Naruto A Hyuuga Debt


Well-Known Member
A tentative prologue to something I had in the works, well, ages ago. Never got around to it, but you know me, Mr. Unreliable.

Anyway, this would be a small dose of the beginning. I'd like to focus on the actual raising of Naruto and his own interactions with the Hyuuga family. I make mention of the 'Inner Hyuuga Council', but that's just comprised of Branch Heads and Hiashi himself. Think of it along the lines of 'Advisors' with no real power. They can bitch with the best of them, but aside from Advising Hiashi, they can't do anything when it comes to the Main Family.

Yare yare, enjoy.

A Hyuuga Debt

Hyuuga Hiashi did not fear many things, in fact one could count on a single hand all the things he does fear, or has ever feared. He feared the Bird Cage Seal for much of his life, as did all those who belonged to the Main family but did not lead it. His father, Tenchi, had two sons. Twin sons, and while he was technically the oldest, the first aspect of their family lineage children of the Hyuuga were ever taught was that being first born meant nothing. He understand the reasoning behind that, now. A weak first child would lead to a weak Future. The heir had to be strong, in mind, temperment, and their skill with the Jyuken - The Gentle Fist, the Hyuuga family Art that, along with the Bayakugen, made their family the Nobility it was today.

His fear of the Bird Cage Seal, however, had ended when he was named the Successor, and his own brother was Branded. 'Better him then me.' Hiashi had thought at the time. Perhaps it was a cold lesson, he realized, but a great many things involving the Hyuuga family were harsh to face, much less accept.

He feared his clan falling into Dishonor. The weight of the past generations of his family, all of which managed to hold and raise their esteemed clan even furthur in the eyes of the people, was a heavy weight to bear indeed.

He feared Fatherhood. Were taking control of the Hyuuga family could, and should have marked his passage from child to Adult, he found having a child to be far more harrowing, and though he'd never admit it even by order of the Beloved and Respected Hokage, down right horrifying an ordeal.

One he discovered after the birth of his Daughter, Hyuuga Hinata, he was glad to have finally faced and overcome that fear. The difficulties of the birth were numerous, for reasons he did not entirely understand as he lacked the general apptitude for Medical ninjutsu, but he knew he owed the Fourth Hokage a great deal for saving not only his Child, but the life of his wife, whos Chakra system had begun a dangerous and no doubt deadly decay towards the end of the pregnancy. A rare occurrence, as he was told, and unlikely to ever happen again.

Now he recognized and acknowledged a new fear. Fear of the Bijuu. The destruction which rained down upon his Village made it almost impossible not to. Kyuubi no Kitsune they had called their attacker... and even he never knew just how many lives the Beast had claimed before his beloved Hokage and friend, Arashi, did battle with the beast. He would never forget the man, nor their final conversation prior to his joining the great Battle against the Beast.


"Hiashi-san." his voice was still friendly, still cheerful despite the general panic and destruction going on around them. His eyes, blue curelean orbs caught and held his own blank white eyes as he spoke. "My friend, I thank you for everything. For the chance to see and help the birth of dear Hinata-chan, for the times we spent in study seeking a means to help those 'The Traitor' had hurt." he stopped for a moment, looking down at the baby bundled in his arms.

Hiashi frowned. "What are you planning?"

"To stop it." the Fourth answered simply, idly playing with a small tuft of blonde hair present on the babies head.

"How?" the question came out... simple. No, not hysterical, never hysterical where Hyuuga Hiashi spoke! No sir!

Arashi simply grinned, "By making it our own." before turning from his friend.

Hiashi watched him as he walked to the tent flap, the flimsy barrier that seperated the make-shift command center from the raging battle taking place outside. For a moment the sounds of bloody battle left him, and only silence remained. Questions, numerous and many flooded his mind, but he could not find the strength to voice them. On some level, he realized he was watching one of his few true friends take his final steps, ever forward to a fate only the Gods themselves could guess.

He stopped at the threshold, and looked back at the silent Hyuuga. Perhaps in a rare moment of insight, the man known as the Fourth Hokage spoke. "Take care of him, when I'm gone. His.. mother won't after I do what must be done, and I won't be alive."

"Who?" Hiashi asked. If confusion could be given a picture in a dictionary, he was sure his face would be right there beside it.

"My... son." he motioned towards the baby held tightly and protectively in his arms. "Promise me, Hiashi. The boy will inherit a terrible responsibility, and despite my wishes I fear he will be hated for it rather then praised. Promise me, if this... omen comes to pass, that you'll take him as your own, and raise him to be the man he should be?"

Hiashi frowned. The request wasn't one to take lightly, as anything involving his family was never something to take lightly. He was only momentarily surprised when he answered with no hesitation, be damned what the Inner Hyuuga council would think of the matter. "I owe you for the life of my Wife and child, Hokage-sama. Your will be done."

He smiled again, for the last time. "Thank you." before he left the tent.

Hiashi only vaugely heard the words "Kuchiyose no Jutsu." as he collapsed into a chair.

He knew he would never see his friend again.


It was a somber atmosphere in Konoha, even two months after the disaster that resulted in the destruction of thirty percent of the residing nin, and even the Hokage himself. It was two long months spent recovering and burying the dead, mourning the loss of life and the loss of their Leader.

Hiashi sighed tiredly as he approached the Konoha Administration building. It was high time the populace had been told about the damage done by the Kyuubi, and what path the Village would take towards it's recovery. It was no secret Sarutobi, the retired Third Hokage had returned to Office in light of the Travesty. He himself had passed the Edict through the Clan Council with no objections. The people, even the Council, needed a stone to lean against in these hard times, and having a Hokage to replace the void left by his friends death helped people move on quicker then they otherwise would have.

With the State of Emergency declared, the council had not met since that hasty meeting to reinstate Sarutobi, and most were in the dark themselves about the damage that had been done, or the final outcome of the fight between the Fourth and the Kyuubi. They only knew that he was dead.

"Dear." he shook himself mentally out of this thoughts as his wife caught his attention, peering with his white eyes at the over head Veranda where he could see the Hat of Station reserved for the Hokage atop the Third. The old man looked out over the people, silent for a moment in respect to the fallen and departed, before he spoke.

"The Kyuubi is defeated." he began, "The destruction he wrought upon Konoha is felt by all. Many lost friends, family, children, fathers, mothers, and lovers to stop this terrible creature from ravaging all. We have lost so much, and paid with the blood of many for this moment. The moment where we all can stop and realize, we are still alive."

The Third stepped forward, placing aged hands on the rail surrounding the veranda. "We are still alive." he reiterated, "But we still breath not because we were better then the Kyuubi. Or more determined to live than it was. We are alive because of one man, because of his sacrifice."

'Arashi.' Hiashi intoned mentally, the urge to let loose a tear welled up within, but was held at bay. He was Hyuuga, and at dire times like these he knew he could not show weakeness to the populace.

"He sacrificed his life. His Soul. And his very son..." the old man waved to fingers, a signal that brought a lone woman carrying a bundle, a baby Hiashi realized, and handing it to the Hokage. For a moment the old man stared at the baby, parting the veil that covered the childs blond hair, before he raised the baby overhead. "And now, BEHOLD! The child that even now holds the demon Kyuubi sealed away from the waking world! The child whos father has sacrificed his very life in order to seal the damnable beast into his only son, for he felt only his son could bear the responsibility he will carry the rest of his life. The responsibility as Jailor of the Kyuubi no Kitsune!"

Hiashi felt his blood run cold. 'What is that senile old fool doing?!?' Annoucing the fact the Kyuubi still existed, even if sealed into a Child just after the terrible battle the killed many people and left all of Konoha with a sense of inept rage, forever unable to vent that anger now that the beast was gone, was an act that gave the populace nothing more then an easy target to release that rage.

It took only a few moments, as mutterings began among the crowd, for some one to put two and two together to get fish. "Hokage-sama! Kill it! Kill it now! Kill the Jailor so the Kyuubi can never be freed!"

Hiashi watched, transfixed as people everywhere began their chant. Calling for the childs death. He shot his wife a glance, before breaking through the crowd as best he could for the Administrator's Building.


"I think I made a mistake." Sarutobi admitted to himself as he quickly handed the baby off to an Aid. "People! Please! Calm down, this baby is not the Kyuubi! He's a Hero!"

His words fell on deaf ears, and for a moment he honestly wondered if he should have expected anything different. Even he realized how dangerous such an announcement would be, especially so soon after the terrible ordeal had past. Damn it, he knew he should have waited a few years to honor The Fourths wishes, but nooo, he had to be a good senile old bat and nearly incite a lynch mob on an unwitting baby boy!

"Captain." he snapped, a figure shimmered into existence cloaked in a dark robe and plain white porcelain mask. "Deploy ANBU to quell the populace before we have a mob on our hands."

"Hai, Hokage-sama!" his subordinate intoned, before vanishing as quickly as he appeared.

Retreating back into his personal office, he closed the screen doors leading to the Veranda with a tired sigh. A momentary respite from the frothing mad populace, he knew, but it would give him the time to think of something to counteract this travesty in the making.

"Foolish, Hokage-sama." the voice of his old Team mate grated on his nerves more at that particular point then it ever did in his miserable life.

"Yes, well, I hope you go through menopause twice." he snapped back annoyed while shaking a fist at the older women menacingly.

"Mature." she grinned, but took it as her sign to leave.

Sarutobi watched the old crone leave tiredly, before he allowed his gaze to wander towards the sleeping baby in its crib. What on earth was he going to do? As it stood, the baby was in danger from being lynched by the very people he was unwittingly saving. He couldn't even begin to fathom just what would happen if they managed to kill the child, especially since the Seal was still settling and had yet to take root.

He sighed, slumping into his seat tiredly. 'What to do.. what to do. Can't allow the boy to be hurt, obviously, but how? Even if he lives I highly doubt the people are going to be civil towards the child, and who knows what kind of monster their hatred would force the boy to become to survive?'

He grabbed his pipe, idly tapping some of the use tabacco from it's front. 'Hmmm. A law perhaps?'

Futhur thoughts on the matter were taken from his hands as the door to his office blew open, allowing him a sight he had not seen in his many years. The image of a Hyuuga, normally so calm and collected and absolutely emotionless, was not what he saw. Instead if was of a Hyuuga, red faced with lips twisted into a dangerous snarl with fists clenched tightly at his side.

'Perfect.' Sarutobi groaned mentally. Hyuuga Hiashi, part of the Elder Clan Council, a man he had little doubt in his mind hadn't just decided to pay a social visit, and would very likely try to hurt the child that was under his protection. Joy. "Hyuuga-san, is something the matter?" he asked cheerfully.

His tone gave the younger man pause, "Something the matter?" he repeated slowly, before snapping, "Of course, you're right, everythings fine and you didn't just announce to the whole world The Fourths son was possessed by the Kyuubi!" he slammed both hands against the desk and glared, "What are you trying to do, kill the boy?!"

Sarutobi remained unphased as he leaned back in his chair, eyeing the younger man curiously. "Of course that wasn't my intention, Hyuuga-san."

"Then what were you thinking!" Hiashi snapped coldly, a mediocrum of his normally unflappable control coming to the fore. White eyes gazed intently into aging brown, "Surly you realized the danger you just placed the infant."

"I am aware." the Third allowed, "I was simply fulfilling His last wishes as best as I could reasonably afford to. That his son be seen as the Hero he is for the sacrifice he will have to carry the rest of his life."

"I see." Hiashi intoned dryly, "It would appear as if you've failed, Hokage-sama. Now that the populace knows the Kyuubi yet lives, they will undoubtably want to see it destroyed. And to do that would mean to kill His Legacy. What are your intentions?"

"We are Shinobi, Hyuuga-san. I believe we can keep him safe and out of harms way."

"And the council will surly vote against contributing such long term Shinobi assistance to such a child, regardless of lineage." was the quick retort, "Not to mention the people. I'm afraid you've cosigned the child to a life of spite and ridicule due to ignorance."

'He's absolutely right.' the Third thought irritably. Certainly he could order the involvement of Shinobi in the childs life for a time, but the Council had the power to revoke that privilege whenever they so choose. Given the on-going tensions with the Rock, Cloud, and a whole slew of other hostile factions they could certainly justify the removal of that protection for the greater good. Where would that leave Naruto? "We will do the best that we can, for as long as we can. In the mean time, I shall institute a Law regarded the boy's status as the Jailor of Kyuubi, punishable by death if the truth is spoken to anyone who doesn't already know. Will that suffice, Hyuuga-san?"

Hiashi, back to his calm, emotionless fa?ade, responded "You have honored His last wishes, and now I will honor his last request. With your approval, I will take Naruto-kun into my house, both for his protection and continued Health." he paused momentarily to gaze at the sleeping baby, rather amazed the child hadn't awoken during his undignified screaming earlier, "He will be treated well."

Sarutobi frowned. The Hyuuga clan certainly had the Political power to protect the Child. While a Hokage could be disobeyed to an extent, the Hyuuga family was the very back bone of the Village. To disobey them, especially to the point of attacking some one they claim under their protection, would be tantamount to political suicide, which isn't considering just how far the Hyuuga themselves will go for revenge if they feel slighted enough. It was a very good idea, in his eyes, but one thing nagged at him, "I... Do you intend to mark him?"

"Impossible." Hiashi stated simply, "The reasons of which are a Clan Secret, but trust me in this. The Cage Bird Seal would have no power over the child even if he was marked, he lacks certain factors that would empower the seal."

"I see." The Third nodded, slowly. "I will arrange his transfer to your Compound myself, however, now that you'll be taking care and training the child, it's time to let you in on our plans..."

Hiashi raised an eyebrow curiously at that. 'Plans? What possible plans could they have for the child?'



Well-Known Member
Very nice story and nicely written

I just noticed one error, but this one seemey very obvious.

Hinata was born two months after the Kyuubi attack, while in your story it seemed that Hinata has already been born.

the medical condition could have happened in the 6th or 7th month and he could have saved both Hinata and her mother only days before the Kyuubi attack, still leading to this debt of honor


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I actually thought about that. I'll very likely go back and re-write that small section to incorporate that into the actual text.

This fic is actually a mix/match of ideas on the subject matter. Namely what is being planned for Naruto in the far future. Yare yare yare.

And no, no match up decided/considered/cared about at the moment, so don't ask. I can almost, about 50%, assure you that Hinata would not be in the running, at least not as the final choice Naruto would make, yare yare yare.



Well-Known Member
Well, you could also add a little blurb about Neji's birth. Thus the Hyuuga clan is even more indebted. When was Neji born anyways? Would it be possible for Hinata's mom to be already pregnant when he was born? If so, you could have both moms undergoing whatever emergency it was the the Fourth Hokage helped deal with take place on the same day.


Well-Known Member
Interesting idea. I've had a similar idea of having the Hyuuga indebted to Yondaime and raising Naruto. Though for my story it is for ending the division of the houses. My story also doesn't have Naru/Hina, since they are basically siblings. Since I found all the potential pairings in the series greatly lacking, I used Ranma. Death to Baka-Inu and Emo-Gaki.


Well-Known Member
Good story so far. I would love to see more. So if you would be so nice as to update soon.