Code Geass Random Ideas Thread


Well-Known Member
You know, I have the feeling that if I had Lelouch's Geass, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from trying to break it with semantics.

If I ordered somebody to "Fry," would they find some way to die by overheating, or would they become a fry cook?

If I ordered "beat it," would they just leave? Does Geass react to intentions?

How about ordering somebody to "go f**k yourself?"

How about ordering somebody to "shave?" Would they just trim their beard? Other body hair? Or would they open a barber shop that only does buzz cuts?


Well-Known Member
If you ordered someone to beat it they would either watch porn or dance to a Michael Jackson song.

In the anime, could people see the red rings around peoples eyes when they had been geassed?

Also, could people actually see a Geass (Lelouch/Charles/Rolo/etc's eyes) when it is activated? Or does it look like a normal eye.

I researched both these questions and could find nothing indicating either way. If I were to go by what I remember, I would say no to both, but I don't have the time to watch every episode to make sure.

Anyone say any differently? I seem to remember C.C. acting like she saw Lelouch's geass was stuck on after he killed Euphy, but maybe she can see geass because of who she is? And I also seem to recall Lelouch reacting like he saw the Emperor's geass.

Any thoughts?
As far as the rings around peoples' eyes, I don't think there was ever anything to indicate that other people could see them, since everyone seemed to respond to those people as they would have normally. For seeing Geass when it is activated, I think probably they could, since I'm pretty sure Lelouch did react to the Emperor's Geass and remembering how Mao pulled down his sunglasses to show his to Lelouch. But since those are the only ones I can remember, it might even be because Lelouch had Geass that he could see that others had it.


Well-Known Member
As far as we know, the red rings were for the viewer's benefit only since there is no sign anyone in-universe could actually see them.

Pretty sure you could see the Geass when it was activated though.
So it seems consensus is that the red rings are for the viewers benefit (which is my assumption as well).

I think people with Geass being able to see other peoples Geass makes sense as well (with the examples mentioned above).

In season 1, episode 3 (found it on youtube to check as an example) when Lelouch questions Kallen, he gives her two orders with his Geass out that don't effect her and she takes no notice of his eye. She was looking right at him and his geass was out for a while, so this leads me to the assumption normal people can't see it. Unless someone can think of an example of someone without a geass (or C.C./V.V.) seeing a geass, I think I'm going to work under that assumption.
Slave to my muse said:
So it seems consensus is that the red rings are for the viewers benefit (which is my assumption as well).

I think people with Geass being able to see other peoples Geass makes sense as well (with the examples mentioned above).

In season 1, episode 3 (found it on youtube to check as an example) when Lelouch questions Kallen, he gives her two orders with his Geass out that don't effect her and she takes no notice of his eye. She was looking right at him and his geass was out for a while, so this leads me to the assumption normal people can't see it. Unless someone can think of an example of someone without a geass (or C.C./V.V.) seeing a geass, I think I'm going to work under that assumption.
Wasn't that guy Mao met with able to see the Geass symbol in his eyes? And I think Shirley too maybe...? :huh.:
The guy he blackmailed to sell him what I think was a gun but I'm not sure they ever showed? I think he had his visor thing on the whole time. Same with Shirley, but there was a thing where they showed his Geass to the viewer, but it was while she was freaking out and sobbing on the ground.
Didn't he lower the visor with the gun guy, causing him to gasp in surprise? It's been a while since I watched the episode, so maybe I'm just not remembering it correctly?


Well-Known Member
I looked over Geass vs Geass and Cheering Mao for you guys. The scene cuts away both times after Mao shows his geass (and in Shirley's case, its still behind the visor), so it could be taken either way, the gunshop man was scared because Mao started pointing out about the fact that he sells guns to the Black Knights.
Leonite said:
I looked over Geass vs Geass and Cheering Mao for you guys. The scene cuts away both times after Mao shows his geass (and in Shirley's case, its still behind the visor), so it could be taken either way, the gunshop man was scared because Mao started pointing out about the fact that he sells guns to the Black Knights.
Thank you. That eased any doubts I had. And saved me the time of doing it myself.


Well-Known Member
Ok, heres an idea brought along by Super Robot Wars Z Saisei-Hen: What if Euphimea didn't die, but due to the geass, went into hiding, trying to use her own force of will to break it before she returns?

(Yes, Euphie lives in one of the storyline branches. Its the same branch in which the Black Knights don't turn on Lelouch in the end, and so Zero Requiem never happens. I think you still get to use Suzaku though)


Well-Known Member
It would be abit hard to write something based on a plot that hasn't been written in English.


Well-Known Member
Even though the court doesn't really care about the death of Empress Marianne, some of them are starting to wonder how a terrorist group could penetrate so far into palace grounds to accomplish it. After all, if they did it once, they could do it again. So the Emperor decides to come up with a scapegoat to explain the breach in security and make his courtiers think the problem has been solved: The commander of Marianne's security detail, Cornelia Li Brittannia, whose men were conspicuously absent that day.

Since she has no proof for her claim that the Empress ordered her to stand down on that day other than her own word, a kangaroo court-martial quickly finds her guilty. Disgraced for criminal negligence at best and branded a traitor at worst, she barely manages go escape from the capitol.

She knows that the only way to prove she had nothing to do with Marianne's death is to find conclusive proof that someone else is responsible. With her faithful knight as her sole remaining ally, she sets out to discover what really happened the day Marianne the Flash died.


Well-Known Member
Cornelia is not the type of women to have only one ally. We know her teahcer would follow her, as would anyone who has ever served under her. Honestly, a good portion of the elites would follow her.


Well-Known Member
And what would Lelouch do?

Has he already been banished? Mayhap Cornelia would take him/be joined by him?

Or would Lelouch eat up the Emperor's words and swear revenge on Cornelia specifically?

Maybe he does that, and meets her years later, only to learn the truth and join her?

There are so many possibilities.
Idea: There is no way to create new geass, C.C. could only give Leleuch her original geass.

Idea: Found this pic in the image thread
The problem with the second one is, unless you use it as a bases for a Gundam/Macross/ect. crossover, you have to write an entire cast of OC's, and if you're going to do that, you might as well just write Original Fiction instead.


Well-Known Member
Something that would make a great omake:

Milly has finally succeeded in making a giant pizza at the school festival. And then, just as she celebrates her victory, a certain green-haired witch charges in and eats the entire thing all by herself.

It's not like it wouldn't be in character for C.C. to try, at the very least.


Well-Known Member
I....guess? I mean, she would have to literally have a bottomless stomach in order to even mar that pizza, on top of blatantly revealing herself.

I suppose I just don't find the pizza obsession funny or whatever else it's supposed to be - other than Pizza Hut's sponsorship money animated.


Well-Known Member
She never had an "obsession", it has been over emphasized in fanon.

The only thing good that came from the Pizza Hut sponsorship was a short timed event with some random pizza combinations that they had once upon a time. That and Cheese-kun.


Well-Known Member
She certainly was willing to risk her cover to go out for the pizza and it was her trademark food. Obsession? Maybe not but C.C. loves the stuff.


Well-Known Member
Her oft present Cheese-kun, many of the lighthearted episodes eventually involving it, the drama CDs, her amnesia.... Outside of the plot-related obsessions, it's as an obsession as it gets.