Correcting Past Mistakes, Facing New Pains


Well-Known Member
Tattoos glowing, Aang passed through the familiar forms of Earthbending that Toph had hammered into him. It had been just a few short months since he had defeated Ozai, and it was the first time the Three Nations had let him go.

While things appeared to be stable to the populace, the post war world was rife with dissent and instability. Factions within each nation squabbled and fought over how to best restore order and balance, and in far too many cases, how to extract revenge upon the Fire Nation.

The Water Tribe was by far the calmest, but even they argued constantly. The Northern Tribe, having remained untouched for most of the war, had no real grudge against the Fire Nation, save Arnook's grief at the death of his daughter. The Southern Tribe had a vastly different view, having been victimized for decades, and their waterbenders imprisoned within the depth of the Fire Nation. The deaths of their friends of family still hung heavily on them, and many of them cried for blood as penance.

The Earth Kingdoms were as fragmented as ever, as hundreds of nobles from across their vast country convened and argued without end. Each noble sought to better his position as much as possible, regardless of the expense to others, be they former enemies or fellow countrymen. The Earth King of Ba Sing Se, despite his journeys across his home, remained detached, secure in his bubble domain behind the unbeatable walls. King Bumi's madness only intensified arguments, as his policies reeked of insanity, despite their effectiveness. Some of the Earth Generals, freed form the omnipresent threat of the Fire Nation, separated from the military in a bid to form their own states, and possess the coveted title of King.

While not as fragmented as the Earth Kingdom, the situation within the Fire Nation was the worst by far. Many of the citizens, after a century of glorious battle and victory, wee unhappy with the end of their expansion. While none were foolish enough to challenge the Avatar, especially with Sozin's comet a century away, they nonetheless were against the idea of peace with the supposedly weaker nations, and would gladly overthrow their new Fire Lord, who had usurped the thrown from the chosen heir, Azula. Many of the military leaders were already searching for the location of their favored lord and his chosen heir, and it was only a matter of time before they were found. Whether they would use them as a rallying point to start a revolution, or as evidence for the passing of the Mandate to spark a civil war remained unknown, but the Fire Nation was doomed to fall into anarchy until Zuko or some other leader could forcibly take control.

Even ignoring the conflicts of man, the Spirit World and the Balance had been severely tested over the century of war, and Aang needed to attend to them as well. While nothing had been resolved, the endless debates and arguments had fallen into a lull, giving him the opportunity to focus on the Spirit World. If he was lucky, he would be able to fix both World with the information within Wan Shi Tong's library.

Even with the Avatar State, lifting a complex of this size was formidable, and it took all of his effort to raise it from the depths of the desert. Knowing that Wan Shi Tong would most likely sink it again, Aang inhaled deeply, and forcefully expelled a blast of flame, sweeping it below the revived library, converting the sand beneath it into a massive sheet of glass. Aang paused for a moment, both to catch his breath and let the glass cool, before unfolding his glider and soaring across the sea of glass towards the library.

--- --- --- --- ---

ôAvatar.ö Wan Shi Tong;s booming voice filled the entrance hall. Though he had only said a single word, he managed to convey everything he wanted to say to Aang with no difficulty.

ôWan Shi Tong, it is good to see you again.ö Aang bowed.

ôYou are not permitted to enter. You ignored my rules when you last came here, and I will not give you the opportunity to break them again.ö

ôI come here because it is a matter of grave importance, and I will not allow your desires to stop me from doing my duty.ö

Wan Shi Tong glared at the Avatar, before continuing, ôI see you have fully realized your potential. While it would be foolish to face you, I will not allow you to use my knowledge for war.ö

ôYou don't have to worry about that. The war has ended, and now I only seek to restore the balance.ö

ôAm I to trust the word of a known liar?ö

ôI lied to you out of necessity, but now I have no need to lie. The Worlds are out of balance, and unless we do something to restore it, the damage of the past one hundred years will destroy them both. If you wish for your library to remain intact, you will let me pass.ö

Wan Shi Tong sighed unhappily, ôVery well Avatar. Even from beneath the desert, I can feel the imbalance of this world, and to prevent you from fixing it would be foolish.ö

ôThank you, Wan Shi Tong.ö

ôHowever,ö the spirit interrupted, ôshould I discover that you have abused this knowledge a second time, I will hunt you down and make you an example for all others who would dare corrupt knowledge for their dark ambitions.ö

Aang didn't respond verbally, merely bowing respectfully before proceeding into the depths of the library.

---- ---- ----

Aang didn't know how long he spent within the library, searching through the thousands upon thousands of books, gathering those few he felt could be useful into a small study, before venturing out to find more. Before long, the room was nearly filled with his collected tomes and scrolls, and Aang settled down to read them in earnest.

As much as it pained him, Aang took no shortcuts. He read each and every word with care, making sure he missed nothing. He often scribbled short notes or references on a blank scroll, and frequently cross referenced material in order to make sure his information was complete and accurate.

It was nearly two months before Aang found what he had been looking for and more, and it was with a grudging respect that Wan Shi Tong bid him farewell. Now that he was armed with the knowledge he needed, Aang knew what he had to do, the only real way to restore balance.

--- --- --- ---

In his absence, as expected, things had declined. What was unexpected however, was that they had also gotten better. Without the Avatar to act as a buffer, many factions had had the opportunity to lay into one another in earnest, which had proven extremely cathartic. The additional chaos had provoked both Earth Kings into action, and the Earth Kingdom had solidified into a unified, albeit unruly, whole.

The Water Tribes had managed to settle down into a state of calm, and had negotiated for the release of the captive waterbenders. While many of them were still fanatically opposed to the Fire Nation, many others were relieved to simply be reunited with family long thought lost.

The Fire Nation was radically different, as Zuko had enlisted Iroh's help in reuniting the sentiments of the people. While several generals and admirals had indeed been plotting to overthrow him, Iroh's information network was extensive enough to root them out and crush them before they had a chance to make their move. While many citizens of the Fire Nation were still against Zuko, there was little likelihood of a legitimate threat occurring for quite some time.

Once Aang learned of all that had happened, he began to reconsider. The world was slowly returning to equilibrium, the Three Nations were moving closer to peace and order, however minutely, and with the right guidance, could very well recover in time.

However, no matter how much they worked, they would never restore the Air Nomads to their former glory, and the dragons and sky bison were all but extinct. Regardless of his hopes, he knew that there was only one viable course and he had to steel himself to take it, no matter what it cost him.

---- ---- ----
Goodbye to the Gaang Here

ôAang! Where have you been?!ö Katara shouted as soon as he came into sight.

ôYeah, things have been crazy since you disappeared.ö Sokka commented.

ôSorry, I had to take care of some things.ö

ôWhat kind of things?! The world nearly fell apart while you were gone!ö

ôI'm sorry, but it was important, and things seemed to work out on their own this time.ö

ôWhat could be so important that you disappear again?!ö

ôI dug up Wan Shi Ting's library. I had to do some research on the Spirit World.ö

ôYou dug it up?! How did you manage that!?!ö Sokka exlaimed, clearly shocked.

ôDuh, he's the Avatar.ö Toph spoke up, mocking the swordsman. ôlifting up something like that would be easy for him.ö

ôYeah, it's not like you could do it.ö Sokka replied.

ôWHAT WAS THAT!?!ö Toph screamed at him.

ôWhat, is the greatest earth bender afraid of losing her title?ö

ôYou should think before you speak Snoozles.ö Toph retorted, as she bent the earth out from under him, sending the water tribe warrior crashing to the ground.


ôGuys, settle down. Let Aang say what he found.ö Katara reprimanded.

ôFine, fine.ö

ôWell, like I said, I was doing research, on similar events to see how we could resolve the conflicts. I also looked into the Spirits to see if there was anything I could do to help their world.ö

ôAnd? Did you find anything?ö

ôActually... yeah.ö Aang sighed, ôI found a way to fix everything.ö

ôThat's great Aang!ö Katra exclaimed.

ôIf it's so great, then why do you sound so down?ö Sokka asked, having picked up on Aang's melancholy mindset.

ôThe cost to fix it... is pretty high, and I wasn't sure if I could go through with it, especially since things seem to be settling down.ö

ôHow high?ö Sokka asked suspiciously.

ôDon't worry, it's not like it'll kill me or something. It's just... this will take a long time to do. I might not see you guys for awhile.ö

ôOh.ö Katatar uttered.

ôWell, I guess that's not too bad. We'll see each other again, right?ö

ôYeah, you're right.ö Aang responded, forcing a smile on his face.

ôWell, if you're going away, why not have a party?ö

ôYeah! A party!ö

ôThat sounds great guys.ö Aang smiled, allowing him to be drawn into the planning of a makeshift going away party.

He was going to miss them.

---- ---- ----

Assuming a meditative pose, Aang marveled at how easy it had become to cross between worlds. While before it had taken a spiritually connected place or outside effort, now he could pass between the two with just a few short minutes of intense concentration and meditation.

As Aang entered into the Spirit World, he was once again amazed at the difference between the two worlds. He took a long moment to simply embrace the wonder this world evoked.

ôHello Aang.ö

ôAvatar Roku, it's good to see you again.ö Aang greeted his past life, bowing.

ôI know what brings you top the Spirit World. Are you sure about this course? The balance will be stored, in time.ö

Aang nodded, ôI know that. Eventually, the balance will be restored, but that won't return the lives lost during the war, it won't heal the wounds that it inflicted, and it certainly won't revive the Air Nomads.ö

ôAang, this isn't necessary to revive the Air Nomads. There is still one remaining, and there are others who have already begun to learn the art of airbending.ö

ôThat's not enough. There are centuries of Air Nomad culture and lore that have been lost. I barely learned a fraction of it before I was frozen, and most of it was destroyed by the Fire Nation. Besides, reviving the Air Nomads the way you say...ö Aang trailed off, blushing, ôI know what that involves, and I couldn't do that to Katara, I'd lose her forever!ö

ôYou'll lose her if you go through with this.ö Roku countered.

Aang sighed, ôI know that, but if I'm going to lose her no matter what I do, I want her to be happy. Her mother would never have died if I had prevented the war.ö

ôSo it seems you've thought this through. I'm very proud of you Aang. You've grown so much since we first spoke.ö Roku responded, nodding in acquiescence. ôVery well, I shall take you to see the Spirit who commands time.ö

ôThank you, Roku.ö Aang replied, though he couldn't keep a trace of regret out of his reply.

--- --- ---

The spirit of time was found in a seemingly endless desert, filled with shifting sands and ever changing dunes. Unlike the deserts he had experienced, the sand here was some sort of crystal, creating a myriad of mirages whenever a gust of wind passed by. They were gone as quickly as they formed, but Aang could swear he saw people and places he knew.

Pushing those thought aside, Aang continued deeper into the endless sands. Hours seemed to pass, before he found his way into the Spirit's Lair.

The cavern was filled with hourglasses, the sand within them flowing down, up, sideways, going in all directions with no apparent rhyme or reason behind it.


Aang bowed in respect, ôI have come to ask for your help.ö

I KNOW. The spirit responded, it towered over Aang, its true form hidden behind a shiftless cloak, only shadows of it were visible. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ASK?

ôYes. The balance has been disrupted, perhaps damaged beyond repair. I seek to return to a time before all of this occurred, and prevent it from happening.ö


ôI understand them as well as I can.ö


There was no flash of light, no screaming sound. Reality simply vanished as it was unwrought.

---- ---- ----

The sound of Appa's bellowing was the first thing Aang noticed. Shaking himself, Aang felt recognition flood his mind as he took in his surroundings, the Southern Air Temple in pristine condition. For a moment, Aang couldn't bring himself to believe that it had actually worked, and spoke to his lifelong companion.

ôWhat do you think Appa, did it work, or is this just a strange dream?ö

Appa merely growled in response, leaving Aang to interpret what he meant.

ôI'm sure that it worked. This is a second chance for me to do what's right, and save the world from its fate. I just hope I'm up to the task...ö

Aang continued to reflect on what was to come for some time, before a shout disturbed him from his thoughts.


Aang jerked in surprise, having almost forgotten what his guardian and mentor sounded like. His shocked state only grew as he looked up, seeing Gyatso out of breath for the first time. For one of the Airbending masters, who had mastered movement of all forms, to be out of breath meant that he had pushed himself to his limits, moving as fast as he could to catch Aang before he disappeared.

ôGyatso...ö Aang murmured, unable to completely accept that he was standing before him.

Gyatso responded by kneeling, and grabbing Aang in a tight hug. ôAang, I will never let them take you away from me.ö he spoke, reassuring the young Avatar that

As Gyatso embraced Aang, Aang allowed himself to feel the full weight of his decision come crashing down, safe in the knowledge that it would be passed off as relief of staying with his guardian. For the first time in what felt like forever, and would most likely be among the last, Aang allowed himself to be a child, and cried.

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Wow, this is about three times longer than any other first chapter I've written, most clock in a little under 1000 words, with this standing at a bit over 2700. I think I've grown.

The start of an idea where Aang goes back in time to prevent the war. The following chapters will be set 100 years later as Aang meets his friends for the first time... again.

I'm thinking about adding in a chapter where Aang deals with the world 100 years ago, but I;m not sure if it's necessary or if it would be pointless.

Let me know if any of the scenes could use some work. I feel I kinda forced a few bits, and if it shows, I'd like to go back and fix them.

Any idea on what to name the Time Spirit would also be great. I suck at naming things. -_- I guess the same goes for the title.


Well-Known Member
I think you need a chapter where Aang crushes the Firelord's ambition.

Suzon attacking to find a FULLY REALIZED Avatar would be amusing as hell.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. The complexities of this type of time-travel are really going to bite hard. You've got a much smaller cast to work with (meaning OC's), the problem of Aang directly ending the war with as little damage as possible (difficult, with Sozin having already expanded into Earth Kingdom territories), and how to handle Aang/Gyatso relationship (so wrong in my head).

Still, it's a good start you have, and I wish you the best.


Well-Known Member
I think you should drop the part about the balance fixing itself. Since he doesn't need to do this he comes off as a kid who doesn't realise what he's risking.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
I think you should drop the part about the balance fixing itself. Since he doesn't need to do this he comes off as a kid who doesn't realise what he's risking.
I guess I bungled that a bit. I meant to show that while the world was slowly getting closer to balance, it would never be completely fixed.

The dragons have a 50% chance of being on their last generation, and even if they match, they will degrade due to inbreeding. The Sky Bisons will be extinct when Appa dies. The Air Nomad culture has taken a serious blow, and a lot of their traditions and lore are lost. While the wounds for the war will heal, there will be scars.


Well-Known Member
You made the part about scars clear, but scars can heal over. You focussed to much on the loss of Air Nomad traditions and not the loss of air benders. Since you mentioned other air benders Aang doesn't even need to have a harem and lose Katara. The way you wrote it made it sound like it would take a long time for the world to fix itself. I think it would be better if you say something along the lines that the problem is about the spirit realm, and how a century of warfare through the use of the spirits changed everything.


Well-Known Member
I agree with zeebee.

At the moment, Aang going back in time to prevent the war from happening seems needless. The political situation will resolve itself with time, and even the damage to the Spirit World can be healed with time, as shown during that episode where the Spirit Panda went on a rampage, only to be appeased by Aang and the fact that the forest the Fire Nation had burned down will grow back.

I think you should add a good, a really good reason for Aang to make this decision. You mentioned that Aang goes back in time because of the damage done to the Spirit World, but, as I said, that damage was never that extensive in canon. You need to show us this damage, instead of just having Aang tell us about it in a few short sentences.

I'm also not sure whether Appa really is the last sky bison. I, personally, don't think so. There are probably a handful of sky bison still in a zoo or a circus somewhere. And dragons are mythical creatures. As such, it is up for debate how much things like genetics and inbreeding apply to them. I also had the impression that dragons were a pretty rare species even one hundred years ago.

I also think it's strange that nobody seemed to pick up on Aang's anxiety over his decision. They seemed to me to accept it a little too readily. I'd expect at least Katara to needle him about this way to restore balance he found until he tells her what he's planning to do.

Then there's the fact that Aang going back in time seems to erase the reality he's living in, in a way killing everyone he knows. I just have a hard time imagining Aang going through with his plan, when he knows that all his friends, all the people alive will just be erased from existence. It seems a very out of character thing to do for the one boy who values life so much that he even refused to kill Ozai.

There really needs to be a better reasoning behind this. Maybe show the spirits in the spirit world going insane and dying, or the spirit world itself dying. And without the spirit world the "real" world will die too. Something like that.


Well-Known Member
I also agree. You need to indicate that the apparent peace is just the calm before the storm.

Say, for example, that all save the strongest spirits of air and water have died or gone mad, leaving not a scar, but a festering wound, while other spirits, foul and nameless, gorged themselves on the bloodlust and suffering the war brought, but now they hunger. This hasn't been reflected in the mortal world, yet, but only because the link between the worlds has grown weak in the Avatar's absence. It's a link that must be restored to full strength, lest people be born soulless, but restoring it will infect the mortal world with the madness loose in the spirit world.

The precise details don't really matter, but the threat definitely must be grave enough to drive Aang to these lengths.
Nothing more to add. I agree with the above.


Well-Known Member
As a suggestion for the title: Even A Bent Clock is Right Twice.

Would Aang's friends even still exist after a hundred years of him mucking around the timeline? They'd almost certainly be quite different from his memories of them.


Well-Known Member
Hm... interesting title you offer, though I'm not sure if it would fit. Mind giving an explanation to the reasoning behind it?

As per Time Travel Rules, everyone important still exists/is alive.

Here's a short list of people who change or stay the same. I'll probably expand the list some as I think of more people to add. If I missed anyone, let me know.

People who change:

People who stay the same:


Well-Known Member
It would be difficult for Iroh to stay the same. His son won't die in the now averted war, and he'll most likely be Fire Lord, both of which are major changes.


Well-Known Member
zerohour said:
Hm... interesting title you offer, though I'm not sure if it would fit. Mind giving an explanation to the reasoning behind it?
it's a riff on the old saying that even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

The alteration here refers to the fact that Aang is bending time and the twice would reflect the two seperate timelines resulting.


Well-Known Member
And a clock that goes backwards is right *four* times a day.

Not sure if its relevant, just felt compelled to add that.


Well-Known Member
Carandol said:
It would be difficult for Iroh to stay the same. His son won't die in the now averted war, and he'll most likely be Fire Lord, both of which are major changes.
That's why there's a question mark after Iroh's name. I don' think his personality would change very much, but he would be Fire Lord and probably happier since Lu Ten would still be alive, which is bound to affect him to some degree.


Well-Known Member
Presuming, of course, that Iroh or his son exist in the new world. You could say Aang's past and future have gotten intertwined but that sounds like it's causing more problems for the world.


Well-Known Member
zerohour said:
Carandol said:
It would be difficult for Iroh to stay the same. His son won't die in the now averted war, and he'll most likely be Fire Lord, both of which are major changes.
That's why there's a question mark after Iroh's name. I don' think his personality would change very much, but he would be Fire Lord and probably happier since Lu Ten would still be alive, which is bound to affect him to some degree.
That makes no sense to me. For all appearances, Iroh was the dutiful prince of the Fire Nation before his son died. He was a general and war hero in the Fire Nation army, laid siege to Ba Sing Se for 600 days, and only gave up on all that when his son died.

While he may not have been quite as radical or drastic in his beliefs as Ozai, Azulon, or Sozin, he still must have been pretty loyal to them and supportive of their goal to conquer the world so they may share the Fire Nation's wealth.

He might have just played along, biding his time until his father died and he became the new Fire Lord, when he would have been able to change the Fire Nation's course to one more in line with the philosophy of the White Lotus, but that doesn't really fit in with the fact that he laid siege to the Earthkingdom capital for 600 (!!!!) days.

I think the death of his son changed Iroh's character drastically. It's been said in canon that he was a broken man after that, and I could imagine him drifting for years, travelling through the world, maybe even trying to kill himself (which would explain his experience with the spirit world) until he got back on his feet. This would also explain why he's so patient with Zuko: Iroh had to go through pretty much the same until he ended up where he is during Avatar canon.
But Iroh also didn't kill the last dragons like he was supposed to do. I think the loss of his son pushed Iroh over the edge in just how much war he could handle. Also he was probably looking towards the time when he could be the Fire Lord to curtail some of the worse stuff the Fire Nation did. The only difference I think we'd see is that Iroh would be more willing to go into a fight then avoiding one completely.


Well-Known Member
wingthesword said:
So Zerohour are you gonna continue this?
Its moments like this I wish I had the power to give people Cancer over the internet.


Well-Known Member
Psyckosama said:
wingthesword said:
So Zerohour are you gonna continue this?
Its moments like this I wish I had the power to give people Cancer over the internet.
Maybe I'll try next week. Right now I'm too busy with Math and Philosophy work.


Well-Known Member
It hasn't even been two months since the last post before mine, and it was still on the first page.(There's only one page so it would be impossible for it not to be, so it's not a necro, chill.)


Well-Known Member
All that's required for a necro is for the thread to have been dead for a sufficient amount of time, and for a post to add nothing new to the conversation. If the only point is to ask if someone intends to continue this then it can be done easily with a pm.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm pretty sure it needs to be at least a year for something to be considered a necro.