Naruto Crimson Madness


Well-Known Member
Well I got bored recently and decided to try a hand at making my own fanfic, I wanted to get your opinions on it. I think it's crap, oh noes, Shinji-Ikari syndrome!

Prologue : Crimson Moonlight

Crimson... blood?

Crimson liquids stain the walls and ceiling of the tiny room, slowly it drips and mingles with the puddle next to the body.

Golden yellow... hair?

A body littered with cuts and gashes large and small writhes in agony on the floor, the crimson liquid slowly flows from the heap of human flesh.

"Remove it's legs and arms! Who knows what a demon like it could do!", a flurry of fists bruise it's weary body as a multitude of knives bite into it's flesh. A click. The bright white moonlight reflects off the blade as it is raised.

Crystal blue eyes watch in terror as the worst beating it has ever received seems to be escalating into more than just cuts and bruises. Oddly, throughout the entire ordeal the one with blue eyes has yet to utter a a scream or even a whimper. Despite this creature's resilience, it cannot stop the tears from streaming out of it's eyes.

"Yeah! We can't take chances, kitsune are tricksters! It could be trying to fool us!"

That wasn't right, why were they calling him a demon or a kitsune? Wasn't he human? Jiji always told him that he was a good boy, didn't they know that?

The blade begins it's descent, an arc of silver flashes in the dead of the night, "Demon...! Scream and shout and repent for those lives you've taken! Scream for mercy, for the lives of my children! You filthy disgusting beast!..." another arc of silver.

A waterfall of crimson streaks across the room and splatters the window... a head rolls. Crimson moonlight illuminates the eyes widened in disbelief.

Crystal blue eyes flecked with crimson specks stare in horror and glee as the wonderful macabre dance of blades severs the heads of the remaining vengeful beings. Inch by inch the blue eyes move to it's savior, a woman with exquisite violet long hair wearing a cat mask stands silently bathed in the crimson moonlight, not a speck of blood has landed on her cloak. Though he cannot see her face her eyes express the myriad of emotions she is feeling; disgust, anger, disbelief, and once her eyes reach his... pity, sorrow, and compassion. A long silence seems to stretch into an infinite length of time when her soft voice finally breaks the unbearable quiet, "Naruto-kun... I'll be bringing you to Sandaime's personal doctor now alright?" Reaching out she gently lays her hands onto his back as she eases him into a hug, all the while her obsidian eyes never leave his crystal blue.

He can't help but stare into her eyes for what seemed an eternity, and slowly his head bobs up and down. After all, who was he to refuse this beautiful moonflower bathed in his blood and the tainted light.