Broken Reflections (tentative)


Well-Known Member
Author: Infin1x
FandomÆs: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Highlander
Rating: 18 for now probably will not go higher but if it does, I will change the rating.
Summary: Xander and Angel are displaced after pissing off the wrong entities.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything here. It all belongs to their respective creators/owners.
Distribution: Anyone who wants it just send me a link so I can ride the ego boost of someone thinking my work is worth it.
A/N: This is currently unbeta'd so if someone would like to take the time I would be grateful.
A/N2: Some of the characters will be noticably darker. This first chapter came to me fully formed in that half asleep half awake state. I have sat on this for six months looking it over every two and finally decided to post it here to get a few opinions.


ôHey Deadboy, we going or do you need more time to do your hair?ö

There was only a growl in response from the other side of the bathroom door.

ôAnd you call yourself a good guy Angel. Good guys don't growl they have a witty retort prepared for any situation,ö silence. ôIt's wasn't even an intimidating growl.ö

That got a response. ôDon't push me Harris and I'll have you know that my growl is very intimidating.ö His finish was a bit defensive as he finally came out of the bathroom.

Xander didn't bother to try to hide his smirk as Angel came out. They didn't hate each other like they had in Sunnydale but Xander still liked to make jokes and Angel was still Xander's favorite straight man.

They had been working together for the past two months, ever since Cordy had come to Xander in a dream telling him to 'go save Angel's lame ass' and then something along the line of 'the dweeb and his grand broodiness working together.' Needless to say Xander had really been hoping it was just some bad fish that he had eaten with the local shaman but felt he owed Cordy enough to at least check.

He had not been happy when he had arrived in LA with an eight-girl slayer unit and a middling power wizard that he used in Africa to find Angel, the last surviving member of the fang gang. Once his unit had mopped up the last few demons and Angel had two days to recover Xander learned the story of the fight. Charles Gunn had lasted thirty minutes before his injuries and the overwhelming numbers brought him down. Spike had lasted twenty minutes longer before a lucky shot from behind with an axe had ended his existence. Xander had not been the one to tell Buffy that he had managed to get revived and then killed again without her finding out. Finally the being known as Illyria, current inhabitant of the body that of Winifred Burkle, had managed to tap some of her former power to transport herself and ninety-five percent of the remaining demons to a pocket dimension. It was later confirmed that she had fought until she died at which point the pocket dimension collapsed and killed the trapped demons.


For the past two months Angel and Xander had been making sure that the inner turmoil kept any of the remaining power structure of evil from setting up a new Circle of the Black Thorn.

ôIt's always ritual sacrifice.ö

Xander and Angel were on a hill overlooking an empowering ceremony that was being preformed by a former minion of the Arch Duke Sebasis who also happened to be the last being with any chance of really salvaging any of Evil Inc.

ôI'm sorry Xander if the age old traditions of evil bore you but they like it.ö Angel deadpanned.

Xander was shaking his head, ôI am never going to get used to you making jokes, let alone funny ones.ö

ôWho said I was joking? I really am sorry, when you're bored you get even more annoying.ö

ôSee that really hurts, wounds me straight to the heart.ö Xander brought the binoculars that he was using down from his face. ôYou know with these numbers I wish I hadn't sent Cheryl and her team home and Jason would be really nice as artillery here.ö
Angel patted him on the back, ôBuck up Harris this way it's a challenge. I'll make my way to the head priest while you fight your way over to release the sacrifices.ö He stood up and drew his sword.

As Xander hefted his battle-axe he couldn't help but murmur, ôA challenge he says, six demonic priests and a dozen vampires are a challenge." He shrugged philosophically. "Works for me.ö

The battle went smoothly with Angel killing four of the priests and eight vampires while Xander got the remaining four vampires and two priests while releasing the six sacrifices.

ôSee Harris you aren't as useless as you used to be.ö Angel grinned to take the bite out of it as he cleaned his sword.

ôThanks Deadboy that really means a lot to me really makes me feel all warm....ö He was cut off by flashes of lightning and rolling thunder. ôSee we stopped the ritual but there is still bad lightning on a clear night. This cannot be good!ö He yelled to be overheard over the thunder and the winds that were picking up.

The thunder and lightning died as quickly as they came and the winds slowly calmed. Xander decided he had been wrong, ôOr maybe it was a freak weather thing.ö

As he finished speaking a pillar of flame exploded ten feet from them with the requisite booming voice, ôBehold D'hoffryn Demon Lord of Justice Lord of Arashmaharr.ö

Xander waited until the flames had died and the red robed figure appeared before unleashing the snarkiness. ôAh D'huffin so sad to see you could join us. It really hasn't been long enough.ö

The demon didn't seem put out in the least by his less than warm welcome, ôYes Mr. Harris very droll I'm sure. And Mr. Angel please there is no need for violence.ö The sword that Angel had redrew from its sheath disappeared along with Xander's axe.

ôWhat do you want D'hoffryn?ö Xander was both pissed and worried. He still had the knife he kept in a sheath on his back but it would do little good against a demon of D'hoffryn's level.

ôAn army of virgins devoted only to my pleasure, all my enemies suffering in one of the nastier hell dimensions and my demons, led by my favorites Anyanka and Halfrek, wreaking horrible and painful vengeance all across existence. However since I already have the first, the second really is a long term goal and the third has been made impossible by your actions I will settle for your eternal torment.ö

Angel stepped up, ôI might have some problems with that happening.ö

ôBuffy will probably have a few problems too,ö Xander added.

D'hoffryn turned to look at Angel, ôOh don't worry you will be going with him. I recently joined into a temporary partnership with three entities that you have managed to anger quite thoroughly. As for your precious Buffy; where you are going she doesn't exist and since only your souls will be leaving neither Miss Summers nor Miss Rosenberg will ever bother looking.ö

With that and a wave of D'hoffrynÆs hand two limp bodies hit the floor.

ôFree again,ö One of the bodies slowly rose, distorted face and demonic eyes clearly visible.

Angelus looked at DÆhoffryn with no fear before glancing at XanderÆs body, ôI really was hoping to be the one to kill him.ö

DÆhoffryn dismissively waved his hand, ôGo ahead. The body is still alive for now even without a soul to keep it going.ö

Angelus weighed his options for a moment before letting loose with a nasty kick that left the fallen bodyÆs head twisted at an unnatural and obviously fatal angle. ôNo way was I going to bite that piece of shit.ö

DÆhoffryn still seemed unimpressed, ôYes very droll. Now unfortunately for you I canÆt very well leave any loose ends.ö Before Angelus could protest there was another pile of dust on the battlefield. The sword and axe reappeared as DÆhoffryn disappeared leaving one dead human body, a baker's dozen dust piles and a few rapidly decomposing demon bodies.


Travel between realities and dimensions is not something the human or vampire for that matter body is suited. If you are lucky, you won't feel anything until you get to your destination. If you are unlucky you are in for the most disorientating and vomit inducing trip imaginable as you experience being squeezed through subatomic openings, being blown up to the point where you are the size of a small star and a whole host of other sensations that you really don't have the capacity or desire to comprehend. All in all most forms of inter dimensional travel should be avoided at all cost.

Xander and Angel were lucky enough to be part of the former group and so they did not feel the rather disquieting sensation of traveling toward one of the nastier hell dimensions. Neither did they feel the metaphysical boot that kicked them in the direction of a slightly more palatable destination from a few of the deities that liked them. Xander throughout his life and travels had entertained many a god and higher being with the situations he had managed to get himself into and these higher beings were of the opinion that it would be a great waste for him to rot in some hell dimension. The entities known collectively as The Powers That Be also took note of the duo's trip and although there was, no love lost between they and Xander, Angel was their champion and they felt they should prove to themselves that they were not quite the bastards that many beings thought they were and gave a small nudge in the right direction.


Xander was getting ready to demonstrate for D'hoffryn a few of the more colorful phrases he had learned in Africa when he woke up.

Needless to say, he felt rather disorientated. Going from the adrenalin drop of post fight cleanup, to the rush of an enemy popping up and then to waking up in a very comfortable bed made sure of that. In addition, the warm body next to him did nothing to ease his confusion. Therefore, he felt the very manly yelp he let out as he jumped from the bed was entirely justified.

ôUgh, Xander get back in bed it's to early to be up.ö Willow ordered as she tried to snuggle deeper into the thick forest green comforter.

Xander was speechless; though that didn't stop him from trying, as hard as he tried, he only got vowel sounds with a few consonants thrown in for variety.

ôXander I know you want to take training more seriously but I didn't die last night so if you want to be up I want some wake up sex mister.ö

At that last bit Xander finally found his voice, ôWhat the fuck is going on here?! Stupid fucking D'hoffryn, I am going to disembowel him slowly...öhe trailed off into some of the more esoteric curses he had learned while on the Dark Continent.

ôWhat the hell Xan I love a good disemboweling as much as the next person but who is D'hoffryn?ö Willow sounded resigned as she slowly extricated herself from the bed, ôWhat's the problem baby?ö

Xander went nonverbal again as he saw Willow in all her naked glory...

Willow's smile was feral as she looked him over and saw his glazed stare. ôXander, baby, if you are faking an emergency at,ö she looked at an alarm clock on the bedside table, ôfour-thirty in the morning just for kinky sex games I am going to have to hurt you. Well I will after the kinky sex games-" she trailed off in thought, "-maybe during.ö

ôUm, Willow could you put some clothes on? Something is seriously wrong.ö Xander was finally able to pull his eyes up so he could look her in the eyes.

Willow's smile was gone instantly at the distress in his voice. As she pulled on a pair of sweats and a tight t-shirt, she asked again, ôWhat's the problem Xan?ö

ôI think, no I know that this is a spell and it's all that bastard D'hoffryn's fault.ö Xander was getting past his confusion and well on his way to a white-hot rage. Mess with Xander and he was used to it but this messing with Willow too and that was going too far and he was going to make someone pay.

ôXander you're really starting to worry me. What's a spell and who is D'hoffryn?ö She reached up and put her hand on his shoulder.

Okay this was bad Willow didn't even know who D'hoffryn was. Xander waved his arm around, ôThis all this and you and...ö He reached up to rub his eye patch in frustration when he realized he was seeing with both eyes. He took a deep breath trying to prevent himself from hyperventilating but all that got him was the scent of Willow's worry and the strong scent of sex coming from the room around them.

ôHoly crap this is a different dimension.ö That revelation actually calmed Xander a bit.

However, Willow didn't seem calmed at all, ôAlexander LaVelle Harris explain yourself now.ö She shoved him the five feet to the bed something that Willow's small frame should not have been able to do.

ôOkay I was with Angel and we were cleaning up after the fight and then D'hoffryn showed up.ö

ôOkay who is D'hoffryn?ö Willow asked for the third time.

ôDemon Lord of Vengeance. I think he mentioned something about Wolfram and Hart and then he waved his hand and I woke up here. Where is here?ö

Willow sat down beside him and hugged him. ôOur bedroom, our house in Sunnydale California, United States of America, Earth.ö

ôOur room? Sunnydale?ö Xander was stuttering at the very thought.

ôYep scenic Boca del Infierno, The Mouth of Hell, the Hellmouth.ö Was Willow's bitter reply.

ôWhat year is it?ö Xander knew they had destroyed the Hellmouth. Being back was a nightmare there was only one thing that could be worse.
ôApril 20, 1998.ö

Yep there it was, high school. Damn D'hoffryn.


Across town, Angel wasn't doing much better.

ôUgh, where in the hell am I?ö He pushed back the blood red silk sheets and looked around. ôNot the hotel, nowhere I've ever been. Oh, crap where is Xander? Buffy will kill me if I lost him. Then she'll have Willow resurrect me just so she can do it again.ö

He looked around and found some crumpled clothes in the corner, which looked and smelled like his and a leather jacket was hanging on a chair. Dressed he went looking for Xander.

ôHarris! Harris quit hiding come out so I can kick your ass so Buffy doesn't kick mine! Xander where the hell are you!ö Oh damn he was in so much trouble. And where did that D'hoffryn guy go? For that matter, where was he?

ôLiam what the hell are you yelling about? It had better be good because I start work today and it is way too early to be awake.ö Angel turned at the irate voice from the past.

The door to the room opened and in walked Jenny Calendar. Angel took a step back in fear.

ôI don't care if you are a creature of the night. I'm your keeper and I say these are sleeping hours.ö Jenny Calendar was quite obviously not a morning person.

ôBut Ms. Calendar, but I killed.ö Angel was stammering in fear now. He could smell her; she definitely wasn't The First Evil.

ôWho the hell is Ms. Calendar? Who did you kill? Did you hit your head?ö She wasn't getting any calmer.

ôY-y-ou are. But but I killed you.ö Angel was really confused.

ôI didn't think vampires could get amnesia. But I get fucking lucky enough to get the first. The things I do for duty.ö She muttered. Then speaking slowly like to a particularly slow child, ôNo I am Janna Kalderash of the Kalderash Tribe. Your keeper and magical backup. Any of this ringing any bells? We have been working together for almost five months now?ö

Angel knew that wasn't right he had been running Wolfram and Hart five months ago and two months ago, he had started working with Xander. But at the same time he was getting flashes of his old handler dying and Jen- no, Janna becoming his watcher and then moving to Sunnydale... oh hell he was back in Sunnydale.

ôAnd why are we in Sunnydale? And why do I need a keeper?ö Angel had a bad feeling about the answer.

ôWe are here on this god forsaken Hellmouth so that you can hunt down the last family member of Angelus. Darla was found to have survived when the master died and you are going to kill her. Because my tribe cursed Angelus with a soul, you Liam were tasked with using Angelus' own demonic strength to hunt the demons, the Aurelius vampires in particular and I am your keeper because Rafael, your last keeper, was to old to deal with you anymore..ö

Angel could almost remember that. For the last hundred years, he had been hunting demons and vampires with the help of a member of the Tribe as a keeper. He had dusted Spike and Drusilla almost fifty years ago. The latest keeper was Janna and the tribe had gotten reports that the Master had been killed but Darla still lived on the Hellmouth.

ôOh this is great. I'm in a different dimension. This just sucks.ö Really really sucks.

Janna was looking at him as if he was crazy, ôGo get some blood out of the refrigerator maybe after you eat you'll be saner.ö With that dismissal, Angel decided that he would wait before trying to convince her and he was in Sunnydale so maybe Xander was too. Oh, god he was going to have to face Buffy.