Allied Invasions


Well-Known Member
Since the Atmospheric Oscillator has been changed to protect resources from up to 3 invasions, I got to thinking.

If Village A has resources that Village B needs, and they have attack protection left over, Village B could invade them, with no real consequences other than depleting one of their protected invasions.

Obviously, we can't just announce that the Oscillator worked at dayroll and get invaded 4 hours later, but if it gets close to midnight and there are still protected invasions left, it might not be such a bad idea. If all three protected invasions remain, then it could be announced earlier, and more allies could acquire the resources.

In order to prevent over invasions, it would have to be a "first post, first serve" setup, and we would probably need another rule to two regarding calling invasions in advance and revoking the "Free to Invade Pass," but over all, I think we could make this work.

So, what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
ScarletP has been taking full advantage of this since the update hit a while back; whenever we or a friendly village (some not TFF) activates that function, we would inform the other friendly villages about it and do a 'first come first serve' thing. This mutual exchange was very very useful in the early days of Tier 3. It's still quite useful now when many T3 villages lack resources and thus not many lucrative targets.


Well-Known Member
Scarlet's been doing that since Science 3 got reworked.


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess we can use this thread to inform each other and coordinate friendly invasions.

By the way, TFF Zero has one of every resource except Brilliant Crystals, and we still have two protected invasions left. I'd prefer to leave one in reserve for awhile, btu if someone wants to take a crack at it, feel free.


Well-Known Member
EDIT: sorry, wrong place. ;;^_^;;

I'd love to take advantage of this. Stupid NRF requirements. :blue: