2033 Terra

500 point characters. Companion is limited to a max point cost/rank of 20.

Companions that are people must be people - skills and personality.

Don't get stupid with items.

I would prefer no magic. Greatly. Psionics, on the other hoof, I will allow.

Also take note. Cutscenes don't work.
If the enemy starts monologuing, do whatever you want, they're busy monologuing.

I would prefer not more than one level of Extra Actions/ExtraDefenses, unless you have a really good excuse.

If you have a level 20 weapon that other people know about, expect to be eyed
cautiously by officers of the law.

The year is 2033. A megacorporation has risen to massive prominence over the world - its name, Cross Applied Technology. Its power approaches that of a first world country. Its technology appears without limit, and their products have massively raised the standard of living everywhere.
A group of people, concerned about this organization, has formed to discuss their concerns. While the goods that CATco produces increase standards of living, what is of aconcern is the level of their weapons research. Though they have no competitors, and the world is now, mostly, at peace, they fund and operate two major television spectacles - Terran Wars and Space Wars. They spend trillions of
dollars a year on weapons research and production.
Many gangs operating in low wealth districts have managed to acquire surplus weapons and armor, terrorizing citizens. In respose to this, CATco helped form, and partally funds, a division of INTERPOL called ADP.
While CATco has purchased the services of many independant garage scientists, ther are a few out ther still, operating in secrecy, seclusion, or taking the front line news consistantly. There are also rumors of CATco's internal security team, code named: VALKYRIE.

PM me with questions and character sheets - preferably linked to a online document storage facility of some form, so that they can be updated easily.

IRC nights look to be Friday late afternoonish.

IC Posting in this thread is allowed and even encouraged.


Well-Known Member
RenÚe Krieger frowns as she considers how she's going to figure her latest assignment out. Her moss green eyes stare hard at the wall infront of her as her mind works at a fast pace.

She snaps her finger and grins slightly before heading down the hall to the computer. Her shoes click on the well polished floor as she walks swiftly down the hall. Had anyone been watching they might have seen a flash of smooth thigh from the slit on the side of her knee length navy blue skirt as she gracefully moves through the building, her movements controlled and precise, like a dancer. She brushes a strand of light brown hair out of her eyes as she turns into the computer lab. She shrugs off her matching blue jacket, and settles into a chair, booting up the computer infront of her.

She navigates through records, schedules and logs until she finds what she's looking for, a schedule of shuttles coming down from the L2 station.

She pulls a pen from the pocket on her white blouse and grabs a piece of paper to write down the schedule. Now, to figure out which one her target came down on....


Well-Known Member
As the shuttle slows down on its approach to land in Moscow the being known as 7734K cuts a hole in luggage compartment and jumps. Flitting gently to the ground its vernier thrusters flaring as he tries to drop out of the spaceport's detection zone. Shaking himself to settle his fur he looks around at his surroundings, and walks off.


Well-Known Member
Renee typed quickly. She had narrowed her search down to the shuttles in to Los Angeles, Moscow, Tokyo and Berlin. Now she pored through after-flight logs, looking for anything that might give her a lead on her target.

Finally, she spotted something in the maintanence log for the shuttle to Moscow. Fuel Consumption was increased, as if there was a 10kg added weight...or sloppy piloting.

Scrolling down farther in the maintanence report she found the clue she had been looking for:

The report said that a hole had been found, cut into the hull of the space craft, positioned near the luggage compartment. She opened up the preliminary report investigating the hole and skimmed though it.

"Prelim analysis of the sides of the cut indicates it was an mono-edged, hooked, blade abut two centimetrs in length. There's evidence suggesting a group of four blades." The report states on the screen infront of her.

Smiling slightly, she did some additional research, then shut off the computer and stood. As she walked out of the building she pulled out her cell phone and makes a call to the airport. Within minutes she had a flight booked to Moscow and a car on it's way to pick her up.

Two hours later she was seated comfortably on a plane at cruising altitude heading across the Atlantic Ocean.


Well-Known Member
H377K started out sitting in front of a bank debating on whether or not he should steal from the bank. This became moot when an animal control van pulled up and H377K decided to hide in the ally. He hid in the dumpster until the Animal control person started catching/killing the animals where upon he ran. He was followed by the animal control guy until H377K flew up the side of a building and away but not before H377K memorized all he could about the Animal control person.

He then flew to a hotel where upon he found an open window with an elderly couple having lunch, he flew in and hid under the bed until they left. When they left he snuck out and tried to get some food from the fridge. Finding it to difficult to open the fridge with his paws he tried his tail. He found out he needs practice with his paws and tail to make them articulate/prehensile enough to do complex (or not so complex work), but thanks to his tail being a weapon he smashed open the fridge and ate what was inside. Once he was finished he cut off the handle to the window and flew out of the room. While hovering outside he remembering the frustration fired upon the room to burn it all up. (And to hide the evidence but that was only an excuse) He then flew away.

When he next landed he decided to enlist the help of some of the other cats in the area. So he followed his nose to where he smelled cats and made a dramatic entrance. But they were not cats but rather cat pelts tied to trees. Deciding he didn't want to meet who did this he started running as fast as he could.

After a while he noticed that a beautiful woman was following him so he started looking for a place to hide. Upon seeing the only acceptable building being across the street he ducked down a side street, and then into an ally. The only thing in the ally was a bum and since he couldn't run out the other side he decided to hide behind the bum. The bum woke up and started attacking H377K. Luckily for the bum H377K was either to dumbfounded and or distracted to attack back, but still avoided his attacks. The lady then entered the ally and tried to calm the bum down while also getting H377K to come with her. The bum fell asleep after a large belch and the lady successfully convinced H377K to come with her with the promise of food, and catnip.

At the store when H377K saw the shelf containing catnip he dived for it but missed. After this H377K became obsessed with the catnip making the lady choose the food, and catnip and then go pay for it, H377K following her meowing, and jumbing up and down. Before getting in the car the lady gave some catnip to H377K who then became a happy, lazy, purry Cat. The lady takes him back to her hotel, and puts him on the bed and says "You're suprisingly light-weight for a prototype bioform, little guy." This catches his attention but he decides to play dumb to see what else she would say.

But she then decided to catch a shower and go to sleep. While in the shower H377K is to comfortable to move so tries to spy on her using IR, but couldn't see through the walls, and was to stoned to try anything else before she came out. When the lady went to sleep H377K decided that was a good idea and followed her into dreamland.


Well-Known Member
William Brenner, Farmer and Single Father of one, was having a bad day. First, his daughter worried him to death, having not come home till late at night.

'That Jake boy...' He was kind of upset his little girl wasn't so little anymore, but he supposed that Sheila could decide who she wanted to do those type of things with.

However, it didn't stop there. He was happy with his life, and his daughter rarely asked any questions about their circumstances, but today everything changed.

'I know I look young, but...' Early in his life, he had matured more slowly than most. However, this became apparent when he hadn't aged a day in years. Next, there was the issue of Sheila's mother... something he couldn't tell her about. Not now, not yet.

He was going to tell her somethings, when he came home to find her stolen away from his house, a dead man on his porch, and a blood trail that led to his daughter's room.

'Where is SHE?' he panicked. He discerned from Jake, who, in hindsight, he should have asked what he was doing inside the house, told him she was taken away from a black van he saw earlier.

Taking his trusty Harley 1958 FL custom, he hit the road to find who the hell took his daughter.


Well-Known Member
Will was not amused. 'Then again, who would be amused with the shit that's going on.' He thought to himself wryly.

Point, it was generally a bad idea to go 125 MPH on a bike without paying attention to the speed limit.

Point, it was also generally a bad idea to try and outrun a cop car.

Point, it was a really bad idea to copy stunts he see's from movies. Breaking at 125 MPH to let the cop car zoom past you only works if the cop knows how to swerve.

Point, getting hit by a car moving at 125 MPH REALLY hurts. The floor was also found to be very unaccomodating.

Point, running away from cops with guns is, once again, a bad idea. Especially when they're shooting to kill you.

Point, panicking is a bad idea. It tends to get you gassed at an airport as you watch a news report concerning a dead interpol agent on your porch, a dead boyfriend in the upstairs bathroom, and two missing, your own face being one of them. The fact the cops saw me speeding on the highway did wonders to my situation I'm sure.

Point, you know that the shit hits the fan when you wake up strapped to bed, talking to some guy that was probably one of the many Agent Smith stunt doubles in The Matrix, who was also named, for the record, Agent Smythe.

Point, you know that you're FUBAR when you find out that the town you've been living in was full of super people, your daughter is still missing, and you've been asked to help find her by shadowy organization who thinks I somehow have what it takes. The fact I don't know who they are makes me wonder if I'm suddenly facing a case SNAFU.

One ticket to Sin City, later, I started to think I was just... perhaps... a bit in over my head.


Well-Known Member
While I was waiting in the spaceport for my flight after buying several bottles of Vodka, I decided to hack into the network there and get some info on my flight. Mostly to make sure I wasn't next to some guy who would hit on me again. I also checked the names of all the flight crew.

I noticed a very cute woman next to me who kept looking at me and blushing. I introduced myself to her and lo and behold, she is the person in the seat next to me. We talked for a bit until the plane loaded, then I acted surprised that she was sitting next to me.

I flirted with her a bit, and when a stewardess came, flirted with her too. The girls didn't seem to get along but I tried to make them get along, and it worked somewhat.

I left for the bathroom, and after finishing up the stewardess unlocked the door and we joined the LEO Club. As she was leaving, Citra, the other girl, was outside the door waiting and slapped her then walked in and locked the door.

We started and I tried to get her in the LEO Club as well, when the Stewardess announced a seat belt warning. She then knocked on the door and said we needed to return to our seats. I dragged her into the bathroom and attempted to get them to kiss and make up, with mixed results. She then said we were landing soon, so never got a real chance to make it work.

A missed opportunity I suppose. I did manage to get both their contact info, and Citra is interested in where I'm staying in the city. Which may end up being with her. Sadly as I'm here for business, I can't devote as much time as I would like to her.


Well-Known Member
I think this is for the last three sessions.

After saying goodbye to Citra, I rented a governmental looking SUV and drove to Silent Hill. I found the coffee shop that was the last known location of Sheila. There was a sheriff taking pictures and he chased Alexis off when she said she was interpol, not caring because he considered it a local crime scene.

After that we drove to the farm and found lots of tire tracks. I inspected the barn and found to my surprise, farm equipment. Nothing insidious in there, just an old beat up truck and a tractor, along with the normal supplies. Nothing really stood out as strange or odd. I walked around the outside of the house looking for anything, and found a chalk outline on the porch.

I inspected the inside of Will's house and found it pretty trashed. It had clearly been ransacked and apparently by someone who didn't care about property damage. I searched the downstairs, and then headed up and looked around in Sheila's room. I didn't find much of note in the room itself, just a mess. I saw the blood trail leading to the bathroom and went in there and found the chalk outline against the tub.

I rooted around in the cabinets and found a few things that struck me as odd. Her toothbrush and toothpaste were missing. Upon further inspection, her feminine hygiene products were also missing. Perhaps she was planning on going somewhere for a few days? Or someone got kinky with that toothbrush. I didn't want to believe that in this day and age, there would be someone who didn't brush their teeth at all. Which I later confirmed by checking to see if Will had a toothbrush, and that she did indeed have teeth in her photos. I looked around the room some more and didn't find anything new. After checking her clothes sizes, purely incase I had to buy her clothing in the future, I swear.

After those few clues, I decided to look for the dead interpol agent's body and belongings. They were apparently shipped to a medical examiner's office in Topeka, so I drove back there. After some conversation with the examiner, which left me wanting to kill him before he actually became useful, I learned about the agent's cause of death. He had been stabbed in the back of the head between the first and second vertebrae. There was no struggle, so the attack caught him by surprise. Prior to that he fired his gun at least once, but possibly several times. I asked if he had anymore clues about how many rounds he fired, but he snarked at me that he was not CSI. Bastard. When I asked to see the body and items, I was told it was packed for shipping already. Which he kept repeating like one of those townspeople in an RPG. I thanked him for his help, the bastard, and left.

I was apparently at a dead end, so I decided to have Alexis do a comprehensive search through all travel and hotel related information for him. This would take some time, so I called up Citra and met her at her hotel and took her out to dinner. We went to a thai place. She wasn't thrilled with the food, though she tried to lie for my sake, badly at that. So I offered her a hot and sticky dessert and we headed back to her hotel.

We made out for a while and as things were starting to progress, I got contacted by Alexis. It seems Will got himself arrested. Horrible timing on his part, I say. She had booked a charter flight to Vegas already and it was waiting for me. As I turned around to tell Citra I had to go, I found her giving me quite the show on her bed. She talked me into staying a bit longer to finish what we started, not that it was all that hard. Things were going well, until Alexis decided to barge into the room and shock the hell out of her. She nagged at me for taking too long and then dragged me off of Citra, while she enjoyed the view offered to her by both of us.

I tried to talk her into letting Citra come along, but non-company tail is not allowed on the flight. I sighed and said goodbye to Citra again, promising to call her and meet up again. I feel a case of blue balls coming on. Alexis told me that she hired a crew to suit my tastes, I got my hopes up. They were brutally crushed when we arrived and I discovered to my dismay that she hired all homosexual men, and they were keen on hitting on me. I wasn't terribly surprised that she would do something like that, bitch.

So after we took off, I decided to relieve myself and dragged her ass to the bathroom and started to make out with her. She suddenly changed to a bishie, which she had no problem trying to continue on with that form. I shot her down. Then she told me that it was against company policy to do that while on company time. I tried to argue that it is travel time, and there isn't anything else to do. She suggested going over information. I thought it best that we go back to our seats, since a bathroom is not the most comfortable place to work, and out there, she would at least have to be female, even if I can't have sex with her.

Once we returned to our seats, I started reading through some files and squeezed her thigh, so seemed ok with this and I kept on going further, she just kept smiling at me. When I reached the apex, I discovered why, the bitch didn't change all the way back to female. There goes my plans of getting sticky fingers. We argued a bit about her pulling tricks, before she asked what tricks, I pointed out exactly what tricks. She said she would gladly comply later when neither of us was working, and in the meantime to use this, then she handed me a tenga. She then told me that it is apparently a company policy for females to carry them around me. It seems that I am well known.

I decided to get back at her and used it on her, but she didn't seem to care, so I continued hoping for a reaction of some sort. Then she made a comment about the video making good blackmail, I stopped but she commented I might as well finish. I had nothing else to do, so figured what the hell. After a bit, I asked if she was getting close, and then she told me that the bitch doesn't orgasm. I had enough of this shit, and decided to get back at her, I flipped her skirt up revealing everything and called a steward over and asked if any of them wanted to play with her. She quickly ended that game.

I decided to get some sleep since I hadn't had any in a while since I flew across the ocean, then drove all day long. I had her lean against me while I napped and wrapped my arms around her, then called her a cock tease before finally going to sleep. I had the best dreams, but never got off. I woke up to find my penis out and wet, she apparently decided to take the cock tease thing literally. After that we landed and headed to the police station to finally talk to Will.