Bleach Bleach fanfiction updates


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RE: Bleach updates

Huh, never heard of this one before. Glancing through it, it seems to be using not only the multiple SS's concept most of us have already theorized about, but also the concept I thought up a while ago about using pantheon's of Gods to fill out the alternate SS rosters. Course most I did with it was have it a footnote that all of the greek gods save Hades got wiped out by the Soul King because everyone but him was pretty much abusing their power and not doing their damn jobs.

Though I suppose I did intend to have most of the old Norse gods survive since most of them are a bit more interesting overall. I believe in fact that I intended to eventually use the nine realms as the basis for the multiple afterlife's eventually, but couldn't rectify Hueco Mundo or the dead realm like at all.


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Sequel to Hogyoku ex Machina by Mac Ceallach has begun.


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Do note that he said it will most likely only extend to being a two shot.

Still. Fun.
and the second part of the two shot may or may not happen as what's been posted so far has apparently been sitting on his hard drive for a while. But if Mac Ceallach does get writing again he does apparently have ideas for some sort of Hueco Mundo Tour arc so that could be interesting if it gets developed.


Well-Known Member
knight504 said:
Psychopomp Chapter 19

I do like it when fanfiction brings up interpretations of a character's personality and actions that I haven't noticed before.
I assume you're talking about Ichigo's admission? Yes, I do like that interpretation of his "protect everyone" attitude. I also liked that the gods considered Ichigo the least heroic. That's a spin you don't see every day.


The Collector
Yes, indeed. :sisi:

It made me feel like there was some untapped potential for Ichigo's character development that's never had the chance to come to light. It's a shame his development in the manga for a long time now seems focused almost-exclusively on him gaining, losing and/or controlling his power(s).


KING (In Land of Blind)
Staff member
I think that story is spending a little too much time on "Ichigo didn't tell Tatsuki goddam anything" when, like, "his dad didn't tell Ichigo goddam anything" made everything 100x worse. Except Ichigo didn't give that "what the fuck why didn't you warn me about Vizard before Urahara turned me into one" or "what the fuck: guys like Mayuri" speech, he pretty much just had to roll with the "here's how to throw away all your achievements to defeat the Bad Guy" training.

At the same time... "why didn't you tell me about Arrancar, Ichigo!?" was a silly question, because at that time, he didn't know about them either. They were a surprise for everyone after Aizen's "Surprise: Everything is LIES" speech.

At that point in the manga, he wasn't really interested in going out and stopping Hollows all the time maximum power, he just wanted to fix the one thing he broke (Rukia's powers) and then go back to his normal life.

And compared to the poisoned fruit that Urahara was offering and getting involved with guys like the Captains (including: goddam Mayuri), I'm just... if it was me I would seriously sit down, and worry about whether my friends would be safer getting stronger with these guys, or if they would be in danger just from getting involved with them.

Or maybe he just really felt like it wasn't his place to explain things to Tatsuki, it was Orihime's. (Or Rukia's?)

Well but the biggest problem is that the manga completely spun out of control so all you can do is ask "why this happen!?" and the mangaka can only say "IDK lol".

Maybe he just thought climbing on the "gain powers; lose powers; gain powers again" thing is too emotionally painful, too exhausting, and didn't want that for his friends.


The Collector
I can't fault the story on focusing on Tatsuki's issues with Ichigo considering that she's the main character here and one of the main points is her relationship with him. Isshin's secrecy is more of a broader issue for Bleach but isn't really relevant here since a) it's got little to do with Tatsuki and b ) Ichigo doesn't know there's anything going on with his dad yet anyway. And I think the problem for Ichigo is that he doesn't really give his friends much credit or even a choice; his concern is understandable but leaving his friends behind and with little idea of what's going on is cruel in its own way. Not really saying he's right or wrong to do that but this is probably the first time I really looked at it from the other character's perspective instead of just Ichigo.

And at that time...which time are we talking here? Might be misremembering but the only time I remember someone demanding answers about the Arrancar from Ichigo was during the school-window-smashing scene, at which point he did know about them. Or he at least had the general gist.


Well-Known Member
knight504 said:
And at that time...which time are we talking here? Might be misremembering but the only time I remember someone demanding answers about the Arrancar from Ichigo was during the school-window-smashing scene, at which point he did know about them. Or he at least had the general gist.
If you're talking about when Ichigo blew off Tatsuki, it was just after Orihime had been kidnapped. Tatsuki claimed she wasn't able to sense her friend anymore, and told Ichigo that she knew they were keeping secrets from her, and demanded to know what was happening. Ichigo said something like "it's not your problem" or "I can't tell you" or some other dismissing phrase, and left. In canon, Tatsuki just has to deal with it, and we never get a resolution because of the timeskip. Obviously, this is where the timeline diverges for the fic.


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Chapter 20 of The Striking Snake

Man, Gin, why are you such a ruthless badass!


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Chapter 21 of The Striking Snake

I think Kenpachi just pulled one over somebody?


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The fights might have switched, but there are only the barest of changes. The story is primarily an Ichigo and Ichimaru switch.


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The Striking Snake by AKissAndAGunshot updated to chapter 22.


The Collector
A damn good update.

Orihime does her God thing, Ichigo finally takes full charge of his soul, Grimmjow goes all Shinigami and Aizen gets smacked about. This must be just a few chapters from the end...which probably means it'll be done in a few years time.

And it's been posted on AO3 so you can read it properly now. [Edit: Nvm, the story's been there since '09. Now I feel silly for always reading from their site.]