3AM Projects...

As the title states, this is weird stuff that comes to my head when I am just completely exhausted and can't fall asleep at 3AM. Other than that, this one ish for ya Nanya~

Part 1
“Fate Harlaown!” A voice thundered across the classroom followed by the slamming of an open hand on the desk.

“Hiiiiiiiii~!” Fate snapped awake and bolted upright as her desk shook with the force of the slam.

“Finally going to join us for class?” The instructor asked.

“H-hai...” The girl sheepishly sat down, much to the enjoyment of the rest of the class. “I'm sorry...” She picked up her glasses which fell to the floor and put them on slowly.

“If my lessons are that boring, you can study them yourself during detention.”

The class laughed as Fate's face drained with energy at the declaration of detention.

“Now, turn your books to page 46...” The instructor continued.

“I'm so in for it now...” Fate whined to herself as she opened her book.


“So you got detention again, huh?” Subaru laughed as she rested her arm around Fate “That's ok, I got it also!” She bragged.

“That isn't something to be happy about, you idiot!” Teana spoke from the other side “In any case,” she turned to the blond, “You really did it this time.”

“Yeah, I know...” Fate sighed. “I was just so busy last night that I couldn't really sleep very well. Besides-” She reflexively stopped the moment her gaze went forward.

“?” Teana and Subaru looked at each other and then towards the person Fate was looking at.

“Oho~” Subaru slightly tightened her grip “Why don't you go say hi?” She nudged. “Come on, it's not like she's going to kill you or anything.”

“Fine!” Fate threw her hands up. “I'll go!” She steeled herself and slowly made her way to her target.

“4 seconds.” Teana leaned towards Subaru.

“I say she makes it,” the accomplice responded.

Both watched in anticipation as Fate took one step after another before finally falling down on her side as if she just had the wind knocked out of her.

“Told ya.” Teana shook her head “Fate cannot get within 5 feet of Takamachi Nanoha without having some kind of severe nervous breakdown. It's just impossible.” She smirked. “Come on, let's go rescue our fallen heroine.”

“Ugh...” Fate tried to stabilize herself, still unsure of what happened to her.

“Are you ok?” Nanoha reacted and checked over the fallen girl, her green necklace dangling freely on her neck. “Here, your glasses.”

“Thanks and I'm... fine...” Fate gasped. “Just incredibly tired... that's all.”

“Hey! Nanoha!” A voice called from the side.

“Hi, Yuuno.” The girl smiled.

The two of them hugged before separating again.

“Are you ok, Harlaown?” Yuuno leaned down and looked the blond over. “You don't look so good, maybe you should go to the nurse?”

“I'll be ok.” Fate smiled wryly and managed to struggle to her knees.

“Ok then,” he turned to Nanoha. “Shall we?”

“Take care of yourself, ok?” Nanoha bowed to Fate before following Yuuno to the building.

“Well, that could have gone better.” Subaru picked up her comrade. “At least you talked to her, right?”

“How are you ever going to tell her you like her, much less be her friend if you keep falling over every time you get close to her, huh?”

“I don't know what's wrong.” Fate grit her teeth and stood up as her strength returned. “Anyway, we better go.”


"Man, it's getting late." Teana looked at her watch as she and Subaru made their way slowly down the street to a stoplight. "Fate left early, right?"

"Yeah," Subaru responded, shifting her bag on her shoulder a little bit. "Something about her part time job?"

"She's always mysterious, that's for sure." Teana looked at the light that flashed green "Well, I better get going. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" She waved.

“I'll cya later!” Subaru waved as she turned the corner. She never minded having detention, she only hated having to go home late into the evening because of it. It was already reaching 20:00 on her watch and she had not gotten dinner yet. “Haaa...” She sighed. “I would have an easier time going through this alley, I think.” She looked down the poorly lit area as she weighed her options. “I'll just run.” She decided and took a deep breath before charging through. She had made it about a third of the way in before she was tripped by something. “Ack!” She gasped as she hit the ground. She quickly spun around to see a man standing above her with something in his hand.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” He swung the object around in an attempt to intimidate her. “You know, little girls like you shouldn't be running around these parts at night.” He brought the item to light.

“!” Subaru gasped as she recognized the frame of a gun. She stared down the barrel before looking up at the man's face. She tried her best to bite down the urge to just get up and run but her body was shaking so badly that it wasn't responding to any commands at all.

“Looks like I'll have to teach you a lesson for your mistake now, won't I?” He grinned, leaning over her and sliding the barrel of the gun up her cheek.

“Unfortunately, it's you that will be learning the lesson.” A stern voice that seemed to come from everywhere echoed in the alley.

“Who's there!?” The man demanded, spinning around and searching the area, his gun moving rapidly about.

“Boo!” The voice whispered in his ear.

“Waaah!” The man jumped backwards and pointed his weapon at his assailant and pulled the trigger.

The mysterious person ducked under the weapon's line of fire and hit the man with an open palm strike to the chest, sending him backwards into a pile of bagged trash.

“You ok?” The figure turned around and looked at Subaru.

“Y-yes...” She responded, trying to identify her savior, but the shadows cast by the person's hair covered much of their face. All she could tell was it was a woman with blond hair tied in twin tails, wearing a black suit that almost made her invisible in the night.

“Go home,” the figure stated.

*Click* The sound of the hammer being pulled back on the gun echoed as the man pulled the trigger back once more.

“!!!” Subaru gasped as she recognized the sound.

“Shit!” The person cursed as they covered Subaru with their cape.

*Bang*Bang*Bang* Several rounds were fired.

“Hyaaaa!!” Subaru screamed.

The mysterious person charged forward and kicked the gun out of the man's hand before slamming his face into the wall, knocking him out cold. “Ugh,” they stated as they clutched their side.

“A...a...are you ok?” Subaru slowly got up and attempted to assist her rescuer.

“I'm fine...” They growled as the voices of worried citizens echoed in the background. “Ugh,” they grunted again before reaching under their cape and pulling out a device from their belt that looked like a grappling hook and firing it into the nearby roof.

“Wow!” Subaru watched as her rescuer took off into the sky and vanished. “The guys are not going to believe this...”


“Are you ok?!” A worried voice called out as Fate walked through the door, her hand on her side.

“I'm fine, Linith.” She sat down and continued rubbing, leaning back on the couch.

“What happened to you?!” The woman shouted. “You're acting like you got shot!”

“Yeah..” She laughed it off. “I think I did.”


“Good thing the body armor on the new suit was working properly.” The blond smiled wryly.

“You mean the new prototype?” Linith looked over questioningly. “That one is still in the lab undergoing last minute maintenance.”

“Wait...you're saying...”

“!” Linith rushed over instantly and began examining the girl's wounds. “You said you got shot?”

“That's what it felt like.” Fate looked down at the points of impact and observed that the fabric covering those areas were punctured by what could only be surmised as bullets.

“You're bruised, but that seems to be it.” Linith stepped back in surprise.

“Maybe it missed?” Fate surmised.

“...” Linith just stared at Fate with an expression that looked like she was fighting over a decision.

“What is it?”

“I am not sure if this is something I should tell you now or...”

“?” The blond tilted her head.

Linith sighed and stepped away, looking up at the picture of Lindy Harlaown and bringing it over to Fate.

“You know,” She started. “Lindy and I always thought you were special.” She handed the picture over. “She loved you very much. Despite her busy schedule and work she always did her best to make time for you.”

“I know...” Fate smiled softly at the image of her mother.

“I wish she were here to see what a fine young woman you've become.” Linith continued. “It was a tragedy what happened that night. I still wish I had refused to take my leave that day. Had I been there you mother might not have been-”

“It's ok, Linith.” Fate interrupted. “The person who shot and murdered my mother was never caught, but I am going to use the legacy she left me to ensure that this never happens to anyone else again.”

“There is...one last thing she left you.” The woman responded after several moments.


“This...” Linith walked up to the location where she took Lindy's photograph from and pressed on a brick. “This was something I was entrusted to tell you about when you were ready.” She took the item inside out and placed it on the table. “We believe it came from your parents-your real parents.” She removed the cloth and produced what appeared to be a necklace that had a yellow “T” surrounded by thunderbolts positioned like wings.

Fate picked it up and looked it over. It was a beautiful looking thing and one that she might even consider wearing, but what caught her attention the most, were the strange markings on it.

“What does it say?”

“Your mother and I have been trying to decipher it for years. We spent a lot of money trying to get the most brilliant minds in the world to work on it, but it's clear that it's not written in any language known to man.”

Fate looked up with a expression that asked. “What are you saying?”

“Your real parents weren't exactly from around...here.” She answered the look.

“Where are they from then?” Fate tilted her head, a expression that stated “This woman is crazy” plastered on her face.

Linith merely looked out the window and towards the stars. Fate followed the gaze and rolled her eyes.

“What?” She snorted. “Are you trying to tell me that I'm from outer space? From another planet?” She joked.

Linith silently turned back and met the girl's gaze as if to confirm the joke.

“Yeah...” Fate continued. “I take it you stashed my ship somewhere in the attic?”

“Actually, it's in the lab under the house.” Linith stated with a serious expression. “You know that one room your mother never let you go into-her personal study? It's in there.”


“This is how you came into our world, Fate.” She pulled the cover off and produced a small craft, the same strange markings appearing on the ship as it was on the necklace.

“This is a joke, right?” Fate backed up in disbelief before taking several steps away. “Why didn't you tell me about this before?!”

“We wanted to protect you-”

“Protect me from what?!” She shouted. “You should have told me!” She rushed out of the room and jumped down the hallway, stopping in front of one of the vehicles. She opened the door to the black Ferrari Testarossa and leapt inside.

“Fate!” Linith called out as she ran in pursuit. By the time she had reached the main area, however, Fate had already driven off into the night.


“I'm telling you it's true!” Subaru wailed. “It was a kick ass blond in a black suit! She totally pummeled that guy!”

“Right, right.” Teana waved it off. “You were probably hallucinating while you were screaming like a little girl.”

“Hey! For starters, I *am* a girl and secondly it's true! That's why I was at the police station last night!”

“Speaking of blonds, where is ours?” She changed the subject.

“I have no idea.” Subaru looked around. “Maybe she got caught up in something?”

“Or maybe she's that blond hero of yours.” Teana teased. “I know you've sorta got a crush on Fate since we first met her at the opening of the school year.”

“I do not!” Came the response. “I have much respect for her that's all!” She sighed when she knew she wasn't being believed. “In any case, there is no way that was Fate. I mean Fate Harlaown is just so... Fate. She seems like she'd faint at the sight of blood. I mean, she sleeps during class! There's no way she could ever be kick ass like that.”

“Well, I'm sorry I'm not superhuman.” A voice interrupted from behind.

“Hey!” Subaru turned around a little embarrassed. “Umm. we were just, er, yeah...”

“What happened to you?” Teana butted in. “You look terrible. It's as if you slept in a car last night.” She looked over the blond's ruffled uniform.

“Actually... never mind. I was thinking of skipping school, but then they'd call my house so I decided to show up. I might... just rest in the infirmary.” Fate sighed.

“You can drive?!” Subaru exclaimed. “Since when!? Why didn't you tell us?! That's so cool!"

“Yeah, I'll take you there and report it to your teacher. At least you won't have to listen to Subaru's crazy fuss about this 'kick ass blond' that saved her yesterday.” Teana deflected the comment.

“It's true!” She yelled as her two friends started walking away from her.

“Come on, let's go-ah!” Teana bounced back as she collided with someone. “Sorry!”

“...” The person hit staggered backwards a few steps before glaring at Teana and walking away briskly.

“Wow, rude much?” Subaru stated as they watched the guy disappear into the crowd of students heading towards the campus.

“You ok?” Fate picked up the dropped bag. “Maybe you should-” her speech was interrupted by the loud noise coming from inside the school.

A large group of students were heading towards the building trying to figure out what was going on.

“Let's check that out!” Teana's eyes zeroed in.

The three of them pushed through the crowd and found several teachers keeping students away from the science room.

“What happened?” Teana pushed in deeper into the mass and asked one of the nearby students,

“The nurse, Ishida-sensei was killed.” One of the students responded.

“Was WHAT?!” Teana raised her voice.

Outside the school, EMT personnel had arrived and were bringing stretchers into the area. They pushed the crowd aside and went into the room.

“Hey,” Fate made her way towards Teana. “What is going on?”

“It seems that Ishida-sensei was killed.” Came the response. “Don't know how, though.”

“The patient is not responding...” One of the EMTs told the other. “...This is the third case already.” The short conversation was overheard as they wheeled the body to the back of the ambulance.

“The third case?” Fate asked no one in particular.

“Huh?” Teana's expression clouded.

“What's wrong?” Subaru came up to them.

“Something happened and Ishida-sensei is the victim.” Teana responded. "Everyone here says she's dead."

“I gotta go for now.” Fate spun on her heels “Please let the teacher know I'm not feeling well after seeing this.”

“Sure thing.” Subaru spun around. “I'll...” She cut herself off when she realized that Fate was no longer anywhere nearby. “Ok...weird.”


“Hrmmm...” Fate looked around the quiet hospital room where her school's doctor was placed in, the afternoon sun had just set and darkness began to take over. “I wonder what all the fuss is about...” She spoke softly to herself as she looked at the equipment monitoring the woman's health. “Well, at least she is not dead like everyone at school seems to think.” She murmured. Several papers were filed across the small table along with a analysis report. “Neurotoxin...” She glanced through the files. “Of unknown origin at that.” She continued.

“...you hear about the patient in room B-3?” A voice came from outside the door.

“Yeah, it's what? The third case already? The one sent to ICU died the other day.” Another voice responded. “We have another victim in here and we still haven't been able to find an antidote.”

Fate's eyes narrowed as she took out a small vial and needle from her belt and began taking a small blood sample.

The door opened suddenly as a nurse came in to do her rounds. She stopped for a moment when she saw Fate standing there with a needle and vial in her hands.

“Hey! What are you doing here?! Who are you?!” The nurse demanded. "Help!" She screamed as two other people rushed into the room to investigate the disturbance. “Stop right there!” She called as Fate carefully put the blood away.

“Tch!” Fate grimaced as she clicked on her belt and produced a couple smoke pellets before throwing them on the floor.

When the smoke cleared, the nurse ran to the open window and looked outside “Call the police!” she ordered the two men that came to assist her.

“This is going to be a long night...” Fate looked down at the open window from the roof before pulling out her grappling hook and firing it into the distance.

Edit: Placed in spoiler to conserve space~
Edit 2: Grammar checks and stuff. Let me know if I need to go over it again XD Thanks~!

Mr Coin00

Well-Known Member
So Fate has a mixture of magical girl, Superman, and Batman?


Well-Known Member
Will be even better with Fatemobile, the super car!
I have no idea what in the world I am thinking lol. Hence the small "warning" since I do write these on or about 3AM lol. I'll keep going if you guys want. Also do let me know if you think it should keep on the pace its going or should incorporate some humor in it. As I stated its written at a really odd time and I'm usually exhausted/half asleep so I just write whatever comes to mind.

A couple examples:


So yeah lol x.x the word "sense" means nothing!...at least at 3AM XD

Rising Dragon

Well-Known Member
It definitely needs some proofreading; a lot of sentences seem to lack punctuation.
Rising Dragon said:
It definitely needs some proofreading; a lot of sentences seem to lack punctuation.
Yeah it totally needs some beta lol. I'll run through it again when I have time. Either that or wake someone up and have a read-though on it for me XD I'll do that before I continue to make it at least a bit more readable o/