Calvin and Hobbes


Well-Known Member
I recently jumped into the goodness that is Calvin and Hobbes when I went to my local Library and grabbed "The Days are Just Packed", "Scientific Progress Goes 'Boink', and the Tenth Anniversary Book.

I'm sure a great number of you already know, but to those of you who don't, pick it up and bring some laughter into your life.

But it got me thinking, just reading the comics with his parents in it, of having Calvin put into the place of his parents with his own kid. Just seeing himself watch his own kid doing the stuff he did and chuckling about it.

I'm pretty sure I saw a little comic strip of Calvin watching his own kid drag Hobbes around similar to how he probably looked when he was a kid.

Also one more thing I just started reading a fanfiction with Calvin in University and then Susie shows up. Well Calvin starts talking to Hobbes and it hit me, Hobbes is a perfect thing to use for a writer Calvin to bounce ideas off of.

In the idea, Calvin is just setting out on his own after he graduates from college with a lit degree (or whatever writers have) and to get his muse going he talks to Hobbes in pretty much the same way he does as a kid, except the conversations are more mature and every once in a while deal with nostalgia. In fact the main thing that Calvin writes about are kids books about his various adventures.

Somehow he ends up meeting with Susie and they start seeing eachother.

The main thing about the fic should be the romance with Calvin and Susie and their interactions as they grow together and eventually get married, have kids, and deal with similar shit that Calvin put his own parents through.

I know this isn't really the greatest idea (probably already been thought of and posted), but sometimes it's good to read a feel good story that makes yourself feel better.

Also while I'll look for Fanfics similar, I wouldn't say no to some recs to fics of similar idea.


Well-Known Member
You're right it's spectacularly awesome. Though I didn't like that Suzie died, my life sucks enough as is that I don't really like reading downer fics.