Harry Potter Magical Time Loops


Well-Known Member
Harry palmed his face as he looked towards his best friends—at least, as they were in this Loop. “Hermione, calm down.”

“Calm down!?” she yelled. “You have to get something out of Black Lake for the second contest!”

“Yes, we’ve established that already,” Harry pointed out. “Remember, me telling you what the magic egg said to me in the Prefect’s pool … which now that I say that out loud, makes me question what I might be on.”

Blinking, Hermione growled. “You’re a bloody phoenix-man-thing!”

Harry smiled and flapped his wings lightly. “Really? I need someone to keep me apprised of things like that.”

“Harry!” she pleaded. “You’ve crossed yourself with a creature of fire, and now, they expect you to retrieve something from the depths of a lake in the middle of winter!”

He just snorted. “Hermione, I’ve taken baths and showers; I’m not going to die from getting wet.”

She just stared at him. “You wouldn’t have this problem if you’d just undo whatever you did.”

“… And what?” he asked. “I should go for some mermish DNA this time?”

Eyes wide, she slapped him on the arm. “No! Just go back to being Harry!”

Rolling his eyes, Harry responded. “We’ve been over this; I’m not changing back until I feel like it, tournament or no.”

“Then how do you plan to complete the task?” she asked.

“Heat the water to the point the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen separate and then ignite them into a huge explosion that vaporizes the rest of the lake for daring to take something I covet.”

“… HARRY JAMES POTTER!!!” she yelled out.

“Kidding, Hermione,” he smirked, hands up in mock-surrender.

“But I do have a plan.”

She narrowed her eyes. “The last plan you had resulted in a nesting dragon fawning all over you … and the other three as well, and they weren’t even in the stadium.”

Harry shrugged. It wasn’t like he knew his phoenix-enhanced Parseltongue would be heard outside the stadium.

“This isn’t something stupid like … Flaming the water away?” she asked.

Harry opened his mouth to deny it, and then paused, rubbing his chin. “You know what…”

“NO!” yelled Hermione.

Harry started to sulk. Although, he was definitely saving that for next time.


“GO!” yelled Bagman.

As the of-age contestants dived into the water, Harry took several deep breaths.

Most people—wizards and non-magicals—both thought that fire could not exist in water.

But this was simply not true, else you could never have such things underwater as welding on oil rigs or even volcanoes. True, the water made such difficult, but not impossible.


The spectators simply stared, as they like the judges, had assumed Harry could not simply Flame into the depths of Black Lake.


Blinking, they looked once again at the dock, spotting a soaked Fourth Champion … and four hostages.

“Well,” Harry loudly proclaimed, forcing more heat out to warm both him and the hostages, “I’m awake!”


Well-Known Member
“Greetings, everyone!” Harry called out to the group of visiting ICW representatives. “My name is Harry Potter, head of this project.

“All of you are here because I chose you, mainly because you have family or friends that have a monthly furry problem.

“And don’t deny it,” Harry growled, seeing a few try to speak up while the rest paled.

“But there is no need to fear this getting out, because this project was to help cure the issue.”

Seeing he had their attention, Harry motioned to his side, causing several boards to float over. “As you can see, I did extensive research into the cause of the current lycanthropy disease, brought about by the German Dark Lord, Lou the Lax, about two thousand years ago.”

Harry snorted, both at the name for the lazy wizard who thought he could make a curse to turn his enemies—which was pretty much everyone NOT him—into disposable soldiers, and the curse he had created. “But his work was based on a chimera-approach from a mage named Iceron, from over a thousand years earlier.”

As more boards came over, Harry smiled. “I was able to track down his base, after working on the few notes Lou had actually made on them.”

“Those were banned … and sealed!” yelled one of the representatives.

Harry rolled his eyes. “And you did such a lousy job of it. Did you know the mage you had assigned to guard that vault died a century ago … and even his ghost left a day later?”

Judging by their blinking eyes … they did not.

“Using the notes and research I recovered from Iceron’s base, I was able to discover a method to—while not curing lycanthropy, but complete it, while giving the individual control over it, and a 100% success rate!”

“I take it Iceron’s method was not as successful?” asked the Greece representative.

Harry shook his head. “Man was big into minimal effort as well; his method had a 10% rate of success … of them surviving. And his method was based entirely on how much lunar energy he could collect at his base.

“I have improved that method beyond measure,” he said, as a giant white crystal was illuminated on the ceiling. “Using Sympathetic Magic, I created this crystal, and sent over two dozen shards into lunarstationary orbit—which was a major pain, because without magic, you can’t overcome Earth’s gravity well to do that. With those crystals in orbit, I continuously get anywhere from thirty-two to sixty-four times the energy Iceron did.

“And with revised formulas and better glyphs, I can use his method to overwrite Lou’s, turning the current proto-curse into the chimera method, giving them not only full control of their hybrid form, but the ability to shift either into a full human form or full wolf form, no matter the phase of the moon.

“I also added a lock on inflicting lycanthropy on others, so other ministries can’t bitch about it. It’ll be no more dangerous than someone who messed up their animagus transformation … and will actually fall into that category of BEING an animagus transformation.”

“And you have proof?” asked a Russian representative, though Harry could make out the hope in the man’s voice. His son and granddaughter had been bitten in response to some stances the man had taken on issues that oddly, did not affect werewolves at all.

Harry smirked, as another light illuminated the floor under the crystal, showing his godfather and god-uncle. “I present my godfather, Sirius Black—fun fact: the British Ministry never tried him, just arrested him, sent him to Azkaban, and then ordered a Kiss on Sight, despite the fact the Minister does not have that power.

“Do with that knowledge what you will to make life difficult for the British Ministry.

“And bound, is my god-uncle, who felt it best not to see or speak to me for over a decade: Remus Lupin, former DADA teacher at Hogwarts, who resigned when my mother’s former stalker told people about his condition.”

Harry would admit, he … may … have been holding a bit of a grudge against Remus.

(This is where I must put a divider in the story, right here.)

As Remus came out of the euphoria of the lack of pain from his initial transformation when the crystal illuminated over him, he forced his lethargic body to stand. It took him a few moments to notice he was no longer bound.

It took a minute to realize he was furry …and not craving to hunt and kill someone.


It took a second to smack Sirius on the back of his head.

“What was that for, Moony?” Sirius asked, rubbing his head, thankful that Remus hadn’t put his full power into it … or Sirius would be seriously dead.

“You tied me up, tried an untested ritual on me, and gave me no information on it!”

“Technically, it has been tried,” Sirius smirked. “But I can’t tell you about that because Harry swore me to an oath.”

“And the silence?” Remus growled.

“Harry was correct in that you ignored him for over a decade. Not even a birthday card!”

“… Okay,” Remus muttered, as he noticed a mirror nearby. Walking over to it, he saw his new and improved hybrid form. “Hey! My gray hair is gone!”

“Don’t you mean fur?”

“… I swear to Merlin, I will bite you,” Remus muttered. “And where is Harry?”

“Our resident mad scientist son of Prongs is still over there,” Sirius said, pointing to the group of ICW officials. “After our conversation, they’re trying to get more information out of him, before they bring their family here for the demi-cure you just had.”

“Shouldn’t we be over there?” Remus asked, wondering how long he had to wait before he could change back … and if there was an elf to bring him some meat.

Sirius shook his head. “Harry showed me the plan, got a bill already written out for them to pass, that’ll declare the untreated as proto-lycans, you as a full lycan, and ban laws that ban you from stuff for simply being one.”

“… Where did he learn to make a bill?”

“… He sent two dozen crystal fragments to the moon, placed them in orbit, tied them to that big-ass thing above us, constructed a ritual to fix you, and THAT is the first question you are concerned about?”

“… Shut up, Padfoot,” Remus sulked. “Is there anything else I should know?”

Sirius opened his mouth, but closed it soon afterwards. “Seems like a lot of it is covered by that oath, so you’ll have to ask him.” Although Sirius did wonder why Harry having acquired so many types of wolves and cats, were considered part of said oath.