10 Truths: Start of a Clan


Well-Known Member
10) Like many things, Yuuno’s first night with Nanoha and Fate involved an insanely busy work week, and his first friends taking advantage of how close his apartment was to the TSAB HQ. Waking up entwined between the two had been a rather pleasant shock.

9) For Fate, waking up almost woven together with Yuuno and Nanoha was surprisingly pleasant. Tucked in under Yuuno’s shoulder with her legs and arms intertwined with Nanoha’s made for a surprisingly good sleep. The fact that she woke up with Yuuno’s head leaning against hers made her feel rather affectionate.

8) Nanoha was as surprised as the rest of them at waking up with her two magical friends. The look on Yuuno and Fate’s face when she said, “Starlight….” Was priceless. The reaction when she finished the phrase with “TICKLE” was even better. The tickle war only ended after a tired Vivio walked in wondering what was going on.

7) Nanoha, Fate and Yuuno were rather surprised when VIvio looked at them…and demanded that she be hugged too. They also wanted to crawl under a rock when Vivio made remarks about them being sweaty. Turned out Chrono had thought it might be funny to send in Vivio to cause mischief.

6) The second time the three got together was about four days later. A rather tired Nanoha and Fate showed up at Yuuno’s house shortly after work. Between teaching and paperwork had gone into overtime and they had thought Yuuno’s place to rest instead of trying to make it home. They were almost late for work the next day due to over sleeping. It was a good thing that Erio and Caro were there to watch Vivio for them.

5) During one of the “childish” game that the three were playing a short time later, the three found out a few things they didn’t know about the other. Fate used to dream of going the “harem route”, she wished to drown in the affection of several people. Nanoha admitted under great duress that she felt possessive of her former “pet” Yuuno. Yuuno’s constant attention to her as a little girl had been a source of comfort to the rather independent girl. Yuuno’s reaction to her stating she even has to paperwork declaring Yuuno hers. Yuuno admitted that waking up entwined with the two of them was the closest that he could come to the word “family”. All he’s ever known is clan.

4) About four months after the “sleepover”, Yuuno discovered from his landlord that his lease had been terminated and his stuff had been moved to a very familiar address. The fact the note contained a chibi-Nanoha and Fate on it showed Yuuno one thing…Vita was now in on it.

Hayate was going to be INSUFFERABLE tomorrow.

3) Out of the three “kids”, Caro took to Yuuno the best. Yuuno reminded her slightly in attitude of her former. Even if they banished her strait into the TSAB, there was a comfort with the familiarity. Erio didn’t know what to think of Yuuno…except for frustration. Watching someone take a couple of days to "convert" from mid-childa to Neo-Belkan style was rather hard on the ego. Even if Yuuno had some interesting ideas about it.

2) For Vivio, Yuuno is another source of hugs and ice cream. There are other things, but for the little girl, Yuuno is MUCH easier to con into buying her ice cream than her mama’s are. VIvio and Yuuno also once a week go out “bonding over lunch”. The fact that “bonding over lunch” involves Yuuno teaching Vivio how to turn into a ferret, and then hunting rabbits is considered rather disturbing by her parents. Vivio thinks it’s rather interesting…and the rabbits are SO tasty as a ferret.

1) It had depleted Yuuno’s rather extensive savings, but he had a nice sized compound for his new family. It didn’t take long for it to be filled by the sounds of his children and the various friends and family that constantly came over.

Well, the Yagami family only stayed away for three weeks once. Then the horde came to them. It took three weeks before Hayate could find all her old cosplay costumes, much less re-fill the rather decimated pantry. They never missed a meeting afterwards.

Mr Coin00

Well-Known Member
We need more of this. Now! XD

It's funny that Fate dreamed of having her own harem. And Nanoha's intention to register Yuuno as her pet when she was 9.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what happened during number four. It kinda looks like you rushed it, or weren't sure what you were aiming for, and as result it became harder to understand.

"Vita was now in on it" Does that mean the threesome became a foursome? She found out about the threesome? And does Mid even have compounds? Why wouldn't a house be enough? I like it, but am rather confused.


Well-Known Member
I was trying to imply that Vita wrote the note and drew the pictures of chibi-Nanoha and Fate. Not that she was wanting a piece of the action, but that she was a part of the group that helped moved all of Yuuno's stuff out of his apartment. It was Vita, and thus Hayate, knowing about the new relationship. Along with the expected teasing Yuuno expected to recieve from both Vita and Hayate.

If they expect all of their friends to show up at similar times, then a house might not be enough. I put a compound because you can include a couple of semi-independant apartments on the same land. I based it off of a "compound" of one of my teammates lived at when I was in middle school. A compound can also be more defensive than a regular house. With what Vivio is, you should worry about zealots.