Digimon Digimon News


Well-Known Member
Well I don't think we had one of these, so why not?

To start with we have a new Digimon game coming out that looks quite interesting.

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth

As I said it looks quite interesting.

Furthermore there are rumors that a new Digimon Series is in development and is going to be announced in the Spring.

While it is only rumors at the moment they are as follows.

1. It will be called Digimon Versus.

2. It revolves around humans and Digimon fighting "Unnatural Digimon". This has several options. "Undead" Soldiers like the Troopmon who are made from recycled Digimon. Artificial abominations like the soulless Gizmon Series. Or perhaps something similar to the Biohybrid Digimon.

The most likely option is Digimon modified by an outside force. While I am of course hoping for the X Antibody to show up I think we all know that is a distant hope at best.

While this is only a rumor at the moment it might pan out as rumors came out about the same time of the year right before Xros Wars was announced.

We will just have to wait and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
did anybody else get a summer wars OZ feel when watching that


Well-Known Member
Since I made this thread for Digimon News I will use it introduce newly announced Digimon as opposed to the Image Thread.

Two new Digimon have just been announced.

Aegiochusmon Dark

Damn he is creepy looking.

And the Female Beelzebumon (called Beelko up until now) has been announced as BelleStarrmon

She is named after a female outlaw from the Old West, picked no doubt because her name was closest to Beelzebub.

It looks like Ladydevimon has a new possible Ultimate Level Form.

I for one welcome a new female Ultimate even if she is a blatant copy of an existing male. Now where is my Affirmative Action Girl Royal Knight?!


Well-Known Member

Was looking around wikimon and saw a pic on Titamon's page labeled Titamon (Bachusmon).


From the look of it, they were originally going to use the rough design for Bachusmon, but decided to rework it for something else instead.

I like the wine cork remover axe.
It's a pity BelleStarmon is a Majin and not a Maō.

And yes, Titamon was originally made to be Bacchusmon. IIRC they did change it because it was becoming too awesome.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any more information on BelleStarmon? I was looking at both Digimon Wiki's to see if there were any better images, and the Digimon Wiki lists her as part of a group called the "Three Musketeers", which might be a tongue in cheek reference to her and Beelzebumon's use of firearms, which means that Magna or Avenge Kidmon might be the third. Given that MagnaKidmon was supposed to involved with a bad crowd this makes sense. Or it could be a new group entirely.

Realistically it could just be a symptom of being a "anyone can edit wiki".

I generally prefer Wikimon as it just comes across as a higher quality site, but sometimes the Digimon Wiki has more information, in particular with attack descriptions.
BelleStarmon is also known as "Beelzebumon Lady". She and MagnaKidmon are parte of the "Sanjūshi"(Three Musketeers\Three Gunslingers) group, the third component yet unknown but suggested being a mecha dragon made of guns.
BelleStarmon's attacks are Fly Bullets and Risoma de Loto(Lotus Rhizome)

source http://www.carddass.com/dm15th/15thbox/#returns02-3


Well-Known Member
ankokudaishogun said:
BelleStarmon is also known as "Beelzebumon Lady". She and MagnaKidmon are parte of the "Sanjūshi"(Three Musketeers\Three Gunslingers) group, the third component yet unknown but suggested being a mecha dragon made of guns.
BelleStarmon's attacks are Fly Bullets and Risoma de Loto(Lotus Rhizome)

source http://www.carddass.com/dm15th/15thbox/#returns02-3
Well that was interesting, I wonder if that Bipedal Gun Dragon is related to Canondramon, or a possible nonviral counterpart to RustTyrannomon.

Also Hackmon is finally getting an evolution. It is likely he is being set up as the final member of the Royal Knights, meaning that we won't see any female members, which sucks. Or he might just inherit Gankoomon's post as he "retires" and decides to continue wandering around knowing that his role as a Royal Knight is in good hands.


Well-Known Member
So Aegiochusmon has his profile up. Here is a translation I found.

A God Man Digimon that is able to synthesize the abilities of various species, using a human body as a template. It is said that as a result of him obtaining the ultimate synthesis of an omnipotent species, his form is able to change dramatically in accordance with the environment. This form is constituted of the data of a Dragon-species, so when he manifested the data of the Dragon-species lying within his body, it rose to the surface in the form of crystals which covered his chest, which he appropriated as armor. The armor serves as both Aegiochusmon's muscular strength and defense, and it is a Powered Suit which greatly improves his offensive ability. His special attacks are "Bolt Break Knockdown", wherein he initiates a rush attack from his fists that are covered with thunder generated from his horns, and "Lightning Pile", wherein he manifests lightning strikes in the form of a stake and penetrates it over the enemy, pinning it onto the ground. In addition, he is able to utilize his prideful leg power to perform a high-speed dash and fire his "Charging Strike" at the enemy's head with his horns.

That admittedly is an interesting take on Zeus's "shapeshifting shenanigans" which he is well known for.

Furthermore he has a "Holy Mode" announced as well.

Now some people are saying that there is a "big announcement" said to be coming out on 3/30. Personally I just think they have things confused as that seems to be the release for the next set of Cards. As it is a Sunday I am doubtful if it is even the right date for the Cardass set.

We will just have to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Four new Digimon to announce.

Gundramon, last of the "Three Musketeers" which includes BelleStarrmon and MagnuKidmon.

Because you can never have to many guns, and attaching them to a dragon is just awesome.

Hackmon's Adult Form BaoHackmon.

Jupitermon Wrath Mode is going to Smite a Bitch.

And finally BanchouLeomon beware, a rival has appeared.

Say hello to BanchouMamemon!

So what does everyone think of these new Digimon?


Well-Known Member
Junomon and her Hysteric Mode got revealed:



Well-Known Member
Wait when was the last time we got a "complete" list of a Digimon Group? Aside form the Death Generals (or Big death Stars as they are also known) which had them all introduced in quick succession?

I think it was 2004 when the Seven Great Demon Lords got completed.


Well-Known Member
Well fuck me sideways, while I can't find a translation of Junomon's Profile I did find one of her Hysteria Mode.

The reason I am so scared? It turns out she is a Yandere. I repeat the "Queen of the Gods" and an Ultimate Level Digimon, who by her nature has power surpassing Nuclear Weapons, has a "Yandere Mode".

Whelp now we know why people don't fuck with the Olympus Twelve. Superpowered (okay even more so) Yuno Gasai is enough to give anyone brown pants.

Here is the Translation of her Hysteria Mode profile.

Another form of Junomon, it was an evil personality sleeping within the innermost depths of its heart, but was awakened. The forces opposing its beloved Jupitermon are never-ending, and if their time together diminishes, it begins drowning in the darkness of its jealousy. Its vitality gradually drains from its countenance, and when it is entirely filled with darkness, a mask of another face manifests. The surrounding Digimon that it sees through this mask are all perceived as evil, so it carries out a massacre to its limit. However, this form is never noticed by Jupitermon, so it never suffers the judgment of good and evil.
This admittedly does seem like a nod to Future Diary, as "Yuno" was named after Juno.
I am somehow unsurpised that a japanese interpretation of the Goddess of marriage has a Yandere-mode


Well-Known Member
Please recall what mythological Hera was like.

That was basically her default state, her meter was set to MAXIMUM BITCH at all times.

Daneel Rush

Well-Known Member
It's rather fun. She goes into crazy mode because they're not spending time together, so she'll only go CRAZY MURDER RAAAAGE when Jupitermon's not around to see it. Also, she looks awesome.
Emerald Oracle said:
I am somehow unsurpised that a japanese interpretation of the Goddess of marriage has a Yandere-mode
Dude, Junomon is even TAME compared to the mythological Hera\Juno.

...must be because Jupitermon doesn't go around fucking everything moving(or not)


Well-Known Member
ankokudaishogun said:
Emerald Oracle said:
I am somehow unsurpised that a japanese interpretation of the Goddess of marriage has a Yandere-mode
Dude, Junomon is even TAME compared to the mythological Hera\Juno.

...must be because Jupitermon doesn't go around fucking everything moving(or not)
I've always felt such a state summed up as: Anything that moves... and most things that don't.


Well-Known Member
Digimon Tamers is available on Netflix Streaming with Dubbed and Subbed versions.

They are just added on as "Season 3" so if you already have the Dubs or Japanese Version of Digimon Adventure in your queue they are already there.


Well-Known Member
So I hears you like Bachou's!

Say hello to Banchou Lilymon!

Yes I am as surprised as you are.

Here is her profile from Wikimon.

A crimson tokkō-fuku wearing fairy-type Digimon. The gorgeous petals it had in the days it was a Lilimon have been dyed a dark color, the pretty impression it made is long gone. In a Digital World where it is survival of the fittest, it believes in fighting for the underdog, having saved a lot of those who were attacked by evil Digimon. It was awarded the title of Banchou when it donned its tokkō-fuku, a testament to its beliefs.
Finally her attacks are "Absolute Territory" and "Nightmare Assemble".

So three Banchou's down and two to go.

Given that they seem to be going for "First Gen" Digimon from the beginning of the series and the time of Digimon Adventure I wonder who will be the next Banchou Digimon?