Dragon's Lullaby Chapter 1 (in snppits)


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Chapter One: Blue Bell

Even though she was still relatively new to the job Princess Yui, formally of the Northern Water Tribe, rather doubted she would ever feel at ease around the Spirit of Fire. His face was covered in so many small, pale white, scars that is made his face seem like a Paisho table with two miniature suns where the eyes were supposed to be. His skin looked as if somebody had left it in an oven too long and burnt it, add to this a beard that that went from his chin all the way down to the belt of his concealing red and black robes then split in two too loop back up into the Top Knot is hair was in and you were presented with a rather intimidating figure, especially if you were a former mortal.

Agni was one of the strongest spirits in existence, Yui had never seen him use any substantial power, but just standing there made her uneasy as she could feel it radiating off of him like a supernova. Though all of her time spent as the new spirit of the moon the only thing about Agni she could be sure of was that he couldnÆt crack a joke if his life depended on it.

ôLord Agni it is a pleasure, as always, what brings you to my humble realm?ö Yui asked, hoping to keep the unexpected meeting as brief as possible, left unsaid was the fact the her humble realm was, in fact, the moon which ever circled the world of her birth. Also left unsaid was the strain the recent conflict had put on the relationship between the elements, Earth and Air knew Agni had no control over his peopleÆs decisions anymore then they did, but with all of creation out of balance it had been harder and harder to not grow resentful of him.

Which is why, except for the occasional appearance, he had been almost non existent after the death of YuiÆs predecessor.

ôIÆve come to discuss with you the events of your encounter with the outsider.ö When he spoke his voice came out smooth and calm, Agni was well known for his tight reigns on his emotions.

Agni never lost control of himself.

Yui stiffened in surprise at his words. She had been walking on the road between her realm and the Earth not two days ago when she had been attacked by a strange creature she had never before seen. It had been twelve feet tall with mottled grey skin gold reptilian eyes, a perfectly round, hairless, head with no nose or ears, but very sharp teeth, and six arms all longer then its legs, which was where itÆs great height had come from.

Yui was the spirit of the moon, one of the most powerful beings in creation, thus it was no great difficulty to destroy the foul thing, whatever it had been, but it had taken a much more significant amount of power then she had first thought, which had troubled her greatly. It was only after she had destroyed it that she had realized that whatever the thing had been it was not native to her plain of existence, which could only mean it had come from somewhere outside.

That was never a good thing.

ôWhat is it you wish to know?ö Yui asked, while she didnÆt like being around him she had no great reason to hate the Spirit of Fire.

ôNot anything I need to know, but to explain.ö Agni paused for a moment, as if looking fro the right words, before launching back into the conversation. ôThe creature you faced was only one of many and more are showing up in the Spirit World every day.ö

YuiÆs eyes widened as she fought to keep the panic from taking her. ôWhere are they coming from?ö

ôI do not know, but with Air at her weakest in decades and Earth yet to wake from his enforced slumber it falls to us to deal with this situation.
All was quiet as he waited for her response, and what could she honestly say? Over the years, as the world slowly lost itÆs balance, Agni had been getting stronger while the others, herself included, had been diminishing. Until recently Earth had been the only one who could still match Agni, but with the fall of Ba Sing Se much of his power had vanished and he had been forced into hibernation in an effort to lessen the power drain until balance was restored.

Air was the worst of them all. She had all but stopped existing after the Air Nomads had all been killed off and held on only by the slimiest thread of influence, thanks in no small part to the Avatar. All of this could be repaired in time, but not if they were attacked by an outsider while they were still weak from all the infighting.

ôWhat do you suggest?ö Yui asked, finally breaking the silence that had set in while she had pondered the current crisis.

Agni turned his head to the right slightly to gaze out at the sun, his realm, that was just starting to make its way into view from where they were standing. ôIf we still had balance we could just locate the rift in reality and close it on this side. However with only the two of us I am afraid it will have to be closed from the other side.

ôThen neither us nor the Avatar will be able to do it as we can not leave this realm.ö

ôWhich is why we will be using somebody else.ö Agni said before turning his back to her and begin to walk away. ô IÆll need you in the Fire Nation capital tomorrow morning.ö

ôWait!ö Yui cried out to him as he got closer to the edge of her realm. ôWho is it? Who is this person you are looking for?ö

I have already found her I just need you to make sure she is coherent enough to understand the situation.ö He said not pausing for one second as he said it finally reach the edge of her realm.

And was gone.

I need a good name for the Air and Earth spirit, since I couldn't think of any good ones.

Well what do you think?