Gaijin 31


Well-Known Member
Completed, partially edited.


Part 36

Rejecting the myth.


Haruka frowned as her skull cracked on the pavement just before a short pop from a distant rooftop. She had been walking down the sidewalk along several store fronts a short distance from Akihabara. She sat up, rubbing her skull in irritation and looked very confused. Something popped off a large red mark on her forehead as she looked at herself in the mirrored window of the store beside her. Taking a moment to regard the small golden silverish object that was resting on the pavement in front of her, she then bent down to pick it up. ôWhat the hell?ö Her eyes grew wide as she realized what it was, just in time to take another in the chest, right between her breasts. ôOuch! What the hell?ö She found herself floundering against the window, but it didn't break.

The people around her were now giving her a wide berth, and a few looked confused. One man leaned forward for a moment. ôAre you all right buddy?ö

Haruka was trying to give him a grin and wave him off, but another shot nailed her dead in the temple and sent her staggering away bent over and clutching the side of her face. The man backed off and continued on his way. The street was almost clear as the woman rushed away through a nearby alleyway.

ôOh! That does it! I am so gonna kill this asshole!ö Haruka was in the air and in her costume before she reached the other street. She flew into the air and scanned the nearby rooftops. Her face formed into a frown as she realized she couldn't see whoever was shooting at her. Another caught her just below her belly, right over her crotch. ôWho the hell would be so stupid?ö That hadn't felt very good. The bullets she was being tormented with weren't small and were traveling at high speed.

Her eyes grew wide as she saw a glint off a rooftop far in the distance. ôYou have got to be kidding me.ö She realized that none of the people on the street could hear the shots. ôOkay pal. You wanna make me look bad, huh?ö She moved her head as another shot passed her ear. Uranus flew forward at high speed and landed behind a long lilac colored dress, a red and yellow sun hat, and a pair of casual slippers.

The girl was in the act of reloading, didn't look surprised to see her, and winked behind her sunglasses as she stepped forward. She set the very large sniper rifle against the edge of the roof and walked up to her shifting her hips from side to side.

Haruka simply stood with her jaw hanging. ôIt...was you?ö

ôYes.ö The aqua haired girl hooked her fist across her jaw, frowned at her, and shook her fist to loosen it up again.

ôMichiru! I...ö

ôShut up! Do you have any idea what you have taken from me?ö The girl was in tears, a mad rage in her eyes as she glared at her.

Haruka couldn't speak, it was the most horrible sight she'd ever seen in her life. ôI...ö She reached forward.

ôDon't you fucking touch me! You bitch! I hate you!ö Her arm was slapped away in a violent manner. She slumped down against the wall and sobbed. ôI could have helped them. You took everything from me. I had a family. I could have saved them. She hung her head, but her eyes remained cold and angry despite her tears. ôI hate you! I knew it wouldn't work, but I did it anyway!ö

Haruka was simply standing there with a dead look on her face. ôI...ö

ôJust leave. I don't ever want to see you again. There will be no forgiveness for what you have taken from me. I will not accept your help, even if it kills me. Go. Leave me alone.ö

Haruka was shaking, pale, tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked on in horror. ôI can't...I...ö

The girl frowned at her. ôI have new friends now, and you have a duty to see too. Don't fuck it up. Get out of here.ö She didn't move from her seat and rocked back and fourth a little. ôYou betrayed me.ö

ôI'm sorry. I was confused...I didn't know...ö Haruka's head was hanging, her hand moved in a rather pathetic gesture.

ôYou turned your back on our most sacred oath. Do not tell me you didn't remember it. We are not equal any longer. I want nothing to do with you. Go away.ö The girl snarled at her and scratched at the gravel on the roof with her fingers as she lashed out, but remained seated. ôGo. Now!ö She pelted the girl with a handful of gravel as she said it and broke down into tears. ôI've seen I can't kill you, and now I'll have nothing to do with you.ö Her eyes turned up as the woman backed away with horror on her face. A dark smile crossed her lips but her eyes stayed angry. ôI've got new friends now. I've found another duty. I gave you everything once, and this is how you repaid me. I'll be just fine without you.ö The girl put her head into her arms and sobbed. ôGo away. I don't ever want to see you again.ö

Haruka dove off the edge of the building into a side alley. She didn't stop and ended up flat on her back in a caved in storm drain pipe that ran under the pavement. She stared up at the sky with wide eyes and simply took shallow breaths as she looked up at the sunlight. ôWhat have I done?ö A light rain fell from above, and she simply stayed there.


Carrot sat up and scratched at his skull. Kei was next to him, in the nude again. He took a glance down at her and frowned. She'd only been with him for two weeks, but she was already getting harder to get rid of in more than one way. ôGreat. I suppose I'm not being tortured.ö A light smirk formed on his face as he walked over to a lap top computer resting on a nearby desk. The boy sat down and grumbled to himself as he sat down.

Kei appeared behind him, rubbing her hands across his shoulders as she looked down at what he was doing. She was wearing a simple silk robe, and hadn't bothered with tying it shut. ôCybertech Labs Corp?ö

ôYeah. I've got reason to believe these assholes are behind some sort of plot to kill me. I know too much about their connection to Hisami's new arms, and Venom and Carnage.ö The boy was looking at a rather boring page for someone his age. It looked like accounting figures and stock values. ôYou've got to be kidding me. Hmmm. That's different though, I've got no citizenship, and I'm not a national.ö

Kei blinked and looked at him. ôWhat are you going to do? This is one of my former master's companies. I don't know much about it. Other than it was run by Takeshi Ishori.ö

ôTakeshi? I met him, he tried to have me shot. Jerk.ö The boy got a sour frown on his face as he recalled the man who had met him when he'd kidnapped Yoshi.

The kunoichi nodded and shrugged. ôHe's the chairman of the board of Hisami industries. The old man still runs things, but Takeshi keeps things running so he can focus on other things. Yoshida Jiro has been taking care of his less legitimate business. Those two don't care much for each other.ö

The boy looked up at her and nodded. ôHe's been spending a lot of time at this lab. I wouldn't exactly call what they're doing there 'legal' either.ö

She shrugged. ôYoshida and I worked together at times. I'm afraid I didn't know Takeshi very well. My duties didn't involve him. I've seen him talking to Hisami in meetings, but it wasn't anything unusual. Just business, earnings, projected profits, that sort of thing.ö Her arms had wrapped around his chest and she was rubbing at his torso.

Carrot was ignoring her petting and nodded as he leaned back into her a little. ôI need to do something about this. I doubt just killing this Takeshi would do much to solve the problem.ö

Kei gave a small sigh and rested her head on his shoulder. ôI suppose not. I could take care of that if you'd like.ö

ôIf I'm going to kill someone, I'd prefer to take care of it myself.ö The boy glanced at her out of the corner of his eye as he remained relaxed in his seat. ôLike I said, I doubt that would solve this though.ö

She looked surprised and stood up, massaging his shoulders. ôSo. What are you going to do then? ö

He leaned forward to peer at the screen and pulled himself out of her arms. ôWell. I know what I'd like to do. There's a problem though.ö

ôWhat is it? I'm sure we can do something about it.ö Kei pulled him back and rubbed on the back of his neck. He couldn't see the odd expression she had on her face. She had her hands on his neck, and he didn't seem to think anything of it. ôI'll take care of it myself. Just tell me what you need done.ö

He looked at her, and she peered at him awaiting his answer. He looked back at the computer. ôI...ö He looked up at her again and frowned a bit. ôI um... Hmmm.ö He continued to glower at the screen, taking glances towards her out of the corner of his eye. ôI guess it could work. I know I can trust you. I'm pretty sure I'm stuck with you anyway.ö

ôWhat?ö She looked confused and flushed. ôJust admit that you like me and be done with it. I can tell you know.ö She said it more to hide her reaction to his admission of trust. It hadn't even been a month since she was trying to slice him into many small pieces.

The boy ignored her in favor of his line of thought. ôOur parents can't really get in the way. They're not around. I've managed to collect quite a bit of money over the past year. I've made a lot of investments, and they've all paid off. I can't really do anything with it, because moving too much of it could draw attention to my legal status. I need to give Yoshi more funding. I also can't own anything thanks to Japanese business laws. I'm not a citizen.ö

Kei grinned and nodded. ôSo? Are you going to have someone adopt you? Hakage could do it I'm sure.ö
ôNaw. I'd get Gia to do it. I'd rather not though, either one of them would start thinking they were responsible for me and try to parent me.ö He shook his head and sighed. ôThat would suck.ö He looked over his shoulder at her and appeared to be thinking about it. ôBesides, Hakage wouldn't appreciate being exposed. He might do it, but he wouldn't like being that public.ö

ôYou could use a little parenting.ö She leaned into him a little and grinned. ôBesides. What else are you going to do?ö

ôMarry you.ö He shrugged. ôIt eliminates the down side, and I'm stuck with you anyway near as I can tell. I'll be able to run the things I need to through you. Once we're married, you'll be able to own things for me.ö He frowned and slumped his shoulders a bit. ôBesides, I am starting to like having you around. I'm sure I can trust you. You didn't die for your honor, but you did your best to.ö He chuckled at the blank expression on her face. ôYou're not going to stab me in the back, and I can get myself an identity with the clan's connections. After we're married, I'll be able to get things done.ö

The girl lifted her head up and frowned. ôI suppose that was a compliment? What makes you think I'd be willing anyway? I never said I'd obey you.ö

He gave a heavy sigh. ôWell, I'm pretty sure you're not going anywhere if you're not dead. I doubt you'd listen if I asked you to stop sleeping with me.ö

ôNo. I'm afraid not.ö She sat down in his lap and pushed him away from the screen a few feet on the chair wheels. ôYou wouldn't mean it if you did ask.ö She looked very confident. ôYou're not going to scare me off by pretending to be an asshole. I know better.ö

ôI really, really hate you sometimes.ö He frowned at her. ôYou're going to have to show me how we go about the wedding and all. I'm betting we can probably get it done today. I hate to be pushy, but I want to get this done before something else comes up. You should know how that might be a problem.ö

The girl leaned in to his ear. ôTell me that you love me.ö

The boy was glaring over her shoulder and had his teeth clenched. He relaxed all at once. ôI do like you, and I trust you. Probably more than I should considering. I'd rather wait until I'm a bit older to be honest. I need the freedom it would give me now though.ö He was also aware that it would create restrictions on himself.

She sat back and leaned on top of his chest to look him in the eyes. ôI see.ö She didn't look displeased and was rubbing on his chest.

ôAll right. We can finish this up later. Let's get dressed and you can show me where we need to go to get it done.ö He stood up, caught her and set her on her feet, patted her shoulder and walked towards his wardrobe.

The girl stood there and blinked, looking rather spaced out. ôWait. What?ö

ôThe wedding. We're going to get married tonight. That's the plan for the day.ö He looked a bit confused. He'd just explained all of that to her.

Her jaw dropped as she looked at him in a rather dazed way. ôUm, you were serious?ö

Carrot paused as he pulled on his shirt and seemed to think about it for a second. ôYeah. I've got emergency papers in case I land in hot water and need something to distract the authorities so I can vanish, but they won't hold up to close scrutiny. I can get legal ones this way, and be able to move larger sums of money, and make better investments. I can't outright buy anything right now. You'll be able to.ö He was stuffing them into his pants as he turned to face her. ôI'm pretty sure I'm going to end up doing it anyway. The financial end just makes it more convenient to do now than it might be to hold off.ö He brushed his sleeves as he finished buttoning up his shirt and looked over at her. ôYou don't mind do you? I'm not going to force you, but it does seem to be the best way to deal with this.ö

ôI didn't think you were serious!ö The girl was flushed and took a staggering step back.

Carrot was almost finished dressing and sat down to put on his shoes. ôI'm afraid I was. You did call me 'Prince Charming' after all. You'll have a very nice ring. I'll let you pick it out later, big as you'd like.ö He wasn't smiling and looked rather serious. He'd taken to wearing ninja garb as well, a traditional uniform without the mask.

Kei knew he didn't know, but the people in his charge took notice of it, and it helped his image within the clan a great deal more than he had realized. He just wore them because they were comfortable and easy to move in. She blinked and looked at the floor. ôOh. I get it, you're the perfect man, except your sense of romance is broken.ö

Carrot was finished with his shoes and looked up from the bed towards her. ôWhenever you're ready.ö

She put her hand on her hip and narrowed her eyes at him. ôWhat makes you think I'll agree to this? I never said I'd obey you after all.ö

ôBecause this is your only shot. I need to be able to do more. My hands are tied too much, Kajura and his friend are aware of my legal status. I'm not entirely comfortable with them having that kind of leverage over me.ö He put up his finger. ôI don't want them dead. No.ö

Kei shifted her eyes away, flushed again, and put her hands behind her back.

Carrot's head slumped down as he let his arms relax. He didn't look pleased with his situation and flushed a bit. ôI hate to say it, but I need to do this. I'd honestly rather wait. I need to get it done as quickly as I can regardless of my feelings on the matter. I'm not keen on picking one of the girls from the clan either. Having you hanging off me all the time is bad enough.ö He looked up at her and found her frowning at him while working her jaw. ôBesides. I doubt marrying someone else is going to get rid of you anyway.ö

The girl crossed her arms and stuck up her nose. Her eyes flashed back to him a few times as she stood there looking haughty.

The boy nodded and gave her a smug looking grin. ôHa. I've got you pegged.ö

She clenched her fist and glared down at him. ôFine. I'll do it. On one condition.ö

The boy zoned out and lost a little of his smile. He hadn't been expecting that from her. ôSure. Whatever you need.ö

ôTell me you love me, and make me believe it.ö She pushed him back by his shoulders into the chair and looked him dead in the eye while climbing on top of him. He shifted about and worked his mouth as she pinned him down and waited.

The boy was at a loss and kept looking away from her steady gaze. He floundered for a few moments and stuttered. ôI...I um...I love you?ö

The kunoichi nodded. ôIt's a start. Now make me believe it.ö She almost collapsed into his lips and arms.


Sailor Uranus wasn't sure how long she'd been at the table in her home. There were several empty bottles of high alcohol content beverages around her. She was sitting with a cigarette held between her two fingers against her temple and large caliber revolver that was now loaded only with empty shells. Between her hands was a can of soda. She wasn't sure how she'd ended up there, it was all a painful blur. Empty pill bottles littered the floor around her and she simply stared forward and let the cigarette in her fingers burn. Her eyes turned down to the ashtray, that was filled with stubby butts.

She looked at her pack and frowned. She wasn't certain she'd smoked any of them. As the woman sat back to think about it and noticed the string of rope that was hanging from her neck like a tie with a hunk of plaster and a metal ring on the end. ôOh. Right. Had one before that.ö

The most horrible thing about it, was that she'd not even gotten a buzz. She was sober, alert, and unable to blur the reality of what had just happened to her. Somehow she was still having trouble with some of it. There were still little flecks of metal in her mouth from her fourth or fifth shot. She remembered every detail of her failure, she'd destroyed a radio, a toaster, several razors and knives, and a microwave. Her bike was gone, her car was totaled again, and there were several large impact craters in the wilderness now.

Haruka frowned as she plucked another small chuck of cooled magma off her hair. ôGreat. Now what?ö She took a swig of her soda and wiped her mouth. It tasted better than alcohol, but pretty much had the same effect. She looked around and tapped the table. ôHmm. That's a tough one.ö She chuckled about it, frowned again, and took another swig of her soda before bursting into tears.


Rei Hino sat back with a smirk on her face as the rest of the Senshi walked into the room around her. ôGood job. Just wish I could be out there with you.ö

ôIt's getting easier.ö Ami smiled and nodded. ôJust more monsters though. Those generals haven't shown up in a while.ö

ôWe will defeat them!ö Minako pointed her finger in the air with a grin on her face.

Makoto shook her head. ôWe're all getting stronger. Our training has paid off.ö She didn't look all together pleased.

ôPlease! Don't bring that up.ö Ami looked a little weary. Her costume was a little smudged.

Minako giggled. ôWe've all got washboards on our chests now!ö

Rei felt a vein in her forehead pulse. ôYeah. Well, we're supposed to be in that big hall once all of you get back.ö

Makoto looked surprised. ôWhy? Is something going on? Some kind of meeting?ö

Rei got a sour frown on her face. ôYou wouldn't believe me. Come on.ö She looked at them. ôDetransform and then transform again would you? You three are a mess.ö

The girls all did as they were asked, and were standing in clean uniforms with styled hair.

ôI was hoping for a bath.ö Ami gave a small frown as they followed the girl in the chair down the hall.

The door to the large open room slid aside and Rei wheeled herself in.

Makoto seemed to know what was going on. ôA wedding? Wow! Who...?ö Her voice trailed off as she realized who was standing next to the old man behind the podium. ôHuh?ö

Minako smiled. ôHow nice! He invited us to his wedding! Wow! It's so romantic!ö

Ami and Makoto turned to frown at her, Rei simply sat and watched without adding to the conversation. She looked attentive, but unimpressed.

Luna pranced up. Artemis looked a bit annoyed and was twitching his tail from side to side just behind her. ôUnder the buffet table? Are you kidding?ö

She glanced back at him. ôLater.ö She returned her focus to the girls. ôGreat! We can start now that you're here!ö

Ami crossed her arms and looked at the rows of seats filled with ninja and who she assumed were friends of the groom. An aqua haired girl in sunglasses, a woman in her late twenties, a slim man in glasses, and a rather thuggish looking man. ôI wouldn't mind missing it.ö

Luna pushed her ears back. ôShow a little respect. You've got to be here. That's the prince after all, and you are the Senshi. I wish Usagi could be here.ö

Makoto snorted. ôSo do I. It's his fault she's not.ö

The cat fluffed herself out a bit. ôJust stand there and shut up then. It wasn't his fault. There's a lot you don't know about what happened that night.ö

Artemis sat down next to her. ôLuna! Really!ö

The black cat calmed down and turned her nose up.

Minako clucked her tongue and shook her head. ôLuna is right. I'm happy for him.ö

Makoto snorted and looked annoyed with her. ôSince when did you become his cheerleader?'

The blond girl fumed. ôHe's helping us! Rei and Luna told us he's really this prince guy! You don't believe them?ö

The vein in the wheelchair bound girl's forehead pulsed again as she looked over at Ami and Makoto. ôShe's right you know. I wish you two would stop butting heads with him. He's our best ally.ö She didn't like saying it. Both her friends seemed to realize it, and didn't mention that she'd been as bad as they were.

The group turned as one as the Kunoichi Kei walked towards him in a long elegant white gown with flowers clutched above her chest.

ôYeah. I kind of figured. That suck up.ö Makoto wasn't surprised.

ôShe's beautiful!ö Minako beamed.

Rei nodded once and said nothing more.

Ami shifted with discomfort, but didn't speak up for a moment. ôI suppose she is pretty.ö


ôMan. Da poor kid.ö Spike muttered it under his breath.

ôWhat the hell is he doing?ö Gia was looking on with the corner of her eye twitching. ôHe's too young for this! So is she!ö

ôWasn't she trying to kill him or something? I've not heard all the details yet.ö Yoshi leaned in to Mei Lin. He backed off as her elder sister gave him a looking off.

The young Chinese girl nodded. ôYeah. If I'd known, I probably would have tried to kill him after we first met. A bit late now I suppose.ö

Michiru flushed and shifted away from the conversation a little.

Gia turned to frown at the girl seated behind her. ôYou little pervert.ö

Hibiki was behind the rest of the group and seemed cheerful. ôWho are you to talk? We all sleep in the same building you know. It's kind of hard to miss.ö

Spike nodded and grinned. ôYeah. Sorry bout dat. She gets pretty loud.ö

Gia elbowed him in his gut and turned as the boy and girl exchanged vows in front of her. They'd opted for a western style wedding. She leaned forward with wide eyes, along with almost every other girl in the room as the boy put a huge sparkling rock on her finger. ôWha?ö

Kei seemed to take notice of the general reaction to the ring. The lighting was good, and it was hard to miss. She smirked and gave the audience a glance as the ceremony finished.

The pair kissed and walked out as those gathered cheered.

Gia was sitting back with wide eyes and a rather zoned out smirk on her face. ôI guess she made out better than I thought.ö

Mei Lin was crying a little, but didn't look very upset. ôI wish I'd tried to kill him.ö

Mao Lin flushed and looked down at her sister. ôIt didn't work for me.ö

Michiru squeezed her shoulder. ôWell. It worked for me, but I think I'm better off now really.ö

Spike was dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief. ôWhere's da bar at?ö


Minako turned to her friends as the wedding moved towards the reception a few doors down. ôWow! Did you see the size of that ring?ö

Rei frowned up at her as the girl took the back of her chair and started rolling her along. ôA bit much don't you think?ö

ôI wouldn't mind one like that. Just not from him.ö Makoto crossed her arms and moved up behind the blond beside Ami.

The water Senshi gave a small sigh. ôI guess that was nice.ö

They walked through the doors and were surprised by who was standing before them right away. Carrot had a tray full of drinks and smiled as he handed each of them one. ôCome on. Have a drink. It will make you feel better about being here.ö He seemed to know none of them was all that happy to be there.

Ami spoke up as she and her friends looked at what they'd been handing and simply held it. ôWe're not old enough...ö

The boy shrugged. ôYour parents are miles away, there are no police here. Relax, and you'll be fine.ö

Minako downed hers all at once and grabbed him in a hug. ôIt was a beautiful wedding! Where did you find that ring?ö

The boy looked a bit surprised. ôHuh?ö

The other three girls all looked on in horror as they moved into the crowd of guests together and away from him. Ami took the blond girl's arm and pulled her along to one of the back walls.

ôHe's got a point. We're certainly not going to tell your parents. I suppose it will be all right since this is a wedding and all.ö Luna sat down beside the senshi and looked up at them.

Artemis rushed up to her side. ôLuna! They're not old enough for that!ö

The female snorted. ôIt's time they realized that nothing here is going to hurt them. These people are helping them, but they are relying on them as well. Metallia must be defeated.ö She shook her head.

Makoto and Ami looked at each other and seemed to bow up a little. The cat had gotten a rise out of both of their tempers. They didn't argue though.

The black cat growled. ôLook. All you've got to do is hang about for an hour or so. I hate to bring it up, but you do have a duty to be here, and show at least a little respect.ö

ôShe's right about that. I suppose a drink or two might help with that.ö Artemis slumped down a bit more.

The three girls downed their respective glasses and started coughing and gasping for breath. It burned their chest and they all leaned against the doorway or Rei's chair for a few moments. Minako was beaming as her friends all seemed to relax a little more.

ôSee. Not so bad.ö Luna seemed to cheer up.

ôNow what?ö Rei gasped and wiped a bit of drool off her bottom lip.

ôNo more than one more!ö Artemis fluffed his fur out and looked irate with Luna. ôYou're still young, and it'll make you sick later if you drink too much.ö

Minako started pushing and pulling her friends into the crowd. ôCome on! Have you forgotten how many of these ninja guys are total babes or what?ö She had another glass in her hand and handed it to one of the servers before lifting a drink tray off another passing server and shoving another round into her friend's chests.

ôThat's the spirit!ö cried Luna from the doorway.

ôWhat are you doing?ö Artemis looked a little stressed.

ôWell. I was trying to get them to loosen up, but I've finished now. Minako can take it from here I think.ö The cat looked pleased with herself. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and gave a small sigh. ôIf they're old enough to fight...ö

Artemis flushed. ôOh. I suppose you're right. Still, I'm not so certain I don't agree with...ö

Luna shook her head. ôI'm afraid I still do.ö

The white cat hung his head and glared at her out of the corner of his eyes. ôYou seem to have forgotten the 'old way'.ö

Luna twitched her tail. ôWe're the only two of our kind left. Aside from our duties, we get to pick what the new way is. I say, the new way says I should chase you into that coat closet, and do some very naughty things to you.ö

Artemis jerked his head and noticed the look on her face. ôUm...heh.ö He started to scramble away, but a ball of black furry energy slammed into his side and they rolled into the coat closet together.


Carrot had a glass of champagne in his hand as he looked out over the rooftops of the village, the moon overhead was the only light on the scene. The wedding had ended, the reception had gone well, and everyone was just finishing up dousing the lights for the evening. There were a few patrols running, there always were, but most of the clan was settling down for the night. He was standing on the porch of his personal quarters, on the opposite side of the main temple from the Senshi's rooms. Hakage had his own personal room in the back, with some of the elders in the clan. It was a very large building that housed about fifteen people.

Naturally, his room had the best view, and overlooked the village, the mountainside, and the forests beyond. The city was a few scattered lights on the horizon in the distance, just barely visible at all. The moon was the biggest light they had, and hung overhead. It was chilly, and the boy shivered a little as he stood looking out over it all.
ôDid you want to take care of that business?ö Kei's arms wrapped around him from behind as she put her chin on his shoulder.

The boy nodded and took a sip of his drink. Kei had a glass resting on a small stand next to the doorway that lead to the wooden patio. ôHuh? No need. I took care of most of it while I was sitting around waiting for the wedding to start. Can't really do anything with the market closed. Everyone knows what to do tomorrow morning. I shouldn't have to bother with it again.ö

Kei squeezed him a little tighter from behind. ôGood.ö They'd signed a bunch of paperwork before the ceremony started. It had all been delivered to the proper places that day. Technically, they were married before the ceremony. It was more for the clan, and his friends, and her. She turned him around and wrapped her arms around his neck. ôSince business is taken care of, we can get right into pleasure.ö

Kei was a bit surprised. The boy didn't freeze up or get flustered the way she'd been expecting. He leaned in and kissed her. She closed her eyes, and relaxed.

She broke the kiss and stayed in his arms, arching her back to lean away from him a little. ôYour name is Tony then?ö

He shrugged. ôIt is now. I've never really had a name before.ö He looked out at the village for a moment while holding her around the waist. He wasn't Spiderman, Peter Parker didn't exist, and the superhero game had outlived it's usefulness. He had new plans now, and his role in things had changed. He had come to realize it now. Carrot was nobody, just something to give other people something to call him. His old life was gone, and that man had died two years before. He didn't want that name either. It wasn't really his anymore.

ôWell, Tony. If there's no more business, Mrs. Stark could use a bit of your attention.ö She pulled him towards the bed and started sucking on his neck.

He didn't argue. Maybe Peter Parker wasn't a real person, but now, Tony Stark was. As she pushed him onto the sheets and crawled over him, he found himself thinking that it wouldn't be bad at all if his new name worked out the way his last one had.


Usagi Tsukino frowned as she looked over her shoulder. Mamoru Chiba was sleeping half covered in sheets and naked in bed. They were at his apartment, and she found herself restless and staring out at the moon. Venom was shaped like a bathrobe and was wrapped around her body keeping her warm despite the chill from the other side of the glass.

They'd gone out together that night, and found nothing of real interest. A few small street crimes. Mamoru had taken care of it on his own, and she'd had little to do. They'd come back to his apartment, had sex a few times, and spent the night there for the past few days. It was better than hanging about in the streets overnight.

Carnage was good at hiding. Every night at least two more people would disappear from the less pleasant streets and neighborhoods. Until recently. Now, the creature was slaughtering entire families, wives, husbands, children. It was something the authorities couldn't ignore or keep under wraps much longer.

ôThis is getting worse.ö She closed her eyes and frowned as the suit flowed over her entire body. ôWe must find him, or find a way to bring him to us.ö

One thing she was sure of, was that it was avoiding her. It had started off killing people from the host's former job. It seemed to have run out of names, and had moved on to random killings. It was staying put though. Something about that didn't sit right with her, and her suit seemed to agree that it was unusual behavior considering it's programing.

ôSo? It's looking for something then? Or someone?ö She paced back and fourth. Several screens worth of data and graphs appeared in front of her. Pertinent sections flashed to catch her attention.

ôMaybe if we find it first? What are we looking for?ö Usagi sounded a bit pensive.

She hung her head and her bathrobe appeared again. It didn't know, and neither did she. She walked back to the bed and slipped back under the covers, sliding up to Mamoru's side and resting her head on his chest.

He shifted and muttered for a moment, but remained sleeping.


It was a rather boring scene in 'Tony's' opinion. Seven old men sat around him, with an empty chair at the end of the boardroom. There was a projector running, the men sitting about the table were looking rather confused, but attentive. ôSeems they've been cooking up monsters. Not that bad, one of the projects is still viable. The R-24 Unit is stolen, strapped on Hisami's back now. Given away to a Yakuza crime boss. The shareholders meeting didn't go over well.ö

An angry voice from the back of the room spoke up. ôIf there is a board meeting, why was I not informed.ö

The boy smirked. ôBecause you don't work here anymore. Clean out your desk, and get lost. You jerk.ö

ôWhat? Who do you think you are? Who are you? What are you doing...ö

ôName's Tony Stark. We've not changed the sign yet, but this is now Stark Enterprises. You wouldn't believe how inexpensive the stock got once the shareholders got a look at your little pet projects. I got quite a deal on the company. I own about seventy five percent.ö A photo of Venom was being projected on the wall. He turned and smirked. The look on the man's face was worth the price he'd paid.

Takeshi was standing in front of the open board room with his jaw slacked. ôYou...ö He went very pale. ôWhat are you talking about? Gaijin...ö

ôWell, when he says 'I', he means me. I own the company, but I don't know much about this sort of thing. So I let my husband run it.ö Kei walked out of the corner and swung her hips as she walked up to the boy's chair. She was dressed in a tight fitting business skirt and blouse with a blazer.

The man looked at the boy. ôWhat? You can't do this. Do you have any idea who...ö

The kid just nodded. ôYeah. I do. Don't forget who you're talking too, Takeshi.ö

Kei was giving him a stone cold glare.

The man swallowed and stumbled back, he was starting to sweat a whole lot.

Tony stood up and leaned over the desk. ôYou're fired. Clean out your desk and get out of my building. Security is already on the way to help you on your way.ö He'd bought enough stock to get in on the shareholder's meeting, and let slip some rather damaging information to them about the company. It involved what was being projected on the wall, it's earlier model, and the Crime Boss with robotic arms, and where he got them from. He now had a very large controlling interest in the company. He owned everything to do with the company. The property, real estate, the experiments, all of it was under his direct control now. Well, his wife's control anyway.

ôIf there's nothing else. I've got a mess to see about cleaning up. Excuse me.ö The boy walked by the seated board and out the doors.


ôWelcome back.ö Carrot was seated on a desk with a smirk on his face.

Yoshi was looking about in awe. ôMy old job?ö

The boy shook his head. ôOf course not. The whole lab is yours. I'm putting you in charge. You're head of research now.ö His head followed the man as he hit the floor, fumbled about, and looked up at him with wide eyes.


ôWe've got to catch those things, figure out how to neutralize those stupid arms on Hisami's back, and fix Venom.ö The young shinobi squatted down beside the scientist.

Yoshi blinked. ôFix it?ö

The boy nodded. ôYeah. You said something about a weak signal right?ö

The man shrugged. ôYeah. It's our biggest problem. In order to get your brain to put out enough signal for the system to interface with, you've got to have a bit more adrenaline in your system than normal. Not enough that it would kill you, but over time...ö

Tony grinned. ôYeah. Carnage stays inside it's host's bloodstream. How about a direct connection? Wouldn't that work?ö

The scientist blinked. ô It should. I'm a bit surprised you noticed that. I had as well, but I just ended up wishing I'd thought of it sooner. I never really thought about doing it. I'd need Kahura-san for the...ö His eyes went wide and he looked around. ôHey.ö

ôYeah. Fix it.ö Stark slapped his shoulder and nodded. ôI need the girl it's with to be stable again. We'll all die if she's not. Really. Bad mojo and all.ö

The man looked over at the boy. ôCarnage, it needs to be destroyed.ö

ôYeah. With the lab, and your co-workers, you should be able to put something together.ö

Yoshi nodded and smiled. ôIt's almost done already.ö He pulled a tarp off a large round metal disk of about three feet in diameter, and two feet in height. In the center was a timer. ôI was working on it when this mess started.ö He poked around at a few circuits around the timer. ôLooks like they've been trying to get it working. Heh. I've got it figured out already though. Just need to finish up a few small things before I can test it.ö

The boy took a staggering step back and went very pale. ôUm, yes. Fix Venom first, then worry about that other stuff. I've got to get it away from that girl, it's more pressing and important than it seems. She's only fourteen, and probably the most powerful person on the planet right now. We kind of need her.ö

Yoshi looked confused. ôYou think it's that strong? I mean, it's only a computer.ö

The boy shook his head. ôNah. This is the part with magic and ninjas and stuff. It's a huge headache too.ö

The man arched his eyebrows and nodded. ôOh. Well, they should be here in about a half hour. We'll start working on it right away. It's going to take a few days.ö He kicked the side of the bomb. ôI'm still about a month away from finishing this.ö

Tony sighed. ôYeah. Take your time. We need this done right.ö He wasn't going to be anywhere near that blast if he could help it. His eyes drooped closed a little more. It would probably pretty much happen in his face somehow.

The man sat on the floor with his legs crossed and grinned. ôSo, your name is Tony then?ö

Stark shrugged. ôIt is now. Never really had one before.ö

His friend seemed confused. ôWhat about Carrot?ö

The boy shrugged. ôPeople had to call me something. There's more to having a name than that.ö

The scientist seemed to mull on that. ôWhat do you mean?ö

Tony hung his head and sighed. ôPeople who exist have responsibilities. I ended up stuck with them anyway and just gave up. So, Tony Stark. As good as any other name.ö

Yoshi stood up and dusted off his pants. ôDidn't your parents give you a name?ö

Stark chuckled. ôWell, I wasn't born in this world. I just sort of ended up here. It's kind of a weird story, and very long.ö His cheer fell away as he seemed to think on it.

The man was looking a bit stunned. ô're an alien?ö

The boy shook his head. ôNah. I'm from another Earth. Different dimension. It's not that different from here, involves magic powers, and monsters and such. Trust me, as weird as it is for you, it's been much worse for me.ö He looked rather wide eyed and stunned at his own thoughts.

Yoshi grinned. ôWow. It's like some kind of manga! So, what was your name?ö

The boy gave him a rather flat stare. ôIn order to pronounce it correctly, I would have to remove your tongue.ö

The man blinked and worked his mouth. ôOh. Nevermind. So, does everyone have powers like yours where you're from?ö

Tony shook his head and turned towards the doors. ôNah. I'm pretty sure it's somethin I picked up from this place. Still ain't sure what it's all about. Seem's I'm some sort of weird reincarnated space prince. Kinda sappy, but hey. I'm kind of stuck with it. I gotta figure out what this stupid magic sword I've got has to do with it too. Pain in the ass.ö

Yoshi blinked and looked about. His friends would be arriving soon, and he had quite a story to tell, as well as a lot of work. It was good to be alive. There was no way Takama's trip to 'Anicon Tokyo Cosplay Super Championship Mega Fun Time' last year would even top it. ôI am so awesome!ö He'd even gotten laid!


Stark looked over his shoulder and gave a worried sigh. ôMan. I hope that wasn't a mistake.ö He'd screwed up a lot, and kind of figured Yoshi was destined to build his bomb and smash things. He'd warned him about it and everything. The man seemed dead set on it, and would probably find a way to do it behind his back if he tried to stop him.


It was evening and quiet. The silence of an near finished winter hung in the air around the large traditional building that now housed the Senshi.

Rei Hino smirked, seven video feeds were running on the screen in front of her at once. There was a larger monitor hooked up to the laptop Ami once used. There were quite a few more wires poking out of the back, and several large towers glowed green on the wall beside the desk. She was wearing a headseat and microphone. ôOperation is a go.ö


ôWe've managed to keep this place going for quite some time.ö Kunzite smirked as he looked Zoicite up and down. ôIt's something. Uranus has been keeping her boxed in pretty well.ö

The somber looking general clenched his fist. ôIt's a jewelry store. It steals energy, you know, the old simple plan.ö He shook his head. ôNo. It's the only thing that's going right for us. I'm keeping my eye on it personally. The owners died days ago, I got tired of holding the family. I use what was left to replace those shadow drones. They are quite powerful.ö

Kunzite seemed a bit angry. ôWhat? Why risk your neck here?ö

His somber lover looked up at him. ôIt's all I've got left to give her when I fail. If I lose this place, I'll be coming back empty handed if I screw up again.ö

ôWe'll talk about it later.ö He left him alone and vanished.

Zoicite hung his head and growled. It had been humiliating to admit that. He wanted to destroy something, but the Youma below were too important right now.


Ami Mizuno put her hands on a pane of glass and closed her eyes. She took one of her fingers and drew a circle around her other hand. When she finished, she pulled her hand back, flicked a bit of ice off the end of her drawing finger, and placed it on the ground without a sound with her open palm. She shook off the bits of frost off her hand and crawled through the hole. She turned her head and smiled as she saw the lock on the front doors glowing a bright orange.

The door slid open, and Makoto stood with her arm cocked back on a bow string, and a metal arrow aimed forward. Minako slid inside the store through her legs as the things in the store all looked at the weapon at once.

Ami jumped to her feet from behind a jewelry counter. She swung her arm at the figure standing in front of her.

There were three people in the store it appeared. Each standing where they would if the business was open, all the lights were off, and they wouldn't have opened again for about six hours. It was kind of creepy in a disgusting way.

One of them became pinned to a wall through his neck, the other crumpled down, with several large spikes of ice jutting from it's side, and the third was shaking in spasms and crumpled to the ground. All three vanished a moment later into wisps of black smoke and dust. Not a sound had been made aside from an arrow impact and soft gurgling for a moment.

Makoto put another arrow on the notch of the very real bow and arrow she was using. She pointed to the stairs.

Minako had her back against the wall next to the stairwell and looked up. She put her fist up, opened her palm and lowered it, before spinning away around to the wall that would hide her from view.

Zoicite was looking about the room with a frown on his face. ôSomething doesn't feel right.ö

It was the very last thing he said. He felt his arm get pulled tight across his back and blood shot from his throat as a kunai knife with a glow aura surrounding it poked through his Adams Apple. His eyes went wide, he fell to his knees. His lips moved as he tried to say something, and vanished. All that was left when it ended was a sparkling gemstone on the ground at Minako's feet. She was holding the weapon in the strike still, and had his arm. Even the blood on her hands had vanished.

The girl looked at the stone and picked it up. ôThis has only happened a couple of times before.ö

Mai was at her side. ôReally? I'd never seen one turn into a rock before. Lots of dust, but never a rock.ö

Aman frowned as he lit one of his fingers on fire to give it a little more light. ôGood job. Our work here is done. Time to go.ö

The blond girl pocketed the stone and turned. Ami looked confused. ôMaybe you shouldn't.ö

Venus shrugged. ôIt's not like I'm stealing from the store. Besides, I'm not sure why, but it doesn't seem right to just leave it here. I'd feel like I was leaving a body here. One I shouldn't just walk away from.ö

Mercury looked confused, but nodded. ôI see.ö

Rei's voice piped in, she kept them in sync and connected. ôTime to come back, it'll be daylight soon. I've just gotten tonights report in, and I've got intelligence to look over.ö She didn't sound like she was looking forward to it much.

Ami gave a sigh as she followed the others into the shadows. ôI miss my old job.ö

Rei chuckled. ôFix my legs and it's yours. I hate intelligence reports. They're boring. I'd rather meditate about toenail fungus and ugly boys.ö

Minako seemed aghast. ôJeez Rei, it can't be -that- bad.ö

Mai snorted. ôYeah, well. It's not exactly novel writing you know. I should remind you that four of your little team has to type those stupid things up for you.ö

ôYeah. Well, half the shinobi in the village do it. It's not just you four, I've got to go through hundreds of them. My eyes hurt from staring at this screen for half the day. I'd rather be in the field.ö Rei didn't really sound all that miserable. She was just enjoying complaining.

Ami chuckled. ôYeah, well. Maybe I'll consider it when you get better. I miss my job, but I've never been in better shape. I'm kind of surprised how much I can get done in a day these days.ö

Makoto snorted and grinned at her. ôI've been telling you that since I met you.ö

Rei piped in again. ôI wish you'd stop torturing me. Why do you insist on training me you walking match? I'm stuck in this chair all day. Just pushing it around is enough for me to keep from getting fat. There's no flat ground around here you know. I spend half my day pushing myself up ramps in the hallways.ö

The shinobi chuckled. ôBecause, there's more to being healthy than not being fat.ö His feed cut off and Rei growled.


Haruka glared forward. Rain poured down from the sky upon her, and lightning roared across the sky. She was standing on a pier, burning tanker ships were half submerged around the docks. Trucks and lifting equipment were torn apart and strewn across broken crates and barrels.

Nine turned to glare at her, fire at her back and standing tall. ôI was beginning to wonder if you'd show up or not.ö

The Senshi looked up at her with dead cold eyes. ôYou think you can kill me?ö

ôI intend too.ö The beast hissed and it's tail waved behind it's back.

ôCome on then. I'd like to see if I can die.ö Haruka's posture was slumped, her head was hung, and she raised her hand to beckon the monster forward.

Nine took a step back. ôYou look like you want to die.ö She seemed confused.

ôYeah. Something like that.ö The supergirl put up her fist and spread her feet.

The creature grinned. ôI see. Tell me, why?ö

ôWhat's it to you?ö Haruka snorted and relaxed a bit.

ôHave you discovered the price of what you've become?ö Nine crouched low, with her tail waving about over her head. ôIs that what it is?ö

ôWhat?ö Haruka choked.

ôOh. I see. It must have been what was left of Neptune then. Tried to kill you, did she?ö

Haruka's eyes went wide. ôWhat? How...ö

ôI ran into her, alone. She was by herself, practicing with one of those human toys. Like the one that ended the life of this body's father.ö She hissed in triumphant glee. ôPracticing on a picture of you. I was going to kill her. I know who she was to you, I remember as well. What she did, was so beautiful, I just couldn't kill her, not yet. You suffer more while she still lives.ö

Michiru was looking very thoughtful, and her eyes grew wider and wider. ôWhat?ö

Nine drew herself up to full height. ôFool, don't you recognize your old dear friend? I suppose she does look a bit different. You see...ö

Haruka shook her head and staggered back. ôNo.ö

ô...I'm what's left, of Saturn. Thanks to you, and what you did.ö

Uranus screamed as she fell to her knees. Her head was hung low, and she sobbed.

Nine stomped over and glared down at her. Her tail raised above her head. ôI'll make this quick. You deserve it.ö

Haruka's hands came up, and the barb stopped cold. She looked up and frowned as she held the monster back. ôJust because I deserve to die, doesn't mean I'm giving my life to someone like you.ö She stood to her feet and snarled. Her hands wrapped around the barb and she jerked to the side, throwing the monster into the side of a crane.

ôI'll take it from you then!ö

Uranus stood tall and frowned at the monster. ôI can't die, knowing I'll doom this world to you if I do. You want a fight? You've got one.ö She blasted forward and slammed her fist into the monster's chest. It hurt, but no more than punching a normal human had before her mistake. She shook her wrist as Nine pulled herself out of the bed of an overturned dump truck.


Tony frowned as he looked out over Tokyo from his new office. He was playing with a pen, watching the explosions by the docks through the glass. ôGreat. They're making a real mess of things.ö He fought the urge to smile. He knew it was a serious matter, but tomorrow, he was going to be making some investments in the companies and properties affected by the battle.

It was an executive suite, about two blocks from Hisami's old office. To the public, the man was still dead. ôWhat a mess. It's going to hurt more when it's my stuff blowing up I guess. I'm sure I'm in for a bit of that sometimes.ö He was wearing a black suit and a red tie.

He didn't want a stupid office. It had been pushed on him though. Everyone seemed to think he needed one.

ôHere. I take it we'll be over there tomorrow?ö Kei was looking down at the flashing lights hanging back to take control when the mess was over with. There was a lot of smoke and flames in the distance, and lines of emergency vehicles waiting for the coast to clear. She handed him a stack of papers.

He took them and shook his head. ôAre you having fun playing secretary?ö

She smirked at him and kissed his cheek. ôI'm the boss, remember? I do recall saying...ö

He gave her a wry grin. ôCareful, that works both ways.ö

Her face fell and she tapped her foot. ôFine. If we're going to be going between here and the school. You might consider investing in a helicopter. Unless you want to carry me back and fourth all the time?ö She hopped onto his back and squeezed her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. ôLike this, see?ö

The boy staggered to keep his balance, but recovered with ease. ôHmmm. I guess you have a point. I'm not using it unless I've got no choice. You get one for yourself then. Half is yours after all, plus, it is technically your company. Don't go crazy, we do have limited funds, just...ö

The girl kissed him on the cheek and trotted away looking pleased.

The boy hung his head and sighed. ôWhere is she going? You can't buy a helicopter at this time of night.ö He lifted his head and frowned at the door. ôWhy do I get the feeling that conversation was planned?ö He slumped down into his chair, hung his head back. A moment later something was tugging on his zipper.

The boy blinked in confusion and looked down. Kei was under his desk, with her shirt undone and pulling his belt open. ôYou're right, it was planned.ö

The boy shrugged and sat back. ôNext time, just say 'I want a helicopter'.ö He'd never found himself in a real 'porn' situation before. Sitting behind an executive desk, with a cute secretary wasn't something he'd counted on ever being a part. It was close enough for him to keep his mouth shut beyond that.



Next time: The fall of a dynasty.


Well-Known Member
Nice. I'm hoping Usagi will finally lose Venom, or at least regain her transformational abilities. No sign of Hotaru though? I'd think he'd want tabs kept on her at least for her healing ability. And maybe to prevent Mistress 9 from becoming a factor? Or did I miss something?


Well-Known Member
Mistress 9 is already a factor.

When Sailor Uranus took the combined powers of neptune and saturn, Hotaru became powerless and nearly died, causing the deathbuster's plans to go straight to the flush.

Pr Tomoe tried to salvage what he could by using blood sample from spiderman on the ailing form of Hotaru/Mistress 9. The result was an horrific psychopathic monster called the Scorpion who proceed to butcher the deathbuster, then hunt down spiderman while killing and destroying everything surronding it.


Well-Known Member
He wasn't Spiderman, Peter Parker didn't exist, and the superhero game had outlived it's usefulness.
*snickersnort* Because we all know what sort of results thinking like _that_ brings.

I'm sensing an Iron Spider suit in the future.



Well-Known Member
Mistress Nine is the Scorpion monster along with what's left of Hotaru Tomoe. That will be coming up again in the near future of course.

Also, no Iron Spider suit. He's not an engineer, and has no patience for the reserch and development, not to mention the upkeep and upgrading that would be required. The Tony Stark of the Marvel universe built and kept up his suit himself. He was also able to fix or deal with problems and glitches as they came up in the field.

Also, Carrot\Tony's enemies are magical in nature. Yeah, I know about the Mandarin and his rings, but we're talking about a different level of magic here.

Carrot's plans for 'Tony' are more in line with Stark's relation to Shield than Iron Man.


Well-Known Member
Also, no Iron Spider suit. He's not an engineer, and has no patience for the reserch and development, not to mention the upkeep and upgrading that would be required. The Tony Stark of the Marvel universe built and kept up his suit himself. He was also able to fix or deal with problems and glitches as they came up in the field.
Ah. Pity. Well, I didn't really mean him being an engineer, or the Iron Spider suit being a marvel of engineering (bad pun, I know). An analogue, maybe with bits of enchanted mystical alloy here and there? Still seeing it as being perfectly possible.

Besides, it would be a bit ... disappointing ... if you were to just dump the spider totem bits into disuse after all the in-story development (that's the best kind) you've given them.



Well-Known Member
Well, what he wants and what he'll end up with aren't the same thing. He'll not be ridding himself of his problems [or changing up his powers] as easily as a name and costume change. Carrot probably won't be using his home made tights again, in favor of Shinobi garb, which hides his identity just as well. It would be easy for him to get his hands on and replace as well, seeing as he has his own clan of ninja.

Peter Parker tried to dump off the mask more than once himself if you recall, and look how well that went.

One of the reasons behind my self imposed 'no Iron Man' rule is to not lose sight of the character development I've already invested here. Don't expect the 'friendly neighborhood Spiderman' of this world to vanish as easily as he'd like.

He may get a new toy or two, but nothing like invulnerable power armor that shoots lasers and lets him fly about.

The number one rule of good fiction. Each victory = a new problem. Giving complete closure is giving people a place to stop reading. You shouldn't do that before the real ending of a story.

Also, no. Kei will not be appearing on any daytime soap operas.


Well-Known Member
A very good chapter and I was surprised by the whole wedding thing.

I do have a question tho.A few chapters back whn Mitsiru almost became the Panisher Carrot hunted down and killed her parrents killers and then broke up with her. Was there any particular reason behind that break up or was it just to shift attention to Kei?


Well-Known Member
The break up with Michiru happened for a couple of reasons. It wasn't all on his end either. It was a mutual break up on both ends. He took away her revenge, with good reasons, but she's still not all that happy about it for one. Another reason is a mutual realization of the danger involved with dating.

I'd say, in the end, she respects him, but doesn't really like him all that much. He likes her, but doesn't think she can take care of herself well enough to handle a relationship with him. He also knows she's emotionally unstable, and bordering on homicidal mania [more than the other characters might realize].

She's not really mad at him, and he's given her something to focus her attention and work out her frustrations and rage on. He's also given her access to a large weapons cache as well. We'll be seeing more on that later, but it's hinted at here. She's using a very high powered weapon against Uranus here. It's a bit more than she could get from the local black market gun shop.

Their new relationship is mutually beneficial, but not really emotionally based anymore. She's lost everything, and he's given her a job and a place to stay pretty much. I've not gone into it yet, but she's running support as a sniper for the Senshi. [There'll be more on that later in this chapter, or in the next.]

A simple way to put it is that she's standing on the edge of a cliff, and he's told her 'Jump if you want, but I'm not pushing you, and I'm not jumping off with you. Good luck'.

I wouldn't say he prevented her from becoming 'The Punisher', but rather gave her something else to shoot at besides Yakuza and street thugs, and a bigger fight to be involved in than a personal war of revenge.

Michiru kind of surprised me as she's turned out to be one of the more interesting changes to the cannon cast thus far. Usagi's Venom being another such character. I'm planning on going into Michiru's character a little more soon. The opening of this chapter is sort of foreshadowing that.

She's broken, but it's not his fault, and they both know it.


Well-Known Member
It's been updated again, the chapter is complete, with a little minor editing left on the last half or so for the most part.

The next part will pick up in the shipyard, where this one leaves off.


Well-Known Member
I know it's been a while since this was posted but i've been re-reading the whole thing before i read the latest chapter. Took me 3 months to do it too... gah been lazy.

I'm glad Carrot is getting laid more often. Normally i love seeing Carrot get the short end of the stick but after all he's been through he deserves it.

I was really looking forward to the Iron Spiderman suit too, that thing was awesome. Although i do wish Carrot picked a different name. After the whole Civil War arc and Planet Hulk i don't really like Iron Man much anymore although World War Hulk did put him in his place LoL. Shield-Ninja Version does seem like a badass idea though.

Can't wait to see where you take this story next. Just wish Hisami would die already though, he's one villain i just want to see dead in one fight scene. Despise the lil pig.