Akamatsuverse Bizarre Adventure


Well-Known Member
Introduction: Act 4; Scene 3

Urashima Keitaro didn't think that he wanted too much out of life. In the long run he wanted to get into Toudai with his promise girls, graduate, and be able to say to his parents that he had made something of himself.

In the short run Keitaro wanted to get the fuck away from this nut that just shot in-between his legs, demanding a danish (which Keitaro had eated earlier that morning).

Considering that the nut was not in a position to actually shoot in-between Keitaro's legs without shooting through one of said legs led the young Toudai aspirant to believe that this nut was another of the wierdos that tried to kill him since he had been posessed by this odd spirit that let him stop time.

"Iommi," the cloaked figure said to Keitaro.

"What?" Let no one think that Keitaro was the master of witty repartee, because he wasn't.

"My name is Iommi, and I am here to kill you, that you may not use the danish to unleash a power that would threaten my master."

The woman (Keitaro had decided that the person was a woman based on how it talked) was apparantly even madder than the woman that had tried to kill everyone in Hinata House and kept shouting about "Za JOKAA" and the voices.

Fortunately both were less annoying than the one that said something about "Sucker Punch" and kept hitting even when he was a good three metres away. Keitaro had given Kitsune three months free rent after she managed to take that one out, even though it was a total accident.

The woman spoke again "Urashima Keitaro, Stand is The World, and you can stop time for an average of four seconds, yes?"

"MY WHAT is the world?"

"Stand, the wraith like entity that you can use to stop time. I feel that I should let you know of the powers of my Stand, as I have already won this fight. Deuces Wild is a long range Stand that has the power to emulate other Stands. By emulating the World of Dio Brando I may stop time long enough that I will be able to attack you after you have dropped out of the time stop."

"Za Warudo!"
"Za Warudo!"

And for everyone but the two Stand Users, time had stopped.

Pressed for Time, Keitaro rushed foreward, calling on the World to smash his foe.


His opponent used her Stand to fly out of the main thrust of the attack, but Keitaro heard the unmistakable sound of bone snapping as one fist connected with a leg.

One Second.

He could not let his opponent survive the next attack or he'd be fucked.

Two Seconds.

All he had to attack was a pen; it had to be enough.

Three Seconds.

Keitaro saw the pen fly in slow motion, knowing that it was all in his mind, and felt his hopes shatter as he missed the skull by milimetres. Guess that even after the first two bastards, killing was still not something that he could really do.

Four Seconds.

Keitaro could no longer move but he heard the woman land behind him with a pained gasp.

"And now you die," she said.

Five, Six Seconds.

Keitaro wondered why he wasn't dead yet, then he heard a sould like a low, distant thunder. It sounded to him like "WRYYYYYY" and he wished that his assassin would just get things over with.

Seven Seconds. Time began to flow again.

Keitaro turned around and upon seeing the dessicated corpse of the woman, felt that something had gone horribly wrong.

End Scene 3.

How does this look for a beginning?


Well-Known Member
WINS. Nothing else needs to be said.

Although, Keitaro would probably go 'ORAORAORAORAORA'. 'MUDA' is a word meaning roughly 'It's no use!' or 'Pointless!', and Dio repeated it to mock Jotaro.


Well-Known Member
What series is this crossed with?

Because otherwise, I think that this is the first time I felt motion sickness from reading a fic.


This almost reminds me of reading "Illuminati Trilogy". Including the headache from putting everything together.


Well-Known Member
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. And it should get a bit easier to figure out in the next chapters.
You imply that anything crossed with JoJo's Bizzare Adventure will be understandable at some point.


Well-Known Member
I've never seen, or even heard of that 'Jojo's bizzare adventure' you're all talking about. is it an anime? or some American series (if that's the case, I surely would never have heard of it)?

Nice story though. I like the battle scene. something about using stopped time to launch devastating attacks. I like the concept. Oh well, hope it becomes a bit more understandable next chapter (cause I kind of agree with Gaelic dragon, this does incite motion sickness).

Keep it going, you've piqued my curiosity.


Well-Known Member
Well, as understandable as anything that touches JoJo's can get.

This site has all of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure parts three and four and is working on parts five and six. It also has some other works by the same manga-ka. Steel Ball Run can be seen as a sort of part seven.

Considering that they are getting more space on the web, we may see parts one and two available at some point.

Trust me when I say that the manga is better than both of the animated versions of part three. (Granted, I am guessing a bit as I have yet to see much of the recent OVA.)

Also, free cookie to anyone that gets all of the references I made.


Well-Known Member
Zenithos said:
I've never seen, or even heard of that 'Jojo's bizzare adventure' you're all talking about. is it an anime? or some American series (if that's the case, I surely would never have heard of it)?

Nice story though. I like the battle scene. something about using stopped time to launch devastating attacks. I like the concept. Oh well, hope it becomes a bit more understandable next chapter (cause I kind of agree with Gaelic dragon, this does incite motion sickness).

Keep it going, you've piqued my curiosity.
Go to Wikipedia and search 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventure'.

As for the fight, the Stand used by Keitaro used to belong to Dio Brando, the series' villain. It's called, as mentioned, The World, and its power is to stop time for a period depending on the user's strength.

And if you think this is broken, you should see other major Stand, like Death 13, which attacks in DREAMS, and Cream, Vanilla Ice's stand (Vanilla Ice & Cream, what a delicious pun...). Or even Yoshikage Kira's Sheer Heart Attack...