Even Worse Case Scenario

The "Star Trek: Voyager" episode "Worst Case Scenario" got me thinking about a potential crossover. For those of you who don't know, here's an episode summary:

Worst Case Scenario

At the end of the episode, Tuvok and Tom Paris decide to work on a new holo-novel. What if they wrote one for Evangelion, casting Harry and Seven as Shinji and Rei? And as the program progresses, what if the holographic SEELE became self-aware (Stupid holodeck cliche, I know) and tried to take over? Or possibly take Voyager into a universe where Evangelion was real?

Personally I'd love this story simply for the "Tom is trying to make Harry miserable-Again" angle. Harry is already the Universe's bitch in Voyager-Why not cast him as Shinji? Only the parameters of the novel are ever so slightly altered towards the ShinjiHarem concept.

Because Tom Paris would fit right in on TFF and you guys know it. Well, at least prior to Season 4 when the show began to suck hard.

BTW, Kes would be in this story (Alternate Universe where my favorite Ocampan and Seven both stayed on the ship. Suck it Berman!). It'd be kind of twisted but hilarious if she were cast as Asuka...