Nasuverse Alternat Counter-Guardian Ideas

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
So, what routes and later events could cause characters in the Nasuverse to make a pact with Gaia, and thus become Counter-Guardians?

Matou Sakura, for example, while pretty damn miserable in all but (IIRC) one of the ends, doesn't seem to stand up for herself enough to make such a pact, in most cases. She'd need to both get the idea, and have a reason that she thought was worth it. The only reasons that spring to mind right now, are needing power to save Shirou from something (and then only if she thought she could save him), or learning that Archer is Shirou, and deciding that the pact would be as close as she could get to being with him.

Its been suggested that Illya might make a pact to gain a longer life, perhaps by fixing the flaws in her body (thus also allowing her to grow up).

From Tsukihime, there are some fanon versions of Akiha who might make such a deal for larger breasts, but that's only appropriate for really silly fics.


Well-Known Member
Well, there are two things you need to make such a pact. Firstly, you need to be in a position where you want to make it, and secondly Alaya (not Gaia, BTW) needs to consider it worthwhile to accept. I don't think it's necessarily something you have to be aware of the possibility of doing, though. After all, Saber managed to make such a pact, and I doubt she knew anything about Alaya. She just wished for the Grail, and Alaya 'showed up' and granted her wish (well, sort-of...).

Like you say, Sakura doesn't have the self-worth to wish for her own salvation, and in any case it wouldn't be worth it unless she could get a good life out of it as well (which means ending up with Shirou, probably). But, it's quite possible that she'd make such a wish in order to save him. The other option was some post-HF Normal Sakura, who (in her grief) became a hero in order to carry on Shirou's ideal after his death and then did something similar to Archer, making a deal in order to save people (perhaps from her own superpowered evil side...).