Battle of the 80 cartoon villians


Well-Known Member
Well... was thinking about this thanks to the past two necros on my HP idea I did... I wondered who was better... Cobra COmmander or Mum-ra as a villian back in my childhood.

Then I realized there were a couple others from my nostalgic past I should consider in any such matchup.

Anyway.. I figured I'd open a poll to see what you guys thought about who was the best 80's cartoon villian..

side note: only 80's that means no re imagining... (Thus we get kooky Cobra Commander, not sinister CObra commander from Sigma six... G1 megatron... and thank god no movie Dr. Claw...)

As to my vote...

well.. Dr. Claw and Cobra Commander were fun villians true... but a bit to hokey to be the best IMO

Skeletor might be a runner up... but his voice prevented me from taking him seriously...

That leaves Megatron and Mum-ra... overall tho I have to say Mum-ra gets my vote... THere's just something so cool about a nearly all powerufl undead mummy who sold his soul to the 'ancient spirits of evil' That gives him that little extra boost to be a slightly better villian than Megatron... Plus he had that cool maniacal laugh every time he transformed!

Although I shudder to think how Mum-ra would be portrayed in cartoons nowadays (or even worse the crap american cartoons that came out int he late 90's early 2000 bleh...)

So bow before my choice.... MUM-RA THE EVERLIVING MWAHAHAHAH!


Well-Known Member
I'd go with Cruelos, I mean who else goes marauding atop a Tyrannosaurus Rex armed with lasers and missiles while mind controlling an army of similarly armed dinosaurs?


Well-Known Member
Cobra, purely for the battle cry.


Well-Known Member
It's kinda hard to pick one since almost every bad guy from the 80s followed this simple formula. When they debut they're this upstoppable bastard whom no one can stand up to until the hero/main character/leader comes and kicks ass and takes names. Then they kinda turn into goofy characatures. I mean when you got the likes of

Tex-Hex - Bravestarr
Big Boss - C.O.P.S.
Mon-Starr - Silverhawks
Saw Boss - Jayve and the Wheeled Warriors
Shredder - TMNT
Doc Terror - the Centurions

etc I could go on, but then again you got the likes of Gargamel. The poor bastard could just never get a break.


Well-Known Member
Where's Unicron? :p He was awesome in the movie. Much less so afterwards.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, Megatron was the greatest villian from the 80s, at least, the best one on the list.

Serpentor deserves some praise for killing a Joe (though I think that got retconned), and being one of the few villians to actually draw blood via a direct attack.

Skeletor loses major points for being in the retarded She-Ra/He-Man Christmas Special, whereupon, he actually HELPS SAVE CHILDREN.

Likewise, Mum-Ra loses points for being an epic retard in most of his schemes and not being able to empower himself.

Cobra Commander was at least feared and commanded an army, even if his schemes were stupid and his minions were backstabbers and traitorous.


Well-Known Member
akun50 said:
I'm sorry, Megatron was the greatest villian from the 80s, at least, the best one on the list.

Serpentor deserves some praise for killing a Joe (though I think that got retconned), and being one of the few villians to actually draw blood via a direct attack.

Skeletor loses major points for being in the retarded She-Ra/He-Man Christmas Special, whereupon, he actually HELPS SAVE CHILDREN.

Likewise, Mum-Ra loses points for being an epic retard in most of his schemes and not being able to empower himself.

Cobra Commander was at least feared and commanded an army, even if his schemes were stupid and his minions were backstabbers and traitorous.
I dunno.. Megatron is in my top three make no mistake about it.... But he loses points with me for putting up with Starscream..

I mean here's a minion who not only calls you incompetent and vocally says there will come a time when he will depose you.. but he SAYS IT TO YOUR FACE more or less ("If I had been running this war the Autobots would have been defeated cycles ago.." If I recall correctly..)

Yet instead of blasting him to scrap metal as a example to your other troops like any good villian should.. megatron not only puts up with Starscream but keeps him around at a relativly high rank!

I disagree on Mum0-ra losing points because he is empowered by the 'ancient spirits of evil' SOme of the best villians around are those who sold there soul for power... More importantly while he does need the Ancient spirits of Evil to go toe to toe with the Thundercats.. he is still fairly dangerous without his empowerment... knowing several spells and potions that he can use in his normal form that were fairly effective. INdeed he gains points in that several of his schemes never had him transform at ALL IMO.

I also like the fact that the reason Mum-ra fights the Thundercats is just GENERAL PRINCPAL... Mum-ra is fully aware that he can just take a nap for a couple 100 years and when he awakes the Thundercats arriving on third earth would be but a fading memory. ITs the fact that these goody two shoes landed on HIS planet that irks him so he's going ot make them miserable because 'Evil rules' and he's going to prove it!

Also Mum-ra ties with Megatron (with Dr. Claw a close runner up) IMO for hte best villian's voice... Megatron has the sinsiter evil machine tone down granted, but Mum-ra's VA literally SOUNDS like some ancient evil horror that just awoke from the tomb...
I'll have to go with with Mum-Ra myself.

Mum-Ra's off-screen comment to Cheetara proves his views are TFF approved! :evil2: :cumdrool:
What no slot for Galvatron?

He was crazier then a coffee house full of rats.

He did what he wanted, when he wanted, and he'd shoot anyone that tried to stop him.

Master Shake wishes he was that cool.