Ranma ½ Anything Goes Laundry Service


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balthanon said:
At a minimum, his lechery does also take into account the female body without panties and bra-- he's a big fan of bath houses and other locations where he gets to see women naked too.  Kasumi hasn't really gone there yet.  (In fact, I'm going back and forth a bit at this point as to whether she's even had her first kiss in this fic.  She's had boys admiring her based on a few lines in chapter two, but not sure she actually would have gone out with one.)  So at a minimum, he has to introduce her to the fine art of peeping. :)
Why does Kasumi have to take it as far as Happosai? Who touches but goes no farther since he's an 'innocent' sort of lecher. Considering how excited Kasumi gets by her collection, perhaps it's something they get more out of than other strenuous activities so not even a hint of interest in it.


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Lawra said:
Why does Kasumi have to take it as far as Happosai? Who touches but goes no farther since he's an 'innocent' sort of lecher. Considering how excited Kasumi gets by her collection, perhaps it's something they get more out of than other strenuous activities so not even a hint of interest in it.
She doesn't (and may never).  When I said that, I meant that is what Happosai himself will likely believe as far as where her "training" should next lead.  And mainly just that there are aspects of his activities that she doesn't really participate in at all which are quite a bit closer to 'sex stuff' than a fascination with undergarments. (I would agree he's sort-of innocent in that he wouldn't really go any further than he does in the manga/anime-- at least without consent and attraction he's unlikely to get now that he's 300 years old and probably didn't get too often when he was just a regular midget. :) Oddly, I can kind of see him with the type of innocence that depends on him not really considering what he does wrong too, that's probably more of a stretch though.)

By “girls and their panties…rubbing himself all over them” I meant that he likes to rub himself on the girls as well as the panties. Recall that his usual method of letting young women know he is there involves an obnoxious and excessive groping attack.
Oops, sorry-- parsed that wrong when I was reading it originally. His usual introduction actually plays into one of the flashbacks in chapter 4, though not quite in the manner he actually uses it.


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Next section, with hopefully more to come tomorrow to push through the rest of the chapter.  (Though we'll see.)  I have a pretty good idea of everything that is going to happen in this chapter now at a rough level of detail, so hopefully the writing should flow a bit quicker now.

Anything Goes Laundry Service
Chapter 4.2

Ranma woke with a groan, one hand coming up to her forehead before she even had a chance to open her eyes.  That had just been embarassing, she hadn't fallen for one of her old man's stupid tricks in years...okay, months, but certainly not that hard.  Still, that's all that had been.  It had been a classic Maken Dokoku Ha and she hadn't seen it at all.

Stupid Hiryuu Shoten Ha showing her that stuff was actually dangerous.  How the hell was she supposed to determine whether something was actually some fight ending secret technique or just a bluff?  She'd have to decide on a strategy for that because her current 'weather the storm' tactics weren't working too well.

Shaking her head and pleased when it didn't cause any splitting headaches or anything, Ranma pushed the blanket off of herself and sat up.  A quick glance down triggered an abrupt sense of deja vu and she let out another groan.  She had known Kasumi wasn't going to drop this, but she had thought she had more than a couple days before something like this happened.

Plucking at the sheer purple nightie that she was wearing she grimaced, it was identical to and likely the very same one that she had woken up in several months ago after her first experience with hot water under the Phoenix Pill.  She shuddered.  As much as she had protested Nabiki's joking about it there had been a bit of temptatation to don it again after she had put her usual tank top and boxers back on.  Her skin had burned for days after jumping into that bath and this had been the softest thing she wore afterwards.

She was just lucky most of her own clothes were made of silk.

A further look around revealed that she was at least in her own room and on her own futon, so she got up and rummaged through her dresser for something safe to wear.  As she was pulling out a dark blue top and her usual black pants, plus a pair of boxers to replace the panties, the door slid open and a figure attempted to sneak into the room.

Starting towards her futon, they paused half way there and Ranma took that as her own cue to clear her throat.  

The brown-haired girl turned and looked at her standing by the dresser, arms crossed under her breasts and clothes held in one hand, and abruptly flushed crimson.  "Umm...."  Kasumi pulled off the little sneaking mask she had improvised and twisted it absently as her hair fell back down her back.

"Are you tryin' to get me killed, Kasumi?"  Ranma's voice was dry and slightly amused now that she knew it wasn't Nabiki walking into the room.  Or her Dad, but that had been out of the question the second she caught a glimpse of the intruder's profile as they walked into the dim room.

"No..."  Kasumi's voice was very small and she glanced back in the direction of the koi pond, so Ranma figured she was probably thinking back to the fight with Genma.  She hadn't really had much chance to react when the old man had walked into the family room where they were doing a bit of cleaning.

Ranma kept up the pressure.  "And what did I say about whether I would wear any of this stuff?"

"'I'm a guy, I'm a guy, I'm a guy'?" she asked, not looking at Ranma any longer.

"Which meant?"

"Umm... I didn't get that part really."  Her voice had that slight edge of guilt that Ranma was beginning to be able to pick up on after the stories involving her mother.  Just barely there, since she probably legitimately couldn't understand some part of it.

Ranma narrowed her eyes at Kasumi.

"Buuut... it might have had something to do with you not wanting to wear them, despite how pretty, soft, and amazingly wonderful they could be for you.  And the fact that if you just took a little bit more time to--"

"Kasumi!"  Ranma's interuption was exasperated.  They had been over this at least three times in the past two days.

"I'm sorry!"  Kasumi flinched and Ranma abruptly felt like a heel, despite the clear moral advantage she held here.  Perhaps it was the fact that they had different views on right and wrong for this stuff.  Ranma clearly felt she was in the right and so did Kasumi.

Ranma sighed and gestured for Kasumi to take the futon and turn around so she could get changed.  Her newest friend, Ranma felt pretty safe in assigning that label since they had never really talked much despite living together for six months, did just that, though she appeared to take a few moments to capture the memory before spinning and dropping into a graceful seiza position.

"Ok, so what prompted this anyway?"  The redhead's voice was muffled a little at the end, since she was pulling off the nighty, but she continued on after that was done, pausing before pulling on her shirt.  "I mean you've been a lot more careful about this stuff before now."

Kasumi cleared her throat, her fingers twitching backwards towards Ranma (or rather the nighty she had dropped, which was apparently close enough to lingerie to trigger her instincts) before she grabbed them with her other hand.  "Ahh, your father actually went out with mine shortly after your fight.  He actually asked me to give you the note on your dresser before he left in fact."

Huh.  Ranma did see the note and reached over to grab it after she finished buttoning her shirt.  It was pretty plain, just a single sheet of white paper folded in half.  She flipped it open.

  You lose.  We'll talk when I get back.


Kasumi glanced back with a concerned expression and Ranma waved her back.  "It's nothin'.  Just my pops being an ass like normal.  Go on."

Her voice reflecting a smile at the casual dismissal, Kasumi said, "So I didn't think that they would cause any problems.  Akane was already over a friend's house and I... may have sent Nabiki out with a rather long shopping list."  She sounded faintly embarrassed about that, though Ranma knew that if she thought it would get her a chance at what she wanted that wouldn't have stopped her.

"So we were alone in the house.  And, well, according to Dr. Tofu's books, you shouldn't have woken up for another hour or so..."

Shaking her head as she finished changing, Ranma finished for Kasumi.  "So you thought you could get away with changing me into the outfit and then out of it.  No harm done to anyone, hmm?"  She grinned and decided to needle Kasumi a little.  "The perfect crime, even."

Ranma could almost hear Kasumi's blush intensify from where she was sitting and the redhead added, "You can turn around by the way, I'm done."  She took care to make sure the clothes she had been wearing were prominently displayed off to her side.  If Kasumi was going to learn her lesson, there were going to need to be consequences and she had an idea for that which shouldn't make her feel too guilty.

The brunette turned at the words, though she let her legs stop a little early, leaving her in a more relaxed position with her legs slightly off to the sides and supporting herself with one hand.  Ranma blinked.  It was a surprisingly...  She shook her head and dismissed that thought before it could form.  They had both been getting more comfortable with each other after all.

Brushing it off, she finally said, "You know, you're kind of a scary chick though.  You don't got the same kinda priorities I do, but when you want something, you seem to go and get it.  It's pretty admirable.  I kind of wonder what you would have been like with real Anything Goes training."

Kasumi seemed a bit surprised and possibly unsure whether it was a compliment or not from her expression.  "I did have a little training remember.  In fact, Grandfather Happosai even taught me a special technique for my 6th birthday."

"It's not that creepy one where he steals your bra and panties without even taking off your clothes, is it?"  Ranma shuddered, that technique had been his greatest fear after he saw the reverse of it used on Cologne.  Akane and the other girls at school on the other hand had experienced it first hand.

"No," Kasumi said wistfully, "I was supposed to learn that later, after I mastered what he taught me for my birthday.  Apparently knowing the one I learned is needed for the other though.  He tried to teach it to me a few times after that, but Mother caught him and got very upset."

"I'm pretty sure that Father wouldn't have kept training me even without Mother's edict though.  I... might have eavesdropped a bit on the conversation and he said that it was probably just as well I wasn't continuing training.  I must not have been very good."

Given her chi abilities, Ranma doubted that Soun had meant it the way Kasumi apparently took it, but who knows.  Maybe Kasumi couldn't muster up the killer instinct for a fight.  She could definitely see that being a problem, but she was also only familiar with her after her anti-Happosai training.  "So if it wasn't that one, what was the technique?"

"I think he called it the 'Heavenly Grasp of the Righteous'.  I was having trouble with a few older bullies at school right after I started, so I asked for more training from him and Father..."

___===--- ( \/ ) ---===___

Kasumi paused outside the house, still sniffling a little as she pulled her pony tail over her shoulder and examined her hair.  The liberal amounts of gum that had been ground into it in the playground after school had hardened and she was sure it wasn't going to come out.  

She couldn't tell Mommy though, because she had said there was to be absolutely no fighting outside of the dojo after the note from the principal.  Even though these new boys were horrible, mean people and older than her, just like their siblings in her class.  No exceptions was the rule though.  Passed down after Kasumi's fortieth "But what if..." to her mother.

Looking at the gate with a sense of dread, the little girl sucked on a scraped knuckle and thought about her problem.  She was already late, so Mommy would probably be waiting just inside the gate for her to come in.  Maybe if she went to the back gate where the bad guys were supposed to go when they challenged Daddy?

She pondered this for a moment, then nodded decisively.  She had been bad, so she should go through the bad guy gate and then hopefully Mommy wouldn't see her before she could try and wash her hair and hands and everything else.  Suiting action to words, Kasumi dashed the whole way around the Tendo dojo, trailing her hand around the stone wall and wishing she could jump as high as Daddy.  Then she wouldn't even need to bother with a gate.

Dashing around the dojo now that her course of action was decided upon, Kasumi found herself in front of the sign that she couldn't quite read just yet.  It didn't just say Tendo Dojo, because she had asked Mrs. Akimoto about those hiragana specifically and even the kanji.

Dismissing that, she took a few moments to glance through the gate furtively, then hurried across the yard and into the house.  

She felt very sneaky as she snuck past her parent's room and to the bathroom and clearly she was because she didn't get caught by anyone.  The laundry caught her attention briefly as she walked past it, but it was only regular clothes, not the silky friends that Granpa Happi had shown her.  She dug a little more just in case, but finally gave up on it.

It was hardly fair that she knew all about the treasures and Mommy kept them so high up when they were drying that she couldn't reach them.  She had only been brave enough to sneak into her mother's drawer one time prior to this, but her dresser had actually been padlocked shut except on the drawers with boring stuff in them.  She supposed all of this was part of why her silky friends were so special.  Everyone knew that you guarded the most valuable treasures the best after all and she couldn't think of anything that was locked up as tightly as Mommy's underwear drawer.  Not even the cookies.

Pulling her own dirty clothes off, Kasumi buried them deep under the pile of laundry and then stepped out into the furo room.  She headed straight for the shower they used when Mommy, Nabiki, Akane and her bathed each night and found herself looking up at it with a frown.  It was only a little out of reach, but Mommy had been pretty clear about what happened when you jumped in the bathroom.

Standing on tiptoe, Kasumi reached for the shower head with one hand while her other rested on the handle.  Tongue peeking between her pursed lips in concentration, she stood on tip toes and stretched as far as she could, one leg coming up into the air as she pulled and steadied herself.  She almost had it when the handle she was leaning against abruptly spun and she shrieked as cold water poured over her.

Her hands clapped to her mouth, she scrambled back away from the stream of cold water and tried to catch her breath.  The water was _never_ that cold when they took baths.  Edging around the sprinkling water she reached to the hot water tap instead and turned that all the way up as well and the water finally became bearable.

Deciding she didn't need to have the shower head right next to her hand, she took a few minutes to wash herself off and then focused upon her hair.  Unfortunately, pulling at the gum just seemed to cause her hair to tug painfully and brought more tears than when Mommy brushed little Akane's hair.  Her beautiful long hair was ruined forever and it was all those boys fault.

She eventually remembered to turn the shower off, dashing the tears from her eyes, and found one of the big fluffy towels stored in the room to dry herself off.  This, of course, made her hair even worse and Kasumi was feeling quite melancholy as she imagined herself walking into school bald the next day.

Not even bothering to get dressed, she wrapped herself in the towel and wandered to the kitchen.  The scissors were stored in the kitchen drawer that only Kasumi, Mommy, and Daddy could reach.  However, when she pulled them out she couldn't quite get herself to take the next step.  When her Mother finally walked in moments later to find her naked and dripping with a pair of scissors in her hands and a towel at her feet Kasumi almost put out her eye at the abrupt yell she let out.

"Kasumi!  What are you doing?"  Her mother's hands snatched the scissors away before Kasumi knew what was happening and snatched up the towel to wrap around her eldest daughter.  Gentle hands traced the scratch on her cheek that wasn't quite bleeding, but still hurt quite badly, and the little girl abruptly burst into tears as she was pulled into a tight hug.

It took her mother the better part of twenty minutes, a bowl of ice cream, and a promise that she wouldn't get in too much trouble to get the story out of her.  Kimiko's only response was a wry, "Oh, Kasumi.  Only you.  If Akane and Nabiki are half the handful you are when they get into school we'll be lucky to make it through the next fourteen years with the school district intact."

Kasumi lowered her eyes, scuffing her foot on the ground.  "I'm sorry, Mommy.  I know I was bad."

"It wasn't your fault, dear."  Kimiko sighed and pulled her blue hair behind her ear in a practiced motion, then did the same to Kasumi.  "You could have certainly handled the aftermath better, but that was largely my fault for losing my temper when you were looking for clarification on the rules."


Her mother poked her in the forehead.  "The results of your little encounter with those boys.  A certain sneaky little girl and her adventures in the bathroom and kitchen."

"Oh."  Kasumi thought about this for a minute, then looked up with a solemn expression.  "I still shouldn'ta done that, but the fight was okay?"

"Ah, ah."  Her mother gave her an impish grin.  "No more carte blan-- no more statements that are too general.  You shouldn't get in fights either, but if you are attacked and don't have any other options, including running or telling a teacher, I don't want you to hold back from defending yourself."

Beaming, Kasumi nodded enthusiastically, then her face fell.  "I'm still going to be bald though.  The gum won't come out."

"Hmm..."  Kimiko tapped her lips.  Standing Kasumi up, she indicated that she should turn around and took what the little girl felt was an abnormally long time to examine the damage.  Finally, she said, "Let's see if we can work a little Mom magic first, shall we?"

Feeling hope, Kasumi turned to look up at her mother expectantly and saw her rummaging around in the pantry.  This was confusing, but she kept quiet.  When her mother pulled out a jar of peanut butter though, she blew out a sigh in exasperation and placed her hands on her hips in emulation of the woman in front of her.  "Mommy, it's not time to make sandwiches!"

Her towel slid down and fell to the floor, which she felt rather ruined the effect as she was forced to scramble for it and wrap it around her shoulders again.

"Oh?  Is that so?"  Kimiko sounded more than a bit amused and Kasumi might have been peeved if this wasn't her Mommy.  And her only chance at not being a freak tomorrow.  "I suppose we'll have to do something else with it instead."

Then she scooped out a generous handful with her bare hands and plopped it on her daughter's head.  Kasumi gaped, too astonished for words, and her mother proceeded to move behind her and smooth the goopy stuff down the length of her hair.

"Mommy!  What are you...?"  She tried to whirl away, but her mother had a good hold of her hair by this point and she checked her movement when it tugged unpleasantly at her scalp.

"I told you, dear.  It's Mom magic."  Kasumi could hear the laughter in her mother's voice and pouted.  She was sure her mother was making fun of her still.  However, it didn't take long for Kimiko to finish and they promptly moved back into the bathroom where a slightly more thorough session with the shower managed to get all of the gum _and_ the peanut butter out of her hair.

Her Mommy really was magic.  Plus she had as much as said that she could have Daddy or Granpa teach her super moves that would let her beat up those bad guys who attacked her.  She couldn't defend herself with what she knew now, after all.


Well-Known Member
balthanon said:
Her Mommy really was magic.  Plus she had as much as said that she could have Daddy or Granpa teach her super moves that would let her beat up those bad guys who attacked her.  She couldn't defend herself with what she knew now, after all.
While I understand the desire to make Kasumi ever more weird as she gets to explore her obsession more, it would be more impressive and in character if she politely but forcefully convinces Ranma to wear clothing for her as a favor or as a show of friendship if she does something for him. So more give and take to their relationship rather than Ranma just having to deal with it.

This ending segment could really be used to show Kasumi deciding to be the very best as housekeeping and mastering mommy magic. Chibi-Kasumi seems far less emotional than a small child would be especially at the imminent threat of losing all her hair. (Remember her reaction to seeing Akane's get cut?)


Well-Known Member
Lawra said:
While I understand the desire to make Kasumi ever more weird as she gets to explore her obsession more, it would be more impressive and in character if she politely but forcefully convinces Ranma to wear clothing for her as a favor or as a show of friendship if she does something for him. So more give and take to their relationship rather than Ranma just having to deal with it.

This ending segment could really be used to show Kasumi deciding to be the very best as housekeeping and mastering mommy magic. Chibi-Kasumi seems far less emotional than a small child would be especially at the imminent threat of losing all her hair. (Remember her reaction to seeing Akane's get cut?)
A firm decision to be the best at housekeeping would contradict the previous chapters a bit-- though admittedly, she's a child, so it's not like it needs to stick.  They typically have a different career goal every other week at that age.  I might play around with that a bit.  At a minimum, the breach of trust when her Mom finds out about her 'silky friends' and takes them away would probably nip that in the bud for awhile.  Definitely not finishing off the chapter today at this point anyway, though I do have most of the Chibi-Kasumi section finished.

Her focus at the moment is on the bully situation, though, which she's downplaying slightly because she thinks her father and Happosai would want her to take care of it on her own.  So this section will be mostly following that, since it plays into the rest of the chapter.

To be fair, the dressing Ranma in girl's clothes thing pretty much is canon though. :)  (More so in the anime, admittedly, where it gets more screen time.)  Kasumi is at least one of the drivers of that particular situation and with her motives in the open and at least tentatively accepted, she has less reason to hold back as much.  Still, future attempts like this are unlikely to happen, since Ranma's going to be pretty firm about it.  So she'll go back to convincing him verbally (which she's tried a few times already.)  She'll get there eventually, but it's only been a couple days at this point.

It might be worth showing at least the tail end of a few conversations about Ranma's past too (or maybe future), since I'm not intending for it to look like he's purely Kasumi's sounding board.  We know quite a bit more about his past than hers though in canon, so I haven't been showing it on screen.  He's shown that he's starting to consider her a friend though and at a minimum, he's getting bigger bento. ;)  I'm not particularly enamored of some parts of the dialogue there anyway.  (Like the line about her intending to get him killed.)

I'll have to play around with Kasumi's reaction to the hair-- it was meant to be fairly emotional (she bursts into tears once or twice at least and I didn't intend for that to be purely in reaction to pain), but I can see where it might not quite reach the pitch one might expect.  Kasumi is a pretty serious child generally though.


Well-Known Member
I was pretty confused at this snippet. I'm assuming the part about the actual technique hasnt been posted yet?


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Correct, the technique section is below, though even with this I didn't get completely through the flashback like I was hoping.  Let me know if the two together are still confusing-- I haven't really re-read this section yet to do my own editing.  (A lot of the flashback doesn't directly tie to the technique, so it's possible I need to reset expectations on the lead in assuming the section itself reads okay.)

It goes into two training sessions though or one training session and an indication there was another.  Given how long this flashback is getting, I'm thinking about breaking it up a bit though and stopping here.  Coming back to the flashback a bit later in the chapter after we get to Ranma dealing with his father for awhile.

Kasumi will actually end up going a little further on her own with the technique she's taught though.  I've been trying to think of what to do with Soun's training and I'm actually leaning towards just making it something basic now.  A new kick or punch or something.  (I was considering something supposedly non-combat related like a slow brick break technique that does a kind of irresistible force thing, but I honestly don't want 6 year old Kasumi learning two special techniques in the space of a month or so.)

Anything Goes Laundry Service
Chapter 4.3

Soun was Kasumi's first stop after she was all clean again and had put on her cutest dress.  She could change into her gi after she had convinced Daddy that he should teach her an amazing move that would stop the big kids in their tracks.

Or maybe energy beams.  That would be fun and she had heard the boys talking about that at school.  It would totally convince them not to do stupid things like rubbing gum in her hair.  She was sure she could pull it off with the things Granpa Happi had been teaching her, even if she couldn't show them to Daddy.

Her father had apparently been tasked with keeping Akane and Nabiki busy while Kimiko helped her, so he was with her two younger sisters.  He was "entertaining" them with mustache rubs that were making Akane shriek and beat him over the head with a rubber mallet she had received for her last birthday.

Nabiki was observing from the sidelines, laughing at both Akane and their father.  Her face was red enough that it was clear she hadn't been exempt from the activity though and she was poised for flight if he turned his attention back to her.  As Kasumi walked into the dojo, her little sister gave her a quick look, then turned her attention back to the father/daughter pair in the center of the room.

Kasumi clasped her hands in front of herself and waited politely for an opening in the play.  She suspected this was going to result in her father losing his mustache again for awhile when her little sisters complained to Kimiko.  When the shrieking finally died down as Akane tried to catch her breath, Kasumi piped up.  "Daddy, did you know it is almost my birthday?"

"Kasumi.  Done with your mother already?"  He let go of Akane and the little girl immediately made a break for it, yelling for their mother as she ran out with her little legs pumping as hard as they could.  Nabiki took the opportunity to do the same, but Kasumi saw her slip to the right after getting through the door and start eavesdropping.  She always wanted to know everything that was happening in the house.

"Yes, she said to tell you dinner would be in an hour, too," Kasumi added belatedly, having nearly forgotten about that while she was changing.

Soun nodded complacently, his eyes followed Akane out of the dojo, but relaxed when she made it into the house.  "I see.  It should be yakitori tonight.  Tasty."

Taking a deep breath for patience, something that was always needed when dealing with Daddy, Kasumi tried again.  "My birthday?"

"Hmm...?  Is it that time already?"  Soun stroked his mustache with thumb and forefinger, smoothing it down as he appeared to think.  "You're what... fourteen?  Fifteen?"

"I'm six, Daddy," Kasumi said with some exasperation.  

Her father put on an expression of astonishment.  "Surely not, you're so much bigger and more serious than your little sisters.  At least twelve.  I know I've missed at least that much time on my training trips."  There seemed to be a hint of wistfulness behind this, but Kasumi ignored that, determined to put her father back on track and get to what she really wanted to talk about.

"Really, really, and truly," she said firmly.  "I will be six in less than a week now."

"Well, if you're absolutely sure..." Soun said, his voice still sounding doubtful.  "Do you think we should check with your Mom to be sure you're not at least nine or ten?"

"Daddy!"  Kasumi stomped her foot.  This caused her father to laugh and stride forward, reaching her in a couple of steps and snatching her up into his arms.  She put her own arms around his neck and hugged him.  She stayed away from the mustache though.

"Six it is," he said fondly.  "I suppose if you're young enough to be this cuddly that still makes sense.  I imagine you have a reason for mentioning your birthday.  Your mother wouldn't let me forget, I assure you, and even the Master isn't so cruel as to keep me away then."

"Grandpa Happi--"  Soun winced for some reason when Kasumi said that, but she ignored that.  Mommy and Daddy were always weird about Grandpa.  "--wouldn't miss my birthday.  He always brings me a present!"

She paused for a moment, realizing that she wasn't actually supposed to say anything about that.  Then she recalled that Grandpa Happi had also given her fake presents each year after her real one that she could show to her family.  He was sneaky like that.  It made her wonder absently if Nabiki would get a real birthday present this year.  Maybe they could trade then and talk about their silky friends.  That would be great.  Secrets were fun, but it would be nice to be able to share it with someone.

She shook her head and realized her father had just finished saying something about Grandpa Happi.  It probably wasn't very important though.  

"I do have a reason," she said as seriously as she could.  "I wanted a special present."

"Not just a regular present, but a special present, eh?"  Her father looked her in the eye.  She made them as wide and innocent as she could and could practically see him melting.  She fought to keep a happy smile off of of her face.  This was serious business.  "Is this likely to bankrupt me?  Do I need to mortgage the house to pay for it?"

Kasumi wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but she thought it might have to do with money since he had mentioned paying.  "It won't cost anything," she said with the cool assurance of all of her six years of age.  "I want you to teach me a special move!  Something that's super amazing and can work on big kids too!"

Her father rubbed his chin, eyes narrowed in concentration.  After a short time, his narrow face cleared and he exclaimed.  "Ah ha, I know just the thing!  Perhaps you would like to learn the deadly arts of...  Mustache-Fu?"  His voice dropped at the end of the sentence and sounded rather ominous.

Kasumi didn't think her father was being very serious.  "I can't learn that Daddy!  Girls can't grow mustaches!"  She made sure her hands were free to ward off a demonstration, just in case.

"Oh?  Well, perhaps we could glue one on then."

"I don't want a mustache though, Daddy."  Kasumi felt she had to make sure her father understood this so he didn't do something weird while she was asleep.  Her best friend Aoi had woken up in the middle of the forest once for a camping trip after her Daddy had announced a surprise the next day.  She thought that could have been a little fun, but waking up with a mustache was definitely not going to happen.  She rephrased her earlier comment.  "Girl's shouldn't grow mustaches, either!  It's not right."

"Really?  That is a shame.  Just ask Nabiki how effective it is."  They heard a small squeak outside the door and the abrupt sound of running footsteps.  Kasumi giggled and her father grinned at her.

"If we're looking at special moves though... you have been training for two or three years now."  Soun looked a little sad, but Kasumi was used to this whenever her parents spoke about time passing.  It was usually followed with something like 'you are growing up so fast, sweetie' or some variant on that.  She always found that a little weird, since she figured everyone pretty much grew up at the same rate.

"Perhaps not on a regular basis, but I'm still very proud of you.  We'll see what we can come up with in the next week or so, Kasumi.  I'm not sure how long I'll be here after that, but I'll give you something to practice, at least."


Kasumi began training with her father shortly after their discussion, but she didn't see Grandpa Happi until the day of her birthday to ask him about special techniques.  Her party had been a lot of fun and she had liked all of her presents a bunch, but she was practically vibrating with impatience by the end of it.  She wanted to see what he had brought her given how amazing his fake gift had been.

Finally, everything had wound down and Kasumi had dragged all of her presents back to her room.  Dragged mainly because of Grandpa Happi's present to Kasumi, which had been a plush version of a fox girl that was bigger than her and dressed in a kimono.  Akane, Nabiki, and all of her friends had been super jealous and her mother and father nearly speechless.

She was just setting up her new doll on a chair and trying to decide on a name when Happosai finally bounded into the room through her conveniently open window.  The little old man grinned widely when he saw Kasumi and said, "How's my favorite pupil?  Not getting lazy like your no-good Dad, are you?"

"I'm not!" she exclaimed, bouncing up and smiling widely in anticipation.

"Been keeping up with your training then?  How's your collection coming along?" Grandpa Happi asked, his eyes twinkling brightly.

"It could be a little bigger..." Kasumi hinted slyly, her eyes looking over the old man in front of her wondering where her real present was hiding.  

This provoked another grin from him and he nodded towards the hidden compartment.  "Let's see then."

She jumped onto her bed, then glanced down towards her parents bedrooms abruptly and let herself drop onto her knees and then stomach more quietly.  Pulling open her secret place, she pulled her collection out one piece at a time, spreading them across her bedspread to demonstrate to her friend.

After she was finished, she looked to Grandpa Happi expectantly and he made the appropriate appreciative noises then gave another cackling laugh.  "I see you haven't unwrapped your birthday present yet."

Kasumi blinked and looked around, wondering if she had managed to miss a present.  She couldn't see anything though and when she looked back at Happosai he was simply staring at her with an overly innocent smile on his face.  Her eyes narrowed and she looked back over her shoulder.  The only thing sitting there was her fake present, that...

She covered the distance to the plush doll in a moment, but paused as she was reaching for it, her eyes on the elaborately tied obi.  She wasn't sure she could put that back to normal.

"Go ahead, girl."  Happosai's voice from right behind her caused her to jump a little and the old man laughed again.  "I'll set it back to rights."

Worries alleviated, Kasumi pulled the obi, allowing the bow to slip free and the tight kimono to loosen.  Hands a little hesitant now, as they always were when she opened a present, she carefully pulled the heavy formal garment apart and revealed her real present.

As she had guessed, the cute kitsune doll had an elaborate set of matching bra and panties on under the kimono.  Shimmering in the moonlight, Kasumi traced the fabric with her hands, feeling the distinctive slipperiness and softness that was a characteristic of only the nicest of her lovelies.

This set of lingerie also had some interesting features that she hadn't seen in anything that Happosai had presented to her, in the store, or that her mother owned prior to this.  The center of the brassiere was a simple bow that stretched the material tight over the plushy and looked like it actually untied.  Likewise, each side of the panties had another small matching bow that could also be untied and she noted a few snaps upon both items that held a lovely, white fluffy fur in a few key locations.

"It's lovely."  Kasumi let out the breath she realized she'd been holding and leaned forward to rub her cheek against the fabric.

"Glad you like it, Kasumi dear, glad you like it.  Now.  I hear you're looking to learn some secret techniques."  There was something sly about his voice, and perhaps some amusement as the comment tore Kasumi from her rapturous perusal of her new gift.

She gaped at him briefly, then said, "Wow, you know everything, Grandpa.  How'd you find out about that?"

"Oh, I have my ways.  I have my ways," Happosai said, satisfied.  "So, special techniques?"

"Yes!  I'm six, so that's like... super old, right?  I should definitely start learning secret techniques now."  This was perhaps slightly disingenous, but Kasumi thought it was okay.  She was getting awfully old after all.  She also didn't really want to tell Grandpa Happi about her problems with bullies.  She thought he might understand, but she wanted to deal with it on her own.

"Well, let's see if you're ready then.  You've been practicing?"

"I have!"  Kasumi stood up straight, proud of herself.  It had been really hard, but she was sure he was going to be super impressed.

"Well, let's see it.  This pair--" Happosai gestured at the pair of panties and bra that were on her new doll.  "--are a little special, though not quite up to your first gift, of course.  They're from a lovely girl named Aya, quite healthy and an active martial artist.  They were just rescued this morning and need a new home."

Kasumi took a deep breath.  Her past presents had mostly been kept happy already by Grandpa Happi and she had just needed to ensure they knew they were appreciated after he made introductions.  What he was telling her though was that she needed to show she could take care of her collection all by herself.

Resting her head against her doll and more so the bra it was dressed in, she let her cheek senses extend into the silky material.  She almost jumped as she felt the cheek energy contained inside.  It was very... active.  She thought the person who had worn this must have really liked her own collection, though there wasn't any hint of the more stable patterns of cheek energy that were present in her own collection.

While she had almost never done this before, she had experimented on the one pair of panties she had managed to collect from her mother.  Unfortunately, it hadn't worked completely and after a few weeks all that had been left was her own cheek energy, which wasn't quite the same since she hadn't even worn them.  She was pretty sure she had gotten better since then though and this would be the test.

Her slow, patient work after that took nearly ten minutes, but at the end she held her breath and presented the results to Grandpa Happi.  He took a good look, cocking his head to one side, then the other, before he nodded abruptly.  "Great work!"  He clapped her on the back and she beamed.  "Now the other one, then I'll show you what you're going to learn.  You're definitely ready."

The repeat of her work on the panties went quicker now that she was familiar with the cheek energy of their original owner and more sure of herself.  Done, she turned to Happosai and said, "Ok, I'm ready!  Now what?"

Jumping up, the bald man in the crimson jumpsuit leaped up onto Kasumi's dresser so she had to stare up at him.  His aura flared and the rest of the room seemed to dim leaving the little girl wide eyed in wonder.  This was exactly what she had wanted to learn!  "What I am about to pass on is one of the foundational techniques of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts.  For two hundred years, I have searched for a worthy disciple.  Your father and Genma Saotome came the closest to success, but are proving to be disappointing, good for nothing bums.

"You on the other hand have taken my teachings to heart and embraced the true spirit of Anything Goes.  You have far to go and many are the techniques that you are not ready for, but this step will be your first on the path to greatness.

"Are you ready, Kasumi Tendo?"

"I am!" Kasumi piped, so excited her heart felt like it was going to burst.

Hopping down, his aura flickered out and the old man gave another of his cackling laughs.  "Alright, enough of that.  Let's go.  This technique is called the Heavenly Grasp of the Righteous, but I usually just call it the Happo Happy Touch nowadays."

Walking over to her plush toy, Happosai's hands blurred and the kimono was abruptly as perfect as it had started, leaving the doll looking like an elegant fox girl again.  Kasumi gaped.  She had never seen anyone move that fast, not even her Daddy.  "The first step is just to find the 'cheek power' within the silky darling that you're targeting.  With the robust and healthy personality of Aya, that'll be easier during training, but you'll want to move on to others in your collection eventually."

The old man held a hand over the chest of the doll and Kasumi saw his fingers pinch slightly, though they didn't actually gather up any of the kimono's cloth.  He moved his hand down though, then moved up to run his hand along the top of the plushies chest, his fingers flicking slightly several times.  

Grinning, he once again untied the obi and pulled the kimono to each side, revealing the bra now untied and decorative fur along its top detached.  Kasumi blinked.  "How'd you do that?"

"I reached out to the 'cheek power' within the bra and it reached out to me.  As a result, I was able to touch it even through the heavy cloth of the kimono.  Cloth, canvas, even armor is no bar to the Happo Happy Touch.  Bwahahaha."  Kasumed laughed too.  Grandpa Happi was always fun to be around, particularly when he was showing her something knew.

"If it weren't for all the techniques I invented that use this as a base, this'd be my crowning achievement!  I'll show it to you a couple more times, then we'll let you feel it out and I'll show you how to tie an obi.  By the time you've mastered this technique, you'll be able to tie or untie this bra through the kimono without giving it a single wrinkle."

not sure this next part will end up in the story or at least this part of the story.

Kasumi stalked her prey through the dim corridors of the Tendo dojo like a lion in the grass.  The twilight gloom helped to hide her as she found her prey, trapped in the broom closet like a...  She paused, her knowledge of animals failing her.  Oh well, anyway, Kasumi had decided it was finally time to try out her newly mastered technique in the 'wild' so to speak, or at least on something slightly more mobile than her Aya plushy.

Dashing forward, she flung open the door and "tagged" her sister.  Akane seized her butt and glared at Kasumi, turning to face her.  "You're s'posed ta just say you found me!"

"Tag's more fun."  The answer was glib, but Kasumi smiled to herself.  She had definitely pulled off the technique.  She had felt cotton panties rather than the jean shorts her little sister was wearing today.

Akane stuck her tongue out at her, blowing a raspberry.  "Not when you're bein' weird.  That hurt!  I'm going to tell Mommy!"

Kasumi paused, her first reaction to protest and stop Akane.  She hadn't done anything wrong though.  "Fine, be a baby.  I don't care."  She sniffed, then turned around and stalked off.


Well-Known Member
balthanon said:
To be fair, the dressing Ranma in girl's clothes thing pretty much is canon though. :)  (More so in the anime, admittedly, where it gets more screen time.)  Kasumi is at least one of the drivers of that particular situation and with her motives in the open and at least tentatively accepted, she has less reason to hold back as much.  Still, future attempts like this are unlikely to happen, since Ranma's going to be pretty firm about it.  So she'll go back to convincing him verbally (which she's tried a few times already.)  She'll get there eventually, but it's only been a couple days at this point.
Please cite an instance of this. 
It might be worth showing at least the tail end of a few conversations about Ranma's past too (or maybe future), since I'm not intending for it to look like he's purely Kasumi's sounding board.  We know quite a bit more about his past than hers though in canon, so I haven't been showing it on screen.  He's shown that he's starting to consider her a friend though and at a minimum, he's getting bigger bento. ;)  I'm not particularly enamored of some parts of the dialogue there anyway.  (Like the line about her intending to get him killed.)
Could straight up use less Kasumi flashbacks unless immediately relevant otherwise they just become space filler. No need to remove all mystery. They're nice but take up a lot of space.
I'll have to play around with Kasumi's reaction to the hair-- it was meant to be fairly emotional (she bursts into tears once or twice at least and I didn't intend for that to be purely in reaction to pain), but I can see where it might not quite reach the pitch one might expect.  Kasumi is a pretty serious child generally though.
Child Kasumi is just thinking through things far too maturely and long term than a child would.


Well-Known Member
Lawra said:
Please cite an instance of this. 
The first episode that Ryoga is introduced, Kasumi and Nabiki pick out clothes for Ranma. In the anime at least, Kasumi actually wants to go with something frilly and girly and Nabiki shoots it down. Likewise, during the Cat's Tongue arc, Ranma wakes up in the nighty that's referenced in this chapter and Kasumi basically makes a comment on the outfit being cute on her and the time she's been spending as a girl. No cameras or anything involved, it just appears to be Kasumi and Nabiki having fun.

Lawra said:
Could straight up use less Kasumi flashbacks unless immediately relevant otherwise they just become space filler. No need to remove all mystery.
Possibly, I like writing young Kasumi though, so probably won't happen for this arc anyway. :) Depends on whether anything comes up for the 5th chapter though. That one will probably be more driven by current events (though a bit more about the service that Kasumi runs might be relevant to the plot there), up to now the story itself has been more about exploring Kasumi's past though really. I would expect that to continue in future arcs too potentially, though probably not focused upon Kasumi necessarily. Just the idea of exploring the past and then seeing how that information impacts the future.

Child Kasumi is just thinking through things far too maturely and long term than a child would.
Hmm... while it's hard to say on the thoughts, the behavior is pretty close to what I would expect of my six year old niece (though with a bit more focus; her little sister has a better attention span at times) and I think the thoughts have led towards that. Any points in particular that gave those impressions? I skimmed through the most recent chapter and it seemed to be pretty "in the moment" for the most part. Chapter one is the only other time we've seen six year old Kasumi, so I assume that's not what you're referring to there.


Well-Known Member
balthanon said:
Lawra said:
Please cite an instance of this. 
The first episode that Ryoga is introduced, Kasumi and Nabiki pick out clothes for Ranma.  In the anime at least, Kasumi actually wants to go with something frilly and girly and Nabiki shoots it down.  Likewise, during the Cat's Tongue arc, Ranma wakes up in the nighty that's referenced in this chapter and Kasumi basically makes a comment on the outfit being cute on her and the time she's been spending as a girl.  No cameras or anything involved, it just appears to be Kasumi and Nabiki having fun.
Manga Ryoga introduction only has Akane/Nabiki doing the clothing (just the overalls) with Kasumi off doing other things after helping Nabiki in convincing Ranma that she can't just run around naked. Cat's tongue arc didn't have that happen at all. Ranma doesn't pass out from the bath and they instead have a conversation in the furo room about the temperature. (Ranma was also naked in the anime so they had to put something on. You have Kasumi outright stripping Ranma.)

Nice showing for the anime quality control, in that episode they forgot that Ranma was a stuck as a girl and animated and entire shot of male Ranma bouncing away from Akane/Shampoo laughing.

Hmm... while it's hard to say on the thoughts, the behavior is pretty close to what I would expect of my six year old niece (though with a bit more focus; her little sister has a better attention span at times) and I think the thoughts have led towards that.  Any points in particular that gave those impressions?  I skimmed through the most recent chapter and it seemed to be pretty "in the moment" for the most part.  Chapter one is the only other time we've seen six year old Kasumi, so I assume that's not what you're referring to there.
Primarily the scheming around the gum in the hair. Very ho hum about the whole thing and even jokes when her mother gets peanut butter.


Well-Known Member
I'm happy enough to go with the anime where it expands upon the scenes only briefly illustrated in the books, generally. Like I said at the beginning-- my introduction to Ranma was the anime and I tend to go to that as my first source unless I know it was a blatant and drastic change. (Or I particularly like how the manga handled it, assuming I've read it. I have been reading more as I go to find examples of behavior and backstory though.) In this case, it works with my concept and it isn't impossible that it happened between panels in the manga so I'll be sticking with it.

I don't really think Kasumi stripping Ranma out of her wet clothes is behavior that's out of the question either. (Particularly given that anime characters appear to believe the common cold is only slightly less deadly than the bubonic plague.) I was planning on getting into that after the flashback, actually, as they get back to talking about Kasumi's behavior. It's admittedly a justification for only half of her action, since Ranma's clothes were right there, but it's something.

For the gum in the hair thing, she got a lot of her tears out of the way on the way home and had time to think about getting in trouble in addition to potentially losing her hair. I'll take a look at that, see if there are some things I can tweak. The joke with the peanut butter was more intended to be funny to the audience, Kasumi was honestly exasperated and a little upset with her mother. :)

For the peanut butter thing, would modifying this sentence help? It's only a single word, but it tells us that she is at least a bit upset about her mother's behavior.

Kimiko sounded more than a bit amused and Kasumi might have been peeved if this wasn't her Mommy.
Kimiko sounded more than a bit amused and Kasumi might have been more peeved if this wasn't her Mommy.


Well-Known Member
balthanon said:
I'm happy enough to go with the anime where it expands upon the scenes only briefly illustrated in the books, generally.  Like I said at the beginning-- my introduction to Ranma was the anime and I tend to go to that as my first source unless I know it was a blatant and drastic change.  (Or I particularly like how the manga handled it, assuming I've read it.  I have been reading more as I go to find examples of behavior and backstory though.)  In this case, it works with my concept and it isn't impossible that it happened between panels in the manga so I'll be sticking with it.
The thing with those kinds of instances where they go out of their way to sexualize Ranma is that they are just OOC moments thrown in for fanservice. Which in terms of the cat fist arc is really silly because instead of the fight with Cologne happening on a beach with everyone wearing swimsuits they change it to a ski resort. Make up your mind anime, do you want to show off Ranma's boobs at every opportunity or not?
I don't really think Kasumi stripping Ranma out of her wet clothes is behavior that's out of the question either.  (Particularly given that anime characters appear to believe the common cold is only slightly less deadly than the bubonic plague.)  I was planning on getting into that after the flashback, actually, as they get back to talking about Kasumi's behavior.  It's admittedly a justification for only half of her action, since Ranma's clothes were right there, but it's something.
There's literally an easily transmittable cold that makes a person burning hot or walking freezer, common colds could very easily be worse than the bubonic plague in Ranma-verse.
For the gum in the hair thing, she got a lot of her tears out of the way on the way home and had time to think about getting in trouble in addition to potentially losing her hair.  I'll take a look at that, see if there are some things I can tweak.  The joke with the peanut butter was more intended to be funny to the audience, Kasumi was honestly exasperated and a little upset with her mother. :)

For the peanut butter thing, would modifying this sentence help?  It's only a single word, but it tells us that she is at least a bit upset about her mother's behavior.

Kimiko sounded more than a bit amused and Kasumi might have been peeved if this wasn't her Mommy.
Kimiko sounded more than a bit amused and Kasumi might have been more peeved if this wasn't her Mommy.
Kasumi's plot to try to wash it out, cut it out have failed, and she's been caught by her mother. Should really be very distraught and not take any teasing well. Not just a little peeved off.


Well-Known Member
Very amusing. Just what I need to get through a dreary day.


Well-Known Member
Lawra said:
The thing with those kinds of instances where they go out of their way to sexualize Ranma is that they are just OOC moments thrown in for fanservice. Which in terms of the cat fist arc is really silly because instead of the fight with Cologne happening on a beach with everyone wearing swimsuits they change it to a ski resort. Make up your mind anime, do you want to show off Ranma's boobs at every opportunity or not?
Inconsistency is a hallmark of Ranma in either form. If there is anything almost every character shares in Ranma 1/2, it's double standards. No reason the producers shouldn't jump on board. ;)

There were admittedly some odd choices in the adaptation like the fight with Cologne-- I have to wonder if snow just wasn't seen as easier to draw than water or something, honestly. I would love to see a remake of the anime that is more faithful about avoiding those drastic modifications though. I tend to like the little additions that pad out an episodes length without invalidating anything else that happened. We've had it for several anime that as far as I know were considerably less popular than Ranma. Not sure why it hasn't been tapped for more.

There's literally an easily transmittable cold that makes a person burning hot or walking freezer, common colds could very easily be worse than the bubonic plague in Ranma-verse.
Heh. I forgot about that arc. That is a good point. It makes it all the more amusing that I don't think that particular trope was quite as established back then, so they didn't have the defcon-5 panic when someone comes down with the sniffles that you see in modern anime. (Actually, I take that back-- the episode with Kasumi getting sick probably did fall into that.)

Kasumi's plot to try to wash it out, cut it out have failed, and she's been caught by her mother. Should really be very distraught and not take any teasing well. Not just a little peeved off.
She was-- her mother just spent 20 minutes calming her down by the point the teasing occurs though and she's been promised a solution. Children get upset easily, but from what I've seen they calm down with the right assurances too. (Though being tired can make that significantly more problematic. Luckily it's the middle of the day here.) It will take a little more than a single misunderstanding to send her into hysterics again.

Dumbledork said:
Very amusing. Just what I need to get through a dreary day.


Well-Known Member
i like how this is going, and young kasumi is cute. Most important so far is the rappaport being established with Happosai, which Ranma will definitely be curious about I think after this little tale- he's gonna have to confront him soon I think.

I hope the inevitable Ranma/Happosai talk about Kasumi gets played off seriously by Happosai- He was probably very very disappointed that Kasumi's training was forcibly cut off the second he was out of the picture.


Well-Known Member
To say the least, though it's probably at least a bit fuzzy for him-- his memory seems to be a bit swiss cheesed by a decade spent lying under rubble and seal in a cave. (Judging by how many random things he finds and goes "oh hey, forgot all about that" or "hey, look at that, it's my most powerful technique that I forgot how to use".) Though once he recalls something, it seems to be back for good.

Things will be coming to a head at the end of this chapter now.


Well-Known Member
Another section of the next chapter. Plus a brief snippet that I changed from earlier in the story:


Ranma narrowed her eyes at Kasumi.

"But... it might have had something to do with you not wanting to wear them, despite how pretty, soft, and amazingly wonderful they could be for you. And the fact that if you just took a little bit more time to--"

"Kasumi!" Ranma's interruption was exasperated. They had been over this at least three times in the past two days.

"I couldn't let you catch a cold, though! You were wet and it is nearly winter."

Ranma blinked. That was actually a legitimate reason. Though it would have more weight if she didn't have all of her clothes no more than a few feet away.

"Really, Kasumi? This is going to prevent that?" She waved the little wisp of nearly transparent cloth and Kasumi flinched a little.

Ranma wasn't sure whether it was due to her badgering or potential danger to the nightgown, but she abruptly felt like a heel, despite the clear moral advantage she held here. Perhaps it was the fact that they had different views on right and wrong for this stuff. Ranma clearly felt she was in the right and so did Kasumi.


Anything Goes Laundry Service
Chapter 4, Part 4

"Man, that sucks."

Kasumi's eyes widened momentarily, and Ranma rapidly waved off the comment. "Not you, Kasumi. It's your story, this one and the earlier one really. Don't get me wrong, as much as I rag on him, my old man knows his stuff when it comes to teaching, but I didn't learn any chi techniques until I was what... 9, maybe 10?"

"Really?" Kasumi asked, her voice surprised and her attention apparently derailed from her story. "I suppose my teachers were very surprised as well."

"I mean, I still don't know any techniques that really manifest chi outside the body like that. The Hiryuu Shoten Ha now I guess, but that's more... changing your internal chi and synchronizing it with your opponent's." She shook her head slightly and said, "It's pretty cool stuff, forming fingers of chi or whatever you do."

This caused the home maker to tilt her head slightly and think for a minute. "Perhaps I didn't explain it very well, but I think it is probably closer to what you do than you think. I don't really reach outside of myself as... attract the chi. It is kind of like making myself into a pleasant home and inviting it in, or maybe acting as a magnet? I'm not very good at explaining this I'm afraid.

"It is part of why you need such a close relationship with your si- undergarments though. The attraction must be mutual and true love and respect is required."

Ranma looked a little green for a minute. "You mean that my chi, after it kind of gets absorbed into the cloth of my boxers, thinks that _Happosai_ is a better 'home' than myself?" She gulped and fought down a wave of nausea. "I think I'm going to be sick."

It wasn't like her chi had a brain or anything, so this was kind of anthromor-- anteatermapping-- that thing where you assigned human thoughts to something that didn't have them. Knowing that didn't really make it feel any less like Kasumi had just told her a piece of herself wanted Happosai to fondle her butt though.

Kasumi tilted her head. "I suppose so, but that is just how I think about the technique. Perhaps there are differences in the way that Grandfather Happosai conceptualizes it. Anything Goes is a very personal style, after all. I'm sure you adapt your techniques to yourself after your father teaches them to you."

"Uhh, I guess I do actually." Ranma thought about this, trying to distract herself from the distressing thought of what her own and hundreds or thousands of other girls' chi was doing when Happosai used this technique. "I mean, to some extent you gotta finish out any technique and make it your own, right? Adapt it to your own strengths and away from your weaknesses. Not that I got any. Weaknesses that is."

She jutted out her chest, jabbing herself over the heart with her thumb. The gesture of pride kind of emphasized assets that she'd rather not be reminded of at the moment though, so she gave up on that and walked over to plop down on the ground beside Kasumi.

"Still, woulda been cool to start on chi techniques as early as you. I gotta ask the old man why he didn't do that. I bet I'd be way better than I am now, hard as that is to imagine."

"Perhaps he was focusing upon ingraining another set of strengths that he thought was more crucial. When I met with Sensei Tanaka we talked a lot about early childhood development, though more so later when I caught up with him again after Mother passed away. Apparently those early years when we are most impressionable can lead to developing our greatest strengths."

Ranma gave that some thought and nodded to herself. "Huh. So you got your chi training early on and I got... maybe my adaptability. Pops threw a lot of weird stuff at me early on. It almost didn't even feel like martial arts sometimes."

Ranma smiled to herself as she thought about the early years of the training trip. At that time everything had still felt like a great big adventure. It hadn't been till later that it started getting routine or at least boiled down to something she'd expected rather than been surprised about.

"Ranma?" Kasumi asked softly after a couple minutes of companionable silence, sounding a bit hesitant. "If you don't mind my asking. Why did you lie to your father about what you were doing when he walked in?"

"Ahh..." Ranma hesitated. Kasumi and her had talked about her own past a little, but there was a lot of stuff in there that she thought might be misinterpreted. And a few things like the c-ca-feline fist that were legitimately terrible and she didn't want to think about herself. So she just kind of avoided it. Just a little. Kasumi had more to get off her chest anyway.

Still, this wasn't nothing too bad. "Well, it's not really a long--" She paused as Kasumi held up a finger.

"Akane, perhaps you would be more comfortable joining us, rather than listening at the door?" An embarrassed silence followed this, but a small cough finally revealed that Kasumi had been on the mark about someone being out there. Akane's voice called out a moment later.

"Excuse me," Akane said, her voice reflecting the same palpable embarrassment that had permeated the earlier silence, but she started sliding the door open.

Ranma raised an eyebrow, once more impressed with Kasumi's senses, but then her gaze fell on the nightie still lying on the floor near the dresser. Blanching, she leaped across the room, scooped it up, pulled open a drawer, and shoved it in blindly.

Akane gave her an exasperated look as she finished opening the door and stepped inside to see her with her arm stuck in her dresser. "I've seen you in your underwear often enough Ranma, I'm not going to flip out because you left your boxers lying on the floor."

As Akane walked over to sit beside her sister, Ranma wondered exactly how much she had heard. She assumed not too much, but she raised an eyebrow at Kasumi to ask the question silently. She received a short shake of the older girl's head, so she assumed her secret at least was still safe.

She caught a slight blush on Akane's features as she settled down and Ranma joined the two sisters by his futon, sitting on his pop's instead. "I'm sorry, big sister. I should have known better." Ranma wondered if her fiancee was saying she should have known better than to think she could eavesdrop on Kasumi or was talking about being impolite. When the younger Tendo glared at her, she realized she had said that out loud and gave her a sheepish grin.

"Ahh, anyway. What I was saying was that the reason I, umm, misled my Pop--"

"About what?" Akane asked, curious.

Kasumi answered for the boy turned girl, saying, "Uncle Saotome walked in on Ranma and I cleaning the family room and seemed a bit upset with Ranma. Then Ranma tried to mislead him, they got into a fight, and she was knocked unconscious." This caused raised eyebrows by Akane and a glance over at Ranma.

"Like I said, it wasn't anything too serious. I just got this thing that Pops helped me get under control when I was younger," Ranma explained. She shrugged and glanced around the room helplessly, questioning whether she should go ahead since this was a little embarrassing. "It's an oppressive compulsion, see. About, uhh, tidying up. Pops says it ain't something a guy should be doing, so he makes sure to point out when I start, well, straightening things up."

Akane gave her a flat stare. "You mean your Dad actually wants you to be a slob?"

"Something like that, he says I shouldn't do that kinda stuff 'cause it'll make girls feel useless if they can't clean up after their--" Watching the slowly darkening expression on Akane's face suddenly clued her in on exactly what she was saying and to whom. She immediately waved her hands in a panic, trying to distract her fiancee from her own words. "Uhh... forget I said that! I mean, it's not that _I_ think-- that is, my Pops--"

Luckily, Kasumi interrupted and Akane turned her attention away from her with a scowl. Ranma let out a sigh of relief. Even if that hadn't gone horribly wrong and made Akane believe Ranma thought those kind of things, she suspected that without a viable target her fiancee's anger would have turned towards her. That statement probably hit a bit too close to the mark given Akane's little...

Oh. Huh. She wondered for a minute if her stupid pops wasn't onto something after all. In his dumb way, he might have latched onto something that actually made sense, even if he said it in a way guaranteed to get him a beating from any woman he so much as mentioned it to. There were a lot of expectations for women. With Akane's problem or curse or whatever, she couldn't do a lot of them and that might not do great things for her self-confidence.

It was possible, just a bit, that she might not have helped her fiancee with her jabs during their fights either. As she caught her name, she decided to shelve all that and think about it later though.

"...so you see, Ranma, I don't think that you have obsessive compulsive disorder."

"Right, cause my pops said it was an oppressive compulsion." Ranma interrupted. "That's some kind of curse or something, right?" This was obviously the wrong thing to say because Akane jumped all over it.

Gesturing towards her big sister, the tomboy said, "Weren't you listening at all, Ranma? Kasumi just got done explaining how your Dad probably meant obsessive compulsive disorder, which is a psychological condition that results in, well, obsessive and compulsive behavior. She should know, since she suffers from--"

"Oh, I don't have it either, Akane."

"Wait, what? What do you have then? You go to see your psychologist all the time." Akane looked confused. "It was the only thing that fit even a little. Nabiki and I were sure..." She trailed off, looking embarrassed again.

Ranma could understand that, since she had effectively just accused her big sister of being a crazy person. Kasumi didn't seem to take it amiss though and gave Akane a gentle, reassuring smile. "It's okay, Akane. I probably should have explained at some point. I did see Dr. Tanaka when I was younger in a professional capacity, but he is mostly just a friend at this point.

"We meet periodically to keep each other up to date after I ran into him again a few years ago. I am assured I have a clean bill of mental health."

Akane looked like she wanted to sink through the floorboards. "I... I have to go. I am so sorry, Kasumi. Really, really, sorry." She popped to her feet, bowed low enough that her nose was almost touching her knees, then just about ran out of the room. Ranma started to get up to follow her, but Kasumi laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Give her a little bit, Ranma." She looked thoughtful and stared towards the rooms of Akane and Nabiki without really seeing anything. "I will talk to her and Nabiki later."

Ranma let the gentle woman keep her seated and said, "If you're sure. Umm... are you gonna be able to explain without getting into, well, everything?" Obsessive and compulsive sounded just a bit on the nose to Ranma, but maybe it was a matter of degree or there was something else to it. After all, Kasumi wasn't any more obsessed with panties than she was with martial arts. Probably.

"I think so." Kasumi nodded, more to herself than her she thought, and she wondered how the accusation was sitting with her. She seemed to take everything in stride, but Ranma had seen the glimpses of insecurity when she first found out about all of this.

Despite her claims about Dr. Tanaka being a friend and his status as a doctor, she thought maybe his opinion didn't matter quite as much as her family's. And she had now found out that just like her mother, both of her sisters and possibly her father had thought there was something wrong with her. Without even knowing the truth. That had to hurt a little at least.

She reached out himself and put a hand on Kasumi's shoulder, resulting in a startled glance. "I think you're just fine the way you are, Kasumi. Don't worry too much about this-- they were just tryin' to find an explanation for the psychologist visits. That's all there is to it."

Kasumi gave her a brilliant smile and she was left a little stunned as the homemaker actually leaned over and hugged her. The redhead squirmed a little as it stretched out, then Kasumi finally pulled away, her cheeks red and a suspicious glimmer in her eyes. Ranma gave her a hesitant smile in return, then decided it was time to lighten things up again-- and she knew exactly how.

"Now, before we get distracted or interrupted again, we were discussing something earlier." Kasumi looked confused until Ranma stood up and made her way over to the dresser, where she reached in and pulled out the offending purple negligee again. She grinned as the brunette's cheeks pinked again, this time for a different reason.

"So you told me why you thought you could get away with this, but not why you did it. Any last defense before I render my verdict?"

Kasumi opened her mouth, but then shut it again, looking resolute. She finally continued in a voice not unlike the tone she had used with Akane, one expressing gentle understanding and regret that her actions had caused disharmony in the household. "I don't. I am sorry that I didn't wait for you to give me permission and I could have handled this better."

Ranma smiled at Kasumi to let her know she appreciated that. "Hear then my verdict in the case of Kasumi Tendo vs the manly sensibilities of Ranma Saotome. For the crime of ignoring Ranma's wishes in the matter of the purple nightgown, Kasumi loses access to it--"

Kasumi sighed as Ranma paused, her disappointment almost palpable. "--for a full month." She perked back up again, eyes widening as she realized that she would actually get it back. "Furthermore, I judge that Ranma Saotome's manly sensibilities are strong enough to stand a little modeling for a friend and I will consider said friend's requests to wear certain garments in the future. That isn't a promise though!"

She had already done it once, after all, and it hadn't turned her into a girly girl. If she could pop into a dress to fool Ryoga just 'cause he was being an idiot, she could stand a little embarrassment for a friend. Kasumi did a lot for the Tendo household and if anyone deserved a reward, it was her. Thought not as like... a regular thing. For special stuff maybe. Really special, like the equivalent of saving Akane from some nut job, whatever that would be in terms of household maintenance.



KING (In Land of Blind)
Staff member
balthanon said:
"Right, cause my pops said it was an oppressive compulsion." Ranma interrupted. "That's some kind of curse or something, right?" This was obviously the wrong thing to say because Akane jumped all over it.

Gesturing towards her big sister, the tomboy said, "Weren't you listening at all, Ranma? Kasumi just got done explaining how your Dad probably meant obsessive compulsive disorder, which is a psychological condition that results in, well, obsessive and compulsive behavior. She should know, since she suffers from--"

"Oh, I don't have it either, Akane."

"Wait, what? What do you have then? You go to see your psychologist all the time." Akane looked confused. "It was the only thing that fit even a little. Nabiki and I were sure..." She trailed off, looking embarrassed again.

Ranma could understand that, since she had effectively just accused her big sister of being a crazy person. Kasumi didn't seem to take it amiss though and gave Akane a gentle, reassuring smile. "It's okay, Akane. I probably should have explained at some point. I did see Dr. Tanaka when I was younger in a professional capacity, but he is mostly just a friend at this point.

"We meet periodically to keep each other up to date after I ran into him again a few years ago. I am assured I have a clean bill of mental health."
1) I'm now seriously super-hoping that, like, we'll meet the specific demon responsible for cursing Ranma with an Oppressive Compulsion, or something like that.

2) Also since Dr. Tanaka is obviously wrong, does that mean that Kasumi is in a blind spot for him, or is he actually kind of incompetent, or is he talking outside his specialty?


Well-Known Member
To be fair, Dr. Tanaka is the one that Kasumi convinced to start his own collection. :) There may be a bit of a blind spot there.

I don't know that I would label the whole collecting panties thing as obsessive/compulsive either though, honestly. Of the 4 "indicators" I looked up, Kasumi really only fits the first two. She definitely gets pleasure from her behaviors and she doesn't experience significant problems in her daily life because she has it under control to the point where she's kept it hidden for 15 years from almost everyone, 10 of which were on her own and 2 before she received any kind of counseling. Even #1 is potentially problematic, since she does seem to be able to control her behaviors at a minimum and her thoughts to some extent. (Though she clearly doesn't recognize them as excessive either and is pretty stubbornly blind to the idea that they may be.)

1.) Can't control his or her thoughts or behaviors, even when those thoughts or behaviors are recognized as excessive
2.) Spends at least 1 hour a day on these thoughts of behaviors
3.) Doesn’t get pleasure when performing the behaviors or rituals, but may feel brief relief from the anxiety the thoughts cause
4.) Experiences significant problems in their daily life due to these thoughts or behaviors

#2 she clearly has going on and "clean bill of mental health" is definitely stretching things. Still, I would actually categorize her relationship with undergarments more as an addiction than obsessive/compulsive honestly. (Admittedly, this may be me applying my own thoughts on my behavior with regards to my hobbies to the situation, but it fits in with Happosai's own panty problem. ;))

I can't comment on whether there is or is not a demon cursing people with Oppressive Compulsion. :)


Well-Known Member
I vastly prefer Ranma fanfics where Genma is less a useless waste of space, and more entirely adapted to living in a bizarre world.

I mean, he lives in Martial Arts Fantasy world. Not only that, but he lives in it and its a REAL THING. He's not some nutjob- there are real freaking nutjobs out there and he's not one of them.

Little things like Genma being right about the Oppressive Compulsion are nice touches to a story. Just like any other random bizarre thing that Genma does that ends up actually having a real purpose despite how insane it looks/is.

I'm still really enjoying this story, though despite being Ranma it can't maintain the Status Quo long- Ranma spending this much time with Kasumi would definitely have effects with pretty much everyone around them.


Well-Known Member
I think this is probably one of my favourite Kasumis of all time.


Well-Known Member
Stormfury said:
I vastly prefer Ranma fanfics where Genma is less a useless waste of space, and more entirely adapted to living in a bizarre world.

I'm still really enjoying this story, though despite being Ranma it can't maintain the Status Quo long- Ranma spending this much time with Kasumi would definitely have effects with pretty much everyone around them.
Genma gets a lot of flack in fanfiction, but he has a lot going for him-- he's a pretty amazing teacher, possibly the third or fourth most powerful martial artist in the series through a significant portion of it, and a pretty interesting character over all.  Everyone seems to focus on the cat fist training and immediately write him off as an abusive bastard.  I really enjoy stories where he's treated a bit more fairly. 

The next arc in this universe will almost certainly be about him actually, so we'll see if I can pull that off too.  (Probably a Nabiki POV with Genma flash backs, though we'll see whether that survives the first brush with actually writing it.)

Yeah, the status quo won't be lasting much longer.  Kasumi and Ranma have just about pushed it to the limit-- the other fiancees will be getting peripherally involved in the next bit.  It isn't likely to all spill out until the last chapter of this arc though.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
I think this is probably one of my favourite Kasumis of all time.
There are a few really good Kasumi ones out there that just seem to work... one old one I liked was 'Ranma Saotome The Atomic Kid' by ContraBardus, sadly, he never continued it.


Well-Known Member
balthanon said:
Stormfury said:
I vastly prefer Ranma fanfics where Genma is less a useless waste of space, and more entirely adapted to living in a bizarre world.

I'm still really enjoying this story, though despite being Ranma it can't maintain the Status Quo long- Ranma spending this much time with Kasumi would definitely have effects with pretty much everyone around them.
Genma gets a lot of flack in fanfiction, but he has a lot going for him-- he's a pretty amazing teacher, possibly the third or fourth most powerful martial artist in the series through a significant portion of it, and a pretty interesting character over all. Everyone seems to focus on the cat fist training and immediately write him off as an abusive bastard. I really enjoy stories where he's treated a bit more fairly.

The next arc in this universe will almost certainly be about him actually, so we'll see if I can pull that off too. (Probably a Nabiki POV with Genma flash backs, though we'll see whether that survives the first brush with actually writing it.)

Yeah, the status quo won't be lasting much longer. Kasumi and Ranma have just about pushed it to the limit-- the other fiancees will be getting peripherally involved in the next bit. It isn't likely to all spill out until the last chapter of this arc though.
A lot of the flak that Genma gets is a result of Values Dissonance. He considered the Nekoken training (or his idea of what the training was) worth the result, and, to be fair, if Ranma had exited the training with complete conscious control over the technique, and the ability to generate razor-sharp claws made of Ki at will, he probably would have agreed, considering the benefits worth the occasional trauma-induced nightmare.

Considering just how durable Ranma is compared to a normal human being, any of the training methods that Genma used might not have been that dangerous to him.


Well-Known Member
PCHeintz72 said:
I think this is probably one of my favourite Kasumis of all time.
There are a few really good Kasumi ones out there that just seem to work...   one old one I liked was 'Ranma Saotome The Atomic Kid' by ContraBardus, sadly, he never continued it.
One of my favorites that I ran across recently (as in the past year or so) was the one from Love at First Bite.  That had (or has) a lot going for it, but Kasumi was great in it.