FFT / FF7 Crossover Idea


Well-Known Member
After playing FF Tactics for the PSP lately, this little thought sprung to mind.

Following the events at Murond Holy Place, Ramza & Co decide to stop by Goug to stock up on medicine and pick up a gun or two. With the Cancer stone in his possession, Ramza, along with Mustadio & Besrodio (sp?) use it to activate the teleporter a la canon. Only this time, a malfunction occurs that results in them traveling to another dimension (read: Midgar).

To make things easy, they'd probably arrive near Sector 7 Slums around the start of FF7. After some investigation for a way back, Ramza & company discover that Shinra Inc. is where the most advanced technology is at, which coincidentally is around the same time Avalanche plans their little rescue Aeris/Aerith operation. While initially, Ramza & pals try to stay out of Avalanche's agenda (with their own return home being a much higher priority than getting involved), they offer Barret their assistance. After seeing these guys are anything but gigantic pussies, Barret agrees. They're going straight to Shinra Tower after all, so they need all the help they can get. After dropping Mustadio's daddy off at Elmyra's, Ramza gets swept up in the events involving Sephiroth and continues to travel with Avalanche while searching for a way home.

Additionally, if one wished to add some more FFT characters, the teleporter device's power could just effect a wider area than that one room (like say, Meliadoul or someone hanging out in a nearby room eating a grape or something).


Well-Known Member
I really need to get an iso of FF7 (My original copy is missing somewhere in my home and has been that way for years) as, despite my recent dislike of most things Final Fantasy, I really like Final Fantasy Tactics and would want to try this one out if not for my mind being hazy with the details of FF7.

Although it makes me wonder if this idea could have been done after the events of FFT as it could be one way to explain where Ramza and the rest went off to go in peace in other lands or something. (with making a reason of Mustadio wanting to say goodbye to his father before leaving as he is probably the only one besides Ramza who still has living family in the fighting force)


Well-Known Member
Given the disparity of technological development between Midgar and Ivalice, Mustadio and his dad would probably have nerdgasms over the more advanced stuff. :lol:


Well-Known Member
JiigarGhen said:
Given the disparity of technological development between Midgar and Ivalice, Mustadio and his dad would probably have nerdgasms over the more advanced stuff. :lol:
And yet, I still haven't seen anything in Midgard that's nearly as effective from a technological PoV as Worker 8... Doesn't it suck when the best robots Shinra can whip out are not even half as good as a Steel Giant? :p


Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
JiigarGhen said:
Given the disparity of technological development between Midgar and Ivalice, Mustadio and his dad would probably have nerdgasms over the more advanced stuff. :lol:
And yet, I still haven't seen anything in Midgard that's nearly as effective from a technological PoV as Worker 8... Doesn't it suck when the best robots Shinra can whip out are not even half as good as a Steel Giant? :p
You don't think tat the Midgar Canon, Sister Ray I think it's called, could wipe out Steel Worker 8?

Meinos Kaen

Well-Known Member
Nice. I once tried it. It had Cloud ending up with Alma, among the other things... :snigger:


Well-Known Member
Interesting idea, I can see Mustadio and Jesse (tech girl from avalanche) getting along well. Ramza's got too much of a knight drive for justice to really ignore an issue if it' presented to him the right way. if I had a preferance of other named characters to see along hm...

I Think Agrias would make for an interesting addition, one of the more developed companions (she even got thre or so more plot scene adde dinto the game with the psp version.) He's a sturdy reliable figure that can keep a cool head, though likely would be the most admiment that they return.

Worker 8 would make a great deal of sense since story wise it is basically Ramza's bodyguard/servent and would likely be close to Ramza.

Rafa and/or Malak are side characters, interesting plot that fades suddenly and less then stellar skills mechanically. That would really be the author's preferance on there admission. no strong reason to go or not.

Meliadoul is debatable... she could work well and has a loud interesting personality but she's not too well connected to the other characters (save for perhaps Ramza) and has no reason to go or stay. again really an authro preferance there.

For balance i would hope TG Cid would not come, I love his badassness but he's really a force of nature and would need to be taken into account with an author's plans considering what he's capeable off. it would take careful planning... but TG Cid vs Sepheroth... would be an epic battle no doubt.

Beowulf and Reis, I think they'd be pretty out of place as hidden characters they really only has self inclusive plots that are all wrapped up by the time cloud can be summoned so there really no need to and there is little in the way of dragons to warrent any special need for Reis's unique skill set. But again author's prefance if they like the characters.


Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
JiigarGhen said:
Given the disparity of technological development between Midgar and Ivalice, Mustadio and his dad would probably have nerdgasms over the more advanced stuff. :lol:
And yet, I still haven't seen anything in Midgard that's nearly as effective from a technological PoV as Worker 8... Doesn't it suck when the best robots Shinra can whip out are not even half as good as a Steel Giant? :p
True. But...let's say you're an engineeer, or whatever Mustadio is supposed to be. Tinkerer, whatever.

Which would you prefer? An ancient, highly effective, one of a kind robot, that you don't really want to mess around with too much, just in case you screw it up....or a cityfull of weakass, but totally customizable robots, all of which are relatively easy to acquire.