Nasuverse Fate Themed Chess Pieces


Well-Known Member
Lately I've been looking into 3D printing and noticed that it is possible to make figurines with it. They would have to be painted, but they are possible. So I had an idea earlier.

The idea here is to make a chess set in which the pieces are figurines of various Fate characters. The roles will attempt to fit the class of the servant. I can think of a couple different sets that can be made; Black, White, Red, Blue, Purple, and Green maybe. Some may have overlap, which could be a good thing as most sets are meant to go against one other set, not any set.

The King should probably be various masters. This fits because the King is one of the weakest pieces. The Queen will probably be various versions of Saber. I first thought to make her the King piece, but that would be kinda weak for her. Trying to use Berserkers and Archers primarily as Rooks. With Casters and Lancers as Bishops, and mostly Riders filling in as Knights, though maybe an odd Saber thrown in. My plan was to use Assassins for the pawns, but they mostly come in black. 100 Faced could work for just about all of them.

So I need help filling in the slots. Black and Red/Gold are the most filled. I wasn't really planning on doing Purple or Green, but I had masters that fit.

Queen----Saber Alter---Saber Lily-----Nero-----------Arturia-------Mordred--------?
Rook-----Siegfried-----Fake Gil-------Gil------------?-------------?--------------?
Bishop---Medea---------Enkidu---------Karna----------Cu Chulainn---Medea----------?
Bishop---Vlad III------?--------------Semiramis------Tamamo--------?--------------?
Knight---Lancelot------Saint George---Francis Drake--?-------------?--------------?
Pawns----Jack----------?--------------Li Shuwen------?-------------Sasaki Kojiro--?
Pawns----100 Faced


Well-Known Member
If anything I'd go with:
Black: Alter (King), Sakura (Queen: because Stupid Sexy Corrupted Grail)
Red: Rin (King), Emiya (Queen: because UBW)
Blue: Saber (King: because Hail to the King!), Shirou (Queen: because UBW)
Green: Waver (King), Broskander (Queen: because IH)

Though we all know Broskander is the one with the pants in that kingdom :p


Well-Known Member
Mind taking some shots of them after they're printed?