A hybrid... somewhat


Random phantom.
Wow, I got an idea, go me.

Well, this only makes me procrastinate even more on the other ideas... but the good side is, I've written a lot of chapters so far, impressing me.

Okay, part of it is because they're not usually past two pages, but still...

So, anyway, my fic is a PokÚmon/DARKNESS crossover. No, it's not World of Darkness. It's DARKNESS. National system from here, and that's just a cover name.

It also involves roleplaying concepts, all presented with the chapters... and some more.

I can't really explain it without posting it, but... let's just say that this Shock Fic is gonna be explosive.

Speaking of which...

Not for minors/people with IQ below 80, so it's your fault for checking it.


Shock Fics. These fics are not common mature fics... but rather, they are the product of only the most deranged and, yet, rational minds.

For Shock Fics depend on extreme shocking capacities to work... which is a risky gamble; writing a Shock Fic may not make the person capable to write as before the fic... due to the mixed emotions.

These fics tend to be extremely descriptive in their own ways, sometimes bordering thesis-level... and thus, the effect is maximized, for they are only dependant on the shock level. Plot, characters... none of these, ultimately, matter; a Shock Fic is written to shock the reader, and nothing more.

However, there is no better way to shock someone than using the plot and the characters in your favor... and thus, these are also developed.

In Shock Fics, the main topic is the human bestiality... because, no matter how rational we deem ourselves, we are still animals with instincts... and even the protagonists are forced to face them.

Add the extremely high shock factor... and what do you get? Well... exploded heart cavities, mashed skulls on living bodies, a shattered ribcage being used to throttle a person, and impaling by your own leg bone... made by the protagonists.

Due to that, this sort of fic gets past the R-limit very easily... and the average rating is NC-21.

In a way, it's like watching someone have sex with a Dragonite... the result is a bloody death, involving things like an excess of liquids, an exploded brain, and an inverted system.

...well, I'll let you people judge.
Make it so.