Evangelion A Little Something Different


Well-Known Member
I've kinda gotten sick of seeing the same fanon ideas perpetuated in the fandom. Certain ideas have invaded the collective unconsciousness of the fandom and spread, with little or no context to them. While Eva isn't the worst offender (that award goes to the Ranma fandom), it does have some of the most pervasive and ingrained ideas about the characters. And thus, I would like to open a forum to discuss alternate ideas to the common fanon.

For these exercises, I want you to disregard all notions that follow thus:

1) Shinji is a Wimp (note the capital 'W').
2) Asuka is secretly in L.O.V.E. with Shinji. This includes all variations where she's in love with certain aspects of his personality.
3) Rei is just lonely/shy and requires only Shinji's/Kensuke's/your ACC's/YOUR love to come out of her shell.
4) Misato is a drunken slut. This one is not about the FACT that she is a lush. No, this is about the fanon attitude that she sleeps with any male with a pulse. However, any discussion of her VERY MESSED UP way of relating to the opposite sex is MORE than welcome.
5) Gendo is a BAD GUY. The truth is much more complicated than that.
6) Maya is gay for Ritsuko.
7) Kaworu is gay for Shinji. This one is pervasive enough and ambiguous enough to actually deserve discussion. So feel free to discuss as usual.
8) Gendo raped/has sex with/lusts for Rei. Seriously, the man is messed up. But this is going a little far.

This is NOT supposed to be about cliches in fanfiction. This is supposed to be a discussion about the natures of the characters and their motivations. As such, please PLEASE don't go into character bashing. And try to back up your statements with direct references to the series, the Sadamoto manga, or the movies.