Akamatsuverse Dead Hina Prologue

Ladies and gentlemen.

For the first time in over a year, I have completed a full chapter.

This is a momentous occasion. Pity it wasn't for Ronins Imperialis, but you take what you can get. At any rate, here it is. A little short, but it's a Prologue after all. Enjoy - this goes up on FF.net as soon as one of the resident grammar nazis OKs it and my net stops going down every thirty seconds.

Dead Hina
By: Dark Knight Gafgar

Disclaimer: I do not own the Love Hina or Urban Dead franchises. This is a non-profit fanfiction. Any and all original characters and advanced/original plot details, as well as the writing itself, belong to Dark Knight Gafgar (namely, me).



In the city of Malton in America's Midwest, an epic battle was underway. A titanic struggle of good versus evil, of man standing next to his fellow man and holding the line against the tides of darkness that threatened to plunge the world into black oblivion. All across the city, human strongholds were besieged by the ever-growing hordes, grand sieges lifted directly out of ancient times and into the modern world of today.

In much simpler terms, the citizens of Malton were continuing their resistance against the local zombie infestation.

Or, at least, that's what the harmanz would say.

In the opinion of one Keitaro Urashima, nineteen year-old prospective Tokyo University student, immigrant to Malton from the Land of the Rising Sun that is Japan and one of only a few such members of his kind that hailed from that one nation so glorified by otaku worldwide, it was the zambahs of Malton that were continuing THEIR efforts against the local HARMAN infestation.

Admittedly, it was indeed a very delicious infestation...

Such were the thoughts of Keitaro Urashima as he slowly and deliberately munched on a piece of deep fried businesswoman. Generator explosions - and the resulting fires - were so helpful in creating such rare treats as cooked harmanbargarz. He had to profess that he wasn't much of a fan of the charred brainz, though...

"Graagh.", groaned one of Keitaro's zethren that was currently enjoying their current dinner's liver, along with a chianti that had appeared from somewhere.

"Mrh?", Keitaro grunted, turning to observe the figure next to him. His ghoulish companion was a sight to behold - skeletal except for small, scattered remnants of flesh and gristle that remained attatched to his body seemingly in direct defiance to the laws of physics, he certainly appeared more fearsome than Keitaro's more traditional green-skinned appearance and fashionable, if admittedly somewhat nerdy bloodstained khaki pants and green sweater. Keitaro noted that the letters "RRF" had been painted on his companion's forehead with some sort of red substance, and resisted the urge to lick his comrade's skull to determine wether or not it was really blood. Now that would be just downright disgusting, he thought, popping an eyeball into his mouth and chewing thoughtfully.

The figure reached forward, grasping one of the round mounds of flesh on their dinner's chest and ripping it free. He held it up toward Keitaro, skull tilted to one side. "Bra bag?"

Keitaro shook one clawed hand dismissively. "Nah."

"Zangz.", his companion said in appreciation, quickly beginning to devour the new treat.

"Nah brabham.", Keitaro replied with a shrug, wondering for a moment wether his comrade was a member of the Barhah Brigade - he certainly looked the part. If looks could kill, the man could probably outdo Hitler just walking down the street! Keitaro dismissed the notion, however. It was a foolish one, afterall - everyone knew the Barhah Brigade didn't exist. Nope. Not at all.

Out in the street, a green-skinned figure in a policeman's uniform wearing a black flak jacket with "RRF" proudly emblazoned upon it with human, ahem, harman gore grasped a terrified survivor's head in both hands, then with a mighty roar of "BARHAH BRAGGAG" began to bash his victim's head into the concrete sidewalk repeatedly until the skull split open like a ripe mellon, revealing the juicy treats within to the confused mob of hungry and cold homeless Ferals that had begun to gather around the site of the feeding, hoping for some leftovers. The Ridleybank Resistance Front soldier made a sweeping bow, gesturing toward the now-motionless body before turning away and lurching off at a surprisingly fast speed, leaving the wide-eyed group behind him to fall upon the fresh meal with a multitude of thankful cries and moans.

"Katarah? Kataraaaah?", called a voice from further within the building Keitaro and his dining companion occupied, causing Keitaro to turn while his companion finished off their current meal and quickly crawled over into a corner of the room to begin devouring a corpse that strangely resembled Ice Cube.

"Mrh? Graaaagh!", Keitaro groaned back in reply, rising to his feet and staggering out of the room he'd been in, stepping over the bloodied and devoured carcass in the doorway that still clutched a shotgun in one hand. Entering the hallway, Keitaro noted the figure shambling toward him - a postal worker. Not to uncommon to see them - even after over half of the Malton Postal Service had willingly thrown themselves to the fledgling zombie hordes in a fit of ennui months ago at the start of the outbreak, not many had noticed, and therefore the men and women of the mail service had continued their endless cycle of deliveries. At least dogs didn't attack them anymore - those that did were swiftly eaten.

"Katarah Razzimah?", the postman asked, a bit of drool - or was that embalming fluid? - leaking from one corner of his mouth.

"Zahah.", Keitaro said, nodding in the affirmative. The postman promptly handed him an envelope, and then turned and left wordlessly, sidestepping a man in military fatigues who ran screaming from the building with several groaning attackers in close pursuit.

Keitaro stared at the illegible symbols on the envelope for a few moments, ignoring the shout of "KEK YAZZALPH, FOO'!" and sounds of battle in the room he'd been eating in earlier, and then, in a flash of inspiration, turned the envelope around. He then blinked. Japanese kanji? And the sender...



When Hina Urashima's letters to her daughter and family living in America had been returned time and time again without explanation, Hina's first reaction had been annoyance.

When news of the outbreak of an unknown plague in Malton and the city's resulting quarantine by the US Army had leaked out into the world media, her second reaction had been horror.

When, after months of not-so-patiently dealing with the American bueracracy that had stalled her efforts to ascertain the whereabouts of her family, she had finally been informed of the discovery of the bodies of her daughter and son-in-law, her third reaction had been sorrow.

When the one final letter she'd sent to her grandson had been returned - with a reply - her fourth reaction had been shock.

Now, as she stared at the sheet of paper upon which an unintelligible series of bloodspatters and pinkish - was that brain matter? - smears had been spread, Hina Urashima was unsure wether to be terrified, amused, or... amusedly terrified. Or something.

Setting her grandson's... irregular reply to the side, Hina poured herself some sake she'd appropriated as rent from one of her residents - miss Konno, of course - into a small cup, shotted it, and then promptly chugged the rest of the bottle. Now much more at ease - not to mention a little frisky - Hina sighed and came to a decision.

The Hinata Sou was about to get at least one very interesting visitor, and Hina Urashima, for one, wanted no part in the chaos that was bound to ensue.

"Time for a vacation."


On the roof of the Hinata Sou, the silent and stoic figure of Motoko Aoyama knelt in meditation, trying to rid herself of the stressful events of her day. Honestly, the buffoonish males who made up Japan's so-called 'law enforcement' were complete imbeciles. The perverted old man who'd tried to cop a feel on the train deserved exactly what he got, and should've been glad that her sword had not been with her and he'd gotten off with merely a shattered wrist. It was enough to make her-!... wish that she could put the incident from her mind already and return to her meditation. She needed to purge herself of all cares and worries before she could begin her evening katas, after all. Deep breaths. Inhale good, exhale evil. Inhale good, exhale evil-


An uncountable horde of monstrous forms.

Terror, pain and agony.




'You gonna get raped.'

Motoko gasped, her eyes darting open and widening as her body shuddered violently with a freezing chill. She fell back ungracefully onto her buttocks, her arms wrapping around her in a vain attempt to dispel the sudden cold that gripped her body in it's chilling embrace. Finally, after several long moments, the sensation passed, and Motoko rose uncertainly to her feet, absently noting from the position of the sun that several hours had passed during... whatever that had been, and that it was now nearly time for dinner.

"What... what was that?", she mumbled, still holding herself tightly and rubbing warmth back into her arms. Her eyes turned toward the eastern horizon, staring out across the endless sea. "A vision?", she asked herself uncertainly. That voice at the end... had it been real? No answers came to her.

Staring out at the horizon for several long moments, Motoko turned and quickly retreated back into the safety - and warmth - of the dorm, shutting the door to the roof behind her and locking it, then leaning back against it and allowing herself to slide towards the floor.

"I... I have a very bad feeling about this."


Well-Known Member
First of all, congratulations on the achievement! First complete chapter in a year huh? I can't even start to imagine how good that feels.

A good read. Most amusing in some parts. I've never actually heard of the crossover, but I found the idea somewhat....unorthodox. In most undead-city-LoveHina stories I've seen, it'll be one or more of the Love Hina characters battling a horde of undead. Seeing one of them actually get transformed into a zombie is quite a fresh take on things. Especially Keitaro.

I was quite surprised to find that Keitaro retained some of his awareness as a zombie...that doesn't usually happen in most of the other undead stories I've seen.

And Grandma Hina's going to that city alone? Or is the LH crew tagging along? Any undead ass-kicking involved by any chance?

Whenever I put zombies and Love Hina together, the image of Suu with a flamethrower comes to mind....

Here's hoping for more!


Well-Known Member
*Heh* From Malton is it? Interesting, how is he supposed to get out of the Quarantined city? (Blah, bad spelling.)
For those of you who don't know, Urban Dead zombies still retain a good deal of their awareness and intelligence, only their perceptions have been irrevocably skewed. For example, the 'zambah' hordes of Malton frequently band together into organized attack groups for the purpose of overwhelming harman strongholds. An excellent example would be the Third Battle of Caiger Mall earlier this month, when the infamous Mall That Shall Not Be Named, which held it's own against a siege of close to a thousand zombies earlier this year, was quickly dismantled and occupied by a smaller, much more organized zombie group from Shacknews, which attacked and occupied various resource buildings close to Caiger (including the local NecroTech lab), then stormed the mall and completely eliminated the thousands of survivors inside. Yes, thousands - the number of survivors and zombies in Urban Dead are currently holding nearly equal at 50% each.

How? Revivification. Urban Dead zombies can be returned to life with a simple injection from a NecroTech syringe. The results are permanent, at least until the revivified subject is killed, at which time he or she returns to being a zombie. Many survivors who find themselves transformed into zombies chose to wait in large groups at "revive points" where they are revivified one-by-one. "Career" zombies such as those at Shacknews or the Ridleybank Resistance Front routinely send zombies with Brain Rot (which negates the effects of a NecroTech syringe unless the zombie is injected while inside a powered NecroTech lab) into these areas to identify those with knowledge of revivification and either ambush them if possible, or otherwise prioritize them for elimination during an emminent attack. So, in short, Keitaro's zombification isn't permanent and can be easily reversed. Until such time as he is killed, anyway, at which point he goes right back to being a zombie... which, by the way, Urban Dead zombies are immune to all methods of permanently killing them and will stand right back up after being taken out (headshots only make them stay down a little longer, and any decapitated heads or severed limbs regenerate quickly).

As for getting out of Malton? Simple. Keitaro bought a plane ticket. That's it, as far as he cares (though the Hinata harem will no doubt spend much time and effort in a vain attempt to find out just how the hell he got out of a city quarantined by the US Army).

Also, for those of you who haven't read the original draft of the prologue (an "uncut, unspellchecked, a rough first draft, and was written over the course of about thirty minutes to an hour with no prior preparation or scripting aside from a handful of snippets from the snippets topic and while under the influence of tiredness and caffeine withdrawals" early unfinished version can be found here - as you can see it's been completely rewritten) - Hina's letter to Keitaro was a request to come visit. She wasn't expecting Keitaro to reply after being killed during the outbreak... much less in the affirmative. Therefore, she's following the example of Genma Saotome and Soun Tendo and getting the hell out of dodge before the shit hits the fan.

The Hinata gang is staying right where they are. It's Keitaro who's coming to visit.

And he's bringing friends.

And now, various snippets of what you can expect to see in the future. They're older (which you can tell by the more traditional Zamgrh/kiZombie syntax used by Keitaro), so don't expect them to appear word-for-word, but meh:

"Keitaro... how the hell did you become a zombie?"


"That's nice... now what's with the Packers helmet?"


"You're not helping your case with Naru any right now."
"BRAINZ!", a zombified Keitaro groaned, lurching toward Kitsune, who pressed herself against the wall in terror. "BRRAAAIIIINNNNNZZZZZZ! BRrr...ainz?", he mumbled, leaning toward Kitsune, who whimpered. He sniffed her for a moment, then turned away in disgust.

"Nah brainz...", Keitaro muttered, shambling toward Kaolla's room.

Kitsune hit him.
"IÆve got another meeting Tom, maybe we could wrap it up... I know weÆll get to common ground somehow. Meanwhile IÆll report back to my colleagues who were chewing on the doors... I guess weÆll table this for now. IÆm glad to see you take constructive criticism well... Thank you for your time, I know weÆre all busy as hell... And weÆll put this thing to bed... WHEN I BASH YOUR HEAD OPEN!"

"All we want to do is eat your brains!"

"WeÆre not unreasonable, I mean, no oneÆs gonna eat your eyes..."

"All we want to do is eat your brains!"

"WeÆre at an impasse here, maybe we should compromise: If you open up the doors, weÆll all come inside and eat your brains!"

"What the hell?! The zombies sing better than we do!"



"...Ane-ue, I have a feeling this is not going to go well for us..... Ane-ue?"

"Remember the ancient rules of our school for fighting the undead, Motoko-chan! 'Use your head: Cut off theirs!' Good luck!"

"B-b-but Ane-ue! They're immune-!"


"URASHIMA, YOU BASTARD! Do you know what I've been doing all day?! GETTING CHASED AROUND BY YOUR DAMNABLE UNDEAD FRIENDS! They've come at me in my room! They've come at me in the bath! They've come at me at SCHOOL!"

"At least they haven't come ON you yet..."

Take a guess what one of the running gags in this fic is going to be?
Sorry for the double-post, bit of a bump and announcement here - due to the surprising fact that I was still in a writing mood earlier, I cranked out the first part of Chapter 1 in addition to the Prologue last night. Chapter 1 still needs a little bit more written as well as some finishing touches, but I'll post what I currently have written once the Prologue hits FF.net. Which won't happen until one of our resident grammar nazis OKs the Prologue, so someone spellcheck the damn thing, seeing as how my computer doesn't have any spellchecker program...

Edit: Just edited the first post, corrected some errors and more clearly defined Hina's intentions.


Well-Known Member
Quick Proofread Version said:

In the city of Malton in America's Midwest, an epic battle was underway. A titanic struggle of good versus evil, of man standing next to his fellow man and holding the line against the tides of darkness that threatened to plunge the world into black oblivion. All across the city, human strongholds were besieged by the ever-growing hordes, grand sieges lifted directly out of ancient times and into the modern world of today.

In much simpler terms, the citizens of Malton were continuing their resistance against the local zombie infestation.

Or, at least, that's what the harmanz would say.

In the opinion of one Keitaro Urashima, nineteen year-old prospective Tokyo University student, immigrant to Malton from the Land of the Rising Sun, and one of only a few such members of his kind that hailed from that one nation so glorified by otaku worldwide, it was the zambahs of Malton that were continuing THEIR efforts against the local HARMAN infestation.

Admittedly, it was indeed a very delicious infestation...

Such were the thoughts of Keitaro Urashima as he slowly and deliberately munched on a piece of deep fried businesswoman. Generator explosions - and the resulting fires - were so helpful in creating such rare treats as cooked harmanbargarz. He had to profess that he wasn't much of a fan of the charred brainz, though...

"Graagh," groaned one of Keitaro's zethren that was currently enjoying their current dinner's liver, along with a Chianti that had appeared from somewhere.

"Mrh?" Keitaro grunted, turning to observe the figure next to him. His ghoulish companion was a sight to behold - skeletal except for small, scattered remnants of flesh and gristle that remained attached to his body seemingly in direct defiance to the laws of physics, he certainly appeared more fearsome than Keitaro's more traditional green-skinned appearance and fashionable - if admittedly somewhat nerdy - bloodstained khaki pants and green sweater. Keitaro noted that the letters "RRF" had been painted on his companion's forehead with some sort of red substance, and resisted the urge to lick his comrade's skull to determine whether or not it was really blood. Now that would be just downright disgusting, he thought, popping an eyeball into his mouth and chewing thoughtfully.

The figure reached forward, grasping one of the round mounds of flesh on their dinner's chest and ripping it free. He held it up toward Keitaro, skull tilted to one side. "Bra bag?"

Keitaro shook one clawed hand dismissively. "Nah."

"Zings," his companion said in appreciation, quickly beginning to devour the new treat.

"Nah brabham," Keitaro replied with a shrug, wondering for a moment whether his comrade was a member of the Barhah Brigade - he certainly looked the part. If looks could kill, the man could probably outdo Hitler just walking down the street! Keitaro dismissed the notion, however. It was a foolish one, after all - everyone knew the Barhah Brigade didn't exist. Nope. Not at all.

Out in the street, a green-skinned figure in a policeman's uniform wearing a black flak jacket with "RRF" proudly emblazoned upon it with human - ahem, harman gore grasped a terrified survivor's head in both hands, then with a mighty roar of "BARHAH BRAGGAG" began to bash his victim's head into the concrete sidewalk repeatedly until the skull split open like a ripe melon, revealing the juicy treats within to the confused mob of hungry and cold homeless Ferals that had begun to gather around the site of the feeding, hoping for some leftovers. The Ridleybank Resistance Front soldier made a sweeping bow, gesturing toward the now-motionless body before turning away and lurching off at a surprisingly fast speed, leaving the wide-eyed group behind him to fall upon the fresh meal with a multitude of thankful cries and moans.

"Katarah? Kataraaaah?" called a voice from further within the building Keitaro and his dining companion occupied, causing Keitaro to turn while his companion finished off their current meal and quickly crawled over into a corner of the room to begin devouring a corpse that strangely resembled Ice Cube.

"Mrh? Graaaagh!" Keitaro groaned back in reply, rising to his feet and staggering out of the room he'd been in, stepping over the bloodied and devoured carcass in the doorway that still clutched a shotgun in one hand. Entering the hallway, Keitaro noted the figure shambling toward him - a postal worker. Not too uncommon to see them - even after over half of the Malton Postal Service had willingly thrown themselves to the fledgling zombie hordes in a fit of ennui months ago at the start of the outbreak, not many had noticed, and therefore the men and women of the mail service had continued their endless cycle of deliveries. At least dogs didn't attack them anymore - those that did were swiftly eaten.

"Katarah Razzimah?" the postman asked, a bit of drool - or was that embalming fluid? - leaking from one corner of his mouth.

"Zahah," Keitaro said, nodding in the affirmative. The postman promptly handed him an envelope, and then turned and left wordlessly, sidestepping a man in military fatigues who ran screaming from the building with several groaning attackers in close pursuit.

Keitaro stared at the illegible symbols on the envelope for a few moments, ignoring the shout of "KEK YAZZALPH, FOO'!" and sounds of battle in the room he'd been eating in earlier, and then, in a flash of inspiration, turned the envelope around. He then blinked. Japanese kanji? And the sender...



When Hina Urashima's letters to her daughter and family living in America had been returned time and time again without explanation, Hina's first reaction had been annoyance.

When news of the outbreak of an unknown plague in Malton and the city's resulting quarantine by the US Army had leaked out into the world media, her second reaction had been horror.

When, after months of not-so-patiently dealing with the American bureaucracy that had stalled her efforts to ascertain the whereabouts of her family, she had finally been informed of the discovery of the bodies of her daughter and son-in-law, her third reaction had been sorrow.

When the one final letter she'd sent to her grandson had been returned - with a reply - her fourth reaction had been shock.

Now, as she stared at the sheet of paper upon which an unintelligible series of blood spatters and pinkish - was that brain matter? - smears had been spread, Hina Urashima was unsure whether to be terrified, amused, or... amusedly terrified. Or something.

Setting her grandson's... irregular reply to the side, Hina poured herself some sake she'd appropriated as rent from one of her residents - miss Konno, of course - into a small cup, shotted it, and then promptly chugged the rest of the bottle. Now much more at ease - not to mention a little frisky - Hina sighed and came to a decision.

The Hinata Sou was about to get at least one very interesting visitor, and Hina Urashima, for one, wanted no part in the chaos that was bound to ensue.

"Time for a vacation."


On the roof of the Hinata Sou, the silent and stoic figure of Motoko Aoyama knelt in meditation, trying to rid herself of the stressful events of her day. Honestly, the buffoons who made up Japan's so-called 'law enforcement' were complete imbeciles. The perverted old man who'd tried to cop a feel on the train deserved exactly what he got, and should've been glad that her sword had not been with her and he'd gotten off with merely a shattered wrist. It was enough to make her... wish that she could put the incident from her mind already and return to her meditation. She needed to purge herself of all cares and worries before she could begin her evening katas, after all. Deep breaths. Inhale good, exhale evil. Inhale good, exhale evil-


An uncountable horde of monstrous forms.

Terror, pain and agony.




'You gonna get raped.'

Motoko gasped, her eyes darting open and widening as her body shuddered violently with a freezing chill. She fell back ungracefully onto her buttocks, her arms wrapping around her in a vain attempt to dispel the sudden cold that gripped her body in it's chilling embrace. Finally, after several long moments, the sensation passed, and Motoko rose uncertainly to her feet, absently noting from the position of the sun that several hours had passed during... whatever that had been, and that it was now nearly time for dinner.

"What... what was that?" she mumbled, still holding herself tightly and rubbing warmth back into her arms. Her eyes turned toward the eastern horizon, staring out across the endless sea. "A vision?ö she asked herself uncertainly. That voice at the end... had it been real? No answers came to her.

Staring out at the horizon for several long moments, Motoko turned and quickly retreated back into the safety - and warmth - of the dorm, shutting the door to the roof behind her and locking it, then leaning back against it and allowing herself to slide towards the floor.

"I... I have a very bad feeling about this."
Checked in MS Word, though I had to fight the checker on several occasions.
No offense tora, but your spellchecker sucks. It messed up the Zamgrh at one point and even removed a few entire phrases.

At any rate, it's up on FF.net now.


Well-Known Member
I hit the "Ignore" button on all words that looked like zombie-speak. Since I'm not fluent in zombese(?), it's up to you to fix those.

The deleted phrases were my doing. At a few points, I noticed redundant phrasing, and a few grammar errors that could be easily corrected by removing a word or so.
The Zombie Lexicon and Zamgrh articles on Urban Dead Wiki should be helpful. I'll look through the spellchecked version again and apply the changes that didn't mess up the Zamgrh or remove important hintings later.