Chance of a Millennium

Taiteki Kagato

Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: Naoko Takeuchi owns Sailor Moon. When references are made to other fictional series or material, said material belongs to its respective owners.

Chance of a Millennium
By Tannim Murphy & Enigmatic Magus

Prologue: Queenie's Pity Party

Above the moon, the Earth hung silent against a backdrop of stars. The barest hint of darkness on the edge of the world signified daylight as it slowly made its constant march across the planet below. Its green, brown and blue surface marred only by cloud formations high in the atmosphere, creating an overall tableau of peace and serenity.

"Serenity." The woman spoke with a hint of reproach in her voice. She stood tall in the highest tower of the Moon Palace, looking up towards the sky. "That's a hopeful name for a queen."

"Did you say something, your majesty?"

The woman bowed her head and silver hair cascaded down what was unarguably an unblemished, perfect face. Queen Serenity stayed silent a few seconds more, prompting worry from her escorts.

Finally she spoke. "It's nothing, Luna. Just thinking aloud is all." Serenity turned to face her small companions, two Moon Cats named Artemis and Luna, who were sitting astride the balcony. "Do you know what serenity means, little ones?"

Artemis nodded. "It means peace, doesn't it?"

"Almost," Serenity replied. "It's true meaning is peace in the face of adversity."

She wouldn't admit it publicly, but the latest troubles her kingdom were suffering had taken a toll on her. It was all she could do to hold herself together and not break down and cry in front of her closest companions. A queen had to remain strong at all times, in the public eye or not. If the people got wind of her real state of mind, it would cause catastrophe on a system-wide scale. Faith in their queen had been what kept everyone optimistic all these years. If she were to falter....

Her hand strayed to the Silver Crystal, kept hidden on her person at all times. It was a great source of her power, a boon to her people, a granter of wishes, and yet... yet, even so, she was uncertain that even its mighty power would be enough for the days that lay ahead. She extracted the crystal from its resting place to hold it cupped lightly in her hands. A thumb rubbed it idly as she contemplated the future.

It was a future so bleak, she had ordered the construction of a great magical device that would be able to peer through time just to catch a glimpse of what was really going on. The signs of the day were pointing towards chaos, breakdown, and ruin; Serenity shuddered to imagine what would become of her beautiful kingdom if her concentration lapsed for but an instant in the face of all the adversity headed her way. It was a lonely position, made even lonelier by the fact that, while she had excellent advisers, she did not have anyone she could truly, freely confide her deepest thoughts to. The terrible, dark worries of her soul weighed heavily on her without any sort of release.

Unbidden, a single tear escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek. It hit the Silver Crystal squarely, causing it to resonate and shine with sudden power.

'All I want are some real, true friends. Is that too much to ask?'

Taiteki Kagato

Well-Known Member
Chapter One

[16:04] TannimFodder: You there?
[16:52] Enigmatic Magus: Just got home. What's up?
[16:55] TannimFodder: You should see what I wrote in my latest story.
[16:55] TannimFodder: Man, I'm funny.
[16:56] Enigmatic Magus: Keep stroking your ego like that and I'm not going to stick around when it bubbles over and leaks on the floor.
[16:57] TannimFodder: It's the only way I know how to achieve my second form.
[16:57] Enigmatic Magus: And what does that look like; a panda bear?
[16:57] TannimFodder: No! It's more like a lizard with wings.
[16:58] Enigmatic Magus: Ugh. Why would you want to be a lizard? And wouldn't that be a dragon?
[16:59] TannimFodder: We don't chose our forms, they're given to us.
[17:04] TannimFodder: Hey, you still there?
[17:11] Enigmatic Magus: Yeah. Playing WoW.
[17:12] TannimFodder: Something weird just happened. I heard a loud "thump" outside my window. When I checked, there wasn't anything there. Maybe a bird hit or something.
[17:17] Enigmatic Magus: In California? Do you have birds over there?
[17:18] TannimFodder: Northern California even has squirrels. Someone's knocking on the door. Be right back.
[17:24] Enigmatic Magus: Hello?
[17:29] Enigmatic Magus: If it's that important, you should, you know.. say something. And now Liz's friend is here. Quick! Say something engaging before they bug me for my 360! ... back in a sec.
[17:34] <TannimFodder has gone idle>
[17:44] <Enigmatic Magus has gone idle>


There was a dull pain in the back of his head. With a groan, Kyle pulled himself into a sitting position, reaching up to touch the tender spot and wincing in pain as his fingers felt the sticky sensation of caked blood.

"What the hell?" he mumbled, frowning in the dark and confused at the rather unfamiliar surroundings.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light, and a twisting, falling sensation that turned his stomach upside-down, moments before it protested violently when the sensation changed to one of steady falling. At least there was light, though what was visible was beyond understandable. Various surfaces, objects, places flashed by at high speed, each one fading away upon impact, like some sort of hallucination, only faint stirrings of air currents at his fingertips to signify their passing.

And then, with a rather painful <thud> he landed; somewhere brighter than before by far, and much less comfortable, with its 100+ degree heat, and glaring sun bright overhead. Dressed for comfort, he felt sweat start to bead immediately on his exposed skin, and trying to ignore the still painful spot on the back of his head.

Before he could try to stand, however, the twisting sensation was back, and suddenly he was falling through things again, the solid becoming ephemeral once more, and reality subtly shifting from one vague local to the next, in a roller-coaster of visual stimuli that proved to be anything but pleasant.

The next lurch was even harder, in some ways. Instead of a hard ground under a hot sun, Kyle splashed down in waters that felt all too arctic for his tastes, and suddenly, he was wishing for the heat again, fighting the urge to scream and lock up as numbness quickly spread inward from his extremities. Just as his shivering body started to slip below the waves, there was a familiar, though now-hated twisting sensation, and the cold was replaced by tumbling, this time accompanied by trembling, and he wondered if he was dying. Or maybe he had died, and this was Hell. 'Not a bad start,' he mused darkly, closing his eyes and seeing the light from the other side of his eyelids vary in intensity at random.

Another flash, another slam, this one eliciting a yelp of pained surprise as something hard poked him in the back before falling, the hard object surrounded by something far softer, but too thin to effectively cushion his landing as the hard floor below it managed to induce another yell of pain. Rolling over with a Groan, Kyle blearily peeled one eye open, wincing at the harsh lights above as he grabbed the cloth beneath him and tried to sit up. Unfortunately, before he could get halfway there, the world around him began to flash again, and the floor went back to being insubstantial once more. Adding to the surreal experience, however, was the cloth, which looked more like a single-piece body suit; it had somehow come along for the ride with his fist clenched tightly around a part of it.

Before, there'd been only light, and phantom touches, but now, a slowly-growing roar could be heard, like an oncoming train, and Kyle shuddered slightly as he imagined landing in front of one. At least it'd probably be quick. As the roar grew to epic proportions, the rapidly altering scenery around him faded to darkness, the sound dimming with it, until there was nothing, no more feelings, no light, no sound. And then a blinding light far away winked into existence, before rushing towards him with a muffled bass hum.

The world around Kyle snapped into focus with unusual clarity, the outfit in his hand flapping wildly as he flailed his arms after appearing in midair. Unfortunately, fully-substantial this time, he was only there for a moment before gravity took hold of him, dragging him towards the surface below.

"Oh, Shiiiii-" was all he got out before he and the ground were introduced.


A bed of rainbows. That's what Matt imagined this sensation must look like. A bed of rainbows stretched across the sky, leaping from cloud to cloud. With bunnies.

That's how Matt felt; like he was being separated into his component pieces, and half-haphazardously being thrown incredibly long distances to land in places he wasn't even sure were real. Vibrating the whole time.

He didn't know when it had started, only that it been going on far too long. With each successive jump, the shaking in his body got worse, and it was all he could to to concentrate on the fact that his world around him kept shifting every three to seven seconds.

Finally, in the middle of one of his jumps, Matt fell and gripped the slightly rubbery ground of this latest world beneath his fingers as hard as he could, willing himself to meld with the material and hopefully become immobile. It worked only partially, as he continued to jump, but at least he had something to hang onto to stop the shaking; namely, the deck of an Ohio-class nuclear-powered submarine. Incidentally the rest of the ship stayed attached to its deck, and came along for the ride.

On his next few leaps through the dimensions lugging around the giant submarine, he quelled an uprising on Artemus Tau, surprised a World War Two British prime minister, and interrupted the Yankees verses Red Socks world series. All of this was ignored in favor of keeping his eyes shut and hoping everything would just. Stop. Moving.

It did.


Despite not knowing that her wish had been heartfelt and true, and maybe, just maybe, a small part of her had hoped it would come true, Queen Serenity would have been just as surprised if she had been aware of her wish when a giant metal thing slammed into the ground out of nowhere, moments before the sound of someone yelling above her tore her attention away from the... whatever-it-was and towards a frightened-looking man who appeared to be falling.

Stepping back in shock, she watched as he hit the ground a few feet away and bounced slightly on the lunar surface.

By that time, the sudden and unexpected disturbance had drawn the attention of her guards, and as shouts of alarm and the clanking of armor grew louder, she took a hesitant step forward, only to gasp in surprise when a second figure, another male, slid down from the top of the metal object. He landed with a spectacular splash in the large fountain that dominated the garden.

The first figure groaned in pain once, but lay still, apparently unconscious. The second, having somewhat less of a drop and softer landing, twitched slightly in the shade of his giant companion. Finally, Serenity's awe was broken by concern.

"What is it, Majesty?" Luna asked from beside her.

"I've no idea, Luna. But these two are wounded. In my palace, no less! We must heal them, first. We can worry about it later," the Queen stated, before moving forward towards the fallen figure on the ground.

"Majesty, it could be a weapon," Artemis warned, a frown marring his feline features. Serenity's forward momentum froze. She'd not considered that. Her Kingdom had been restless recently, to be sure, but would those causing such problems actually have the audacity to strike at her? At the Royal Palace?

"By Serenity and all that is good! What in the Queen's name is that?" Marcus, Captain of the Royal Guard, asked as he approached. Shaking his head dismissively, he turned to the nearest subordinate and pointed at the bodies in the courtyard. "Seize them." Turning towards the Queen, he moved to stand between her and the object in the courtyard, before stating, as respectfully as he could, "Your Highness, it is not safe here. You must go inside. My men and I will see to it that this terrorists are dealt with."

"Yes, majesty. Lets go where we can be sure of our safety!" Luna prompted.

Artemis glanced over at the bodies, and the fallen object with a more jaundiced eye. If the device had yet to do anything so far, it was unlikely to do anything at all, he figured. However, he decided to keep his mouth shut, knowing the Queen was more than capable of making the right decision in an instance as simple as this. Which is why her response to the captain of the Guard surprised him.

"Absolutely not! These two men are wounded, maybe on the verge of death. Bring the Court Healer! And fish that other man out of the pool before he drowns," She ordered. The Captain of the Guard looked as if he wanted to disobey, before turning and nodding to the nearest subordinate, who ran towards the pool, weapon discarded.

"Queen Serenity, even if they pose no threat, that thing is unknown. For the time being, you should move to a safer location, if for no other reason than to settle my nerves. This has been the most bizarre interruption to a routine day in ages, and I'm already dismayed at our failure to stop these two before they got this far." The captain was obviously upset, but having been hand chosen for this position years ago, Serenity understood his concern. Even if secretly she didn't share it.

"We could wait for them to heal," Artemis offered, as the two bodies were set beside the walkway awaiting the arrival of the Court Healer. Luna glared at Artemis, but held her tongue as Serenity looked on in obvious concern. The dark-haired cat's glare dissolved upon seeing that look. This was Serenity, who loved her people more than life itself. Even those who might be in league with the terrorists causing trouble on the various planets.

As the Healer summoned a quartet of orderlies bearing a pair of stretches, Serenity nodded. "Then we shall," she stated, turning towards the palace, and the infirmary within.

Watching as the Queen and her primary advisers departed, Marcus turned towards the newest addition to the Palace Courtyard and let loose a sigh he'd been holding since the queen first displayed her trust in them.

"Someone call the Senshi of Mercury. I have the feeling this is something beyond even my paygrade." Turning to look at one of the Privates staring at the object with obvious curiosity, he slapped the kid softly on the shoulder to get his attention, before nodding towards the two stretchers being carried inside. "Go with them, son. Be sure the Queen is safe if and when those two are revived."

The boy, who couldn't have been over seventeen, snapped to attention and saluted with energy the Captain himself hadn't felt in many years. "Sir! By your command!" The private trotted off after the medics.

"They only seem to get younger," Marcus muttered to himself as he unclasped his helmet. Taking it off, he took his first unfiltered breath of the day. He turned a jaundiced eye to the giant black, metallic object currently crushing half of the roses in the palace gardens.

"You'd better not give me any trouble, you monstrosity," he told the object firmly.

The only response from the imposing machine was silence.

Marcus grinned humorlessly. "That's what I thought."


"Your majesty, you shouldn't be here." An orderly, dressed in the white of her craft, whispered urgently to the Queen. She had spied her majesty walking past the troops stationed outside the doorway and into the guarded ward where the two persons of unidentifiable nature were being kept.

Serenity responded with a single raised eyebrow.

The orderly blushed crimson. "You're right, I had no business telling her majesty where she can or cannot be in her own castle, shutting up and sitting over here now." With effort she closed her mouth and held it shut as she moved to a chair in the corner of the room. She plopped herself down forcefully and attempted to will the blood to leave her face.

Serenity glided over to where the two patients were currently sleeping. Neither looked like the type committed to the downfall of the Moon Kingdom, nor did either feel like there was any significant amount of evil in their hearts.

"Are these interlopers, or unfortunates?" the Queen whispered to herself. She asked in a louder tone, directed at the orderly, "When are they expected to awake?"

"Any moment, your highness. Captain Marcus wanted them up as soon as possible for questioning."

It took only a moment for the Queen to decide. "I'll take over for Marcus. I'm sure he won't mind."

"I-! Er, uh, yes, my Queen," the orderly finished uncertainly. "If it pleases your highness, I'll take my leave then."

Serenity nodded, and the uncomfortable orderly left the room post-haste. In her absence, the Queen walked over to the seat previously occupied and sat down in it, waiting for her two "guests" to awake.

She did not realize how tired she was. In no time at all Serenity drifted off to sleep.


Kyle awoke with a start, eyes wide in the well-lit room for a moment as the last remnants of memory came painfully to the forefront of his consciousness.

With a groan, he rolled onto his side, frowning at the bright light, before reaching up to check his body, from face to thighs. When everything seemed okay, he tried to sit up and figure out where he was, not recognizing the featureless white ceiling but assuming he was in a hospital.

"This... is not my room," he muttered, partially telling himself the last thing he remembered hadn't been a dream, but mainly to hear something familiar, because what he was remembering... didn't make much sense.

Particularly considering the lack of injuries; that clashed rather abruptly with his memories of falling towards the ground and a fairly painful impact. So, if it hadn't been a dream, but couldn't have been real...

... He wasn't alone. Blinking in shock at having missed the rather frilly white dress and silver hair (but no wrinkles?) Kyle tried to collect his thoughts, and wondering who she was, and why she seemed to be in his hospital room.

Looking around again, his attention was drawn back to the snoozing figure, and a frown slowly emerged as her features did ring a bell. It had been years, but the now-familiar twin-ponytail hairstyle with jeweled buns on the top of the head was obviously an attempt at Sailor Moon.

'No' he mused internally, 'not Sailor Moon. Queen Serenity.' And it was probably the best damn cosplay attempt he'd ever seen, whether in real life or online. The jewelry looked real without looking gaudy, the dress shone like actual silk, and the woman's makeup was well-applied, not layered on like so many women seemed to do at conventions.

Actually, now that he was looking, it was almost unsettling how... accurate this person had gotten the costume. There was something almost regal about her, even just sleeping in a chair. She was, from head to toe, a spitting image of the Queen Serenity he recalled from years ago. Even down to a pair of uncomfortable-looking shoes.

Tearing his eyes away from the best-dressed award winner of the century (or millennium) he quickly examined the rest of the room, noting a table covered in things like clothes and what appeared to be his MP3 player, and another person lying in a bed similar to his.

It was, in fact, another guy, so whatever had happened to him might not have just been a one-time thing.

Eyes slowly creeping back to the sleeping figure in the chair, Kyle coughed once, gently, to get her attention, then a little louder when the first failed to work.

The Serenity came to as he would have expected someone playing a queen to, a change from sleep to wakefulness in in instant, and a rapid assessment of the environment. Or maybe that was what he expected from a soldier? Either way, after a second to place the room, her eyes turned to his, and Kyle had to restrain a wince when he realized that, just as accurate as the rest of her, her eyes were the deepest, liveliest blue he could recall ever seeing. And there was no shift of contacts when she blinked, those were the natural color.

"That," he said, finally, "is the best costume I think... no, I know... I've ever seen."

The woman dressed as queen raised a stately eyebrow. "Oh? What kind of costume do you believe this to be?" she asked with some amusement.

"And such a regal voice! I am impressed. And confused. Probably not in that order, either," Kyle said, looking around again before shrugging and kicking his legs out to rest on the floor. "So.. umm... Where am I?" He paused to look her over again, before shaking his head. "And with that getup on, do you want me to call you Your Highness? Because I'm suitably impressed enough to actually do it... once or twice."

Making a great show of putting a finger on her chin in thought, the woman in front of Kyle appeared to mull the question over. "Hmmmm. While in public that would be preferable; in private, I shall allow you to address me simply as 'Serenity.'" She smiled mischievously at this pronouncement.

Kyle couldn't help an amused snort from slipping. "And witty... Well then, your worshipfulness. Please excuse the genre-cross, but... well.. I'm still a little confused." Standing slowly before making his way over to the table, Kyle began scooping up the things he recognized as his. Wallet and cell phone, MP3-Player, work badge and keys, each one went into a pocket or clipped to belt loops with relative ease, as he'd long grown used to gearing up for a day of work.

It took several seconds of awkward silence, but finally Serenity spoke. "I've heard it said that, when one is lost, ones best bet is to retrace their steps. So tell me: how is it that you believe you came to this place?"

Kyle idly flipped the magnetic leather flap of his cell-phone case a couple times before sitting back down on the bed. "Honestly? I think that's what's confusing me. I remember answering the door for... I think it was Dani... and before that, I'd just gotten home from work and was talking to a friend while I tossed my bag in the closet." He paused, fishing out his keys and staring at them for a second, before activating his Blizzard Account Authenticator, shrugging, and stuffing the handful of metal and plastic back in his pocket.

"After that, I can't really remember. There was a moment I thought I'd gotten hit in the head, and... falling?" He looked worried now, suddenly remembering, vividly, the plunge into freezing water, and the pain of landing on something hard. "Did I fall? Someone push me over the railing?" His voice was quiet now, talking more to himself than to her. Finally, he shook his head. "I think I'd have a better chance of figuring this out if I knew where I was."


Both Kyle and Serenity were taken aback by the sudden shout from the second bed. When it became apparent the person speaking was still asleep and did not appear to be waking soon, both relaxed slightly.

"Your friend seems to be something of a deep sleeper," Serenity remarked. "My healer assures me he should wake soon."

"Indeed," Kyle replied, still unsure what to make of the random exclamation. "I have to point out, however, that I don't know them... And 'healer?' Not a doctor?"

Serenity nodded, thinking furiously. This person seemed to have no idea who she truly was. She wasn't vain enough to think that everybody in her kingdom knew her, but this wasn't one of those rare few; he seemed to have recognized her as someone pretending to be herself. The absurdity of that thought, coupled with his obvious recognition, bordered on the unreal. Had she not been so accustomed to the unexpected and odd where magic was concerned, she might have been tempted to summon one of the guards outside.

As it was however, she was beginning to suspect that this young man, if not both of them, had come from the far future... perhaps even sent back by the Gates of Time she was currently having built out on the edge of the solar system. If that was the case, then the situation must have been dire; she'd already decreed that interfering with the past was an action not to be employed lightly.

"While I fully intend to show you around, I think I'd have a better grasp of where to begin if you first told me where- and possible when- you come from," Serenity stated.

Kyle blinked. "Riiight... This is a nice... set? Something. Whatever. But I don't have time to play around."

Serenity frowned. "Oh? Am I interrupting something?" she asked.

"..." Kyle paused, mouth ajar, before snapping it shut and fixing the woman with a glare. "Not exactly interrupting. But I'm not really in a good mood, waking up from something that could have been an attack and being forced to deal with actors." He paused for a second to look her over, before shrugging and adding: "no matter how authentic or cute they may be."

Understanding dawned on Serenity. "You really have no idea where you are, do you?"

Kyle's frown deepened. "Didn't I just say that?"

The queen chanced a smile. "Not exactly, but I understood most of it. You have my apologies; I had assumed you were from the future, come back with a warning or message for me. I see now that this isn't the case... and now, more than ever, I'd like... need, even, to know where you came from. Your appearance in my Garden... your attitude... Everything is fairly alien, to be honest." She paused to look him over as he had, and he shifted uncomfortable as he realized she was being serious.

"I'm from Jacksonville, Florida. United States, North America, Northern Hemisphere, Earth, Third planet in the Solar System... and 2008 Anno Domini," Kyle stated, his frown deepening into a scowl. "Where am I? Be serious, please."

"Like I said, you're in the healing quarters of my Palace, which is on the moon." She paused, before straightening up. "You're from Earth?"

"Yes," he muttered, glancing around again. "Do you really expect me to believe that we're on the moon?"

She smiled at him and stood up. "Of course not. I intend to show you that you're on the moon."

She turned towards the door, before turning to glace at him over her shoulder. "Coming?"

"Do I have any choice?" Kyle asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets and following behind her. The two of them traveled in silence, Kyle partially lost in thought, and occasionally surprised at the level of detail surrounding him.

Finally, they reached a doorway, the arching marble architecture both extravagant in its workmanship, and obviously not part of any recognizable airlock system he could think off that didn't involve force fields. Outside was a well-manicured garden, a roman-style pool surrounded by fountain-topped ivy-covered columns, a row of hedges that looked suspiciously like roses, and...

"Holy Shit, is that a Boomer?" Kyle asked, upon spying the USS Nebraska lying on a field and partially crushing some of the roses as well as a line of hedge.

"I'm unsure... it arrived the same time you and that other man did. Is that what it's called? A 'boomer?'"

Kyle opened his mouth to reply, but suddenly caught sight of something beyond the submarine that commanded his whole attention.

"Oh damn," he muttered as he gazed upon the serene blue-green planet above. The whirls of clouds and star-studded backdrop far too realistic to be a projection or screen.

"I'm on the moon?" he asked, softly.

"Yes," Serenity supplied, watching him closely.

"And... I'm not dreaming?" He asked, frowning. Glancing over at the Boomer again, he turned around to glance at the palace before turning to Serenity.

"If you are, I'm remarkably well imagined. I have a long history of memories, and seem to think for myself... you must be quite the lucid dreamer," she said, smiling slightly to herself.

"Cute," he mumbled sarcastically, before looking at the plate-armored guards circling the submarine warily.

"Well, I guess... I'll just have to see how long this lasts. I don't remember there being a submarine in the Silver Millennium, so I'll reserve judgment... for now... But I suppose I should at least be a bit more courteous to you, since you apparently aren't just some fan in a costume," Kyle offered, finally.

Serenity positively beamed at Kyle. "Excellent. However, I do not wish to explain myself more than once, so, if you don't mind, we'll wait for your friend to regain consciousness." She motioned towards the inside of the palace. Kyle followed her back, too absorbed in his thoughts to rebuke the comment about 'his friend,' or note how large a building the Moon Palace really was.

Taiteki Kagato

Well-Known Member
Yeah, so.. it seems a lot of the fanfiction traffic has moved here, so I figured for a first-look and hopefully some form of feedback, this was the place to break out of my nine-month dry spell with something new. Hopefully it's somewhat entertaining...

Matt (Tannim) and I were trying, actually, to work on the latest chapter of Selves Inserted when we realized that, despite the fun we had working together on it, our ideas were a little less than thought-out. Aside from the few scenes in our heads that would have been fun to write, most of the fill-in-the-blank areas were dry-spells waiting to happen, and given the amount of time that had passed, we just couldn't get back into the groove we'd occupied before.

Then there was a sudden resurgence of fics (and fic ideas/proposals/challenges) taking place in the Silver Millennium, and with a brief (but somewhat sobering) look at Sailor Moon Episode 44, we started back up... and this is the result. Editing and writing are ongoing (It's Tannim's turn to add to it as I write this) and hopefully there wont be such huge pauses, but who can tell?

Anyway. Please feel free to give comments and offer constructive criticism (my fragile psyche can't handle abusive criticism... unless it's from an author who's fics I absolutely love).
All it needs now for true chaos to descend is something like HMS Electra or HMS Exeter to show up. The crew stumble out, hear people speaking in "Japanese", and then break out the Lanchesters and Lee-Enfields.
There's been a span of time lately in which I have so many creative projects going on at once, it's nice to have a collaborator and post something fun. I'm looking forward to writing more.


Well-Known Member
I'll be looking forward to seeing more of this. I followed the original Selves Inserted and thought it was pretty funny. This has the potential to be hilarious as well. Keep up the good work. :yay:

Now, as an aside:

Tannim - Where's the next chapter of Otaku Muyo? :snigger:

Kagato - Are you still working on the NASIF series?

Taiteki Kagato

Well-Known Member
Chapters 8 and 9 of NASIF 5 are about 30% and 50% completed, respectively.

I just dropped $400 on a netbook I intend to use as my new writing PC both at home and at work; hopefully its arrival will herald in the glorious return of my writing skills (such as they are...).

Think of this as a new project to help get me back into the writing mindset.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Taiteki Kagato said:
Chapters 8 and 9? of NASIF 5 are about 30% and 50% completed, respectively.

I just dropped $400 on a netbook I intend to use as my new writing PC both at home and at work; hopefully its arrival will herald in the glorious return of my writing skills (such as they are...).

Think of this as a new project to help get me back into the writing mindset.
Heh... almost gave this a pass until I saw who was posting it.

Huh... I thought chapter 8 was posted back in 3/2008? Still no intention of getting back tot he Wing Commander Universe? Oh well.

So... is this a alternate Kyle then?

Taiteki Kagato

Well-Known Member
Different Kyle. The SI Rut I'm in is more like a canyon, I guess.

And Wing Commander... Hmm... While I make no promises, I'll see what I can dig up. I still have the novels, though my copies of the game are too scratched to play (and windows isn't stable enough to try installing DOSBox) but yeah... I'll give it a look-see. I know I have a partial outline lying around somewhere for the next couple chapters. And references to past-events I can use to help flesh it out.

As for chapter 8; well, the first chapter on is the prologue, but due to their numbering system, it counts it as a chapter, so seven chapters plus a prologue, to at least, is eight chapters. They ought to have a "Is the first chapter a prologue?" checkbox when posting a new story.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Different Kyle. The SI Rut I'm in is more like a canyon, I guess.
Almost a pity... If this was their reaction to two men and a boomer... picture their reaction to a Superstardestroyer, two escorts and 38,000 troops and assorted pokemon.

By the way... are their people abord the boomer. Per wiki, there should be 153 on board.
Nope. It's a ghost-ship, and modified. I seem to enjoy taking cool things and making them better.

... Even if the change is arguably for the better...

It'll be explained soon enough, though. I've learned from past mistakes, the importance of having an outline, so while the little details need work, the flow of the story is already somewhat established.


Well-Known Member
Sweet! Glad to see you guys writing again. I remember having a lot of fun reading your stories, so this is really a pleasant surprise.

I'm writing this at OH-GOD-WHY-AM-I-AWAKE in the morning, so this'll probably seem a bit incoherent and/or brief. Sit down to play some WoW, look out the window to see the Sun coming up. :sweat2:

I like what you have so far. I've seen a lot of folk write about the Silver Millenium and Serenity's rule as a pretty debauched or just generally messed up place, so it's actually rather refreshing for me to read something where the queen is actually a "good guy" instead of some kind of villain in disguise. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed some of those fics too. I just think it's become so widespread, especially in crossovers, that instead of shocking it's boring. Thank you for doing something else.

I have to admit I'm very curious about that Ohio. Ghost ship? Oh man. Submarine reactors are no doubt pretty stable, but all the same an untended nuclear reactor is bad news. If it's a Trident carrier as opposed to the new Tomahawk conversions the Navy's doing, no doubt there'll be a lot of freaking out once our unfortunate time/dimension travelers tell people what it probably has in those tubes.

I'm really interested in seeing how you build up the background behind the fall. Seems like something of a terror campaign is being run to weaken Serenity's government before the big palace-destroying spells and whatnot come out. Maybe Beryl and her minions have to take down some wards or other defenses of some some sort before they can just start heaving spells of mass destruction (or whatever) around.

So, I like what you guys have here, and I'm looking forward to whatever pops up next.

Welcome back.


Well-Known Member
great to see you guys are writing again, and i cant wait to see the reaction of serenity and her court when they find out what the sub is.

though would they really understand how dangerous it is since nuclear energy is technology while the silver millenium works on magic and they may never of heard of it before. thus dont realise what it is.
Thanks. We're usually talking, if not writing, so I suppose you could say that whenever one of us posts something of our own, there's been a little cross-contamination, since we tend to pre-read each other's work and bounce ideas off one another.

The Sub will be put to use and elaborated up eventually, but it seems a sudden fit of "wouldn't-it-be-cool?"-ness struck us, and so things are looking to change a bit compared to what he had planned. All I can say is hold on tight; it's going to be another crazy fic.

... Not that that's a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I definitely like what I have seen thus far. Now I need to go check out those other stories you referenced. :D

I wonder how long it will be before one of the dimesionaly displaced duo drops a reference to the looming fall of the Silver Millennium to their hosts' honest horror (and apparently I'm on an alliteration kick tonight <_< ).

Regardless, I would love to see more of this.
It's nice to see that what we've got so far seems enjoyable, and I'm glad several people here have liked it! We're dealing with Serenity now, and should have something posted here within the week.

We're having a blast using a Beta test of a new product, over at that allows us to read and edit the same work in our internet browsers. They bill it as "Realtime Collaborative Text Editing." It beats trying to IM ideas back and forth by a considerable margin, as I could write and save stuff while Kagato is gone, or visa versa, but we'd still get live updates when we're on together.
Posting author's notes: Another chapter up! Slightly shorter than before, but you can't really deny that this is the best place to stop... for now.


The sight that greeted the two as they entered was a strange one. In their absence, the remaining man had apparently woken up, and with nothing better to do had entertained himself by taking his bed sheet to fashion a turban out of the cloth. He faced away from the door and stared at the wall intently.

"... umm.. what?" Kyle blurted out upon seeing the other sleeper.

Surprising everyone involved, including the queen herself, Serenity was overcome with a fit of the giggles.

The man fell backwards to get a better look at whoever had entered the room, knocking the impromptu turban off his head. Eyes swept past both woman and man, before sitting himself up facing both. "I take it I'm either in an insane asylum, or have gone crazy."

"With the way you were acting when we arrived, I think the latter is probably the most likely," Kyle stated flatly, before turning towards the door they'd just come in through. Maybe he should have Serenity call for guards? An insane man was not something he was ready to deal with, considering all he'd gone through already.

Then he frowned. That other guy's voice was actually somewhat familiar, and Kyle noticed recognition dawning in the other guy's eyes as well. "What's your name?" He asked, frowning suspiciously.


A sinking feeling in his stomach, Kyle glanced at the still amused Serenity, before seeking clarification; "Tannim?"

Matt nodded. "Kagato?"

Kyle shrugged, "swapped it with Magus, but yeah." Glancing over at Serenity again, he sighed, before moving over to slouch on the table

"I saw the guards in freakin' armor, and figured I had gone bonkers. No one wears that these days, and they wouldn't let me out of the room." He chuckled a bit, then got his first, real good look at the queen and all humor left his face, to be replaced with confusion. "Queen Serenity?" he asked, stunned. "Now I know I'm nuts."

"Your mind is whole, young one, I assure you," Serenity spoke. "It appears much needs to be done in the way of explanations." She looked at both of the men. "For all of us."

"So it would seem," Kyle intoned mirthlessly, straightening up before glancing at Serenity in thought. After a moment, he spoke. "You do have the Silver Crystal, right? The most powerful magical artifact in this universe?"

"I do," Serenity replied with a nod.

Kyle gave a tired smile. "Well, it's not that I really was doing anything important, but I'd kind of like to go home, and so I'm thinking that something as powerful as that might be able to let me get back before my roommate starts to realize I'm gone. She'd be fairly pissed if I left her to pay the rent by herself."

"So, wait. We're really here? As in, in Sailor Moon?" Matt interrupted.

Kyle nodded, restraining a smile as he saw the look of confusion on Serenity's face. "Yep. Serenity, Matt; Matt, Serenity. Can we go home now?"

"Dude!" Matt looked at Kyle like he was the crazy one. "Why would you want to leave?"

Kyle blinked. "You mean... aside from what we know will happen? This is Sailor Moon. More specifically, the Silver Millennium. Nothing to do but dance and dine. Peace, Prosperity... and you know the rest." Glancing over at the observant Queen, he couldn't help but wince a little, knowing what was to come.

Serenity, for her part, was growing concerned. Not only did they apparently not realize how troubled her kingdom was at the moment, they both seemed to know (Or Kyle assumed Matt knew) about some upcoming event that neither would want to be around for. She found it very unlikely that anything good would be met with such obvious avoidance, and briefly wondered what kind of problems she'd have to deal with in the upcoming future.

"I can assure you that we do far more than dance and dine here. This is the capital of an empire. We sleep and learn, and live... and sadly, in this day and age, sometimes die. This is not the peaceful period of gaiety you seem to think it is."

Matt stared longer at the queen than was strictly necessary. The reality of the situation was really starting to freak him out a little, especially since Serenity was acting so, well... regal. Entirely too much for his mental health. He shook his head slightly to clear it.

"Sorry. I've- we've got a lot on our mind, I suppose. Finding out we're... where we are. Does that." Matt squeezed his eyes shut, then opened them again to the same visage that was there before. "Okay, not a dream." He turned to Kyle, glanced at Serenity and asked, "What do we do now?"

Kyle frowned. "Well, I assume you know about Casualty and things like predestination paradoxes and all that jazz. I think, strongly, that we should go before time itself tries to correct the issues we're undoubtedly bringing up."

"That junk? I'm assuming that's all tossed out the window the moment we got here." Matt shook his head. "I mean, why else would we be here if not to... you know." He threw his hands up in the air. "That or my previous 'we've gone nuts' theory still stands. I'm still having trouble believing this is really real."

Kyle couldn't help but chuckle. "You've yet to see the Submarine currently trampling her Majesty's roses. If ever there was a reason to believe that you're dreaming, that's it. But the view kinda... shatters the illusion." Kyle paused, lost in thought for a second, before continuing, "It's one of those sights that, if you see it in a dream, you're likely to wake up gasping for breath. It's just that... poignant."

"I trust you both have come to the same conclusion, that you are here, now?"

Matt and Kyle nodded.

"Then would you please explain why you seem to know this place, despite never having been here before? Or myself for that matter?"

Previously, Serenity had been speaking in a soft, comforting manner, to put both travelers at ease. This time she spoke as one would expect a queen to: a voice like velvet covering iron. Gentleness barely hid the steel behind her request. Both men blanched.

Kyle nodded slowly as he contemplated how to phrase things. Finally, "before we get to explaining, I think we should, as responsible adults.. or something close to it... discuss something you might not fully be aware of."

"You mean the casualty and predestination paradoxes you spoke of earlier?" The Queen countered.

"Well, yeah. I mean, I don't think you like being in the dark, but isn't that better than doing everything you can to stop an event that may or may not be inevitable? Only to find out that you might have caused it in your preparations, or that, despite said preparations, the event was escalated to take those into account for the same net results?"

"What he means to say is we have reasonable evidence to believe that one day you're all probably gonna die, and we don't want to help that along," Matt interjected.

Kyle buried his face in his hands and groaned.

Matt shrugged. "What? That's what it all boils down to, isn't it? It's like ripping off a band-aid; better get the hard stuff over with quickly."

Glancing at Serenity's stunned face, Kyle smiled at her; a smile that did not reach his eyes. "Could you excuse us for a second?" Grabbing Matt's wrist, he dragged the other man outside and, ignoring the guards watching them intently, began to talk quietly, "As much as I admire your desire to 'get it over with,' that probably could have been done with a bit more tact. Not to mention the fact that, coming to her with such a warning and no proof, we're just as liable to be accused of planning the event than trying to help. And really.. do you want to be here for that? in her dungeon or something?"

"Dude, there's really no gentle way to put that kind of news." Despite his seemingly cavalier attitude, Matt looked uneasy.

Kyle sighed. "Not really, no. But we could have written it in a note and left before she read it or something. Now we're likely to be held here indefinitely until she has some answers, and I do NOT want to be here during the fall."

"Please, just tell me one thing; tell me my baby survives," Serenity, who'd exited silently behind them, now asked. Her hand was on her belly, not yet showing in any way, and a look of eternal grief threatened her features.

"...she even gets a really nice home in the rebirth," Matt finally managed.

Kyle nodded, before adding, "How do you think we know about all this?" With an enigmatic smile, he shrugged. "Your daughter becomes every bit the queen you are."

Serenity, despite this encouragement, seemed to deflate even more. "And I... won't be there to witness it."

The poleaxed expression on Matt's face betrayed his inner feelings on the subject to Serenity, even before he could speak. With a weak smile he pointed out, "Well, at least it looks like we've got fourteen years or so. Assuming, of course, our information remains accurate. We honestly have no clue what is going to happen leading up to things, aside from some vague ideas. That and you'll probably want to check our sanity once you find out the medium for said information, too."

Serenity shook her head slowly, looking preoccupied. "No, I... I can understand your desire to leave. And I thank you for telling me what you have. It may be futile to try, but at least I have time to prepare, if nothing else." looking the two over, she smiled slightly. "You are two of the oddest people I've met in quite some time. A pity you're leaving so soon."

"Leaving?' Kyle asked, perplexed. Then understanding dawned on him. "You mean... you're sending us home? No more questions?"

"I don't wanna go home," Matt whined quietly, at a volume only he could hear. "I've got a mountain of homework waiting for me." Despondent, he sighed. "The chance of a lifetime, even if only for a few years... action and adventure... beautiful girls..." He continued to grumble to himself under his breath. "...can't believe... ...we're just gonna up and leave it behind..."

Taking the Silver Crystal out of the dimensional pocket only royalty had access to, Serenity closed her eyes, and called forth the power that was her birthright. "Just think of your homes, and I shall send you there."

Kyle, nodding absently at her words, thought over what Matt was muttering. 'Action and adventure for a few years, huh?' Turning to the other dimensionally-lost human, Kyle smirked. "When we get back, re-subscribe to WoW. We can have some Action an Adventure from the safety of our computers."

"Azeroth? Man, I really hate that place!"

"No! Home! Your Ho-" Serenity started to yell, before the two disappeared in a flash of light... along with the Queen herself.


Well-Known Member
Good lord, Queen Serenity in WoW? :lol:

Heh, did they bring the sub too?


Well-Known Member
actually quick question, whats to stop the queen from just zapping them out of there? :hmm:
are you going to have something like the crystal being lost or in need of a recharge.
heh that could be a reason for them to start questing, to gather the needed matierals to escape the WOW


Well-Known Member

"You know I wonder what its like to be in a ninja village."

"You mean Konoha?"

"NO! YOU DID IT A-" *Pop*

And so on so forth. Leading to the Great Journey. Through several different realities causing havoc, chaos, destruction and mayhem.


Well-Known Member
Minor question.

Have these guys seen TTGL or not? Cause if i had the power to go anywhere that would be High on my list, Eventually.
Wow, I go to sleep for a few hours, and come back, and there's replies everywhere!

I don't want to give anything away (well.. actually, I'm kind of horrible with my pre-readers by giving away massive spoilers...) but I suppose I can answer some of your questions.

The sub is waiting patiently, as is something else, and will be vital, pivotal, and pertinent to the plot arc coming up. It, however, did not come with, as the plans we have for it clash somewhat horribly with the Azeroth we're about to screw with (in a... nice... way?).

As for leaving, well, there'd be no reason to do it if we just got zapped back a second later, right?

As for the numerous universe questions; well, I hate to blow my own horn, but I've already got a mega-crossover SI, and dislike reusing plot elements to such a degree. That this one has surprisingly gone on to commandeer many ideas I had for upcoming sections of NASIF, I'm currently in the process of re-outlining those parts to ensure that none of my readers (or I) get that "been-there, done-that" vibe.

Don't mean to disappoint, but don't want to lie either.

And hey! It's Tuesday. Netbook should arrive, and then all my fics should start picking up.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
And hey! It's Tuesday. Netbook should arrive, and then all my fics should start picking up.
Hurray... Definately good news.


t be inevitable?" Kyle only to find out that you might have caused it in your preparations, or that, despite said preparations, the event was escalated to take those into account for the same net results?"
The '" Kyle' either needs to be removed and the 'O' capitalized... or something added between Kyle and only, as the quotes are unbalanced.

It's that's what it all boils down to
Remove 'It's'

"No! Home! Your Ho-" Serenity started to yell, before the two disappeared in a flash of light... along with the Queen herself.
Sniggers... that... could be bad.

Taiteki Kagato

Well-Known Member
It was calm. It was cold. It was known throughout the Alliance as home to the dwarves, Dun Morogh. Most creatures tended to stay out of the snow that blanketed this mountainous area, and those that frequented it were lean from hard living. It was not an easy place to eke out a living, and as a consequence, wild animals were few and far between.

This last tidbit of information was particularly fortunate for the three that were currently unconscious and curled together underneath a tall, verdant green pine tree. Limbs laden with the powdery snow shaded the trio from the sun's harsh light, but as a shadow passed overhead, once, then again, it became apparent that something large had spotted them. Spotted them, or been searching for them.

"Wretched mortals," the lumbering figure groused as is hovered over them briefly before landing with a rumble that shook the snow from the nearby trees. Pausing to brush away the snow that had landed on the center figure, Cerullenos quickly plucked the artifact from its housing on the female of the trio and held it up, admiring its luster in the morning rays.

"Lord Malygos will be pleased," he rumbled to himself, before sparing another glance at the unconscious humans. "That humans could have such a powerful artifact in their possession..." he muttered, as his mighty blue wings stretched out and began flapping. As he flew away quickly gaining speed, his last spoken words, fading into the morning air echoed across the land; "at least disaster has been averted in denying them a power they are not fit to understand."

As silence once again descended upon the clearing, a new sound emerged. This one far more energetic.

"I swear! A Blue Dragon! Who knows what it was doing out here!" A relatively high-pitched voice cried out, moments before the tiny figure it belonged to cleared a snow bank. Dressed in rather extravagant-yet-over-sized purple robes, the figure looked almost like a caricature of a rather short human, with a prominent nose, large eyes, and a rather disconcerting comb over. To those who knew it however, Jax Spinsprocket was pretty much a perfect example of a gnome.

"Ah Dunnae see no dragon, Jax, but ah think Ol' Blue's spotted something all tha same." A new voice cried out, this one belonging to a figure similar in stature, but heftier in build. Where the gnome was almost comically proportioned, Shane Swiftfist was build like a tank, as most Dwarves were. Despite his name however, he rarely used his fists, preferring the tools that hung from his belt to do the work he'd devoted his life to.

"Hmph," The final member of their little party replied, shifting from the stealthier midnight-blue panther form to his natural shape. Unlike the others, who barely topped a meter in height, Vaun topped two meters easy, and his dark purple skin, long tapered ears, glowing yellow eyes and emerald green hair were typical of his race, the Night Elves of Kalimdor. "Sometimes I really wonder why I put up with you, Shane."

The dwarf laughed as he walked on, approaching the figures beneath the tree as he replied, "Maybe because ah saved yer green whiskers in the wetlands during tha last little fiasco."

The Night Elves glowing eyes narrowed. "If I told you once, I've told you a thousand times! Those Crocolisks were coming closer to listen to me, not attack!"

"Of course they weren't attacking! Nae need tae attack a snack that stands there like a lump!" Shane shot back, before flipping the nearest figure over. "By Muradin's Hammer! These three are alive!"

"Fortuitous for them... and with such odd clothing... is it enchanted?" The Druid asked, ignoring the Archaeologist's earlier dig.

"Do you think they fell off a Gryphon?" Jax asked, peering skyward as if hoping to spot a figure falling from the Dwarves preferred mode of travel.

"Nae Gryphon holds three riders at once, Jax, and ah doubt two unruly gryphons would throw their charge so close together, much less three," Shane replied, before reaching out to rub the cloth of the female's dress between his finger and thumb.

While Jax was a Mage, Shane knew his interest in the arcane, vast as it was, tended towards its more destructive abilities. On the other hand, as an Archeologist, despite his lack of combat skill, Shane knew quite a bit about enchanted items, though he preferred relics over garments. Still, to his trained senses, the surprisingly soft fabric felt plain to him. "Nae magic at'oll. At least, none so far as ah can teel."

Taking a step back, Shane frowned. "What kind o' person travels inta Dun Morogh without a cloak or jersey tae keep out the cold?" Shaking his head in disgust, he answered his own question: "humans..."

"What's that on his belt?" Jax asked, poking an odd, leather-covered box.

"That's unimportant right now. Look at those two, they're turning blue. And the female looks to be joining them in slowly freezing," Vaun stated. Turning to examine the nearby tree line, he scowled. "There aren't many predators out here, but I doubt three unconscious humans would last much longer in this weather, and they'd definitely not be able to put up a fight if a pack of wolves found them. We need to take them to Kharanos."

"Aye, though before that, ah think we should warm them up some. In these woods, the shade can make quite a difference," Shane said.

"Ooh! Do you want me to start a fire?" Jax asked, grinning widely.

"NO!" Both Shane and Vaun yelled at the same time.

Not at all disturbed by their vehement denial, Jax tried a different request, "Want me to try to make a portal to Kharanos? I think I can get it this time, instead of the Molten Core."

Shane shuddered at the memory, before responding. "Ah think ah'll start a fire here, an' Vaun can find us tae quickest path to town. You just... make sure nae more of them blue dragons come by."

"I was serious!" The gnome insisted, While Vaun transformed back into a cat and slunk away into the tree line.

"So was ah, laddie. So was ah."


Matt groaned. If he had to put a descriptor to just how horrible he felt right now, even though he was trying to think of anything but, he'd have to say it was as though his whole body had a massive migraine. It wasn't anything in particular that caused him absolute agony; it was the sheer, all-pervasiveness that threaded his entire being together as one, large, lump sum of pain.


This caused Matt to wince sharply, jostling his already delicate constitution and causing him to lose whatever lunch he had left his home dimension with. After he was done heaving his guts out he whispered quietly, "...could you keep it down please...?"

"KEEP WHAT DOWN?" an inquisitive and all-together too cheerful voice asked him. At this point Matt was certain whoever had the voice hated him and wanted him dead, as rather than listen to him, the voice laughed louder. "THIS ONE'S FUNNY, SHANE!"

"Ah thought ah tol' yoo to stay away from 'em, Jax! Yer scaring the wee lad!" Mercifully, the second voice was far, far away from the first, saving Matt another jolt.


The last thing Matt noticed before blacking out again, besides the acrid taste in his mouth, was someone shouting nearby, " all that is holy Jax, do NOT try tae give him somma yer homemade brew!"


This time, his journey from sleep to wakefulness was remarkably different for Matt. Soft, downy sheets enveloped and comforted the weary traveler, cocooning him in a warm embrace of gentle bliss. A score of angel wings laid out for a sleeping mat would not have felt as comfy. Sweet perfume wafted in from the open window and tickled the nose, eliciting a soft sigh of contentment.

"Oh! You're awake."

If the bed had felt like the perfect definition of comfort, the voice that had elected to speak would have been exactly what Matt expected a goddess to sound like. The soft contralto of her voice sent shivers down his spine, prompting him to open his eyes fully.

What greeted Matt's sight was something other than he expected. While the woman wasn't hideous by any definition of the word, she was decidedly... average-looking. Certainly not the picture of loveliness he had mentally envisioned.

"Uh... hi?"

"You poor dears!" the woman exclaimed. "To have wandered out into Dun Morogh dressed like you were. It's lucky that archeologist stumbled into where you were, or else you could have died from the cold!"

"Uh... huh. Um, where did you say we were?" Matt gave the room a quick glance, noting two of the other three beds were filled with Kyle and, much to his surprise, Serenity.

"Dun Morogh," a new voice exclaimed as it's owner walked through the doorway. unlike the not-quite-homely woman with the honeyed-voice, this figure was decidedly short, stout, and hairy. He (and it was definitely male) also didn't look quite as friendly as the woman.

"... when did we get to Disneyland?" Matt asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

Kyle, who had been slowly coming to, recognized the line, and replied, "da-dink dink," before even bothering to open his eyes. Of course, when he did, his smile died down, as shock and surprise replaced mirth.

"What is Disneyland?" Serenity asked, coming to with more grace than the others. Her voice pulled Kyle's shocked stare from the Dwarf to the Queen of the Silver Millennium, and he felt his head spin as it tried to process what it was receiving.

"Where are we?" he asked again, voice barely above a whisper.

Frowning, the Dwarf threw his hands in the air in exasperation. "Ye three are in me Inn, in Kharanos. Which is in Dun Morogh! Didn't ye even know where ye wandered off to?"

before any of the three could respond, he shook his head and spun around towards the door. "Bah! Humans." He grumbled, as he left. "And you three owe me for those beds!" he called back from the hallway outside.

Serenity's eyes widened at she realized something was missing. She clutched at her chest. She whispered, "It's gone."

The sound was so full of dread it drew everyone's attention despite the quietness of the speech. Kyle was the first to respond. "What is?"

With great force of will, the queen drew herself to her full seated height. Her voice wavered and nearly cracked with intensity. "The Silver Crystal has been stolen."

Matt and Kyle's eyes met in identical 'oh shit' looks that they threw to one another. Matt responded, "That does not bode well."

"What's a 'Silver Crystal," the woman who had been standing there the whole time asked.

"It's a crystal. Silver. Actually, more like a big ass diamond," Kyle replied, absentmindedly.

She frowned at that, turning towards Serenity. "This crystal, is it magical in nature?"

Serenity merely nodded, turning to look at her two erstwhile companions. While she trusted them both to a degree, she did not know them, or this place, and the unfamiliarity was disconcerting to one who'd spent so many decades within the white marble halls of the Moon Palace.

However odd they may have been, she knew in her heart they wouldn't have stolen the crystal, and felt a brief flash of shame for having accused them, even in the privacy of her own mind. She started upon realizing that the woman, who's name she didn't even know, had said something.

"Excuse me?" She asked, returning her attention to the world around her.

"I said that the three who found you all were reprimanding one of their companions for his claims to have seen a blue dragon near where you were discovered."

Kyle's shocked look had turned to one of dread. "A... blue dragon... You said we're in Dun Morogh?"

"Indeed. Oh, but where are my manners! I'm Healer's Apprentice Gladys."

"Queen Serenity the Second, of the Silver Millennium," Serenity replied, the habitual response spilling forth despite numerous years since she'd had to use it.

"Uh-huh..." Kyle muttered, wondering how the Healer would take it. "I'm... Kyle. No single profession or trade."

Gladys' stare at Queen Serenity faltered, and she turned to look Kyle over again with a slight frown, having heard similar introductions before. The few who meant precisely that were rather rare, and a somewhat seasoned individual such as herself knew that most who referred to themselves as such tended to be, at best, mercenaries, if not confidence men, or straight-out thieves.

"I'm Guybrush Threepwood, a mighty pirate!" At Kyle's disapproving frown, he amended his statement. "Er, my real name is Matt, and I believe we've gone from Oz straight on into Never Never Land. Sorry about this."

"... Matt... we're in Azeroth." Kyle stated flatly.

"That's beside the point," Matt replied, sliding into a familiar bickering role he'd taken up with Kyle over the years. "I was making an allegory. Sheesh." He paused. "Wait, as in 'wow' Azeroth? That Azeroth?"

Kyle placed a hand over his face and sighed. "... As in Alliance, Horde, Scourge, Burning Legion, and all the trimmings."


"That's what I said."

Matt turned to Serenity with an incredulous expression on his face. "Why would you send us to here of all places?"

Serenity shot back with a piercing stare. "It was not I who forgot they were supposed to be thinking about their home."

He raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Uh, right. My bad."

"So... Why are you here, Highnessness?" Kyle asked, looking somewhat confused.

Serenity frowned. "I was trying to send you two home, when your attention suddenly wavered. At least, I assume it did. At the culmination of my attempt, I felt briefly like something was about to pierce my very soul, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up here..." She trailed off before giving the two calculating looks. "I assume from your lack of mental discipline, that your world has little in the way of magic?"

"Yeah, though you can replace 'little in the way of' with 'absolutely none,'" Kyle replied flatly.

"I see," Serenity replied. No understanding of even the basics of magic, and she'd been so quick to grant their request. She sighed to herself, realizing she had only herself to blame. "You two know of this world, then?" She asked.

Kyle shrugged. "Enough to know that a blue dragon would definitely be interested in the Silver Crystal." he turned to fix Gladys with the most intense stare he could. "Has the Dark portal in the Blasted Lands been re-opened, and contact with the Alliance forces on the far side re-established?"

Gladys was shocked by the conversation the trio had been having, and she was just about to chalk all three up as possible escapees from an asylum when the man in the rightmost bed began asking her detailed questions about the world. "I.. err.. yes. Why?"

Ignoring her query, he continued to press her for information. "Have the Blood Elves rejected Kael'thas Sunstrider as their leader, and Kael himself been defeated near the ruins of the Sunwell on Que'danas?"

Despite the speed with which he asked her, and the odd accent he gave some of the names, she recognized what he was talking about and nodded. "He has fallen, yes, but-"

Kyle cut her off, "-Has Northrend been invaded by Alliance and Horde Forces, and the Blue Dragonflight turned against all mortal magic users?"

She paused, frowning. "I.. Northrend has been visited by Alliance forces, but I don't know if the Horde is venturing north as well. And the blue dragons' aims have always been hard to understand. I've not heard of any war, though." She paused for a moment, waiting to see if any more questions were forthcoming, before frowning. "Now that that interrogation is out of the way, I have to ask if you're either some sort of escaped patient from an asylum, or possibly a seer."

Kyle chuckled, before slipping out of bed to stand up. "Neither," he replied, as he moved to pull on his pants which he hadn't realized had been removed. As he buckled his belt, he turned to look at her over his shoulder and shot her a little smirk. "I'm a level seventy-four Night Elf Rogue. And I do it from behind."

"My word!" The healer exclaimed, shocked by the bizarre claim. "If that's the way you want to be, then fine. I'll be downstairs." She turned and quickly left the room before the last member of their group could make some outlandish claim. Really, a Queen of a time period, and a night elf rogue? "Some people had no respect for healers."

Matt scrunched up his face in disgust and spared a pitying glance at the departing woman's back. "Too much information, Kyle. But you've got a point." He turned to speak directly to Serenity. "Kyle here looks to be waaay more knowledgeable about this place than I am. I only hit level forty-seven myself, as a Paladin, before giving up on the game."

"Game?" Serenity asked.

"Yeah. Where we're from, we've got a lot in the way of entertainment. This... looks to be a physical manifestation of one of them." Matt pointedly did not look at Serenity as he spoke his next few words. "And, about the reason we knew about you, your highness..." He sighed.

"I assume you're about to explain what that 'Sailor Moon' you mentioned before is?" Serenity asked, her voice subdued.

"'s a television show, called 'Sailor Moon' after the title character. Your daughter. Story written by Naoko Takeuchi. It's something we've both seen, and so you can imagine our surprise to wind up meeting you in the flesh." Matt gave his current environs a wary glance. "Of course, we never expected to end up here, either. I suppose this means the multiverse theory is true."

"Superstring?" Kyle asked idly, glancing out the window and wondering if a couple dollars and a quarter would be enough to buy a warmer jacket. That snow looked a little colder than his button-up summer shirt could handle.

"Trans-dimensional fictional realities," Matt corrected.

"I was being a smart-ass," Kyle responded, flatly, turning to fix Matt with a glare. Then he grinned. "At least we have a queen here. Surely you have some gold to help prepare us for the upcoming challenges?" He asked the Queen.

Serenity raised a dainty brow in his direction. "If you knew anything about nobility, you'd know we rarely, if ever, deal directly with finances. And in case you hadn't realized it, I'm rather lacking pockets."

Kyle repressed a laugh, and a very vulgar rebuttal, merely nodding at her and holding his hands up apologetically. "I stand corrected, your worshipfulness."

"And with that, I vote we take our leave of this place," Matt said as he grabbed his own pants to slip on. "I don't know about either of you, but I don't want to stay here a minute longer than we have to. Just thinking about all those undead on the Horde side gives me the heebie-jeebies. I have never, ever wanted to encounter zombies in real life."

Kyle frowned. "We're in an alliance newbie area. the chances of a Horde anything coming here is a million to one."

"And our chances to be transported into a TV show, then a video game? What were those?" Matt asked sarcastically.

Kyle opened his mouth to respond, then shut it with an audible snap.

Serenity, for her part, was beginning to grow worried. "And where will you go, here in a world you once only knew as entertainment?"

Both men stopped on their way to the door, realizing she had a point.

Serenity nodded at them, slipping out of her bed and standing proud in the room, apparently her silver dress replaced with a nightgown of some sort. It was hardly queen-material, but far more concealing than what Matt and Kyle had been wearing in bed, and her dress was hanging in a nearby cabinet. "if you two would give me a moment," she stated, causing them to turn their backs to her.

"If you'd like to return to your world at all, and, at the same time, avoid condemning everyone in mine to a rather harrowing period of loss and possible civil war, I have a proposal for you two," she stated as the rustle of cloth in the background punctuated her quick change. Normally she had handmaidens to help her don her clothes, and she worried briefly about the lack of cosmetics or simple hygiene products, but with minimal effort, she was back in her gown, and turned to look at the two once more.

"You may turn around, now," she stated, to which they did. "As I was saying," she continued, "you two both seem to know this world and the obvious intricacies involved in dealing with its inhabitants. Would you be willing to assist me in retrieving the Silver Crystal from whoever has stolen it?"

Kyle looked at Matt and shrugged. "I've got nothing better to do."

"Seems like a good idea to me," Matt replied. He turned to Serenity and saluted, fist over heart. "You have my sword, milady!"

Serenity gave him a slow, calculated look. "What sword?"

Matt grinned sheepishly. "Uh, you know... in the metaphorical sense." He nodded towards the exit. "Let's go out and find one. And hopefully a shield to boot. Something tells me there's going to be a lot of fighting before all this is over."

"We could always ask a trainer to teach us. I wouldn't mind learning how to stealth," Kyle suggested.

"Becoming invulnerable for short periods of time appeals to me," Matt agreed.

"It's settled then," spoke Serenity with a certain cheer that had been lacking minutes before. "You shall learn the ways of this world, recover my crystal, and return home safely."

Kyle shook his head. "What's this 'you' stuff, highness? We're in this together. I hope you have some understanding of your magic, because you're going to have to learn, just as we are."

Serenity looked a little taken aback by this, before giving a little sniff and shrugging it off. "I may not have the Silver Crystal, but my abilities aren't too hindered. If magic works the same way here as it does in my domain, I should be able to assist you two quite handily."

Kyle gave her an overt, obvious look over, from head-to-toe and back, before nodding once, sharply. "Yeah. Healer. Just don't let the DPS die, please."

"If the tank dies, it's the healer's fault; if the healer dies, it's the tank's fault; if the DPS dies, it's the DPS' fault," Matt intoned sagely.

"... You're going to be a ret-pally, I just know it. You're already annoying me," Kyle said, darkly, before turning to Serenity. "So, we have a deal? We're to be a team? A party? Each helping the other for a unified goal?"

Serenity nodded, smirking slightly at his choice of words, "You'd do well in court. You can politic with the best of them, it seems."

Kyle shrugged. "We each have our gifts. Are we agreed?" he asked, holding out his hand.

Serenity looked down at his hand, then over at Matt, who was doing the same.

Matt just smiled. "Shake on it. It's how we do things... where we come from."

Serenity nodded, and took his hand, surprised at first at the strength of the grip, before matching it. He pumped his hand once, and released her, and she turned to Kyle next, repeating the process.

"Well, that's much more civil than signing things in blood," Serenity stated dryly.

Kyle blinked in surprise. "You do that?"

Serenity smiled mischievously, "It's the only way to make sure things are truly binding where I come from."

"Well there's one thing I'm not sad to see go," Kyle mumbled. Turning to the door, he glanced at the others in his party, and shrugged. "Shall we?"

Matt nodded. "Lets!"

Serenity nodded. "Indeed, we shall." And before the others could say more, she left the room, Matt and Kyle following, as they began their quest for the Silver Crystal.