in and help her find balance the way Luke (and Leia for all her snippiness) once helped him.

There's the bare bones at least.  Although from there my mind goes in a dozen different directions as to when and where Anakin makes himself known again.  If it's in season two would he reach out to Regina after she had to destroy Daniel?  Or when she was falsely accused of Archie's murder? After Cora's death?  And if not then, would he reveal himself in season 3 while the town was dealing with Zelena?  I can't see Darth Vader taking being harassed by flying monkeys for very long before he decided enough was enough.

Then there comes the questions of how major factions in town would view him?  I could see Emma and Henry both geeking out over his being in town if they learned who he really was.  Snow and Charming would be afraid of him I imagine. But the bigger questions would be how the Blue Fairy, Rumplestiltskin, and Regina each viewed him?  Well, I would see him trying to reach out to council Regina if nothing else so I could see a friendship developing there.  And I imagine Rumple and Blue would both see him as a threat for different reasons, but where would things go beyond that?  How would the Force, particularly in the hands of the rejuvenated Chosen One, stack up against the magic of the various heavy hitters in town?  How far could Anakin really be pushed if Blue or Rumple tried to manipulate him in any way?  And how would it alter the face of Storybrooke in general?

So... there's some food for thought that I would love some feedback on.  Let me know what the almighty hive-mind thinks.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I'm not very fond of that idea. That's mostly because I'm not fond of Anakin though. The prequels fucking ruined Vader.

Another problem is how you're going to reconcile the Force and magic. The Force is basically the GFFA equivalent to magic and, going by first two trilogy power levels, it's kind of a joke compared to OUAT magic. If Vader goes through a wormhole and arrives in an alternate dimension, can he still use the Force? Or can he now use magic? If he uses magic, how the hell did he learn it? Or does he only have the potential to use magic but no idea how to go about it?

Also, I don't think Charming and Snow would necessarily be afraid of him. He clearly died as a 'good guy' or a hero. Though you should take my opinion with a grain of salt since I stopped watching OUAT in season 2 just after Cora showed up and it became clear that Emma and Regina were never going to hook up and become a super hot lesbian couple.

If Vader's identity gets revelead pretty early, i.e. shortly after the curse gets broken, I could see Henry drawing parallels between Vader and Regina and trying to redeem Regina like Luke redeemed Vader. But, to be perfectly honest, I find Henry to be super annoying. So I'd try to keep his involvement in any story to a minimum.


Well-Known Member
My first thought is that the Force and OUAT magic are more like different operating systems that perform similar tasks. Basically the Force is a Mac and magic is a PC. They are similar but not exactly the same. And yes, Anakin (okay really it would be Vader and not whiny prequel Anakin but you still have to call him something) would still be able to use the Force. The Force is everywhere. Life creates it. It is literally a universal constant. And since Anakin is literally a child of the Force he would not be without it. Ironically, he would have had access to the Force even while cursed in the Land Without Magic, he just didn't know about it. And Ani can be stupidly powerful once you start considering him at his full strength and bring in expanded universe applications of the Force.

And I honestly think you're giving Snow and Charming too much credit. For one, David was in a coma for most of the curse and probably would not get most cultural references for things like Star Wars. For another they don't seem like the type that would be actual fans of the series so they would do what the casual observer would do and think Vader was the Penultimate Villain instead of Palpatine. They come from a black and white world where you don't really get to come back from being branded a villain. One act of redemption won't overly sway them. It took basically the whole Neverland arc bridging into season 3 for them to accept Regina and she had to sacrifice herself to save the town AND give up Henry and save everyone else to get there. And let's be honest, Vader had WAY more blood on his hands than Regina could ever accumulate.

I agree with early Henry being a little turd, although he mellowed and became an acceptable character after season 3.


Well-Known Member
Been thinking of a post season 3 RWBY idea:

So after a certain character dies, she finds herself watching as her body burns away, only to wonder why she's still, you know, there.

Then she realizes she can partially see though herself, and realizes shes dead. She asks 'the light at the end of the tunnel' is she can hang around though, just for a bit, and watch over her team.

And also because watching Ruby blast the hell out of her killer was immensely satisfying.

Queue the adventures of Ghost Phyrra, and she watches over team RNJR's travels, only able to poltergeist up some help every once in a while.

The team doesn't even realize shes there, save for hearing her voice at times in dreams and random coincidences.

Until they meet a certain young boy, who is quite aware of her presence.