A list of things that never change.


Well-Known Member
1. Ranma will never willingly do anything intimate with Ryoga, no matter how much some twisted freaks want it to happen.

2. Mary Sues: Like holding a big sign that says "I'm so messed up in this reality that I might as well go implant myself into another one, just for the hell of it."

3. Chuck Norris jokes are fine and all, but two at a time a most.

4. Butchering of the English language is a given in fanfiction. Just because a person speaks the English language does not prove that they have the slightest degree of skill in using it.

5. Yaoi fangirls are evil. Deal with it.

6. Reading Fruit's Basket and D.N.Angel will melt your BRAAAAAAAAIIN!!

7. See list item 6.

8. When wielding a bamboo stick, please make sure to protect your nuts.

9. Yelling "LEROY JENKINS!" when you enter a room does not make you funny. On the contrary, it makes people want to tar you, feather you, and drop you off the nearest cliff.

10. Neither Haruka Urashima nor Touji Suzahara talk like they're Italians in New York. Nor will they ever.

11. The inventor of yaoi needs to be resurrected, in order to pay for their crimes against humanity again, and again, and again, until I empty out my family size box of shotgun shells.

12. "A cat is fine too" jokes are only funny to other 4chan patrons. Everyone else just thinks you're insane.

13. Why is it that almost every hentai game in existance has at least one girl getting raped?

14. Incest is not bad, merely misunderstood. Please have both participants drink at least one bottle of vodka each, then ingest a small amount of spanish fly. See how wrong it is at that point.

15. Naruto and Sasuke are more likely to kill eachother then anything else. ANYTHING ELSE!!!

16. Naruto is not, nor will he ever be, an Uchiha.

17. Dubbed anime sucks.

18. Kanji is a major pain in the ass for non-Japanese speaking people.

19. Knowing one or two animes does NOT MAKE YOU AN OTAKU!!

20. Playing Dance Dance Revolution does not count as exercise.

23. Knowing how to count is overrated.

24. Knowing how to use the English language correctly, however is not.

25. All hail the Grum, for his masterful works of Ranma 1/2 fanfiction.

26. If there's going to be character death, at least make it the death of a character no one likes. Like Akane!

27. Straight Shota will forever be labeled "AGE"

28. Honey Nut Cheerios do not make up a good diet.

29. I'm a f**king lunatic most of the time!

30. Rinse and repeat.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Hmmm... I have mixed feelings on some of that, and disagree with others.

However, who the heck is Leroy Jenkins? I've never heard of him. Is he like Leyroy Brown?


Well-Known Member
PCHeintz72 said:
Hmmm...? I have mixed feelings on some of that, and disagree with others.?

However, who the heck is Leroy Jenkins?? I've never heard of him.? Is he like Leyroy Brown?
Leeroy Jenkins is a "hero" of World of Warcraft, famous in the community for entering a highly dangerous room full of proximity-triggered dragon eggs (you come close, they pop open, baby dragons eat you), loudly screaming "LEEROOOOOOOOOOOY JEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNKINS!", then triggering the eggs.

20. Playing Dance Dance Revolution does not count as exercise.
It does if you can match baby elephants in size and weight (like I do)


Well-Known Member
*cackles* So THIS is your list! Excellent.. I chuckled. I didn't LOL... but I chuckled.

Just remember....

"This is delicious!"


That is all >.>


Well-Known Member
Hmm, according to rules 6 and 7 it was Fruits Basket that melted my brain.

Now honestly I know that's not true, it was joining this board that did that... Or was that the shreding of common decency... I can't remember anymore.


Well-Known Member
Lumias said:
Hmm, according to rules 6 and 7 it was Fruits Basket that melted my brain.

Now honestly I know that's not true, it was joining this board that did that... Or was that the shreding of common decency... I can't remember anymore.
It was this forum. I've read the manga and watched the anime months before coming here.

I'm going to get to flamed for this admittance, aren't I?


Well-Known Member


On a side note, the rest of it is mostly true.
mswolfe17 said:
(list snipsnippy)
#3: Chuck Norris jokes have never been funny. Nor have similar ones for Mr. T or whoever is some sort of god according to stupid internet sites.

#17: Generally agreed. Have heard there are some decent to good ones, but have never verified this. As a rule, the more you change something to adapt it to a new market, the more risk you are taking that your final product will be crapola.

#23: No, it isn't.

#24: Totally agreed.

#25: Actually, I don't really care about his pure Ranma fics, if he even has any. He has a Ranma/SM fic I like (Finding an Anchor) but it's not so unbelievably good that I would shed tears were I to learn it will never be completed. No fic is, but some come close.

#27: Is that what "age" means? I did not know that particular meme.


Well-Known Member
I've only come across one anime that I liked watching dubbed.

Golden Boy >.>

It amused me to no end, and I couldn't find anything lacking while watching it.

Course.. that might be because there weren't any puns or innane cultural references that I saw.


Well-Known Member
nuclear death frog said:
#27: Is that what "age" means? I did not know that particular meme.
It's not a meme, exactly. The Futaba (2channel imageboard) software that has been in use across a multitude of imageboards contains a mechanic allowing a user to "sage" a thread.

"Sage" (pronounced sah-gay, not sayj) is the (abbreviated) Japanese word meaning "to lower". By posting in a thread and putting "sage" (without quotes) in the Email field, users can post their comments without bumping the thread to the top of the thread list. Since the original Futaba software limited the number of posts that could be made in any unstickied topic, sage'ing a thread to that limit was a method of killing it without bumping it to the top.

"Age" (again, pronounced ah-gay, not ayj) is the opposite. Age is short for ageru, meaning "to raise up". While it doesn't make use of any special software features, as any non-sage post will bump the thread to the top, it's often posted as a way of expressing approval of the thread.


Oh, and re: #17, Cowboy Bebop either disproves it or is a notable exception. CB's dub cast did the job better than the Japanese seiyuu did, and I have listened to both for proof.