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California Crackpot


Well-Known Member
the true ending to samurai jack
part 2 of the true ending


California Crackpot


Well-Known Member
The mouse is loosening up as he matures.


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
BF110C4 said:
The last one should be:

Let's see if we can make a show on a budget of 3 cents
Are cents worth anything? Haven't seen the coin in actual usage at a shop/store...



Not The Goddamn @dmin
Well, one of them seems to be the worth of a person's thoughts.

Altered Nova

Well-Known Member
As of June 8th 2017, pennies cost the US government 2.41 cents to mint, and they are worth so little that many businesses and most vending machines no longer accept them. It's estimated that getting rid of them would improve the economy because more money is spent paying people to collect and transport the things to banks than they are worth, but the government won't even consider it because there is a ridiculous amount of popular nostalgia for them and because the zinc industry lobbies hard against any attempt to end their minting and circulation.


Well-Known Member


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
Now THERE's an idea! But I've never thought of Johnny as a serious kind of guy. Would be nice to read what ELSE he thinks of - besides women.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
For the purpose of any future writings, I'm going with Method 2, he's still the richest person alive, but no longer has all the money in the world.