Gaming News


Staff member
I've noticed that whenver a game that one of us is interested in is announced, we do one of three things.

1. Post in "Your Daily...Thing!"

2. Create a new topic here.

Or 3... we don't do anything. And that's tragic.

For example, if I wasn't creating this topic, how would I tell any of you about the new Phantasy Star game announced for DS? No sign of the words "Online" or "Universe"... this could be a prequel to the main series.

Not likely, but here's hoping.

Oh, and GH? You're a MegaTen fan, yes? Planning to get the MMO announced for Western release?

That's my news.

So let's start this with a question: what games will you be playing, once they come out?

My list: Star Ocean The First Departure, Chrono Trigger DS, Persona 4 and Time Hollow (DS).


Well-Known Member
Warhammer Online. Leveling/gearing through PvP = very yes. Also, Fallout 3.


Staff member


Well-Known Member
So let's start this with a question: what games will you be playing, once they come out?
Persona 4 is the only game for the remainder of this year that I plan on getting. I refuse to get Spore, internet at home makes any graphical MMO playing impossible, and Battle Net refused to let me play with my friends.


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Let's see...

Spores. I know this game is out right now, but I'm hoping I'll have a new job before I buy it. Losing a job (even a shitty one that I'm not sorry to leave) still hurts the bottom line. :p

Gears of War 2

Persona 4

Mirror's Edge

I'm sure there is more, but well, like Spores, I hope to have a job before I get them. :p


Well-Known Member
Persona 4 and Fable 2. I would get Spore but it supposedly has some rather nasty extra software, hell am I going to put anything like that on my computer...


Well-Known Member
Watashiwa said:
For example, if I wasn't creating this topic, how would I tell any of you about the new Phantasy Star game announced for DS? No sign of the words "Online" or "Universe"... this could be a prequel to the main series.

Not likely, but here's hoping.
Theres rampant speculation that Phantasy Star Zero is said to "Draw heavily" from Phantasy Star Online, which has a lot of people squeeing with glee cause they aren't fans of Phantasy Star Universe. (Never did understand the reservations, I love both installments in the serious a lot.)

What can be certain is the fact that it will have what appears to be 4 player multiplayer over Nintendo WFC (and possibly adhoc as well.)

Which leads to the thought of it being centered around Online.

Good (or bad) news for veterans of PSO and PSU, first boss revealed, it's another dragon.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Sega and Sonic Team want to leave the original Phantasy Star series firmly ended at Phantasy Star IV right now, which is sad, because that's what we really need. Though both Phantasy Star Zero and the rumored upcoming Phantasy Star Portable (PSP for the PSP, lol) US port have me quite excited.

In fact, along with a bunch of other games I've decided I'd like to give a try, I'm caving in the next week or so and buying a Playstation Portable.


Well-Known Member
I've just found out that the modifications made for the Australian release of Fallout 3 will be carried over onto all versions.

Way to go, OFLC. Can't just screw over the Australians, you have to screw over the rest of the world too...

Anyway, list of games I'm keeping an eye on: Fallout 3, CTDS, Phantasy Star 0, Dragon Quest 5, 6 and 9, Tales of Symphonia 2, Tales of Hearts, Mirror's Edge, Little King Story, Sonic RPG, Dragon Age, The Conduit, Tomb Raider Underworld, Prince of Persia, Tenchu 4, Valkyrie Profile DS, Disgaea DS, and probably a bunch more I can't remember right now.


Well-Known Member
Persona 4, Star Ocean 4, Fable 2, LittleBigPlanet are all on my buying list.

Asis 'a ps3'.


Well-Known Member
OniGanon said:
I've just found out that the modifications made for the Australian release of Fallout 3 will be carried over onto all versions.

Way to go, OFLC. Can't just screw over the Australians, you have to screw over the rest of the world too...
What modifications are those?

Anyways, Persona 4, Fallout 3, Force Unleashed... that's about it for now. I'm trying to cut down on buying games since I have too many right now.


Well-Known Member
Ar Tonelico 2 in early December, along with Persona 4 about a week later assuming both are released on the projected dates.

Other then that, PSP Star Ocean and the PS3 port of Eternal Sonata

Chaos Blade

Well-Known Member
You know, it is really sad when your gamelist is more of a wish I could play.

Really disappointed in the market lately.
I am looking forward the next Total War, assuming my machine will be able to run it. Really looking foward to it. Would love to see an upgraded imperialism.

Ya know, it is sad when you start thinking that games that are years old, or even decades old are far more complex, concept wise, that the crap the big name companies are pushing these days.

so lets add something to the wishlist:
Strategy game, large scope, space based, space opera concept (that means bigg ass space battles with hundreds of units), ship design, turn base... real time.... don't really care. 4x too, and with a solid diplomatic System. A true heir to Master of Orion, that is not the Bureaucracy simulator.

Lesse, maybe something RPG wise, not sure what... not too many pics these days. I'll probably give the elderscrols fallout a try (the demo, maybe)

I am open to suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Persona 4
Armored Core: For Answer
Crysis: Warhead, in all likelihood

Thanks to this topic:
Ar Tonelico 2

I... don't really keep up with new releases. :blue:


Well-Known Member
Croaker said:
Persona 4
Armored Core: For Answer
Crysis: Warhead, in all likelihood

Thanks to this topic:
Ar Tonelico 2

I... don't really keep up with new releases.? :blue:
For Answer is getting ported?

Ah, I will probably end up buying that; if it gets ported.


Well-Known Member
Chaos Blade, have you played Sins of a Solar Empire? Haven't played it myself, as it didn't seem my kind of game, but it seems like something you might be interested in.


Well-Known Member
sigfried27 said:
and the PS3 port of Eternal Sonata
**severely mocks all the Micro$oft fanboys who swore Eternal Sonata would be a Xbox exclusive**

Sorry, had to do it. All these months I heard Xfags bragging about how ES was 'ONLY ON ECKSBOCKS, BELIEVEITDURRR'... and now it gets ported on PS3, and I'm told it'll have some minor, but always nice extras.

I just HAVE to point and laugh. Very hard.


Well-Known Member
Anything not available for PC is autofail.

What extras would those be? I already have the 360 version, so they're probably not enough to make me buy it again unless it ends up in the bargain bin at some point in the far future.

As far as what I'll be playing... Monday, The Force Unleashed comes out. I was supposed to be playing Ghostbusters by the end of October but... :rant:

The wild guess on Brutal Legend's release date has been pushed back to February, so that'll be a while...

Hey, what's the date on Mad World at the moment? That'll be worth some amusement.


Well-Known Member
Croaker said:
For Answer comes out the 16th. PS3 and XBox360.
Ha... oh wow, I am out of the loop. I had been paying attention to this three or four months ago, but at the time it seemed no one was going to port it so I ended up writing it off as "not going to happen."

Oh, well, I don't have my 360 at the moment, but I could play on my roommates; nah, that would be rude.

EDIT: well, thanks for the heads up, even if it wasn't really directed at me.

Pointless dribble is pointless. I know I am something of a fan of the series but still... I need to not go on rants.


Well-Known Member
Chaos Blade said:
You know, it is really sad when your gamelist is more of a wish I could play.

Really disappointed in the market lately.
I am looking forward the next Total War, assuming my machine will be able to run it. Really looking foward to it. Would love to see an upgraded imperialism.

Ya know, it is sad when you start thinking that games that are years old, or even decades old are far more complex, concept wise, that the crap the big name companies are pushing these days.

so lets add something to the wishlist:
Strategy game, large scope, space based, space opera concept (that means bigg ass space battles with hundreds of units), ship design, turn base... real time.... don't really care. 4x too, and with a solid diplomatic System. A true heir to Master of Orion, that is not the Bureaucracy simulator.

Lesse, maybe something RPG wise, not sure what... not too many pics these days. I'll probably give the elderscrols fallout a try (the demo, maybe)

I am open to suggestions.
I'll have to second OniGanon. You would might liek Sins of the Solar Empire, very vast Strat game, only downside is the skirmishes can last a while, but the good thing is, you can always save it, you can even save LAN games. Which is awesome.

You might also like Supreme Commander or SC: Forged Alliance, that is a very fun strat game too, you can have a maximum of 8000 units on one map (8 players, 1000 units each, EPIC) But it's very CPU intensive. So if ya have anything less than a 2.4 dual core, I wouldn't recommend playing.

But I would say check em out. I know I have fun playin them.

Games I'm waiting for:

Beatmania IIDX 16: Empress
Left for Dead


Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
sigfried27 said:
and the PS3 port of Eternal Sonata
**severely mocks all the Micro$oft fanboys who swore Eternal Sonata would be a Xbox exclusive**

Sorry, had to do it. All these months I heard Xfags bragging about how ES was 'ONLY ON ECKSBOCKS, BELIEVEITDURRR'... and now it gets ported on PS3, and I'm told it'll have some minor, but always nice extras.

I just HAVE to point and laugh. Very hard.
I'd laugh more if I weren't still pissed about SO4 and Tales of Vesperia...damn it, will this anger against companies selling out never subside...

What extras would those be? I already have the 360 version, so they're probably not enough to make me buy it again unless it ends up in the bargain bin at some point in the far future.
Nothing too major that would warrant another purchase I believe. The only thing I know of was something about character outfits, wether it was alternate outfits or custmoizable outfits.