Completed Fanfiction


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Counts of Blood the Sesame St/BTVS crossover has been completed. Excellent read.


Well-Known Member
I HATE! completed fanfictions.

If a fic isnt completed at least there's always hope for more. I want more interesting characters! More plot! More laughs!

A completed fic is the end of that. I consider a completed fic to have been killed.
I generally don't even read them because I know when its going to finish and how long I have left of enjoyment.

Totally kills it for me.



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W1 is apparently a fan of arcs that drag on forever?


Well-Known Member
MangoPDK said:
W1 is apparently a fan of arcs that drag on forever?
If someone is a bad enough writer that they can't control pace and plot to make a fic interesting for decently long period of time, then they arent an Author I can be bothered to read.

I'll be perfectly happy reading my 200k word fic that has monthly updates to feed my desire for more, and leave you guys to your dead fics that will never grow.


Well-Known Member
So if someone controls the pace and the plot to make a fic interesting for decently long period of time, but ends it, you don't like it?


KING (In Land of Blind)
Staff member
WizardOne said:
I'll be perfectly happy reading my 200k word fic that has monthly updates to feed my desire for more, and leave you guys to your dead fics that will never grow.
I bet you check the newspaper every day to read the new Peanuts


Well-Known Member
daniel_gudman said:
WizardOne said:
I'll be perfectly happy reading my 200k word fic that has monthly updates to feed my desire for more, and leave you guys to your dead fics that will never grow.
I bet you check the newspaper every day to read the new Peanuts
I don't.

(But I can see where you might get the idea)

I wonder how many people would have enjoyed peanuts if it'd finished after half a year of serialisation?

Probably a LOT less.

@Zeebee: Obviously the author wasnt able to/didn't desire to continue making the fic interesting, so he ended it. Why is this considered a good thing? The fun is now OVER.
I can't understand the mentality where people want their enjoyment to end, for a sense of completion? Even a dead fic is preferrable to a complete fic. There's always a chance that the author will come back and post another chapter in a year or something.

I have no objection to serial completed fics, IE: The author writes 120k words, finishes up on some note or other and gives a sense of completion, then writes the sequel.