Best FMV?


Well-Known Member
lokinishizaki said:
I so forgot everything about that game. I remember that I liked it, other than that... Just faint memories of some white haired guy that winds up being Zidane's brother or some other crap.

I need to play it again.
You're thinking of Kuja. And I still mantain that Kuja isn't a male, he's a flat chested female.

I'm tired of bishiefags in games, BTW. Bridget is the only one I tolerate, the rest of the damnable prettyboys can all burn to death for all I care.

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
lokinishizaki said:
I so forgot everything about that game. I remember that I liked it, other than that... Just faint memories of some white haired guy that winds up being Zidane's brother or some other crap.

I need to play it again.
You're thinking of Kuja. And I still mantain that Kuja isn't a male, he's a flat chested female.

I'm tired of bishiefags in games, BTW. Bridget is the only one I tolerate, the rest of the damnable prettyboys can all burn to death for all I care.
Odd, I have the same theory for Tidus in FFX, makes his being such a whiney little girl somewhat more acceptable. Coincidentally, 9 is one of the only FF I've never been able to finish. For whatever reason I just can't keep focused on playing it past the start of the third disc.

And pretty much any FMV I'd want to mention's already been called, so I think I'll just second (third, fourth? :huh.: ) the WTFPWN vid of Bahamut by Alexander.


Well-Known Member
You're thinking of Kuja. And I still mantain that Kuja isn't a male, he's a flat chested female.

I'm tired of bishiefags in games, BTW. Bridget is the only one I tolerate, the rest of the damnable prettyboys can all burn to death for all I care.
Oh, that's perfectly understandable, even reasonable to a certain degree. Bridget is tolerable because he knows who he is and makes no attempts to hide it, kind of like Haku and rather unlike Sasuke and Neji.

However, when some nancy boy comes along and starts making claims of being some sort of pillar to manhood, it starts to piss people off. The conversion of manliness to some sort of metrosexual ideal is a process that good men are fighting everywhere. From cartoonists to authors, in particular, South Park and the Alphabet of Manliness by Maddox. Great examples of manhood, to be sure.

But it's also important to remember the little people and their acts of greatness. When I see a young boy in a schoolyard take the fight in his own hands and settle an argument over his mother with a beating, I smile. When I see a grown man refuse to shave, I raise my beer in salute. When I walk into the movie theater and find out that '300' is sold out... under all my rage and enmity... is pride!


Well-Known Member
With Kuja (and Zidane and others of their race) you have to remember that from the beginning THEY ARE NOT HUMAN so who really knows what they are


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Not the greatest animation quality, but I know that the death of Aeris in FFVII is the only FMV that ever got me crying, even though I -knew- what would happen.


Well-Known Member
Cornuthaum said:
Not the greatest animation quality, but I know that the death of Aeris in FFVII is the only FMV that ever got me crying, even though I -knew- what would happen.
It actually made me LAUGH. I absolutely HATED Aeris, and I found myself actually thinking 'Good, for once the prettyboy did the RIGHT thing'.

Cruel? Probably. Justified? In my eyes, yes.


Well-Known Member
I was horribly angry when Aerith died. She was the only real dedicated magic user in the game so I used her a lot and buffed up her level. I also had a good piece of armor and a ribbon on her that I lost when she left the party.

I very much enjoyed it when the time came to pound on Sephiroth.


Well-Known Member
ttestagr said:
I was horribly angry when Aerith died. She was the only real dedicated magic user in the game so I used her a lot and buffed up her level. I also had a good piece of armor and a ribbon on her that I lost when she left the party.

I very much enjoyed it when the time came to pound on Sephiroth.
You won't believe me, but... my dedicated magic user was Red XIII. Marysuerith rubbed me the wrong way from Minute One. If I could help it, I booted her out of the party at every occasion.


Well-Known Member
Meh, Aeris was... annoying. I honestly was pissed to see her again in some of the other games made by Square.

As far as favorite FMV's:

The Dragon Campaign and the ending in the Legend of Dragoon. Best fantasy action sequences I have seen in a game. Plus the ending was so satisfying after spending two hours fighting the last boss.

The Armored Core series has always had good opening action sequences if you are into mechs. Me personally, I like them, they are exciting, but sometimes the games feel dull compared to them. Sometimes they are incredibly confusing.
Hm. I think the intro FMV that most stands out in my memory is the intro from Final Fantasy VIII.

Liberi Fatali is a track I bought the whole OST for. ^_^


Well-Known Member
Paradigm Shifter said:
Hm. I think the intro FMV that most stands out in my memory is the intro from Final Fantasy VIII.

Liberi Fatali is a track I bought the whole OST for. ^_^
I'll agree with that - FF8's FMV has probably Square's best fight scene in it, between Squall and Seifer. (Gunblades, as I've said before, FTW.) :sisi:

Other than that...Hm. Shadow Hearts. Yuri reattaching his own bloody arm is so badass that it's still stuck in my memory. ^_^


Well-Known Member
trevelyan1983 said:
Other than that...Hm. Shadow Hearts. Yuri reattaching his own bloody arm is so badass that it's still stuck in my memory. ^_^
Pretty much any scene with Yuri was badass. Like the opening of Covenant after the prologue, where he OMGWTFBBQPWNs the Nazi wannabe soldiers, and shrugs off a hand grenade at point blank like it was some kind of particularly weak gnat.

And then he walks away and you see Karin's POV as he transforms.

Totally badass.


Well-Known Member
Wild Arms: 2nd Ignition opening FMV and Suikoden 3 opening FMV, for some reason i just love them both.


Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
Pretty much any scene with Yuri was badass. Like the opening of Covenant after the prologue, where he OMGWTFBBQPWNs the Nazi wannabe soldiers, and shrugs off a hand grenade at point blank like it was some kind of particularly weak gnat.

And then he walks away and you see Karin's POV as he transforms.

Totally badass.
Too true - even when stabbed with the mistletoe of nerf, Yuri was too much for Rasputin and Nicolai to handle. It still ticks me off a little that he was so thoroughly screwed over - although he handled it well, and it was done in the best possible way, I admit. Kato was a hell of a surprise, too. ^_^

Karin = Anne sucked, though. As does the update of the franchise with no Yuri. :sweat2:

PS - Yuri using the Emigre manuscript - and Roger agreeing to it, was one of the most aggravatingly stupid moments in SH2:C. Anyone who's played Koudelka knows that it does not deliver the goods. And SH1 agreed - Emigre is not a toy. Kindly do not play with it. -_-

Edit: Shout, WA1's opening still owns. I bought the OST on the strength of the whistling section alone. :snigger:


Well-Known Member
trevelyan1983 said:
GenocideHeart said:
Pretty much any scene with Yuri was badass. Like the opening of Covenant after the prologue, where he OMGWTFBBQPWNs the Nazi wannabe soldiers, and shrugs off a hand grenade at point blank like it was some kind of particularly weak gnat.

And then he walks away and you see Karin's POV as he transforms.

Totally badass.
Too true - even when stabbed with the mistletoe of nerf, Yuri was too much for Rasputin and Nicolai to handle. It still ticks me off a little that he was so thoroughly screwed over - although he handled it well, and it was done in the best possible way, I admit. Kato was a hell of a surprise, too. ^_^

Karin = Anne sucked, though. As does the update of the franchise with no Yuri. :sweat2:
I like to think that in the end, Yuri created an alternate timeline when he went back to save Alice, and survived.

And God knows I'd love to read such a fanfic... *hint, hint...*


Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
I like to think that in the end, Yuri created an alternate timeline when he went back to save Alice, and survived.

And God knows I'd love to read such a fanfic... *hint, hint...*
Yeah. That'd be a pretty sweet fic - it could even be one of those rare time-travel-esque fics worth reading. :lol:

Or a one-shot. SH fans could probably use the closure - God knows, FtNW ain't gonna give it. (ZOMG! Depression-era America!) :no: