Bad Plots


Well-Known Member
This just something that's been bothering me after seeing the summaries of several stories, just when did the idea came about that raping somebody meant that the two where obviously in love and it was alright to slap a romance label on the story because the character would never had done it if werenÆt in love come about?
Some people out there are just plain stupid. Like the fangirls who keep writing shit with Onizuka and the like as fags.


Well-Known Member
You 'd think that with a subject as complicated , only experienced writers would try his hand at it. But noooo, stupids fanboys get them out at a machinegun pace.And really I don't know which is worst ,"I raped you because we're meant to be together " or "I was raped by two-bit thugs .Nevermind that I 've fought countless battle with impossibly powerful beings and won with nothing worse than a scar . Now, Confess your undying love to me and let's have wild sex on the carpet."

Ugh. :headbanger:
FanGIRLS write that shit too, FYI.
Fanboy, Fangirl, bleh. Rape is a rather delicate subject that I dont think should be thrown around lightly. Ever.

Crap like that should seriously be heavily thought out before even writing begins =p.


Well-Known Member
Crap like this is why I take a cynical view of many, MANY yaoi fanfics. Bad enough that they are yaoi, but for example, in the FMA section, Ed/Roy fics, tons of fics have this idea. :headbanger:

Fatuous One

Well-Known Member
This is only loosely connected, but you might be able to grasp at my thoughts with this quote.


Naruto has always had a past full of great sad. It could either be 'I killed my parents' sad, or 'my fish just died' sad. Fish dieing is just too sad to write about, so we'll definitely have to write the Naruto blaming himself for his parent's death angst. Everyone will think you're amazing.
I honestly believe this might be how some people think.

Sad Fact: IT WORKS. >_<
The Undead like their sleep, damnit. Why do you think we haven't risen up en masse and caused everything to go to shit yet? It's nap time.

And what does lolicon have to do with this discussion?

Fatuous One

Well-Known Member
You have a rather short-term memory, don't you?

Not too long ago you compared thread reviving to pedophilia when toraneko pointed out your silliness in complaining about necromancy when you're so fanatical about undead rights.
Not my fault 75% of my brain rotted out decades ago.
Fine. *grabs random forumer and begins devouring brains*