Doctor Chaos

the DragonBard

Well-Known Member
I know I know, big surprise.

Problem is that, I can't remember the source, so don't want to put it up just for them to take it down.

Doctor Chaos was an enemy of Superboy, and basically an evil version of Dr Fate. According to Wikipedia, he made one appearance, and that was it. However, I distinctly remember a later story arch where a similar figure was shown.

In it, an evil sorceress uses Superman's body to capture a source of magical power from space. Before she can steal the power, Dr Chaos (or who I think is Dr Chaos, since I vaguely remember there being mentions of shows up, and both try and pull the power from Superman. This causes Supes to be split into two people, each of them with only half the selection of power of the original (though I think both had flight.)

Several months later, the two Supermen are fighting against an enemy, and are unable to defeat individually, but something causes the two to partially merge into a giant blue version of the Man of Steel. This version has better luck, but against is overcome.

The two give it another try, and the original Superman is reformed, and beats the badguy.

My question: does anyone remember the issues that this story arch covered?