Digimon Synchro RP


Well-Known Member
An ordinary ride on a train takes a sudden turn for the strange when you find yourself contacted by a voice you've never heard before. It says to you the world it resides in has become corrupted, and tries to convince you to agree to help put it back to the way it was. Once you agree, either for not taking it seriously, earnestly wanting to help, just being that bored, or whatever your reason, a connection is made.

Suddenly the people that have previously been around you vanish, the landscape brushing past the window looks much more different than you remember, and the thing the voice had been speaking to you through has no become a strange device you now hold tightly in your hands. It's not long before the transport finally comes to a stop, you find yourself in a strange new world, one you can tell that at one point had been vibrant and full of life, only the area around you is now dying as if it truly has been corrupted.

Soon you learn that something called the Dark Ocean has started to breach into this place, the Digital World, and has begun corrupting it, tainting the once vibrant landscape with darkness. The magnificent creatures that reside here are now becoming tainted as well, as once peaceful denizens of the would could now turn on one they've been friends with for ages with seemingly no cause. And now you and a few others are the only one posed to stop this corruption.

You have to find a partner and forge a powerful bond together to bring a stop to this, before it destroys the entire digital world. For if it does manage to take over this world, stopping it could become impossible as it moves on towards more worlds to take as its own. Including yours.


In a turn of events that involve a lot of factors, stupidity, and indeed Ryuugi and Daneel screwing over my goddamn rehabilitation, I returned to my original fandom, and thanks to another situation involving stupidity on my part thanks to not knowing what the hell one dude meant about Transformice somehow a weird conversation led into the thought of this, which was discussed in depth with lightwave till it came to being. An RP for Digimon. Goddamn you people.

Getting Started: Make up a character boy or girl, doesn't have to be you, no real age limit or anything, though I'd suggest against an old coot if only to save his poor hip as walking will be involved. And a lot of it. Name (Something that makes sense as an actual name preferably), Age, some back story if so desired, what they look like, personality, and selecting a digivice and mod set, explained further down.

Get a partner down and a set evolution line, each listed with a max of three different attacks, preferably ones they actually have along with a general description. Partners will start and generally be at Rookie and it's one per person only. Similarly we want to strive for more or less uniqueness, so avoid something someone already chosen at any point down the evolution line. As this is unfair for those who sign up later than others for various reasons, have multiple potentially requested partners/paths and a preferred one just is case. This includes myself and lightwave, who thought this up with me. D:

You may also, if you so plan, have a dark evolution path in case your partner gets corrupted, though keep in mind this probably won't happen all that much to save time, so it's only a potential thing. Refrain if you don't care for having your partner go down that path. Though it might cost you a bit.

Important: There will be no real "leader" here, hence no one wears the goggles this time around. This is partly because of fairness, and partly because I have to say this, as my obsession lead me to a choice that's retarded for this series unless you want to be the leader, particularly given the season where most of the inspiration came from. I can't help what I love. D:

Further Dubbed Version or Subbed version can be chosen at your own discretion based on your personal preference. I tend to go with Dub myself, but I must admit some of the original names and stuff tend to have their own appeal. Mix and match if you so desire to get something you prefer (Ie: Gallantmon with Royal Sabre as his lance attack for example), just remember to be consistent about it when you put it down. For consistencies sake however most of the general terms will be in Dubbed format, ie: Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, Mega will be the stages and etc, etc so just keep that in mind. If there are issues with this we can discuss it now and get a general consensus from anyone whose wanting to join however, just know that's what I'll generally be using from here on until objections are had... >>

Partner Restrictions: Lucemon (All of them), 7 Demon Lords, Super Ultimates, 4 great dragons, 4 Gods and the 5th gold dragon dude thingy, the 3 big angel dudes, VictoryGreymon and Z'dGarurumon, the Ancient digimon, the major royal knights up to and including Omnimon/Omegamon, Alphamon, Dukemon/Gallantmon, Examon, Ulforce Veedramon, and Any of Imperialdramon's ilk (Lesser ones like LordKnightmon, Dynasmon, Craniumon, And Duftmon will be admitted at discretion, partly because those aren't that bad and partly because even I admit my love of Dynasmon and can't be completely biased like I'm already seeming even to myself >>), the Guilmon line (For both Hazard and personal reasons), Dorumon line, and Dragomon and Dracmon's line for Story Reasons, and any X-Antibody types below, and potentially above too depending where the story goes, Mega level.

The Angemon line and Devimon lines are also under a close watch, and other demon lines are also up for close scrutiny for story reasons. Further Leomon is also advised against, purely because we don't want him to end up dead like he probably will anyway. But maybe not, maybe he'll live. :huh.:

Finally please choose a semi-sensible digivolution path. While you aren't necessarily asked to keep to canon potential evolutions, even those found on Digi-Dex, at least make sure it makes progressive sense in some fashion to a small degree. As in refrain from weird leaps of logic like say Gabumon to Kabuterimon or other strangely canon paths like that where possible.

Any other restrictions will be determined as they come, though I'd advise against the Xcross shenanigans purely because I don't follow them that closely and know how bork broken they get. Though given those require multiple digimon it's probably already invalid.

In my infinite wisdom, knowing how often we don't get far in these RP's, we'll possibly only get to Ultimate/Perfect in terms of progression, if that, so the only thing important to have set in stone is up to that stage, with any Mega/Ultimate levels up for consideration provided we ever even get that far. This does indeed mean the restrictions probably won't even come up in all honesty, but it's a just in case type of thing.

Digivices: Will be referred to as the D-Sychros for this. Core design is basically this albeit slightly more rounded with a few tweeks: <a href='http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd91/TkMacintosh/D-Gather.jpg' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd91/Tk...sh/D-Gather.jpg</a>

Evolution is based on a Synchronization Rate between you and your partner, based on similar mindsets/emotions and the trust between you two in the midst of battles. A 50% Synchro is required for Champion level, and 100% for Ultimate, as well as power boosts based on finding specific alters to upgrade to the various D-Sychros in question. Mega is to be determined later if we reach it, but I suspect you already get where I'm going with this.

This method of evolution and Synchro feature will have the added benefits of thought transfers over a distance, hence you think speak to your partner and have a general awareness of what's going on on the other side even if you don't see it yourself, but has the disadvantage of pain transfer getting worse as the Synchro rate rises and also requiring a large amount of power from the tamer to sustain, meaning you get drained FAST, especially at ultimate level, which restricts how often you can do it.

When you 'run out', your partner reverts and you're unconscious. Champion level evolution isn't that bad even initially where it's just exhausting, eventually they'll get used to it, but initial ultimate's will be rough, restricting how often they can come out until the second boost. This cost can be mitigated by absorbing the corrupted enemies, but that comes with its own risk.

Each device has a color corresponding to an elemental zone that has been corrupted and an alter located in the digital world that must be found in which they have to be upgraded in for additional power, which are thus:

Wind: Purple -Current Potential Claim by Kayeich
Alter of Wind

Fire: Red -Current Potential Claim by me. I sorry, I sorry. Not set in stone though.
Alter of Flame

Ice: White
Alter of Ice -Current Claim by TerraBull

Light: Gold -Current Claim by Aarik
Alter of Light

Dark: Black -Current Claim by Seiya.
Alter of Darkness

Metal: Silver -Current Claim by sytang
Alter of Steel

Wood: Green -Current Claim by shibosho
Alter of Wood

Earth: Brown -Current Claim by jaredstar
Alter of Earth

Water: Blue -Current Claim by lightwave
Alter of Water

Lightning: Orange -Current Claim by TkMacintosh
Alter of Lightning

Provided there are more than ten people interested, which I heavily doubt, there will be 'evil tamers' corresponding to the 7 Deadly Sins that may also be claimed, though I'd refrain from that unless we get them all. Depends on how much interest is invoked or how the cookie crumbles. They won't be necessarily getting the demon lords mind. Definitely not pride at least. >>

Features: The D-Synchro has many features involved to make things easier on us, listed here.

Map and ally, Alter, and enemy detection feature within a certain range, like season 3.
Partner Vision Scope, ala Season 3.
Thought transfer between partners.
Ability to collect stolen world data and transfer it back to the corrupted land, season 4.
Status screen as shown on image to help keep track of how your partner is doing in a more clear cut way.
Digimon Database Scanning, ala season 3.
Mod Functions to upgrade your partner at key moments, explained shortly.

Mod Functions: The core customization feature of the D-Synch, out of the 10 currently provided potential ways to alter your partner in battle and aid him in a more direct fashion, you will select three that will be set in stone throughout the RP. These potential modifications range from terrain travel based, to partner enhancements, to plug-ins that can upgrade other mods or just the partner depending on how you use them, or even have other hidden features depending on how you use them with your specific partner in one case. These mods are:

Flight Mod: A terrain movement mod that, obviously, grants your partner the capacity for flight and some sort of method to take at least you with him, depending on certain factors. Lasts as long as the tamer needs it to.
Recharge time:

Swim Mod: A terrain movement mod that grants your partner aquatic features to allow him to function underwater as well as a method of taking at least you with him, which will vary depending on the size and or features of your partner. Lasts as long as the tamer needs it to.
Recharge time:

Dig Mod: A Terrain Movement mod that obviously grants your partner the easy capability to move quickly underground in some fashion, usually by augmenting your partner with drills he can also use to attack with. Lasts as long as the tamer needs it to.
Recharge time:

Strength Mod: A simple enhancement mod that multiplies your partner's physical strength to a certain degree. Has a duration of a few moments before a cool down, after which it can be used again at decreased strength in a fight.
Recharge time: **

Speed Mod: A plug-in that allows you to either multiply your partners running speed or his terrain movement speed when used in conjunction with a Terrain Movement mod. Works much like the strength mod in that it lasts only a little before a cool down is required to use it again reduced efficiency in battle. Further if you use it to increase the speed of an already insanely fast partner, it could lead to disaster...
Recharge time: **

Barrier Mod: An enhancement mod that summons up a large barrier that can hold multiple people around the partner. Basically similar to Taomon's Barrier as used in tamers, it's used to defend against attacks from the outside, however the partner cannot attack while it's up without dropping it, and it can only take so much damage before it breaks, and it does require a cool down before it can be used again. Mainly handy in protecting the squishy tamers, but given the partner can't move it, it's not as handy as it sounds for battle. Strength is also depending on what level your partner is at, so a rookie using it is not going to be nearly as effective as a champion to say the least.
Recharge time: *

Power Mod: A plug-in that allows you to either increase the power of any non-weapon(Save energy beams)/physical attacks, or instead increase the potency of the Speed, Strength, Infect, or Purify mods even when their effectiveness decreases after repeated uses. However like those this mod also decreases in effectiveness with repeated uses, and has a longer recharge time than most of the others. Further if you use it on a partner with an already too potent attack, disaster may strike.
Recharge time: ****

Endurance Mod: A plug-in that allows you to either increase your partners endurance and capacity to take damage significantly, or if used in conjunction with the Barrier mod increase the overall durability of the Barrier. Same as Speed and Strength in that it doesn't last that long and needs a cool down and reduces in effectiveness with repeated uses.
Recharge time: ***

Type Conversion Mod: A simple enhancement mod that alters your partners attribute to Data, Vaccine, or Virus. Not as useful as it sounds at first, any benefit you receive from a simple changing to an advantaged type is relatively minor, as in an opponent kicking your ass before will still kick your ass. However, depending on your partner, this could have a greater potential use...
Recharge time: *

Recharge Mod: A simple mod that allows you to recharge your partners weapons, be it bullets, some kind of attack that requires power like an energy cannon, or anything in between. Similar to Henry's Recharge card in that it's only really handy for machine types or those with guns in this regard, also reduces in effectiveness with repeated uses, though you'll never be down to zero shots thanks to it to say the least.
Recharge time: *

Purify Mod: A healing mod only usable by a Tamer that surrounds your partner in an aura of light for a moment can get rid of some of the damage your partner has taken. Further this mod can also be used to purify your partner if he gets corrupted at any time, a facet that can extend to those within the small aura, though the effect is nowhere near as great. Reduces in effectiveness however with repeated uses in a single battle, meaning you should not rely on it all the time to save your partner if his ass is getting kicked.
Recharge time: ****

Infect Mod: A Corrupt Mod only Usable by a Dark Tamer which allows for a Dark Aura to surround your partner for a short while, which can cause corruption in digimon via extended contact. Not as effective however on those with stronger wills, much stronger than your partner, or indeed the Tamer's digimon, but a dark digimon does get a minor boost in power upon its use that decreases with time while this is active, though not a particularly great one. However due to a recharge time this cannot be used in quick succession after it ends and decreases significantly in effectiveness with repeated uses.
Recharge time: ****

Alias: An enhancement mod that allows the Digimon to "shed" his outermost layer of data and "replace" himself with it in response to an attack, effectively avoiding greater harm in this manner. Of course, iterative use of this ability rapidly weakens the user, as it loses more and more of the data that makes its body.
Recharge time: ***

Devil Mod: An enhancement mod which greatly boosts a Digimon's overall stats, at the cost of its capacity for coherent thought. The affected Digimon becomes a berserker who will relentlessly attack anything within its reach, stopping only if destroyed, exhausted or if the mod's effect is dispelled after a short period of time. Also causes an increased risk of corruption with use.
Recharge time: ****

Dampener Mod: A plug-in which enhances the target's resistance to elemental attacks. Physical attacks and "raw" energy attacks are not affected. Can also plug-in to the Barrier mod to enhance its resistance to elemental attacks. Naturally the more you use it, the weaker its effect becomes.
Recharge time: **

Keep in mind your partners given capabilities when choosing what mods to give him. A digimon evolution set that can all already swim with you for example gains nothing from the Swim Mod (The flight mod however...), and an already insanely fast digimon gets kinda screwed over from the basic use of the Speed Mod, etc... So choose carefully what sounds the most useful to you. Also the advanced uses for Type Conversion will be granted as discussed, as there are some really good ones depending how you roll with it.

If you also want to add a mod or two to the list that people can use, be our guest, though keep in mind we try to keep them from being particularly overpowered or, indeed, a tad arbitrary and not altogether too useful (Discussion of how a Range mode would work kinda fell into the later), hence hold the decision to veto it if it doesn't fall into the accepted range of viability there.

Story: Basic jist is mentioned in the first bit above, taking key points from several of the series thus far. You can come from any sort of sufficiently advanced 'earth' I suppose, just remember you are not a previously canon character, and instead a new one of your making. First planned event involves you and the rest of the hero group joining a group of digimon stopping another corrupted group from taking a different captured group to a now dark zone in order to corrupt them as well. Your partnership can be forged with a digimon who will be part of either the group attacking the corrupted group, the captured digimon, or if you have an adequate purify mod, even one of the corrupted group we're fighting against. The corrupted group will include mainly rookies and one decent champion (And maybe a Troopmon or two to give the rookies a challenge) to deal with. All other digimon of consequence will be a rookie.

No matter which it is your partner will be a Rookie, and only one of the group will make it to champion at this time as the characters start to get used to the fighting mechanics. Who this is will obviously not be me, and will be decided once we get as many as seemingly possible.

Corrupted digimon really can't easily be purified without a partner of their own, so deletion is necessary. It's up to you whether you want your partner to absorb them or not for marginal strength growth down the line, which will make it easier on you for digivolutions too. However this also comes at it's own price the more you do it. Also keep in mind if they've been taking data from the land you can return that to bring life back to the corrupted parts of the digital world.

Also remember if there's anything you want to add in or any specific digimon you want to face during your specific evolution combat pieces, you just have to ask. So long as it's not too out there, me and lightwave should be pretty open about it.

Main Things Of Note:

Applications need-






Back story: (If so desired)

D-Synchro Color:

Potential Partners/Evolution Lines and their Attacks: (Pics if desired, though google is simple enough to say the least)

Partner's Personality:

Partner's Back story: (If so desired)

Selected mods: (Will be subject to change if more good ideas come in and you want to change to one later)

Additional Notes: (Use at your own Discretion)

Also keep in mind that just because you choose an elemental zone does not force you to choose a partner with only that specific element, or said element at all. You could try it for aesthetics's sake, but it's not necessary. Further even though we're limiting to one character for now, if you want to gun for a second, particularly one of the dark group whenever/if they show up, or if we don't have enough people you can certainly try. Though try not to bite off more than you can chew. To help with this the evil tamers will only show up rarely as the story progresses if at all. Similarly if you have any feature you want to add to anything, give a shout and we'll see if it'll mesh with everything else.

And if Seiya bites my leg enough I might try for the biobrigade if it pans out.


Well-Known Member
...what about ZeedMilleniumon? He's not on the restricted list, but I'm pretty sure that he's stronger (and more dangerous) than some of those on the list.


Well-Known Member
I'm prone to forgetting a few obvious ones, but I'm pretty sure he's a super ultimate or somewhere therein. Regardless, he's banned too, as well as all his ilk. Even Milleniumon who technically I didn't cover.

Basically if it's absurdly broken in some fashion, moreso than most mega's already are, it's probably not going to fly. I'm sure there are a few others I'm neglecting as big bosses in some other story I haven't gotten to yet. Also Destroying dimensions = broken.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... Gonna go for the Gold.

As Red and Black are taken.

Is Coronamon fine?

I'm thinking of following the canon line and Flaremon looks awesome.

Sorry for the horrible pun by the way.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'll try this too. I don't think I've tried an RP before though...

I'll complete the application later, but here's what I have for now:


D-Synchro Color: Silver

Potential Partners/Evolution Lines and their Attacks:

-Commandramon, Sealsdramon, Tankdramon, Darkdramon

Selected mods:

-Recharge Mod
-(will list more later)


Well-Known Member
Aarik said:
Hmmm... Gonna go for the Gold.

As Red and Black are taken.

Is Coronamon fine?

I'm thinking of following the canon line and Flaremon looks awesome.

Sorry for the horrible pun by the way.

Coronamon - Firamon - Flaremon - Apollomon

Can't think of any reason not to.


Well-Known Member
Name: Ryan Nerio

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Nonsocial, competitive, and dislikes being bored. He has a big brother thing due to being the oldest.


D-Synchro Color: Blue/Water

Potential Partners/Evolution Lines and their Attacks:
Attacks- Electro Shock, Fin Cutter, Water Tower

Attacks- Pulse blast.á Dolphin Kick

*Whamon- vaccine
Attacks Jet Arrow û Tidal Wave - Ice Blast

*Neptunemon- Vaccine
Attacks û Wave of Depth - Vortex Penetrate - Ice Blast
Gates of Atlantis - Heaven's gate but drowns.

Partner's Personality: As per his virus subtype- He likes to fight and win. Doesn't really like being on land all that much and would rather be in the water.

Selected mods: Flight û Speed - Purify

Additional Notes:
Whamon Drop.


Well-Known Member
Isn't Gaiomon the "evil" counterpart to VictoryGreymon? It might be too powerful. Then again, it's unlikely that we'll be reaching Mega/Ultimate.

And here's my complete application:

Name: Sho Kaneda

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: A bit shy and awkward around strangers, but is somewhat more talkative with friends and other people he's comfortable with.á Can be a little sarcastic at times.

<a href='http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq96/mo0gl3z/T-MOON%20related/1221950265475.jpg' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>this</a>
Only a lot scrawnier, with grey eyes, and no swords.á Also, replace his clothing with a typical, middle school uniform.


D-Synchro Color: Silver/Steel

Potential Partners/Evolution Lines and their Attacks:

Commandramon - Virus
Attacks: M16 Assasin, DCD Bomb

Sealsdramon - Virus
Attacks: Death Behind, Scouter Monoeye

Tankdramon - Virus
Attacks: Striver Cannon*, Blast Gatling

Darkdramon - Virus
Attacks: Dark Roar, Gigastick Lance, Demon Stab


DarkTyrannomon - Virus
Attacks: Fire Blast, Iron Tail

MetalTyrannomon - Virus
Attacks: Giga Destroyer II, Nuclear Laser

Mugendramon - Virus
Attacks: Mugen Cannon, Booster Claw, Catastrophe D.

Partner's Personality: Highly militaristic (as expected), aggresive in fights due to its Virus attribute.

Selected mods:

-Recharge Mod
-Dig Mod
-Speed Mod

Additional Notes: *Taken from wikimon: "Its Special Move is its "Striver Cannon" firing a shell loaded with a mini-nuke, reducing everything within a 30 km radius to scorched earth."á ...so yeah, you might want to nerf this in case it breaks the game.


Well-Known Member
sytang said:
Isn't Gaiomon the "evil" counterpart to VictoryGreymon? It might be too powerful. Then again, it's unlikely that we'll be reaching Mega/Ultimate.
No. It's a WarGreymon Counterpart.

Plus the line I want is Betamon-Dolphmon-Whamon-Plesiomon.


Well-Known Member
I can try this as well?

Lol! A Humorous thought. Fill out more later.

Name: Miki Hibiki

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Personality: Independent, Optimistic, Hard Working, Fighting Otaku

D-Synchro Color: Earth: Brown Alter of Earth

Potential Partners/Evolution Lines and their Attacks: (Perhaps a Girl Version? Maybe just edit out Leo & put Bear versions?)

Bearmon, Rookie Vaccine Beast

Grizzlymon, Champion Vaccine Beast

GrapLeomon, Ultimate Vaccine Beast Man

BanchoLeomon, Mega Vaccine Beast Man

Selected mods:

Dig Mod

Strength Mod

Purify Mod


Well-Known Member
TerraBull said:
GrapLeomon, Ultimate Vaccine Beast Man

BanchoLeomon, Mega Vaccine Beast Man
This won't end well...

Oh, and I finished my application.


Well-Known Member
sytang said:
TerraBull said:
GrapLeomon, Ultimate Vaccine Beast Man

BanchoLeomon, Mega Vaccine Beast Man
This won't end well...

Oh, and I finished my application.
No it will not


Well-Known Member
I'm tentatively interested in the wind device even though teal is such a lame color. =p

Considering funbeemon as partner.
Evolution Path is pretty simple! Funbeemon > waspmon (or honeybeemon) > canonbeemon > tiger vespamon.

Yes, I know, very creative. =p

Actually, I did go looking for more creative paths I'd like, but too much of what I liked either headed towards a banned mega evolution (damn you!), or the elemental power related to those evolutions were very clearly already called dibs on (damn you!).


Well-Known Member
Nothing to see here.


Well-Known Member
If that means lightning person can get stuck with teal, sure!

Edit: I saw what you did! It remains burned in my memory!


Well-Known Member
Funbeemon huh? I was actually considering him to be my partner as well. But then I realized that the Recharge Mod would become useless once (or rather, if) he reaches Mega (to hell with it, I'll use dub terms in this thread).

So instead, I just used the Commandramon line, where the Recharge mod is useful for every single evolution (except maybe Champion).

Also, no one's taking a Data type as a partner for some reason...


Well-Known Member
Kayeich said:
If that means lightning person can get stuck with teal, sure!

Edit: I saw what you did! It remains burned in my memory!
No it isn't. The TigerVespamon line can count as Lightning/Thunder.

If you want variety you could go with the TyrantKabuterimon line.
<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexkokabuteri.shtml' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexkokabuteri.shtml</a>
<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexbladekuwaga.shtml' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexbladekuwaga.shtml</a>
<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexmetalifekuwaga.shtml' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexmetalifekuwaga.shtml</a>
<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dextyrantkabuteri.shtml' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://dma.wtw-x.net/dextyrantkabuteri.shtml</a>


Well-Known Member
Probably good to note the preferred line with at least a '*'. Also we're totally downgrading that blast radius from that distance to 'really big boom'. Unless we're fighting Leviamon going for scale like that is absurd. >>

Similarly I'm pretty sure BanchoLeomon is ungirlable honestly. Unless we straight up make up an BanchoLeowomon or something which I'd honestly prefer to avoid. Also are you set for GrapLeomon? If you go for Pandamon... Let's just say that then Type Conversion becomes rather handy for you, though granted the benefits of it depend on how much you care for the other two forms.

Finally if you contest the colors note we made those up on the spot, if we want to argue them let's roll. Get this hammered out now. And remember that nothing's solid to the end, even my claims can be stolen, and that the elemental zones are just that, zones, they don't necessarily have anything to do with your partner, other than their capability to live there. Ex: A bug set is good for Earth, Wood, Sky Etc... not just stuff their attacks use. If you want to go that far, not it's purely aesthetic, as my champion proves (Regardless of my Type Conversion hacking). Guidelines rather than rules.

Anyway mine:

Name: Shijima Kaji

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Generally reclusive and laid back, tends to wear headphones to keep out the ambient noise, partly because he tends to get a little nervous around the endless car sounds in the city he lives in. Seemingly disinterested with everything and yet he tends to care for the safety of those around him more than he lets on, though he rarely confirms or denies anything. Keeps to his own thoughts most of the time and doesn't usually open up to others, though when he sees someone senselessly putting themselves in danger he usually finds it in himself to act.

Appearance: For simplicities sake, this-

Albeit with a straight cut on the right cheek.

Back story: Lives with his dad alone, who has been down in his luck job wise for years now and has to constantly be out to support the two of them. The cut on his cheek, and subsequently his nervousness around cars is due to a particularly nasty accident that he by chance managed to survive. It was his subsequent claim that it probably wouldn't have mattered if he'd gotten hit or not and his father's reaction that slowly made him take his stance on the value of lives.

D-Synchro Color: Red.

Partner's Evolution Line and Attacks:
<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexcandle.shtml' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Candlemon</a>
Flame Bomber-Fires small flames that explode when they hit.
Melted Wax-Fires a bunch of wax that solidifies and restricts enemy movements.
Karmic Flame-A spell type move that summons a magic circle around him that burns whoever else is within. Does more damage the more bad karma the opponent has.

<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexwizard.shtml' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Wizardmon</a>
Electric Squall-Fires a powerful lightning blast.
Magical Game-Demonstrates the breadth of his magical knowledge, from offensive abilities and memory alteration to invisibility and illusions, though due to the damage he took that caused him to revert to Candlemon, this move is unstable and not as reliable as it should be. Generally a fireball attack.
Illusion of Terror-Exploits the target's fears with terrifying visions.
<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexflawizar.shtml' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>FlameWizardmon</a>
Flare Burst-Fires a burst of flame at the target.
Magic Ignition-Ignites the matches and throws a huge burst of exploding flame at the target.
Flame Illusion-Entraps the foe in a raging inferno.
<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexsorcer.shtml' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Sorcerymon</a>
Crystal Barrage-Fires multiple ice creations from its staff.
Drowning Aquarius-Surrounds the foe in an orb of crushing water as it drowns them.
Ice Illusion-Entraps enemy in a freezing snowstorm.

<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexmisty.shtml#page=page-1' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Mistymon</a>
Blast Fire-Charges his blazing blade with fire to launch it at the target.
Core Dart-Charges the orb with elemental energy and throws it at the target.

<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexdynas.shtml#page=page-1' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Dynasmon</a>
Wyvern's Roar-Transforms its body's energy into an aura of a gigantic wyvern which attacks, though the power is unstable and damaging to the user.
Dragon Thrower-Fires elemental energy shots from the palms of its hands.
Dragon Blade-Charges energy in its palms to make a pure energy sword that generates an explosion. (Courtesy of the Spanish Wikia)

Corrupted Line and attacks:
<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexsoul.shtml' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Soulmon</a>
Energy Drain-Trains the target of energy to use to fuel itself.
Soul Cry-Lets out a chilling wail that inflicts terror on foes.
Necro Magic-Summons dark specters to attack foes.

<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexphanto.shtml#page=page-1' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Phantomon</a>
Death Sentence-Slowly drains the foe of vitality.
Shadow Scythe-Charges his lance with dark energy to slash at the foe.
Diabolic Star-Swings the ball chain at the foe, either tying them up or striking with it charged with dark energy.

<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexghoul.shtml#page=page-1' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Ghoulmon</a>
Death Arrow-Fires arrows of death from the evil eyes on both of its hands.
Explosion Eye-Fires an exploding laser beam from its central eye when it shines deep crimson.
Death Wave-Charges his wings with dark energy and fires it at the foe.

Partner's Personality: Exceedingly loyal to a fault, and yet has become jaded of late prior to meeting the group. Does not honestly care if this Digital World is destroyed, only caring for the safety and orders of his partner.

Partner's Back story: A former Wizardmon and resident of Witchenly prior to its destruction. In his attempts to find those responsible he drove himself the the point of exhaustion, the the degree that he reverted to rookie after all the damage he took. Holds the digital world's guardians responsible for letting Witchenly be destroyed after its Guardian fell when he received no aid, and has long since ceased to care if this world ends too.

Selected mods: Type Conversion (with Wizardmon), Barrier, Endurance.

Additional Notes: Being the Caster and Equipped with both Barrier and the Endurance Mod to Augment it, he'll easily become the main go to dude to protect the group from enemy attacks.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think it will not end well as well.

But to be honest, there are too many ways it may.

Care to list them?

I admit it! I was weak and chose it by looks and concept!

BanchoLeomon that is.

Why I was thinking on a bear version, but no clue on what exactly..

edit: I was ninj'd!

Hmm.. what else to make..

re-edit: Pandamon seems like a choice.


Well-Known Member
If you want variety you could go with the TyrantKabuterimon line.
Bladekuwagamon looks -terrible- though! =p

Wind is fine for the vespamon line anyhow. They're all from the wind guardian family after all!


Well-Known Member
Kayeich said:
If you want variety you could go with the TyrantKabuterimon line.
Bladekuwagamon looks -terrible- though! =p

Wind is fine for the vespamon line anyhow. They're all from the wind guardian family after all!
Also, on the color of the device. You can argue for a better color if you like. Those were something we made up on the spot.


Well-Known Member
If anyone wants to take the Ice Alter, then I'd like to suggest having the Lunamon line as a partner:

<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexluna.shtml' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Lunamon</a>
<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexlekis.shtml' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Lekismon</a>
<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexcresce.shtml' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Crescemon</a>
<a href='http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexdiana.shtml' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Dianamon</a>

Of course, it's just a suggestion. Since I don't think there are many Ice-Types out there, I figure I'd make a suggestion... that and Dianamon is one of the Olympus Twelve.


Well-Known Member
I like purple! Lightning can be teal instead! ;)


Well-Known Member
That doesn't make much in the way of sense...

I suppose lightning could be yellow, despite closeness to gold. But sky isn't really purple so to speak...

Gah, if we could get some orange up in here that'd be ideal... >>


Well-Known Member
Name: Takeru "Tk" Raitei
Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Quiet, fun-loving, loves to laugh, will be serious when the time comes, trusting. Is shy, but once he gets to know you, he will be friendly and caring making sure that his friends aren't upset or happy. Nurturing and caring to others. Would be willing to charge if no one is up to it or when he feels the need to.

Appearance: 6'2'', Black with blue highlights and tips, brown eyes. Wears glasses.

D-Synchro Color: Orange - Alter of Lightning

Potential Partners/Evolution Lines and their Attacks: (Pics if desired, though google is simple enough to say the least)
(Rookie)Monodramon: Beat Knuckle | Crack Bite | Burst Shadow Wing
(Champion) Raptordramon: Blaze Blast | Dragons Breath | Crash Charge
(Ultimate) Grademon: Cross Blade | Grade Slash
(Mega) Gaiomon: Gaia Reactor | Fire Cutter Blade/Rinkazan (Will-o'-the-Wisp Slash) | Fire Cutter Shot/Rinkageki (Will-O'-The-Wisp Shot)

Partner's Personality: Quiet, friendly, Will be willing to do just about anything for his friends, Trusting.

Selected mods: (Will be subject to change if more good ideas come in and you want to change to one later)
Strength Mod
Speed Mod
Purify Mod