Naruto A crazy idea, Moshulel version


Well-Known Member
I was recently watching a movie... nothing special about it except for one fact: the main character was as they say "accident prone", no matter what he did he always had accidents, walking to buy a newspaper, waiting for a bus you name it he had an accident involving it. The fun part about it was that he always bounced back in one piece.

Now he gets into an investigation and is paired with a detective, accident after accident he manages to burn a village crash a plain shoot his partner blow up his enemyes and STILL get the girl in the end. (none of them intended)

Now this is where inspiration struck me, Kishimoto already makes Naruto the laughing stock of the village why shouldn't we but in a different sense?

Imagine a Naruto that has more accidents in a day than the whole village.. nothing fun about that no?

But let's take it further... for example during the chuunin exams:

Neji: "Hakke...'' Naruto violently sneezes in his face ending the combo.

During the Tsunade search arc

Kabuto trying to severe his hearth, Naruto slips brakes his own arm and in the process manages to rasengan the sound nin.

Or during the battle of the VotE:

"Naruto!" Sasuke yelled rushing at Naruto with a chidori however as he was preparing to impale his "best friend" Naruto tripped making him miss his intendended target and violently land on his ass.

He doesn't get away pay free from his accidents but his enemyes (and sometimes teammates) are always at the shorter end of the stick.

So what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Heh. Well, as I mentioned, it's a fun idea. Go with it.

Not much else to say...


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Good potential scenes here. Could be a very humorous fic. Naruto... bset Ninja out there... by accident. ^_^

I think Mosh is referring to a character in DBZ where, he's hard to defeat given that he purposely trips? :unsure:


Well-Known Member
That concept make me think of Colette in Tales of Symphonia.

She is a total kluzt, trip on thin air and create Colette shaped holes in the walls...but she also esquive some attacks and destroyed numerous of trap as well. ^_^


Well-Known Member
The name of the movie is Pure Luck.

The character there gave me the inspiration, and after remembering the DBZ character that feigned clutziness a thought sprung into my mind... Naruto winning fights the same way through klutzines but not doing it on pourpose.

Fatuous One

Well-Known Member
At first thought it seems interesting... but I think that if it were extended too long it would get extremely tedious, and predictable. After a time, the readers would automatically know that Naruto would be getting out of any of his fights by being a complete klutz. Granted, that is the point, but I think it would get very boring if it continued on that tangent for too long.

You would need some sort of deluding factor in the fic, like his klutziness factor not working on some people, or whenever he used Kyuubi's power his 'luck' factor would go down so that he would actually get really fucked up.

Of course, if you intended it as a oneshot or something similar, then never mind.


Well-Known Member
Actually if i do it any time soon it's going to be a very very long one shot or if i decide to make it a multichaptered fic i'll have to take into account predictability. Thanks for poiniting that out. ;)

Maybe a rewrite off all the important moments in the manga like this...?


Well-Known Member
Heh, if you want an example of how a fic along these lines can work look no further than "Make A Wish" in the HP section and we see how it can be done masterfully.