Evangelion Eva/LH Crossover


Well-Known Member
So this particular plot bunny won't get out of my head. I've seen Love Hina and Evangelion crossovers before, and theres been one or two I've liked, but I figure this is a new take on the idea. I got a rough blurb start below.

ôDoctor Akagi, I understand you have the latest Marduk findings from the MAGI.ö

Ritsuko Akagi cleared her throat and eyed her Commander with a small tinge of nervousness. ôYes sir, Commander Ikari. I have found two candidates in the Kanagawa region. As luck would have it, both of the subjects live together as we speak, so a sense of camaraderie should already exist, or at least, not be hard to instill.ö She slid two dossiers onto the Commander's desk. ôThough, the first subject is going to be a problem.ö


ôYes. She's royalty. A Princess in exile here in Japan, as far as I can tell, for her protection. Her homeland was torn up by Second Impact. Never the less, her country is still one of the most technologically advanced in the world today. The subject's Uncle was originally a part of Project E before he passed on.ö

ôAnd the other?ö

ôThe second subject is rather meek and shy, but, at the same time has some of the most promising projected ratios and sync probabilities than any other subject yet without a designation as a Child.ö

ôHow well does her psychological profile fit the mold?ö

ôHer mother died several years ago and her father has since sent her to live at a dormitory house, as he is busy working for us at NERV-2 in Nevada.ö

ôHmm... Your report also mentions something regarding the work in Nevada.ö

ôYes, the Americans are giving us Unit-03.ö

Gendo quirked an eyebrow. ôAfter being so dead set on constructing two models of their own, why send us Unit-03, who is just barely completed?ö

ôThat information I do not know, but I suspect the recent trade off on the S2 project has something to do with it.ö

ôCurious. So your final conclusion on this report?ö

ôThe second subject is the best choice at this time for designation as the pilot of Unit-03.ö

ôVery well, Doctor. You leave for Hinata at 0900 hours tomorrow. The Marduk Institue report is as follows; Shinobu Maehera is designated as the Fourth Child. Dismissed.ö

So... Yeah, Su and Shinobu as pilots, because I think it could be done, somehow.

This came to me the other day while working on Stargate: Hinata (Yes, that idea. It's coming about slowly, but surely.) I am just putting this out there. That's a rough blurb, I have a lot of ideas for polish and that sort of thing but I think this is a fresh spin on this crossover, or at least one I don't recall seeing done.