There is this you tube channel called super power beat down. This is where they direct fight scenes between some of our favorite characters. You can go watch some videos to get a better idea. They have done a couple with Darth Vader. So let's say that the barriers between the universes have cracked open and multi-versal travel is now possible for anyone who can. In the first video with Vader, he has killed Gandalf and taken the Ring of Power for himself. In the second video, Batman is killed, by Vader, on the Death Star, while trying to free Superman, who has been captured by Vader. So please write a story for Vader's plans. Is he collecting from across the multiverse to strengthen and expand his power in his home universe, or does he have bigger plans for the multiverse? Feel free to also write a story on how Superman was captured. This is all I would like for you to focus on for right now. I will pick the best writer for any future stories.