A Void and A Need (Challenge)

Plz kill this spam


Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
The ironic thing is, the 'age of consent' crock is a load of bull that was inserted when lives became longer. It is only to make moralists happy, but when life expectancy was shorter, it was very common for even 9 and 10 years old to be married and have sex.

The fact there even IS an age of consent is just a sign of how pitifully repressed our society has become, is all.
The thing is, I agree that there should be some sort of 'age of consent' law, no matter what 'bullshit religion' imposed it on us. I mean, whether it should be 18, 16, or even 13 is debatable, but let's say, 5 year olds? Do you honestly thing 5 year olds should be having sex? :sweat: After all, I don't think "I'll give you some free candy if you let me stick this rod into the pooper!" should EVER constitute 'consent'.

And the fact that in Medieval Europe they 'had' to marry and fuck early has more to do with their stupidity than anything. Not the stupidity that they had to marry early, but that sleeping with animals under the same roof... oh, and that taking a bath is a big nonono "ZOMG!!! BLACK PLAUGEZ!!! MUS B BCUZ FRED DIDNT PRAY! KANT B THAT US DRANK FROM SAME WELLZ OR THATZ US B DIRTY!" :sweat:

And now that everyone is living longer, many people believe we have a population problem. Do you want all those kids screwing and having even more kids? I don' think so. Bad enough that we have rampant teen pregnancy. Want to exaserbate the problem with even younger mothers?


Well-Known Member
SimmyC said:
GenocideHeart said:
The ironic thing is, the 'age of consent' crock is a load of bull that was inserted when lives became longer. It is only to make moralists happy, but when life expectancy was shorter, it was very common for even 9 and 10 years old to be married and have sex.

The fact there even IS an age of consent is just a sign of how pitifully repressed our society has become, is all.
The thing is, I agree that there should be some sort of 'age of consent' law, no matter what 'bullshit religion' imposed it on us. I mean, whether it should be 18, 16, or even 13 is debatable, but let's say, 5 year olds? Do you honestly thing 5 year olds should be having sex? :sweat: After all, I don't think "I'll give you some free candy if you let me stick this rod into the pooper!" should EVER constitute 'consent'.

And the fact that in Medieval Europe they 'had' to marry and fuck early has more to do with their stupidity than anything. Not the stupidity that they had to marry early, but that sleeping with animals under the same roof... oh, and that taking a bath is a big nonono "ZOMG!!! BLACK PLAUGEZ!!! MUS B BCUZ FRED DIDNT PRAY! KANT B THAT US DRANK FROM SAME WELLZ OR THATZ US B DIRTY!" :sweat:

And now that everyone is living longer, many people believe we have a population problem. Do you want all those kids screwing and having even more kids? I don' think so. Bad enough that we have rampant teen pregnancy. Want to exaserbate the problem with even younger mothers?
It'd be a lot simpler if modern medicine didn't make it a point to keep alive people who, by natural laws, should be DEAD. There's a little something called natural selection, but thanks to humans considering themselves to somehow be above the rules of nature, bad genes aren't just kept in the gene pool, but actually HELPED to spread.

I'll admit that all races have the drive to reproduce, but it's counterbalanced by their willingness to let bad apples rot alone, so to speak. Humans lack that willingness, which is why there is indeed overpopulation.

And I'm not even getting in a debate over the merits or faults of euthanasia. All I know is, if someone kept me alive as a vegetable for years, once I finally die I'll make sure to curse them and their descendants to the ninth generation from the next life. I'd rather die with dignity than just exist as some brainless thing, thank you a lot.

Now that my daily rant is over, back to our scheduled program.


Well-Known Member
here is a twisted idea for a negi lemon:

Remember the paper clones?

Need I say more?
Been done before in doujinshi, not sure about lemonage though.


Well-Known Member
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
Been done before in doujinshi, not sure about lemonage though.
nothing hasn't been done in doujinshi, thats part of Rule 34.

I just like the idea of a copy of negi clones gangbanging of the the negima girls. I can see Eva really going for that.


Well-Known Member
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
Fatuous One said:
Fun fact: You're wrong.

Look up "bastard" in your dictionary.
1. a man born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child.
2. Slang.
a. a vicious, despicable, or thoroughly disliked person: Some bastard slashed the tires on my car.
*picture of me*
b a person, esp. a man: The poor bastard broke his leg.
3. something irregular, inferior, spurious, or unusual.
4. bastard culverin.
5. illegitimate in birth.
6. spurious; not genuine; false: The architecture was bastard Gothic.
7. of abnormal or irregular shape or size; of unusual make or proportions: bastard quartz; bastard mahogany.
8. having the appearance of; resembling in some degree: a bastard Michelangelo; bastard emeralds.
9. Printing. (of a character) not of the font in which it is used or found.
In other news, thar ar no womanz on ze intarwebs
See number 5


Well-Known Member
runestar said:
Remember the paper clones?
The ones which replicated Negi, or the girls? :p Seems like fun either way...
Now there's an idea!

Remember how Setsuna's paper clones...got a little etchi while Negi and Co. were at Konoka's place? :evil:


Well-Known Member
TenguPhule said:
runestar said:
Remember the paper clones?
The ones which replicated Negi, or the girls? :p Seems like fun either way...
Now there's an idea!

Remember how Setsuna's paper clones...got a little etchi while Negi and Co. were at Konoka's place? :evil:
now were talking. While the negi crew were off celebrating victory, the clones were having a puplic orgy/sex show? Wins on all levels.
Antimatter said:
TenguPhule said:
runestar said:
Remember the paper clones?
The ones which replicated Negi, or the girls? :p Seems like fun either way...
Now there's an idea!

Remember how Setsuna's paper clones...got a little etchi while Negi and Co. were at Konoka's place? :evil:
now were talking. While the negi crew were off celebrating victory, the clones were having a puplic orgy/sex show? Wins on all levels.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but the ones Negi made all went up like concussion grenades when they were kissed, spoiling the mood somewhat... <_<
I'm guessing that's because they were failures and weren't properly completed. The other clones managed to go so far as to striptease without going boom.
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
I'm guessing that's because they were failures and weren't properly completed. The other clones managed to go so far as to striptease without going boom.
If I remember correctly, the clones explode/revert after they have completed their orders.

~The Ecchi Sessha
It's not like they were ordered to give the inn a show though.
I kinda found this thread and thought I'd mention that I AM working on a KonoSetsu that will culminate into lemony goodness... though that's a fruit of an entirely different nature >.>

I've got it on MediaMiner, under the pen name Scyggy, if anyone's interested...

And yes, there is citrus already, at the end of the third chapter ^^

As for Negi... I've got a comedic "Viagra in the Waters" Negima fic that I haven't worked on in ages, basically where all the women on campus get a chemical through the water system (courtesy of Chamo-kun, with an assist by Asuna pouring it down the toilet...) that makes them incredibly horny... more comedy than hentai, though there'd be a good dose of it... the way I had it set, Chachamaru and Asuna would end up being the ones to finally corner him, mostly because of their assumed immunity lulling him (and them) into a false sense of security. Though, the others wouldn't be far behind for leftovers >.>

If I ever get around to doing that one, I'll try to remember to let you know ^^

Now, I must continue about, to try and acquire an interesting new idea.