Do you use helmets in games?

Do you use full headgear in games?

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Well-Known Member
Topic title should be self-explanatory... when you play games where you can equip actual helmets as headgear instead of circlets, jewelry and other popular bishie ornaments designed to show pretty faces off, do you use them? Or do you keep the head uncovered?


Well-Known Member
Depends how awesome the helmets look, and how much effort I put into my character's face. For example:

Juggernaut armor in DAO? Fuck yes. Most of the time? No.

Mass Effect 1? Mostly no. Sometimes yes, with Wrex and Garrus - light Turian armor has that adorable balaclava thing, heavier armors have the badass t-visor. Krogan helmets make the headbutts look even nastier, so yeah.


Well-Known Member
Depends on if I can find a badass helm.

Rising Dragon

Well-Known Member
It depends on the helmet. For most of Mass Effect... no, I don't like the helmets, but I keep them on as part of the setting and aesthetic. Dragon Age: Origins? Only liked a few of the helmets but didn't really have a choice in the matter; at least Dragon Age 2 had the invisible helmets option.

I liked a good deal of the helmets in Morrowind, particularly the Adamantium Helm of Tohan, with a replacer mod that gave it a Shredder-esque mouthplate. In Skyrim, not so much--some helmets looked fine, but I didn't care for the barbarian aesthetic present in most of the game's armors, particularly that of Dragonplate. In fact, it was one of the reasons as to why I commissioned the creation of the Dragon Knight Armor mod. In that game, at least, I only wear helmets and armor when going into battle, and generally walk about towns and such in regular clothing. Same deal with Fallout 3 and New Vegas, some I liked, some I hated, but I generally only worried about it when going into battle or exploring hostile wilderness. In both of those games, my endgame armor helmet was something I rather liked (in this case, the Reinforced Chinese Stealth Armor mods).

Sometimes I dislike helmet designs even if you can't actually see them in game--take the Blue Dragon Helm from Lunar. That thing looks ridiculous, but at least you don't see Alex wearing it on the game sprites. The Dragon Helm from Lunar 2 looked great, though... even though green wasn't Hiro's color.

In Diablo 2, at least the best helmet type in that game was the Crown, which didn't look half bad on the Paladin. And helmets are aesthetic-based on classes in Diablo 3, so it too didn't really matter too much, but was overall necessary to wear.


Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
Topic title should be self-explanatory... when you play games where you can equip actual helmets as headgear instead of circlets, jewelry and other popular bishie ornaments designed to show pretty faces off, do you use them? Or do you keep the head uncovered?
Depends on if the helmets look better than without them.
Dragon Age and Mass Effect 1? No.
Mass Effect 2: Some helmets like the DLC set that looked like a futuristic Robocop outfit, yes. Collector's Armor and Blood Dragon Armor also.
Mass Effect 3: Same as 2
Other games and create-a-characters = depends on if there's a helmet I like. Like in Soul Calibur's edit/CAW mode.


Well-Known Member
Short answer: Yes.

TL;DR answer: most of the time I do enjoy when my characters wear protective headgear because of the awesome stat boosts, even moreso when it complements their looks (don't knock it, you know you'd also wear that Empress Hairpin/Garish Crown/RandomName BandannaLikeThing because of the stats too), even if only as town gear. Now if the gear is ugly, well, I'm fucked unless there's away to turn off the head equipment display off... or just plain mod the shit out of the gear files and make it look like something else that fits the armor set and looks good at the same time.

Meinos Kaen

Well-Known Member
Do I equip them? Always. Do I use the invisible helmet option if available? Yeah, if I feel it fits. Can't really take your helmet off in space and expect to survive, yeah?


Well-Known Member
No, unless there's an option to disable visuals. Proper heroes don't wear helmets, they show their faces proudly, arrogantly. Helmets are for mooks and sidekicks.

'Sides, it's not like it's real life where a sniper would giggle at the helmetless idiot and put a round through his obviously empty head.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Not wearing a helmet when you're going into combat if you have any other option is stupid, and I don't play stupid characters.


Well-Known Member
Yes, unless you got a better boost if you didn't (like some gear in ME 3). Outside of that I do not go around with my eyes, ears and brain unprotected.


Well-Known Member
Kibbles said:
No, unless there's an option to disable visuals. Proper heroes don't wear helmets, they show their faces proudly, arrogantly. Helmets are for mooks and sidekicks.

'Sides, it's not like it's real life where a sniper would giggle at the helmetless idiot and put a round through his obviously empty head.
Unless you're playing a Fallout game, where not wearing a helmet does expose you to critical hits to the head. :snigger:


Well-Known Member
I'll wear the best gear I can get, regardless of what it is. If it doesn't look good, I'll be hoping for an invisible option for the helmet or something like a "visual" option or even something akin to Wow's transmog.


Well-Known Member
As a rule, I don't have helmets on. If it helps my stats, however, I would use it.


Well-Known Member
My in-game avatar is merely an extension of my will, and it cares little for being "Pretty".


I'm stuck looking at my characters back nine tenths of the time. Give me an awesome moving magical tattoo and I might go without body armor, but I don't see my character's faces enough to care.
Nanya said:
Whatever protects me best.
This, and/or whichever gives best stat boosts. Auto-Safe, Auto-Shell, status protection... these are good things. Sure, you can usually do without them, but why would you unless specifically challenged?


Well-Known Member
I go with whatever works. I don't care if my character ends up looking like a crazy hooker or bloody clown.


Well-Known Member
Unless there is a "hide helmet" feature then I generally go with whatever makes me look pretty. Plus if you really want to get into it full face helmets don't make any sense except for a meat shield. No visibility? No thank you.


Well-Known Member
Should be a sometimes option in the poll...

I sometimes do, but it depends on a number of factors, such as the items abilities, stats, the character class, level, what path of growth I'm following for them, etc.

If it's a mage and they're usually away from direct combat, it would probably be circlets and such. A knight would probably denote an actual helm.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the game. In first-person games such as the Elder Scrolls I wear them, because no matter how stupid I might think they look I can't actually see them, because I always play in first person mode.

Rising Dragon

Well-Known Member
At least in Skyrim's case, there's mods to have a helmet toggle, where you equip/unequip your helmet at the press of a button.


Well-Known Member
I'll wear a helmet if it's the only way to get good stats in that slot.

But if I have the option to turn them off or use a less concealing headpiece, I'll do that if I'm playing a game in which I had to spend time carefully making a face.