Cheap recommendations please!


Random phantom.
Well, cheap is relative, but for now focus on individual books and not collections.

I'm looking for something new to read. It's been a while since I've read something that isn't mangá, fanfiction, or my own creation, and if nothing else it's made me bitter towards much of writing. I mean, the last books I've bought are the Assassin's Creed novels and Ready Player One, hardly the most varied of sources. [Also, "Ouro, Fogo & Megabytes", but nobody knows this one and it proves my point.]

So, I'd like some recommendations on things which are good and don't require sequels just yet.


Well-Known Member
In the category of cheap, fairly short and very very fun I'll recommend Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain.

Penelope Akk wants to be a superhero. She's got superhero parents. She's got the ultimate mad science power, filling her life with crazy gadgets even she doesn't understand. She has two super powered best friends. In middle school, the line between good and evil looks clear.

In real life, nothing is that clear. All it takes is one hero's sidekick picking a fight, and Penny and her friends are labeled supervillains. In the process, Penny learns a hard lesson about villainy: She's good at it.

Criminal masterminds, heroes in power armor, bottles of dragon blood, alien war drones, shape shifters and ghosts, no matter what the super powered world throws at her, Penny and her friends come out on top. They have to. If she can keep winning, maybe she can clear her name before her mom and dad find out.
Its a really fun, energetic and light super hero story. Not a dull moment and over following with fun imagination. It doesn't have Worm's deep plot or dark development but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The novel tells a complete story. There is a sequel on the way but its a ) not out yet and b ) of the 'further adventures of' style of sequel, not part 2 of the book style.

The digital version is $4.92 on Amazon. I have some other cheep ebook recs if you want more or would you rather focus on physical books?


Random phantom.
Physicals please. I prefer those, myself [because I don't use iPads or such devices for ebooks, which seems to be the only way to get them sometimes].


California Crackpot
Sorry for the necro, but I just got a Nook GlowLight Plus for Christmas, and was looking for some recs for free or really cheap ($5 and under) e-books, preferably crime (a la Ed McBain), mystery, or horror (like Stephen King, or Peter Straub). Or sci-fi, and anthologies.

(Sorry to be so greedy, but it's been awhile since I've been to the library, and I always end up choosing stuff at random...)