Addventure Snippet challange


Well-Known Member
Alright was rereading soem of my favorite AA threads, pheonix ranma in particular, and rediscovered a amusing sidebranch..

while not important to the challange persay, the premiese of the Branch is that Setsuna really screwed up the timeline and is now trying to get back toa cannon SM timeline via surfing.

THe fun thing about it is each episode in this branch (and there are multiple branches to explore) has a almost Robot Chicken-esque series of snippets based around odd and crackish scenarios

Now the challange.. is to take one of these snippets and write up a fic or one shot based around it...

for example take my current favorite :

kestral said:
General Hammond turned a flat look towards an orderly. "Do we have ANY explanation for this?"

"The ha'tak crashed because someone drove a tourbus into the command center," said Captain Tsubasa. "It appears they ran over Apophis, though the Goa'uld got away with a few broken bones."

"Class 2-A, follow me," said Negi, leading the class down the ramp from the Stargate.

"Never ever ever trust 'Hibiki Tours' again," griped Chisame.

"Oh, I don't know," chirped Konoka. "Can't say it wasn't different. At least we got some souveneirs."
You'd take that brief snippet and flesh it out into a story, be it a crack oneshot or a longer one... (bonus points if you actually choose the above specific snippet. Is the basic starting point of the various random snippets (Starting with NGE....and some AMG! *Although its implied that the Norn's are just playing along for fun*... and Negima obviously.)

Good luck...