Batman Beyond/JLU cross

So recently I had the relatively simple idea of Terry somehow going back in time to the JLU era. An old and not really unique idea to be sure. But as my thoughts developed, the basic idea kept growing. It grew from Terry interacting with JLU characters and trying to find a way home to something complex, due to just how bogged down DC is.

See, I was going to have Terry wonder if he should warn Superman about Starro and Tim about the Joker, with him agonizing over the consequences... but then the freaking Linear Men popped up in my head, you know, the guys who try to prevent Paradoxes, along with the relative lack of bad guy Time Travelers in DC besides Chronos, who was already used.

And then we have Waller finding about the future Batman while she has the rough outline of Project Batman Beyond in front of her hands with Dr. Hugo Strange beside her to help strip down Bruce Wayne's thoughts, then I remember the fucking Legion of Superheroes, and so on, and on.

I have no idea what I should strip down or keep in. I want to keep the basic premise the same, go home, see past Batman, etc...

But DC provides me with so many options. I toyed with the idea of Terry not actually going into just the past, but rather an alternate reality and the past as well... but that brings up the issue of the Monitors.

Gaagh, you see my problems here? Any clues as to what I should be doing?


Well-Known Member
Are you going to Include the Teen Titans in this xover? I mean they're part of the DCAU. Also Terry has interacted with Time travelers before. Once with Static, and the other time with Members of the justice league.
The DCAU actually does NOT include the Teen Titans. That was confirmed some time ago. That said, I might refer to it as something that happened years ago back when Nightwing was still Robin.

And yeah, Static did come to the future, but as for the latter, that's a time Paradox. Batman might remember, but not Terry.


Well-Known Member
And also. During Chronos I believe Terry was ripped apart. Do you want him to remember that part lol?

And I do believe Young Justice will soon be apart of the SCAU


Well-Known Member
If you're including the Batman Beyond comincs you should include a warning about Dick turning into a psycho killer in the Batman Beyond era.


Well-Known Member
See, I was going to have Terry wonder if he should warn Superman about Starro and Tim about the Joker, with him agonizing over the consequences... but then the freaking Linear Men popped up in my head, you know, the guys who try to prevent Paradoxes, along with the relative lack of bad guy Time Travelers in DC besides Chronos, who was already used.
The linear men do not exist in DCAU or at least, not that we know of. We do see Waverider pop up in the show as cameos but not in any of the time travel episodes.

We have seen a couple of time travel villains in DCAU too. Timecode (from the static shock xover) and Vandal Savage (who technically isn't a time traveler, but there was an episode involving him and a time machine).

It wouldn't be too hard to involve a storyline using vandal's technology from the present time, or just some more rogue scientists from Terry's era (I believe that both Timecode and Chronos are from then).

Or hell, have someone punch out Booster Gold and steal his time travel tech.

And yeah, Static did come to the future, but as for the latter, that's a time Paradox. Batman might remember, but not Terry.
Batman and Green Lantern were the only ones who remembered the mess with Chronos.

And I do believe Young Justice will soon be apart of the SCAU
Nope. Different universe.

If you're including the Batman Beyond comincs you should include a warning about Dick turning into a psycho killer in the Batman Beyond era.
Future Hush wasn't Dick. Dick -did- have a pretty shit thing happen to him though and Waller got involved to make a mess of things as usual though, so warning about that stuff might still be something to think about. And hell, Bruce might want to know about Hush if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
Well it was Dick, just not the original Dick. Technically speaking.


Well-Known Member
Mugging Booster Gold is like stealing candy from a baby. It's just too easy.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
Mugging Booster Gold is like stealing candy from a baby. It's just too easy.
have you ever tried taking anything from a baby? It's pretty freaking hard.


Well-Known Member
You just need a gun. Most babies can't fight back once they're dead. But I'm pretty sure Booster Gold isn't important enough to be brought back as a zombie.
Crouched in the corner of a darkened room, Terry McGinnis looked down at his current target, making sure everything was in his sight.

ôWhat am I even doing here Wayne? This guy is a nut. ThereÆs no way his experimentÆs going to work,ö he muttered into his throat mike.

With no hesitation, he received his answer as a throaty voice said ôYouÆd be surprised. I told you before that BatmanÆs dealt with everything havenÆt I? This is no different.ö

TerryÆs eyes narrowed as he hissed ôYeah but Time Travel? Come on, thatÆs ridiculous.ö

The sharp answer was merciless, ôAnything is possible. Besides, looking at that machine, itÆs obvious this is the result of some terrible jury-rigging. The materials used in its construction are volatile enough, if they manage to mix together when he tries to activate it, this whole block might go up in flames.ö

ôYouÆre the boss,ö Terry said before he tensed. The scientist below, a Doctor Henry Forsythe, was once a leading scientist at S.T.A.R Labs before an already frayed temperament had snapped after his dismissal from a pet project of his. The man had gone rogue and stolen many pieces of equipment before coming Gotham where he hoped heÆd be safe from probing eyes.

Just looking at the man, it was clear that Dr. Forsythe was on his last nerves, constantly looking from side to side as surprisingly steady hands gently inserted the last few bits his machine, a Time Machine if TerryÆs information was correct. Finally after a few more minutes, the Doctor carefully placed the last circuit board into places before welding the steel plates shut. Afterwards, the man finally seemed to calm down, visibly taking deep breaths as he backed away to admire his work.

As machines went, Terry had seen better assembled ones in his shop class. The whole thing looked like it was on the verge of falling apart, with the only remotely stable looking portion a clear sphere of glass balanced on a metal stand. Dr. Forsythe finally began to laugh triumphantly, now fully confident in his success. Reaching into his coat pocket, he removed the Laser pistol heÆd kept in case of intruders and placed it onto a nearby table before his hands moved up by their own accord to yawn. The Doctor had been working nonstop for the better part of three days. Now that his work had finished, he finally had the chance to get some sleep before testing it out.

The perfect opportunity to strike.

To his credit, Batman was gentler than he could have been, taking account of the DoctorÆs old age as he smacked the older man into the ground before removing a set of handcuffs. ôSorry Doctor, but IÆm afraid thatÆs as far as youÆll go,ö Batman said.

ôN-no, you donÆt understand Batman, I HAVE to do this. Thisà this is my lifeÆs work,ö the man squealed as he flailed around BatmanÆs tight grip. ôYouà I-I wonÆt let you interfere!ö

With unexpected strength, a hand snaked loose before grabbing the closest object, a chair, and smashed it into BatmanÆs head. With a grunt, Batman loosened his grasp and Dr. Forsythe scrabbled up before grabbing his pistol. Terry cursed himself for being so careless before the Doctor began to fire, uncaring of the consequences. Terry danced around the shots, noting the imprecise fire before leaping forward to tackle the man only to jump straight into a lucky shot. The suit dispersed most of the energy, but the force behind it was enough to make Batman stumble back a few steps. With new confidence, the next few shots were even more accurate and forced Batman into the æTime Machine.Æ

In desperation, Batman hurled a flashbang hoping to blind the man, but swore as his hand bounced off a control panel. Already badly assembled, the machine took the slight action as a cue to activate and both Batman and Dr. Forsythe stared in horror as the sphere shut. ôDoctor,ö Batman rumbled threateningly.

ôI-IÆm sorry Batman, but thereÆs nothing I can do. ItÆs a failsafe,ö he said quietly.

For his part, Batman tore off the electric saw installed in his belt and began to try and cut his way out, only for the saw to make little, if any headway.

ôThe glass, itÆs from the new S.T.A.R. Labs Space Division. ItÆs designed for the new spaceships. Your saw canÆt cut through it,ö the Doctor said sheepishly. Undeterred, Batman ripped out a plastic explosive before wrapping a length of detcord. But the machine had now begun to glow an unearthly white, and the Batsuit couldnÆt block out the light entirely. Just as the machine activated to full power, Batman triggered the explosives, only to make the slightest of holes.

Too late though, as unearthly forces began to distort the space around him. The now broken glass let in energy which played havoc with the BatsuitÆs electronics and the last thing Batman heard before he vanished completely was a panicked ôTerry!ö from his mentor. And then he was gone.


First part done I guess. Let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
Given Terry's doubts over time travel, I would assume that this takes place before "Future Shock" episode? It would mean he shouldn't meet Static while he's in the past since he didn't recognize him when they first met.

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about an old scientist guy outmaneuvering Terry without meaning to, but might make sense if it's early in Terry's career too, when he was a heck of a lot more sloppy. It would also explain Terry's easy acceptance of Static time traveling once it was revealed he was an ally and his quick understanding of some of the dangers like his concern that Static getting hurt/dying might result in older Static's existence being wiped.

If that -is- the case though, I think it would be more appropriate if instead of "Terry!", Bruce exclaimed, "McGinnis! Report, McGuinnis!"

It'd fit Bruce's more impersonal/professional nature, particularly from early on in his career.

Also, I can't recall the name Henry Forsythe from anywhere in the comics/animated continuity. I'm assuming you made that up and is just a mcguffin? If so, I would like to suggest that you use the name Walker Gabriel, as sort of a reference/cameo to Chronos. It would also explain Bruce's belief that this experiment -would- work, since he's intimately familiar with Clinton's original time traveling.

Plus, rather than jumping right to that scene, you could start off with Terry checking for clues on the good doctor after the robbery of STAR labs, and coming across the information, then Bruce realizing what's going on, perhaps a small scene hesitating about sending Terry after him.

Then when Terry is vanishing, he just hears Bruce calling out "McGinnis!" before it cuts to the batcave and having the full quote, with Bruce going "McGinnis! Report, McGinnis!" standing up and throwing his headset to the ground and begin pacing. "Blast it! He's not ready for what happened back then! I never should have let him go!"

Doesn't have to be exactly like that, but all in all, something like that gives it a more ominous feel for what's in store for Terry, ties in continuity and references to past events.
All very good points Kayeich, this is the sort of response I've been wanting.

Taking a closer look at what I wrote, you've indeed brought up many valid points. While I could in fact justify this as an early Terry, let's be honest, we wouldn't have as much friction with the JLU if we do. Early on, Terry is sloppy and generally eager, which is pretty much the only way the written scene can work as you pointed out.

I think I'll have to rewrite entirely if I want to make it clear it's 3rd Season or later. I mean, if it's early then Terry just goes through the past with no sense of urgency or conflict. I mean, come on, Superman is a bitter old man angry at himself and Starro for letting Lois die without him being there, he imprisons Lex Luthor in the Phantom Zone because his temper finally snapped, and then he goes to travel space. Tim Drake got mind-raped by the Joker and had no semblance of a normal life afterwards. Barbara Gordon goes from plucky young girl to world weary Police Commissioner.

And of course, Batman is a lonely man who lives in almost complete isolation. Not that the last one is unexpected mind you.

Terry took the cowl to help Batman's ultimate mission of kicking crime in the crotch, but he's also a good kid who wants to help others and if he has the chance to make Superhero futures better... well, he'll feel conflicted. Which is where the hesitation and such come in.

And man, I have no goddamn clue how Time Travel works in the DCAU at ALL. In Future Shock, time seems predestined, what with Bruce having prepared to see a young Static in the future, but in the Once and Future Thing, time gets assraped until it's one giant paradox, and with Booster Gold, everytime he helps the past, he changes the goddamn future.


Well-Known Member
From my impressions, time is fluid/adaptable in DCAU. You can make a lot of minor changes without a major effect and even some major ones, but the more major changes you make, the bigger the chance of time fracturing (which is what happened in Once and Future Thing).

Future Shock involved time travel to the future. Since as we all live, we all technically travel to the future, the only concern there was Virgil dying while in the future since that timeline assumed he would travel -back-. This admittedly would have been a major effect if it happened, but it's uncertain if this would just cause minor fracturing that repairs itself, or cause a cascade failure like Once and Future Thing.

With Booster Gold, it's generally assumed that he makes minor changes, and the changes that -are- major, are only in the sense that he takes credit. If he wasn't there, someone else like Superman would have likely swooped in and done the job, and instead of people getting injured from his incompetence, it'd have been from the other hero arriving later. So those 'major' changes tend to be minor.
ÔÇ£YouÔÇÖre unusually quiet,ÔÇØ said Bruce Wayne.

Terry McGinnis, also known as Batman, didnÔÇÖt even bother raising his head at the unseen voice, instead continuing to work studiously at the old-fashioned locks as he answered eloquently, ÔÇ£What?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£I mean,ÔÇØ Wayne said patiently, ÔÇ£that normally youÔÇÖd be filling up the comm with all sorts of chatter. Got anything in mind?ÔÇØ

Batman let out a sigh of triumph as the lock snapped open only to groan as behind the latch, a new series of electronic locks gleamed. Silently cursing security companies and their near paranoid installations, Batman lifted the pad to reveal the workings of the alarm and raised a finger to a system as the omnicomputer installed into his Batsuit began to slice its way in. ÔÇ£IÔÇÖve been thinking about a friend. Well, not my friend, but his dad. Step-dad I mean. Big-ÔÇØ


ÔÇ£ThatÔÇÖs him,ÔÇØ Terry said with annoyance,ÔÇØ You know it wouldnÔÇÖt kill you to call him by his real name.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Somehow I doubt Big Jim is the name printed on the birth certificate. Besides, always keep things impersonal. Saves a lot of trouble,ÔÇØ Bruce said.

ÔÇ£YouÔÇÖd be the expert right?ÔÇØ Terry deadpanned. ÔÇ£But anyway, IÔÇÖve been thinking. He gets out of Jail soon, but no oneÔÇÖs going to hire him. So why donÔÇÖt we-ÔÇØ

Bruce cut in curtly, ÔÇ£Wayne-Powers is not going to rehire him.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Thanks for letting me finish. What I meant was, why donÔÇÖt we as in Batman hire him? I was looking through the old records in the computer and itÔÇÖs not like you havenÔÇÖt done something like that before. Earl Cooper did a good job, and besides heÔÇÖs good at other stuff besides lethal weaponry. That goo gun of his was pretty good against me, and he knows his way around cars.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Hmm, it is tempting,ÔÇØ Bruce admitted.

ÔÇ£I know right?ÔÇØ Terry grinned. ÔÇ£And-ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Which is why IÔÇÖve already started to reroute some funds and cleared out a workshop,ÔÇØ Bruce finished.

You never let me do anything, Terry said in his most childish voice.

ÔÇ£IÔÇÖm letting you track down the rogue scientist McGinnis.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Yeah yeah. S.T.A.R. Labs nutcase, escaped with experimental supplies, wants to make a Time Machine.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Time Travel isnÔÇÖt a dream,ÔÇØ reminded Bruce.

ÔÇ£Yeah, StaticÔÇÖs bad jokes proved that,ÔÇØ said Terry. ÔÇ£Aha! Gotya,ÔÇØ he said as the computer finally finished. Batman removed the panel into the old warehouse and made his way in through the maintenance shaft. He moved down as far as he dared before he looked through the slitted viewpoints.

ÔÇ£What do you see?ÔÇØ asked Bruce.

A test of course. Another way for Terry to test his burgeoning detective skills.

Cot at the southeast corner, looks like it hasnt been used though. Some rations bars, already eaten, old passage that looks like a bathroom and of course, the big honking machine right there and the crazy old guy working on it.

ÔÇ£Personal effects, what about the warehouse itself?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Old manufacturing plant meant for building circuit boards. Shut down after Powers outsourced to India a decade ago. Looks like the good DoctorsÔÇÖ got the power running though,ÔÇØ Terry noted.

ÔÇ£Well spotted,ÔÇØ Bruce said approvingly. ÔÇ£And the Doctor? Tell me about him.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Walker Gabriel, age 54. Graduated top of his class from the University of Metropolis, and completed postgraduate work at U.C. Berkeley. Joined S.T.A.R. Labs right out of graduation and hasnÔÇÖt looked back. Unmarried, no children. As lonely as you can get. Anyway, guyÔÇÖs pet project has been time travel and finally he just snapped a few days ago after being dismissed. Grabbed everything that wasnÔÇÖt nailed down and worked his way over here where S.T.A.R. Labs doesnÔÇÖt have any influence. The Justice League decided to foist this on me because they have better things to do than slum it out in Gotham.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Thank you for your commentary on his life and yours. Stick to the facts next time besides, looking at the stolen parts, it looks like he took some tritium with him. If he uses it carelessly, he can take down a quarter of the city,ÔÇØ Bruce rapped.

The next few minutes passed by silently as Terry worked his way into a dark corner and waited for a chance to pounce the scientist. The man was obviously high-strung and every few minutes, a free hand patted a coat pocket reassuringly. The size and bulge suggested a compact laser pistol, not something Terry would have normally worried about, but for all he knew it might have been some prototype antimatter rifle or anything else that could punch through his suit.

Better to wait and look for a good time to take down the man. Patience was something not many people would have figured Terry McGinnis to have, but it had been something Batman had been forced to learn quickly. All the bruises and bumps heÔÇÖd gotten from being just a half-second too fast had taught him that lesson well. Luckily for him, the scientist seemed to be on the verge of completion. GabrielÔÇÖs surprisingly steady hands attached the last circuit board in before he welded in the steel plates to cover up the vulnerable insides.

As machines went, Terry had seen better assembled ones in his shop class. The whole thing looked like it was on the verge of falling apart, with the only remotely stable looking portion a clear and opensphere of glass balanced on a metal stand. Sparks began to finally die down as the old man lifted his protective mask and shoved the welder aside. He started laughing at his success and finally calmed down enough to place his laser pistol on an unmoving conveyer belt that doubled as a worktable. Having been working for the better part of three days, the man finally turned and yawned.

Batman couldnÔÇÖt have been given a better opening even if had been giftwrapped.

A single tackled had the man pinned against the manufacturing belt far from the laser pistol. ÔÇ£Sorry Doctor, but I have to bring you in,ÔÇØ Batman said keeping his grip fairly loose. After all, it wasnÔÇÖt like he wanted to hurt the guy or anything.

Gabriel didnÔÇÖt even bother to argue, instead bringing up a knee to try and force Batman away. Batman idly took a step back to dodge the poorly placed knee only to be surprised by an electric shock.

ÔÇ£Wh-what?ÔÇØ He asked dumbly.

The doctorÔÇÖs watch was sparking. ÔÇ£Something we designed for the NSA,ÔÇØ Gabriel said in answer to BatmanÔÇÖs questioning look. ÔÇ£Made as a last ditch protection device. Only good for a one time use,ÔÇØ he explained as a hand reached into pocket and activated a remote. The factory came alive and a set of sparking things Terry had no name for lunged for his body. Terry backflipped away from the writhing machine only to be blasted back from a laser shot. The suit took most of the impact, but Terry still reeled.

HeÔÇÖd been trying to take it easy on the old man, but Terry knew he had to finish things quick. He took a smoke bomb from his belt and hurled it at the ground as his rebreather came up. The coughs made from the aging Doctor made it simple to pinpoint him, but sheer luck saved the man as a one of the factoryÔÇÖs welders punched into BatmanÔÇÖs stomach, and threw him into Time Machine. The impact shuddered the whole frame, and the already shoddily made machine took the blow as a sign to activate. The glass sphere shut and an ominous countdown timer started.

ÔÇ£Doctor,ÔÇØ Batman rumbled threateningly.

ÔÇ£I-IÔÇÖm sorry Batman, but thereÔÇÖs nothing I can do. ItÔÇÖs a failsafe,ÔÇØ he said quietly.

For his part, Batman tore off the electric saw installed in his belt and began to try and cut his way out, only for the saw to make little, if any headway.

ÔÇØThe glass, itÔÇÖs from the new S.T.A.R. Labs Space Division. ItÔÇÖs designed for the new spaceships. Your saw canÔÇÖt cut through it,ÔÇØ the Doctor said sheepishly. Undeterred, Batman ripped out a plastic explosive before wrapping a length of detcord. But the machine had now begun to glow an unearthly white, and the Batsuit couldnÔÇÖt block out the light entirely. Just as the machine activated to full power, Batman triggered the explosives, only to make the slightest of holes.

Too late though, as unearthly forces began to distort the space around him. The now broken glass let in energy which played havoc with the BatsuitÔÇÖs electronics and the last thing Batman heard before he vanished completely was a panicked ÔÇ£Terry!ÔÇØ from his mentor. And then he was gone.

Newly revised with an expanded opening. In the end, I decided to not add in some of Kayeich's changes as I'm still relatively unsure as to how dramatic I'll make this. It's not like every story needs an epic plot involving Gods and such. I've also decided to set this before the Batman Beyond comic, but also I'm going to consider it non-canon. Tell me what you all think.

So far, I've planned it out to:

Terry lands in Star City where he mixes it up with Green Arrow and Question.

He calls Superman in after some deliberation, goes to the Watchtower where's he's held until people can decide what to do.

Rumors spread, people like Cadmus hear about the future Batman and such.

Bruce takes Terry to Gotham, he teaches him some of the stuff Older Bruce can't do as well, etc...

And that's all I got for now.

Also, wow, thinking on it, all the Batman Beyond comics are retarded. First off, in the Batman/Superman annual, Superman is angsting about Lex Luthor basically being a God-King of Metropolis... when the JLU's main headquarters in the Beyond timefram was located centrally in Metropolis. Then we have the Joker kidnapping Alfred, which is also stupid because there's no way he would care who Alfred was.


Well-Known Member
You messed up the quote signs. They came out as ÔÇ£ and ÔÇØ. Your apostrophies came out as ÔÇÖ.
Ah, okay. The apostrophes... I`m so used to using " ' " instead of ` because it's closer to the home keys...

I just did it again right?


Well-Known Member
No. I mean that some weird symbols appeared in that post whenever you did the things I mentioned. Among them was the trademarked symbol.