Elfquest anyone?


Well-Known Member
Mmm-hmm... when I was 11/12, I went through a biiig ElfQuest phase.

Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?


Well-Known Member
Of course. Something you might enjoy, they've placed most of it online. :)

Be advised, some pages, like the Leetah and Nightfall dance following this page are NOT entirely safe for work to blood-and-guts-are-fine-any-bit-of-nudity-is-not Americans.... though I really don't see how it's any worse than, say, any rap or Britney Spears clip.


Well-Known Member
theM said:
Of course. Something you might enjoy, they've placed most of it online. :)

Be advised, some pages, like the Leetah and Nightfall dance following this page are NOT entirely safe for work to blood-and-guts-are-fine-any-bit-of-nudity-is-not Americans.... though I really don't see how it's any worse than, say, any rap or Britney Spears clip.
:mellow: :eek: :wub: :D :lol: :yay:

Oh my god, you have totally made my day!!! Thank you sooo much M :D

Oh my god oh my god oh my god I'm such a freaking fangirl, but seriously, this is the greatest thing I've ever seen!!!! *can't stop bouncing and smiling*

Thank you.

And you're right about that page. Jeez. Y'know I actually got Kings of the Broken Circle out from the library and some asshat had scribbled all over all the semi naked pictures. I nearly cried. I was 12 and it was just so sad, because I had to guess what had happened in those frames.

I think I'm gonna go email my brother and tell him about that... the web thing, not the nearly crying ^_^


California Crackpot
Thanks for the links.

I've enjoyed Elfquest since I first read the Marvel reprints in the 80's; I've got quite a few of the collected editions, but not all. Trying to find them (affordable) is a bitch.

I wish they'd put out the stories from the last Elfquest anthology in collected editions, and finish the storylines they left undone.


Well-Known Member
My brother has the collected editions for the first 'quest' and he gave them to me to read when I was ludicrously sick when I was 11, and I kept reading them :)

He used to have more - and original xmen stuff (he still has some, but not all) - but one of my mum's psychopath friends burnt them :(


Well-Known Member
Yes there is, It was the first book in the series that I read. So there is at least one of them.


California Crackpot
From what I recall, there were a few novels. Some recounted the tale of the First Quest, and others were fan stories about various wolfriders.

Sorta like the Star Trek/Star Wars line of novels. But they've been out of print for a while; I found one at my local library.


Well-Known Member
Ah right.

I can't say, having never laid eyes on one, but they... probably ain't my thing ^_^

So who's your favourite character(s)?

I love Strongbow :sisi:


California Crackpot
It's been awhile since I've read the books...

Hmm, Ember, after she splits the tribe and goes off with her half to make sure the tribe survives.

Cutter, in the first Quest. Especially with his attempts to handle Recognition.

Pike. An unrepentant lover of berries.