DC Animated


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The Batman vs Harley thing bugs me just because that's Kirk Langstrom, aka Man-Bat, in that universe. The more I see of Gods and Monsters, the more I wonder where the Hell Clark and Bruce are? I mean, even their Wonder Woman looks an awful lot like Maxima to me. I get this is supposed to be an independent and new playground for Timm and all but the back of my mind keeps wondering where MY Justice League is?


Well-Known Member
burnerx7 said:
Is he general Zod or a son of him?

Also oh god, that feel like a stab in the hearth, the whole Ace all again.
The difference being Bruce never had it in him to actually finish Ace off. Even is she wouldn't have stopped everything on her own before she passed.
By all appearances Clark's dead. Zod's son is the last son of Krypton instead. As for Bruce or Diana's whereabouts, well, who knows?


Well-Known Member
DhampyrX2 said:
The Batman vs Harley thing bugs me just because that's Kirk Langstrom, aka Man-Bat, in that universe. The more I see of Gods and Monsters, the more I wonder where the Hell Clark and Bruce are? I mean, even their Wonder Woman looks an awful lot like Maxima to me. I get this is supposed to be an independent and new playground for Timm and all but the back of my mind keeps wondering where MY Justice League is?
Despite all his power Bruce Timm could not save your Justice league from the menace of Didio and his Legion of Doom. Heart broken, Timm was forced to found a new universe, one untouched by the corrupting influence of his one time ally. Now Timm bids his time, crafting new stories, and hoping that one day, Didio's grip will wane...and allowing Tim to bring back all that was lost.


....So...Big Barda with Maxima's playfullness.


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Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Ordo said:
IIRC, Constantine's magic is usually less 'generic cartoon mage' than that.  I mean, force fields and fireballs?


Well-Known Member
Prince Charon said:
Ordo said:
IIRC, Constantine's magic is usually less 'generic cartoon mage' than that.  I mean, force fields and fireballs?
Too be fair, Constantine probably does know some of those generic cartoon mage tricks.  Comes with being a "petty dabbler of the arcane arts."  Really wouldn't be a surprise.  He is a veritable pocket encyclopedia of various magical systems and rites.


California Crackpot


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California Crackpot

October 3, 2017


California Crackpot