Force Users


Well-Known Member
All right, I'm currently working on a crackalicious SW fic, but I need a specific group of Force Users.

They should neither be Jedi nor Sith, but they should know about the Force and be able to use it, mostly to make sure they live comfortably in their on little corner of the galaxy. They shouldn't have any plans on conquering the galaxy or anything like that, they just want to live their life in comfortable luxury and they use the Force to manipulate people every now and then to make that possible.

Oh, and they should be female.

Is there already a group like that in the GFFA or do I have to make one up? Or maybe you could tell me about a group that doesn't quite fit all those criteria, and I'll just say the 'villains' for my story were once part of that group but didn't really like their way of life and left.


Well-Known Member
Well, you could probably get away with a slightly more gray bend on the witches of Dathomir.

If you hadn't required the all female, I'd suggest going with either the Jensaari or the Fallanassi. Actually the Fallanassi could still work as there didn't really seem to be any of them shown that were male, though they probably exist because of the way their society works)


Well-Known Member
Do you have a link where I can read a little more about the Fallanassi? The article on Wookieepedia isn't very informative.

But from what there is on Wookieepedia, I think the Fallanassi most closely match what I'm looking for. It also helps that Luke, as far as I can tell, hasn't run across them before 'The Last Command' takes place.

I guess I could just as easily make up a few characters, but I thought I'd ask here first, since there already exist tons of Force-sensitive groups in the SW galaxy. No need for me to create a new one when they already exist :p