Gather of the Banners (Code Geass/Nanoha crossover)


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The light from the Yuuno’s magic and the flames that rampages across the nearby trees created the unholy illumination that turned the dusky glade into the scenery fitting for the hell. Scorched and fuming earth was devoid of life, twisted remnants of tress looked like sinners that were sentenced to burn for years until they repent for their sins. And the devil of this hell currently struggled to cut through the barrier that protected the pair of brave but outmatched souls from their doom.  

Yuuno snarled, forcing himself to concentrate on the defense and trying to overcome the pain, which was born due to massive strain. After all it wasn’t easy to withstand the whirlwind of attacks from the four meters tall humanoid that swing around the sword which was bigger than Yuuno himself in his true form.

Eventually, he was forced to transform into the said true form to bolster his barrier when Signum Van Wolken increased her attempts to reach Nanoha and Arisa. He was glad that he warned the girls about his true self yesterday – in the heat of the battle there should be a strong sense of trust between the warriors and he doubted that blond and auburn haired girls could trust him fully if he hid his true appearance.

Powerful horizontal slash was followed by a vicious vertical attack with the whip and then came a powerful roundhouse kick. What made it worse was that not only belkan machine was powerful itself, but Signum displayed a truly formidable skills by not only hit the very same area of his barrier again and again, but also masterfully releasing the powerful burst of mana correctly on the moments of the contact. Each blow almost physically reverberated through his body, as he continued to stubbornly resist the onslaught.

Forcing himself to  concentrate despite the biting pain in his linker core, blond guest of Earth activated one of his offensive spells.

Blast Binds!

Pair of the runic circles appeared few meters away from the crimson and gray knightmare frame and then the shining green chains shoot out from them, ensnaring the wrists of the humanoid machine. Once the tight knots of chains firmly trapped the hands of the enemy vehicle the grin magic circles flared again, and as a bright spheres of light started to devour the chains quickly dancing around the armor on the arms of hostile mechanism.    

After all the bind also were constructed from the mana and if you let this energy to went rampage there would be an explosion. Usually, the power of explosion would be equivalent to the amount of energy caster put in the spell (to be specific, the power of the blast would be lesser comparing from the genuine shooting spell – the loss of energy are still there), but Blast Binds not just used their own energy to fuel the explosion, those spheres of the green light consumed the raw mana from the surrounding space.

And the battle between Signum and Nanoha leaved a lot of this raw mana to fill the air.

Explosion greedily engulfed the KMF, shaking the glade with its power. Without spending a second Yuuno activated Accel Move and darted toward Nanoha’s Sutherland. He could feel that powerful protecting aura surround the machine of the Belkan woman and his Blast Binds wouldn’t do much.

Nanoha quickly make her KMF sit and stretched out his hand with open palm. Allowing Yuuno to jump on it. It was on time, as the explosion died away, revealing that their enemy indeed suffered just a minor damage and still willing to battle.

Jet engines roared like a pack of hungry lions and the demonic machine blitzed toward Nanoha’s machine, aiming the tip of her sword at Nanoha’s vehicle left shoulder. Nanoha hissed manipulating the joysticks to send her Sutherland into a quick jump to side, barely avoiding the deadly thrust (Signum approached her diagonally from the right side, sealing all escape routes to the left), but this maneuver let her open from the strike of the shield – Sinum foresaw her movements.

Yet, the devastating blow that should have smash her head and toss Sutherland on the ground meet the solid wall of light, that blocked the attack.

Nanoha tried to use the momentary halt of her enemy movements and strike her with Slash Harken, aiming, in response at the head of enemy KMF. Signum also reacted to break the lock and send the additional burst of mana through the emitters on the legs, propelling her Laevateinn in the air. Regaining the control she used the thrusters in the wings to perform a somersault in the air and lashed at the machine of the tenacious brunette.

As Signum expected, the blade was intercepted by the same green barrier, sending the sparks everywhere. Pinkette didn’t bother to use surge of mana to break through, wishing to spare her reserves. She would either spend too much valuable seconds to do so or her enemy simply dodges the attack.

Instead she performed a dive-bomb attack, controlling her machine so it would hold the sword with both hands. The triple Round Shield of the size of a dinner table appeared on the last second before the metal collided with metal.

Yuuno barely managed to withstand the attacks, pushing himself to the limits, he still activated teleportation spell, while still holding his shield and transported both himself and Nanoha’s Sutherland a ten meters forward, right behind the enemy. The Demon Knight, suddenly loosing the resistance, plummeted toward the ground, though pink-haired knight managed to shift the stance of her vehicle and this her KMF still landed on his legs (even though the power of the impact still forced him to fall on one knee and eat vast amount of mana from reinforcement spell that prevented said legs from falling apart due to all savage blows they get).

The energy, concentrated in the sword burst forward, obliterating entire portion of the forest in the wave of destructive flame, batching are in heat and light, giving a birth to the blazing fountain of fire as tall as the building.

“Damn, Nanoha, Yuuno we need to run!!” Screamed frantically Arisa through the telepatic channel, while trying to stabilize her damaged knightmare frame.  “We already held her enough we need to get away from here!!”

Nanoha didn’t argue and activated landspinners, skating toward the exit from the glade, once their machines was near, Arisa did the same. Yuuno, understanding that he need to hide, quickly transformed into ferret again (much to the silent displeasure of Nanoha and Arisa, who quickly grew to like the sight of the handsome blond boy).

Both maiden gunned the throttles of their machines, not wishing to fight today anymore, as they were both really exhausted, and thus both of them hissed in frustration when alarm signal beeped again and the radar dutifully show then that crimson dot quickly shorten the distance from the behind.

“Stubborn twit!!” Snarled Arisa, turning her machine around and switching her landspinners in the back draft. She had only her Slah Harken left and her machine was in horrible state but green eyed girl was tired of pushing all work on Nanoha. She needs to help her friend and Arisa Bannings of the noble Bannings household had her pride.  

The Belkan knightmare really looked like a demon that descend to stole the souls of the people but Arisa didn’t waver – her finger firmly pressed the button when the time came, sending rocket-propelling anchor toward the KMF. Arisa smiled bitterly when enemy quickly destroyed Slash Harken with a single swing of his sword without even changing the trajectory. Well, she already come to accept the term that she had no other choices but to use her machine self-destruct system and hope that her ejecting mechanism wasn’t damaged. She grudgingly admitted to herself that this Signum is really awesome combatant and she expected to resort to dire methods.

What she didn’t expect what a pair missiles that hammered enemy machine from above damaging his shoulder armor. And the damage could be much greater if Panzer Geist didn’t hold out.

The small UAV Bumblebee hovered above them toward the enemy, sending another barrage of self-propelling rounds at the Signum’s vehicle, again aiming at the Floater Unit. Belkan knight boosted her Panzer Geist spell and countered the enemy attack with the slash of her whip-sword. Britannian dron avoided the attack (unlike the rockets) and before pinkette could launch another slash at him the stream of rounds, this time from the ground, slammed into the right side of the crimson and gray knightmare frame, tearing into the armor.

Arisa and Nanoha cheered, even without the confirmation, knowing that it was Arthur Westhill who came to help them.

Demon knight tried to perform the same dive-bombing attack at the Artur’s machine, but the Bumblebee, using enemy’s concentration on the another target, attacked from the above again, breaking the charge at  it very begging.

“Move faster and don’t take any turns, you will run into our forces very soon!” The pale, yet very aggravated and determined face of the raven haired teen appeared at the window, giving not very needed confirmation of their savior identity anyway. “I’ll hold her!”

His auto rifle roared again, in the tandem with the auto cannon on the UAV, hammering floating demon from the two sides. The ideal overlap of the attack patterns of the Bumblebee and the Sutherland revealed to the amazed girl the fact that the one who control the drone was Arthur himself. Managing to control both his KMF and the drone, blue eyed teen caught the previously unstoppable enemy in the web of fire.

Even the fact that he would probably fail if Signum wasn’t holding backs all of her arsenal and that her machine was not in the best shape, couldn’t diminish the impressiveness of his feat.

Currently, drone circled around Belkan machine in counter-clockwise pattern, firing at the enemy’s wings from time to time, aiming to damage or destroys his floating system, as Arthur hammered crimson and gray vehicle from both oh his rifles, forcing pinkette to pay more attention to him than a drone.

Someone could say it was weird but Nanoha was in silent agreement with blue eyed teen’s decision – once knight destroy the drone she can concentrate all might of her superior (even if damaged) knightmare frame on the old Sutherland. But now she was forced to divide her attention – even the damage of her Floater would destroy her chances to escape from the incoming Britannian forces and thus she was caught in stalemate.

Arthur Westhill could afford to wait. Signum Van Wolken didn’t have such luxury.  

“Arthur-san are incredible.” Declared Nanoha softly as the battling knightmares disappeared beside the corner of the road.

“Yeah, he is not bad.” Agreed Arisa with a snort, before adding. “But we also did a great job today, Nanoha! Especially you…” The last two words were said in much more humble tone and blond girl even give a alight bow to hear friend.

“Nyahah, Arisa-chan shouldn’t forget that I stand up to Signum-san only because her machine was damaged by Arisa-chan.” The next words were said in the telepathic channel. “And thank you so much for saving me Yuuno-kun. You’re my hero!”

“Ah…! Uh…! No!” Stammered Yuuno, blushing under the fur and curling tighter in the ball on the metallic surface of the Sutherland’s hand. “I…I… just paid back my own debt for the saving me yesterday… To you and lady Arisa, I mean!”

“He-he, such a cute reaction.” Giggled Arisa, then she clicked her tongue before continuing with utmost seriousness. “But the fact that this Signum person went easy on us is still truth. If she didn’t held back her attacks we would have been dead long ago.”

“Yes, she not a bad person, I’m sure” Nodded Nanoha with an utmost conviction in her purple eyes. “She was so passionate, brave and noble I hope that eventually we would be able to meet each other not as enemies but a friends. I would be glad to share a stories with her.”

“I agree – I also would be glad to exchange the knowledge with the princess of the Belkan Autonomic Province. There are so many things I wish to know about the realms created by the Sankt-Kaiser Herman.” Added his vote Yuuno, carefully glancing upward where massive black silhouettes of Caerleon-class aerial frigates could have been seen. “I hope we can convince noble knight to at least explain why she aims for the Jewel Seeds.”

“Um, I hate being hope-crusher, guys, but please don’t forget that she is a terrorist!” Arisa couldn’t help but shook her head in amazement, even though she know that not Nanoha, nor Yuuno could see her gesture. “Okay, I give her credit for not killing anyone. And, I admit, that she have incredible skills with her sword and KMF. But there is no denial that she attacked our platoon, injured many people and we still don’t know what can happen what can she and her comrades do with those dangerous relics?!”      

“Uh, sorry, Arisa-chan.” Blushed Nanoha, turning her machine around the another corner of the forest road, radar dutifully show that there was a sizable contingent of the Britannian land forces four kilometers away from them and auburn haired girl guided her machine to meet them ASAP.  “I got carried away for a bit. We indeed need to lock our blades with Signum-san if she would persist to carry her illegal activities across the realms of Britannia, and we should try our besy to return Jewel Seeds to Yuuno-kin, as he is their righteful owner… I just say that Signum-san is wasting her great potential as a terrorist, I’m sure that such incredible lady as she deserve the better.”

“Well. I can’t argue that madam knight is no slouch in department of badassery, but try not to fall for every pretty mage we meet, Nanoha.” The last words of Bannings household daughter contained pretty obvious dig. “Or I, Suzuka and Yuuno would get jealous.”

Yuuno could only yelp and curled into ball even tighter as Nanoha protested of loud, while blond girl laughed. They get almost too carried away and Scion of Takamachi family remembered to slow down an open her hatch to let a ferret sneak in only few minutes away from the main forces.


Well-Known Member
D-34 base definitely wasn’t a large military installation and thus barely had the space and capacity to support the massive amount of armored vehicles and air ships that came from Torrinson base to reinforce Uminari garrison. Therefore the last few hours the long rows of the trucks and building machines moved from the uptight city to the base.

The sun already completely disappeared beneath the horizon and the cold wind starts to harass the open flesh, forcing the girls to snuggle close to each other for the warmth and comfort after the incident early. All of their comrades already leaved the territory of the base, someone on the specially called bus, and someone were carried away in the ambulance.

Nanoha, Arisa and Suzuka (an by extension, Yuuno) were and exception and currently waited for the car of the Arisa’s dad – Andrew to pick them up.

The following night, as it was decided by a long talk through their PSUs with their families, four friends would spent in the house of the noble Bannings family, recovering from their adventure. All Britannian citizens who were harmed in the incident were placed in the hospital, and even those, who avoid the actual harm, were allowed to have a day off to regain their mental health.

Yuuno, with a mix of admiration and sorrow, noted inwardly that girls weren’t too shocked by the recent clash. And it wasn’t because they thought it was some kind of harmless game. No, Nanoha, Suzuka and Arisa simply accepted long ago the fact that they should be wary and know that death or trouble can lurks nearby.

The dark brown six-wheeled car that came to pick blond maiden of Bannings family and her friends, by Yuuno’s judgment, was more looks like APC rather than luxurious limo of rich
family – robust frame was covered by the thick layer of metallic plates and he could bet that this machine could take more punishment than training knightmare frame. Windows, which could, as Arisa boasted, could withstand the attack from the small firearms, were decorated on their edges with ornaments in the form of various building machines engraved in the glass. And the massive wheels were protected by a sturdy armor.

Yuuno, gazing at this road monster, in his thoughts declared that this vehicle was a refitted military transport, but Nanoha convinced him that this is indeed a civilian vehicle, stating that it’s the special model with improved defensive capabilities. Though then she added with a small amount of tightness in her mental voice that those models were created using a blueprints of the APCs.    

Once automobile stopped near the trio of girls, and their ferret, who waited for the transport near the crossroad that lead to the base, which comfortably perched on the Nanoha’s arms, the door of driver opened with a hiss and the sharply dressed man with hairs of the familiar golden color darted toward the group of friends.

“Arisa!  Nanoha! Suzuka! You’re okay!” Cried the aquamarine eyed man, before lunging forward and enveloping the young heroines in a bear hug, lifting them slightly from the ground, earning a small yelp, emitted by three throats. For a moment Yuuno, who was hidden in the Nanoha’s schoolbag, feared that his saviors would receive a lasting damage from those massive arms, but then his sensitive ears noticed that Nanoha, Arisa and Suzuka grunts in embarrassment and there is no traces of pain in their squeals.  

Once the businessman finished squeezing the trio he let them go, allowing ferret-changeling to have a better look at him. Not only color of his hairs betrayed his station as father of Arisa Bannings, his ears were enlarged copies of his daughter ones and even without meeting lady Bannings, scion of Scrya tribe could easily tell whose part of genes give Arisa her energetic nature – older male just couldn’t stay still and continued to lost and twitch as he looked at the younger generation of Britannian citizens. On other hand, mister Bannings had thin lips, long nose and there was small mole under his left eye.  

His two piece suit had the same color as the eyes of his daughter – green – which made a sharp contrast with his black tie and the rows of the white buttons. Concentrating his sight on those buttons tiny mammal noticed that each enamel button had the crest of the Bannings family (white squirrel with golden orb on the dark green background). With a small amount of mirth Yuuno noticed that Arisa’s dad also put his crest on the tips of his black shoes.

“Yeah, dad we’re okay.” The first one who regained their dignity after being flung around in the arms of the nobleman was his daughter, though Arisa’s cheeks still were stained scarlet. Before golden haired girl could continue the light from the massive Logres fall on their group, forcing all 4 people to immediately shelter their faces. Fortunately, the operators on the airship noticed that and quickly switch the aim of their airship’s searchlight. “As you can see we’re unharmed.”

“Thanks God…” Smile on the blond man’s face grew wider at those words – he couldn’t find any traces of damage on his precious daughter and her dear friends himself, but he still wanted the verbal confirmation too. “We all were sick from the worry, Arisa – I, Janette, Miranda and Quentin! And not only we – let’s just say that only your mama and lady Chisato’s soothing words didn’t let miss Momoko to descend into hysteria. I wouldn’t torture you with question now, let’s do it when you have a dinner and a small relax. Arisa, Nanoha, Suzuka, get inside the car, I’ll call each of our houses to tell that you’re all safe and I picked you up.”

Girls didn’t complain and blond, purple-haired and auburn-haired maidens quickly crawled into the spacious salon of the car. The light in the cabin was of the same green color as the suit of the vehicle’s owner, radiated by the six lamps. Girls quickly moved in the very rear of the salon, occupying the cozy sofa-like seat, covered in soft brown leather and unfold the screens of their PSUs.  

The delicate fingers danced across the icons on the flexiplast establishing the communication channel between their devices and initiating data’s transfer: Suzuka share the information, she get from the computer of the base, while Arisa and Nanoha give purple haired teen’s device all memories of this evening stored in the data banks
of their knightmares.

The, much to the other two of her friends surprise, Suzuka pulled out from under her shirt a silver chain, connected to small icosahedrons of light purple color, ornamented by the tiny blue gem on each face. Nanoha and Arisa were pretty surprised to see their shy friend suddenly revealing an adornment as if she wanted to flaunt it. Especially, considering that they didn’t remember Suzuka having it either yesterday pot this morning.

Noticing duo’s puzzled glances, Suzuka smiled and then placed a index and middle finger of her left hand on the newfound accessory.

“So, what do you think about the Device Yuuno-do…kun give to me.”  Nanoha and Arisa were almost overwhelming by this revelation but they still chuckled at the fact that Suzuka was still unsure how she should address Yuuno. “We run a few tests today with one of his devices, but the incident with the Jewel Seed and Belkan KMF interrupted us before we could test more. And after the conclusion of the event, Yuuno-kun give me one of the devices with imprinted defensive protocol to help me if something, connected with magic, will happen. Yuuno-k..dono also promised to give you two your own devices once we alone at my home.”

Nanoha and Arisa’s possible hurt at Suzuka’s treatment quickly evaporated under the tidal wave of elation in the face of trust Yuuno put in them. The upcoming present also helped, even Nanoha allowed herself to enjoy the fact that her friend would give her a gift (and there was no extra joy because this friends was a handsome boy, right!).

“Seems you couldn’t hold back the desire to brag about your brand new magical Device?” Grinned Arisa trollishly and moving her eyebrows up and down few times.  

“Ah?! Eh?! No-no-no! That’s not like this, Aria-chan I swear!” Panicked Suzuka, blushing slightly. “I just wanted to use it like a camera and let Yuuno-kun to see the datas from our PSU.”

But wouldn’t mr. Andrew notice the magical transmission?” Inquired Nanoha with slight anxiety, glancing worriedly at the broad back of Bannings family patriarch, who still talked through his PSU with someone of their families. “His machine have a very sensitive mana-meter.”
“Don’t worry. Nanoha.” Reassured her Arisa, wavering her hand in front of herself, with relaxed expression. “Papa jolted in shock and alarm when mana-meter starts to show a few bar of the mana-discharges only for few days after he brought this Neo-Ford. As we know even before we meet Yuuno, Earth, just like all planet, have its own mana-field and thus trigger the gauge when another discharge happen. As long as we don’t let it stay at 7-8 bars for too long dad wouldn’t care.”

“Well, if you say so, Arisa-chan, then I has no worries for now.” Giving out a relaxed smile in the face of her blond friends reassurance, purple eyed teen snuggled closer to both Arisa’s shoulder and soft and warm surface of the back of her seat and inspecting the readings on the screen of her PSU, Arisa and Suzuka followed her example by almost nose-diving into their respective screens. A few minutes after Nanoha declared: “Hmm, seems that this new Jewel Seed construct was significantly more intelligent than previous one… He used his and offensive skills properly, and always keep his momentum, therefore he didn’t let the garrison forces to pin him down.”

“And this jinn bastard also is more powerful that mad cabbage.” Added Arisa with a frown, biting her lower lip. “Just look how easily he wreck knightmare frames and tanks! Until Colonel Westhill took out his barrier generators… or whatever they were… this damn creep kept keking everything up!”

“Oh kami, then what the next monster would be capable of?” Gasped milky-white Suzuka, as her imagination mercilessly bombarded her with images one scarier than another.

“Next creation shouldn’t be much more powerful…” Interrupted the train of Suzuka’s panicking thoughts Yuuno. “There is still a time before Jewel Seeds would shift to another charging mode.”

“Charging mode?” Trailed all girl in perfect sync, making Yuuno giggle inwardly.

“Yes, the Jewel Seeds have a documented patterns of charging up from the surrounding mana-field. First step – Awakening, this is the time where JS slowly collect the wide discharges of energy from the surroundings. This cycle is the shortest one and usually last only for 12-14 hours. Then Jewel Seeds usually find one or two steady stream of mana and establish the link, which allow them to have a permanent source of energy. Seeds tend to stay in this state for months until they completely hack into the mana-field of the planet… and then arise a huge possibility of a huge catastrophe.”

The last words of the mage from the IAB were filled with fear that quickly infected the present earthlings. The already witnessed the amount of destruction even one construct could bring even to military installation – even if the base garrison was rather poorly equipped and caught off-guard – they didn’t want even imagine would could happen to Special Administrative Zone of Japan, or even entire region if Jewel Seeds reach new stage of power and went berserk.

“How many time exactly we have… until it happen, Yuuno-kun?” Asked Nanoha, trying to breath deep and slowly as she clenched edges of her skirt in both hands. Andrew Bannings, who complete the talk and continued to remain outside so he could take a smoke (it was a nicotine-free cigarette though) and remained blissfully ignorant about the looming disaster, together with countless millions of other people who live in this part of the world.

“Hmm, it’s not really easy to pin-point the exact month, but I think at least four months is granted, considering that active magic is very rare on Earth.” Come a slow but still certain answer.

“Okay, that’s a lot. But it’s not a reason to be relaxed.” Arisa made a pause, when the driver’s door open and her father jumped in the vehicle. The series of clicks filled the cabin when both members of Bannings family and the associates (minus one small ferret) sealed themselves in their places by magnetic safety belts (pair of electromagnet equipped platforms, connected together by an elastic cord) when Andrew activates the engine.

Motor’s snarl grew up in sound and then with a small jolt vehicle moved forward. Arisa’s dad exchanged a thumb-up gesture with his daughter before giving a small polite bow to pair of two Japanese-Britannian girls before turning his attention back to road, accelerating the machine and turning the radio on.

As the sounds of the energetic song continue to pleasure the hearing of the CEO of  Bannings Construction, the four conspirators get back to their conversation.

“We need to increase the overall efficiency of our team.” Declared Arisa firmly, glancing down at her own clenched fists. “If we want to gather Jewel Seeds in time we need to shorten our time of response to their activation!”

“But how exactly we can achieve this, Arisa-chan?” Inquired Suzuka, watching the record of the battle between Nanoha’s Sutherland and the knightmare of the Belkan mage Signum. “Yuuno-kun used the teleportation spell to quickly reach your and Nanoha-chan destination. But his manipulations with mana went unnoticed because of this knightmare covered this by his own powerful discharges of the magical energy”

“But this also means we can use the activation of the Jewel Seed to cover our own appearance.”  Pointed Nanoha out, opening a new window on the screen of her PSU, where her interlocutors could have seen the massive bright spot on the map, where Nanoha and Arisa clashed with pink-haired knight; and then showed to Arisa, Suzuka and Yuuno another image where the massive are of the D-34, where ill-fated hangar was placed was nothing more but milky white terra incognita. “Such powerful magical surge, I’m sure, would cloak even the teleportation of the few knightmares”.

“Good idea, Nanoha.” Agreed Arisa, inspecting the available data from the battle with jinn. Her surge of elation quickly starts to evaporate when she activate the video-file that show in details how unfortunate knightmares and tanks, which were hit by the attack of the construct were torn apart as if there was created out of paper.

As she said – she knew that the construct was powerful, but still video confirmation of his proves hit hard.  It would be a suicide to move against beasts like that without proper equipment. “By the way, since we talked about knightmares… I think we would need something hard-hitting armament on our own if we don’t want another of our jewel Seed-catching operation end up in hospital.”

“I seriously doubt that we can… borrow one of the Sutherlands without causing a massive ruckus.” Suzuka almost choked on word “steal” as her honest nature immediately revolted against such action. But on other hand she understand her blond friend concern too – going against creatures/machines that can tear their ways through military formations (albeit, poorly prepared ones) without a powerful weaponry is a suicide. “Though I think, if we work together Arisa-chan we can use some of the exo-skeletons from your father’s firm. If you not, against it, of course.”

“Nope, I already know the few Lumberjacks, whose absence father wouldn’t mind at all. But I would need your help with repair and refit of those machines.”

Few taps and auburn and purple haired maidens get a message with address of the warehouse and the exoskeletons they could use in their mission.

“And I think I can ask Kyoya-nii-san and Sawanaga-san for help. At least we can ask for additional details and help, thus we should avoid alerting mr. Andrew attention.”  

Nanoha couldn’t help but bluish in embarrassment and anger on herself – Andrew Bannings was one of the dearest people to her for years, giving her presents on the birthday and Christmas and overall being a uncle for her and now she repays him with this scheme!

Granted, Arisa-chan said those vehicles are broken and there would be no harm from their disappearance… yet, she couldn’t help but feel that she is a breaker of trust.

Auburn haired member of Takamachi family made a mental note to made amend with uncle Andrew, once she helps Yuuno-kun with this case but before she could made another suggestion she was interrupted by a voice of her new friend.

“Ladies, if I may…” The sudden appearance of the shy voice of the previously silent mage made all three girls froze in their places. “…I think I can help you Nanoha, Suzuka, Arisa with reinforcement and repair of those machines. I can provide the help with actual repair – I worked a lot with lumberjacks back at home. And I can use alchemical spells to help with installation of new equipment and additional armor. Of course, In addition to giving you the promised devices and few lessons in magic, if you don’t mind, of course.”

“It would be a great help…” Three pairs of eyes exchanged a happy glanced before Nanoha put her hands in the bag and gently stroked the golden fur a few times.  “Thank you Yuuno-kun.”

“N-no… I don’t deserve such praise, Nanoha. I already in gargantuan debt before you and your brave friends! I always would try my best when you three would need a help.” Yuuno hoped that the mental purrs he emitted each time Nanoha warm and soft hands caressed him didn’t make his words sounds funny.

The machine of Bannings family suddenly slowed down, not sharp enough to cause the problems to the trio of girls and one boy, but swift enough to tell them that something unusual happened. When they raised a sights, blue, Purple and green eyes narrowed in worry – there were a pair of Terrier-class tanks that moved on the opposite side of road, patrolling the border of the city.

Yuuno, seeing armored vehicles, through the Suzuka’s device, freeze too. Those machines quickly reminded that there was more dangers to their mission (and their health) than Jewel Seeds’ constructs.  

There were another contestants for the powerful relics of the past and they wouldn’t hesitate to use dangerous methods to remove the competitors.

“There is a huge possibility of running into this knight Signum and her machine in our endeavor, aren’t it?” Gritted her teeth Arisa, remembering how her meeting with pinkette went. Her wounded pride demands a rematch next time she meet the knight-mage, but her mind dutifully remind her that blue eyed Belkan woman is a very dangerous adversary to adapt such naïve approach to the clash.

“We will meet dame Signum, I’m sure about that” Agtreed with her Nanoha with utmost confidence. “The Jewel Seeds gathering is very important task for her… those blue eyes almost shone with passion and determination when we fought. On the road of finding and securing the relics we definitely would meet again!”  

“Too bad for her - I have no desire to back off!” Snarled Arisa, steeling her resolve – she wouldn’t let this mage to scare her away. “I give my word and I wouldn’t left my dummy friend to fight all those dangers alone! Not to say - my country and the innocent denizens of Uminari in danger!”

“We felt the same, Arisa-chan! And I know that we will stand together in this time of perils!” Added Suzuka, reaching out and gently squeezing her green eyed friend’s shoulder; Nanoha did the same and then Arisa outstretched her arms and pulls both of her friends closer (though she was forced to be extra careful to make sure her PSU\s screen would hit Suzuka’s head).

“Uh, since we at least have the idea where and how to obtain our equipment… I think we need to think about the strength and weaknesses of our possible opponents?” Once they broke their group hug Nanoha quickly adopted serious disposition again. “I think we need to analyze the ability of our possible enemies too. How about to discuss dame Signum and her KMF for example?”

Suzuka nodded curtly and quickly went back to the data about the crimson and gray machine that attacked her friends and class just recently.  A few minutes later, the knightmare specialist of their group voiced her opinion.    

“I want to ask for forgiveness beforehand if my initial analysis was wrong…” Soft chuckles escaped Nanoha and Arisa’s lips audibly, as they recognized this well-known “teacher’s tone”. Andrew Bannings noticed this increased mirth but decided that girls simply shared a funny images on their PSUs and only smiled at them good-naturedly.

“I think this many constructive ideas, used in this Knightmare Frame were taken from Prussian Empire’s school of KMF building. I can’t say it for sure, but I think that the basis for this machine was the assault Prussian Knightamre Frame Jagdtiger. The Floater System, of course, was replaced with fitting analog from… hmmm, I think it’s a custom made version of the IAB produced Aerial Combat Equipment. Instead of fuel IAB use mana-conventers to transform the stored in cartridges raw magical energy into the jet stream and propel the machine.”

“Hmm, but shouldn’t this made such engines vulnerable to the sakurahydrogen?” Inquired Arisa, shocked that Interstellar Administrative Bureau would use equipment that had in the core the same distinct weakness to the Earth primary anti-magic agent. “I know that this way UAB engineers give more space to the equipment and weaponry, but the maneuverability is the main strength of any KMF?”

“Uh… As uncle Kaiyen told me – Bureau prefer to use ACE mainly as a jump engine, not as a straight floating mechanism. IAB knightmares created in the close cooperation with Belka Empire who rarely use floating systems on their Panzer Ritters and tend to put more emphasis on resilience and firepower in their vehicles. Overall, this lead to IAB machine, if you ask me, being less armored and having less destructive capacity than their Belkan counterparts, but instead being more nimble.”

Yuuno wasn’t certain he had the right to interfere the talk again, but, to his, relief, girls thanked him again. Feeling the increase of his spirit he continued. “IAB mostly uses their knightmares as a flanking units and harassers, leaving the role of the hard hitters to other units.”

Archaeologist made another pause, but this time because he heard the familiar hum of the landspinners of the knightrmare frames that passed by and automatically tensed. Girls too – but unlike Yuuno out of awe, as they saw pair of Vincent Wards on patrol duty.  

“Arisa-chan…” Nanoha decided to add the explanation on her own. “While sakurahydrogen can forcefully extract the mana from living beings pretty fast, the process of reducing of magical reserves, stored in the artificial object that wasn’t built with usage of magic would take quiet a time. And, with their speed I doubt that knightmare frames, even IAB built, would have many troubles with escaping the gas cloud. As Yuuno-kun said: Bureau use the knightmare to perform mostly hit and run types of attacks and diversions. If they can force enemy to divert their anti-magic munitions away from their primary forces they do very well.”

“I can’t argue with that…” Nodded blond girl, inwardly musing about recent showdown with mage, named Signum. Now, Arisa started to suspect that Signum didn’t hammer their small group with some really destructive spell, when their group wasn’t equipped with anti-magical rounds, not only because our of pity, but also because she wanted to lure Britannian forces, who would move to intercept invading KMF and save the lives of the trainees, away from the base, or another area, or just divert their attention from someone or something.    

This implication was not very pleasant, but after the incidents that occurred just in spans of two days Arisa already accepted the fact that she made a step on a very dangerous road so she just added another thing in her list of potential dangers.

“Okay, Suzuka, we already figured out that this machine is oriented on the close-quarter and middle-range combat. But what can you say, as engineer about this machine’s weaknesses. I already have few ideas how about upcoming battle in knightmare frame and I know that Nanoha already works on few tactics in her mind too.”

Suzuka clicked her tongue, narrowing her eyes slightly, formulating the answer in her mind. “First and foremost this machine fear the contact with huge masses of water – those plasma blades generates a tremendous amount of heat and the contact between them and liquid can create a massive steam explosion that can cripple the knightmare frame, or even destroy it.”

Spending anther few moments, examining the movements of the artificial demon knight on the screen, where the enemy machine defended itself from the Arthur Westhill’s onslaught.

“I also can say that this machine is pretty heavy and once this machine starts to accumulate the damage and thus changes in the center of mass together with increased strain on the gyroscopes, it response to control would quickly decrease. Actually, I think this machine should have a thick heat-resistant armor or face the treat to melt it from its own blades, but said ceramics plates are heavier than alloy of the frame of standard kjnightmares.”

“Hmmm, you’re right Suzuka-chan.” Agreed purple eyed daughter of Takamachi family, who was busy studying the images on the screen on her wrist-device. “Now, after re-watching the  video, I think the armor of this machine consisted of ceramics plates rather than metal alloy. They sturdy and thick but they still a ceramics…”

“Indeed, Nanoha-chan, which mean this machine are very heavy and thus harder to control, especially during high-speed maneuvers.” Agreed blue eyed teen with a nod, her brains went into overdrive, continuing to process the mass of data.

While she still was busy, Yuuno Scrya again joined their brainstorm. “I’m sure that she used some type of gravity-manipulating spell to reduce the weight of her KMF and keep a better control, but this is again would increase her already tremendous mana-consumption rate. I’m sure dame Signum are outstanding mage and she have a lot of mana-cartriges in her machine but still... I think your friends and teachers could give her much more troubles if you had even the limited amount of this… sakurahydrogen.”

“This knight Signum just couldn’t maintain such complex vehicle on her own…” Slowly started Arisa, calculating all maintains works and funding such sophisticated knightmatre could demand. “You can’t just leave such machine in your basement and wipe the dirt out of frame once per day to hope for it to works. Even if her Floating System didn’t need the standard fuel, they still need a sakuradite for Core Luminous, coolants for the Yggdrasil Drive and the lubricants for the moving parts in the machine.”

“Not to say, such complex vehicle would demand a careful and rigorous maintains works: replacement of the damaged and worn-out parts, upgrades and diagnostic. There must be at least a small team to keep such knightmare flame in the operable state!” Added Suzuka firmly – as a knightmare’s mechanic she know that old Sutherlands could give his maintains team an headache, but such complex machine as this Belkan KMF would need much higher amount of attention.

“I think they also need a hidden workshop to replace the equipment that have any connection with usage of the magic.” Added her own part Nanoha, glancing at the panorama of the Uminari through the window. But now lovely sight of the numerous lights on the dark massive of the buildings couldn’t mitigate all of her inner worries. “I’m sure they wouldn’t have many problems with finding spare Energy Fillers of chemical agents for the knightamres. Even now the hidden storage facilities of the former Empire of Japan can be found on the Earth and other planets that were part of the Japan dominion and thus dame Signum and her companions would have a plethora of the supplies even from the single of such facilities.”

Auburn haired Britannian girl tilted her head slightly (in a very cute manner, noted her friends) before finishing her thoughts. “Yet, the detail she need for her mana-manipulation and storage would require the direct producing line as the mechanism and equipment from the IAB – our single legal trade partner among magical nations – that could have been used in spell-casting are under strict ban on the territory of the Core Worlds.”

“Maybe they illegally transport such equipment though underground channels on the Outer Worlds?”  Guessed Arisa, but this was mostly a rhetorical question and therefore she felt not even a grain of surprise when both of her friends shook their heads in disagree.

“Such mechanism and machines have very distinct features to be hidden among the standard parts. Terrorists would have need to any customs officer of every planet spaceship wouyld stop on its way to Earth to be blind and their inspection devices to be malfunctioned for such scheme to work.” Pointed Suzuka out, recollecting her conversation about the mana-amplifiers machinery with Yuuno this day. She learned from her mage-friend enough to understand that any mechanism that would be used in mana-control would stick up as a sore thumb even among the parts of the hyper-drives.  

“And I doubt that dame Signum would put her trust in the traffickers to deliver vital parts of her machine.” Nanoha also gain some measure of knowledge about the Belkan Empire from Yuuno Scrya when they had a free time today. “The wounds from the war are still fresh and Belkans wouldn’t dare to give even a hint of their true nature to local crime groups. Moreover, local law-breaking organizations can buy a pardon for their illegal activities if they bring an entire group of Belkan warriors to the justice of the EEUD and Belkans know that.”

“I also think they had at least one talented engineer among them to fully integrate the local equipment with their custom produced Belkan and IAB machinery.” Agreed Yuuno, recalling all his knowledge (no matter how limited it was) about the vehicles of the Earth Empire. “While in other circumstances they could use the well-known local resistance for the help… Considering the all sadism and cruelty forces of Japan Empire displayed during the war, I think dame Signum would eat her own legs before she ask JLF for the help.”

“All in, we can assume that our pink-haired acquainted have her own group of friends and hunt for the Jewel Seeds too.” Concluded Arisa, dryly, cringing mentally at the prospect of having two terrorist groups in the former Japan mainland. “One Jewel Seed already in the custody of army and the one we returned to its proper owner…”

Blond girl giggled slightly at the wave of the warm gratitude emitted by the occupant of her auburn haired friend’s bag once she “said” those words in their telepathic channel. Since Suzuka and Nanoha laughter too and purple eyed teen gently caressed her bag she wasn’t one. “But now we have our own deadline before those relics unleash the local Armageddon and we need to hurry up if we want to make sure that Yuuno would at least get back majority of his Jewel Seeds.”

“I’m eternally grateful for your words la… Arisa.” Yuuno’s own insecurity about the way he should address them, invoked another fit of the joviality among the girls but his next words dropped a figural basket of the cold water on the Nanoha, Suzuka and Arisa. “But I’m afraid that dame Signum provide much serious treat that you think. She said that her full name is Signum Van Wolken, right?”

“Yes, and…?” Nodded Nanoha with growing anxiety, shared by Arisa and Suzuka.

“Which mean she is the member of the Belkan Autonomic Province ruling family! And royals of the Belka are seldom walks to war without a proper retune!” Scion of Scrya Tribe’s voice grow more and more ominous, thankfully her saviors couldn’t see the eerie glimmer, created by the slight flicker of the Jewel Seed, in tiny mammal’s eyes.

“Oh God, you mean…?!” Started Arisa, her voice dripped with trepidation.

“There is another mage-knight or knights and a small army to follow dame Signum in her quest. Which mean, we have entire army unit to worry about when the hunt for the Jewel Seeds reach another heights.”  

Andrew Bannings, shuddered feeling the sudden change in the atmosphere in the automobile, but fortunately – he didn’t press the topic, willing to give trio of teenagers to have their time alone, thinking that sudden change of their expressions was a result of the another news of the JLF dastardly actions. Thus the machine with 5 occupants reached the Bannings estate in the complete and uneasy silence.


Well-Known Member
Torrinson base was in the state of uproar for hours after receiving the emergency message from the small base D-34 about the attacks of the magical construct, similar to recent two incident in the area of the Uminari city.

The third attack on the dominion of Britannia in the span of two days was a direct and arrogant challenge to the empire. Not to say – citizens of the nation was in danger and this couldn’t be condone anymore! If mages really wanted to be crushed with overwhelming might of Britannia so be it!

Sub-viceroy Euphemia, who almost immediately run into the command center once the message reached Torrinson’s communication post, already made a contact with her brother – viceroy Odysseus – and get a permission to lead the forces that would reinforce the Uminari garrison.

The numerous rows of trucks and tractors scurrying between mighty aerial warships, transporting the fuel cells, spare parts and munitions. Countless exoskeletons worked, replacing the damaged or malfunctioned pieces of equipment and frame. No less impressive horde of mechanics worked on the entire legion of the knightmare frames, APCs and battle tanks that would took their place in the bellies of the sky behemoths that would carry them to the new destination.

In their chambers, soldiers check their armor and equipment on their own, as they also were to take their part in the defense of the Britannia’s lands. Unlike previous times, there were no light jokes and idly talks – the last reports and news made it clear, just how serious was a danger that lurks in the Uminari. Lady with scythe walked near and would gladly reap the soul of the stupid one who dared to come into the battle zone unprepared.  

Euphemia li Britannia, finishing her conversation with air traffic controller, confirming the route of their aerial forces, and now went to conversation with the General Carston about the patrols and reinforcement of the isolated bases around the Japan. Her delicate finger almost danced above the surface of the screen of her PSU, as she proposed her own ideas and heard the criticism and the suggestions of the older and experienced warrior.

Cecile Croomy was busy with the regulation of the flow of the resources and equipment from the base storage facility tom their aerial forces and later, between the ships. Frigate Olbright demanded a replacement of the 2nd and 5th gravity emitters and Cecile quickly issued the order to place those parts on the 27th truck that soon would move to said ship, together with additional lot of the food for the mighty aerial battleship Gunfighter. And there were many of the various requests she and her team need to work on – no army can work without a proper supply and Cecile was adamant in her desire to be useful for her nation, comrades and beloved ones.

Sitting in the cockpit of his Lancelot Conquista Major Suzaku Kururugi, observing and leading the process of the deployment of the ground forces into the bays of air ships. Despite the smoothness of the process, which show the level of the skills of the soldiers, who quickly and skillfully moved their machines into the maw of the floating behemoths and the swiftly proceed to move into the designated places, green eyed man couldn’t help but wear quiet a vicious scowl on his face.

The goddamn mages attacked again! Their filthy witchcraft stole another dozen of lives, crushed many destinies!! Those disgusting filths reared their head again and dared to strike at the citizens of Britannia for third time! Unforgivable! They must pay! Pay in blood and fire!!

Brown haired man could almost feel how his blood boils, as rage and hatred took a firm grip on his soul. He clenched and unclenched his fists on the Lancelot’s control joysticks, trying to regain control on his own temper. Japanese major’s breath was haggard and in his eyes looked almost red because of the blood veins that now were visible.

Suzaku hissed inwardly, cursing himself this time – his behavior was a true shame to the officer of the Britannian army. Such inability to control his own rage was a true shame for the warrior and member of the Royal Panzer Infantry. But, of course, first and foremost, soldiers blinded by rage are great danger to their own comrades! As an officer it was Suzaku Kururugi’s own duty to keep such persons under the watch.

Brown haired major know too well, what can happen if he failed to control his temper. It was true the mercy of the God that brave soldiers of Britannia that were forced to help him when his rage went out of control. It was only because of the pleas of Lord Waldstein (his unofficial adopted father), Queen-Consort Marianne and Euphy Suzaku wasn’t kicked out of RPI. And Suzaku would be damned if her betrayed their trust.

Devicer or Japanese origin hoped that his later action after the “incident” proves that he really wanted to make himself useful to his comrades and new home nation. And thus always volunteered to dive into any fight where he could protect more of his brother and sisters-in-arms and slay more enemy of Earth and Britannia (considering that he already gain a moniker “White God of Death of Britannia” among the IAB and Belkan commanders for his body count many people would say that he successes – though, Suzaku didn’t know about this).

Yet, the fact that he truly endangers many of fellow warriors of Earth remained truth. And thus he had the responsibility to never let it happen again. Even if his soul ached to kill more and more magicians his primary duty was to be shield of Britannia first and foremost.

Scion of house Kururugi forced himself to take few deep breathes, reading in his mind old Buddhists chants he learned in his house’ private shrine when he was a child. He also slowly moved his knightmare frame forward, moving in the wide arch around the rows of the Britannian war machines that continued embarking into massive Galaxies, Logreses and Caerleons.

The flying behemoths, loomed above the armored land vehicles, dwarfing them by sheer presence. And they also didn’t just stay idly: the searchlight helped to lit up the night around them, the radar’s antennas spun slowly, gathering the information about the surrounding area, the low hum of the engines sounds like a voice of a hungry leviathan – war machines of the empire were hungry to dive into the battle.  

The combination of the mantra and the diverting of the attention on the movements of another machines and the possible obstacles helped him to calm the dark storm in his heart. There was also a simple boyish delight of seeing the swift knightmare frames, robust battle tanks and mighty aerial ships so close, mixed with pride and joy of being the part of this powerful and well-adjusted mechanism called army of Holy Britannia Empire.  

Son of Genbu Kururugi know that, together with experiences veterans, there were many soldiers that would meet the magic on the battlefield very first time in their life. He was sure, that their heart, like his own few years earlier, also filled with mix of joy of receiving the right to prove themselves, anxiety before their first battle, hopes to show a excellent performance and fear before the possibility of being injured, crippled or meeting Death itself.

Suzaku silently promised that he would do his best and use himself and the Lancelot to guide those young lives through the whirlwind of battle unscratched. Of course, it didn’t meant he would forget about his other comrades – they all were the warriors of Britannia and he would be damned to abandon his comrades and his loves.

The process of the embarking continued to uphold and, almost hypnotized by this well-performed complex of actions, brown haired devicer give himself a small pause to wallow in idle thoughts. During this “relaxation”, he slowly drifted back in time by the river of memories.

Son of Kururugis couldn’t help but smile broadly, feeling the warmth in his chest, thinking about the brave and kind princess that was the first to move and accept him when broken and disheartened by the events of war Suzaku arrived at Pendragon – the capital city of the Britannia. And later this kind girl revealed a iron will and sharp wits, when she grew, aside with Suzaku, to became a star of their class in military academy.

Euphemia li Britannia proved to be a true sister or Cornelia li Britannia, completely decimating dozen of the pirates’ riding parties at the sub-sector Caledonia in the span of year. Unlike her older sister – the feared Witch of Britannia – Euphy was a master of the defense, whose carefully planned defensive formation and skillfully executed counterattacks became an robust rampart in the way of the raid parties of the magicians (and not only them - Suzaku was sure that last two attacks were executed by the mercenaries of the Persian League).

Charging legions of the warjacks and heavy assault tanks of Belka (the so-called free part of the empire, supported by IAB in their “justified liberation war”) again and again crashed against the moving wall of the heavy tanks and landships, to lose the momentum altogether, once the aerial forces move to deploy Britannia’s own legion of the floaters-equipped knightmare frames.

As her assigned guardian (to be honest – he pretty much begged queen Marianne and queen Valentine, Euphemia and Cornelia’s mother, to let him escort her), future White God of Death of Britannia gained his fame as it usually was the Lancelot’s sword or the beam of the Hadron cannon, that plunged into the panzerritter’s cockpit to end the life of the another mage-commander.  

Of course, purple eyes princess, had another duties, outside the leading the army in the battles. No fighting force of the humankind can work properly without the working rear echelon, and Euphemia liked to work as administrator more anyway – the life of the builder and creator fir her much better, as anyone who know her enough cold say. It was during those calm days, as they moved from town to town in order to over seer the construction of the another hospital, when Euphy decided to move their relationship on the whole new level.  

Even though they were unofficially engaged, green eyed man felt a bit bad that he and Euphy shared their first night in the cramped room on the board of the landship Baltimore on the Caledonia Prime, instead of the luxurious room that would suit imperial princess better, but Euphemia was incredibly happy and almost never stop talking (thankfully, in private) how much she loves him (Suzaku tried his best not to explode out of the mix of embarrassment and elation).

Ceclie Croomy came in the picture when Euphy requested additional funds and materials in order to bolster the improvement of the sector’s both civilian and military industry. Schneizell el Britannia – premier minister of the empire – took his sister’s petition very seriously and not only give pink haired maiden a sizable amount of moneys he also sent one of his best engineering teams (Special Engineering Corps “Camelot”) together with the cargo caravan, filled with equipment and materials. Said convoy, as Euphy and Suzaku, agreed a very precious gift, together with already valuable assets, and small amount of problems.

To be specific, leader the group of engineers and constructors from the Earth - Earl Lloyd Asplund, who also was a creator of the Lancelot, despite all his proves as knightmare frames and exoskeletons creator (and the sheer respect Suzaku held for the engineer) and his undoubted genius, professor’s level of common sense was shockingly low. And thus the duty of the representative of the engineering corps took his aide – Miss Cecile Croomy.

Indigo-haired engineer was a truly life-saver when it come to managing the cooperation between the Camelot and Euphemia’s staff, and, in addition, Cecile proved herself to be a very competent manager. As she revealed (and Suzaku confirmed) – Professor Lloyd could be a very efficient leader when he truly wanted, the problem was that outside his beloved knightmares he was incredibly unmotivated and somehow careless. This Cecile was there to whip him (and the members of the Camelot who get infected with their leader’s carefree nature) into the working mood.

Quickly adding Cecile into her court (unofficially of course – she didn’t want to steal the talented women from her brother’s team), Euphy gained a very reliable advisor and thus could transfer part of her responsibilities and concentrate on her primary job – improving the state of Caledonia sector.

As a part of the team, that created Lancelot – Suzaku’s private machine – Cecile was a Suzaku long time friend, together with Lloyd (despite the earl’s eccentric nature and age gap) and so had no problems with helping Euphy when pink-haired princess pleaded older woman to look after certain major when he goes into the battlefield. Using the Lancelot’s data acquired from the many battles, blue eyed engineer created a pair of the customized variants of the Vincent CommanderTitania for princess and Semiramis for herself.  

Soon, as their combined work continued to bear the fruits, purple eyed princess’ keen eyes noticed that blue eyed engineer hide a much stronger feelings in her heart toward Suzaku than a simple friendship. Euphemia, who already became a close friend with common-born woman and had nor desire for conflict between them, carefully approached Cecile on this topic.  

Cecile admitted her feelings toward green eyed devicer and, just like princess of the Britannia thoughts, it was not a just friendship. Sorrowful Cecile pleaded Euphemia not to tell Suzaku so this would put a strain on their friendship and promised not to interrupt the happiness Euphemia shared with the son of the former Emperor of Japan.

To indigo-haired woman’s shock Eupemia Li Britannia stated that she can’t do that, since Suzaku himself had a more stronger attachment toward engineer from Earth that woman thought (she giggled sheepishly inwardly, remembering how Suzaku prostrated himself before her, begging for forgiveness for he allowed his heart falter in the presence of the another woman rather than his lovely princess). Euphy on her own part pleaded Cecile not to rush and instead talk about it with both of them. She valued Cecile as her friend greatly and loved Suzaku dearly and hated to see them both being torn apart by inner guilt and unresolved tension.

It was especially dangerous, as they were stood at the very edge of the Britannia territory under constant treat (no matter how low level of danger could be) and thus any inner turmoil could bring a disaster in the future. They shouldn’t hide from this love problems, they all should concentrate on creating the best possible outcome.

And they did so – needless to say, the result eventually pleased all of them. Which contributed greatly in their overall efforts to make the life of the denizens of the Caledonia sector better and safer.  

The appearance of the Camelot, together with backing from the Schneizell allowed Euphy not only to increase the defensive perimeter of the Caledonia sector, but also greatly improve local factories, repaired infrastructure and upgraded the transport system, increasing the number of the maglev train lines and providing more advanced trains and equipment, which had a great positive effect on the sector’s economic.

When they leave the Caledonia sector finally started to truly recover after the devastation brought on this part of the Earth Empire by the Twilight Wars. Needless to say, Euphemia, Suzaku and Cecile managed to obtain quiet a reputation and fame for their efforts making another step in the path toward being recorded in Great Hall of Fame of Britannia.  

This “trip” also made a great impact on the Euphemia and Suzaku’s private life. Not only they grew closer in many senses, there also was a happy resolution of Cecile’s situation – as Euphemia, together with beet-red Suzaku, asked her to join their family. Polygamy relationships were a common fact in Earth Empire already – the combination of the necessity of the population recovery and demographic misbalance after the Twilight War and mandatory motherhood made Nations and societies of Earth much more tolerant to such families.

And thus their small family was born – still unofficially, but all 3 people know that they should be patient and wait until the right moment, while cautiously preparing the solid basis for their future lives. Euphy planned to use the old mansion, which belonged to her mother’s family, in Dakota Dukedom for their home, Cecile brought the various car shops, repair facilities and exoskeleton factory, while Suzaku used his link in the former Japan mainland to get access to the old Sakuradite mines that belonged to Kururugi family.  

The beeping, emitted by the console broke Suzaku Kururugi out of his reverie right when Lancelot starts another circle around Mozart’s landing pad. Major Kururgi quickly imputed a command and quickly read the short message, that stated that Euphemia already move toward the entrance of the command center, which mean that pinkette would soon fetch Cecile and they would move toward the air ships.

Time to move toward the battlefield has come to him. And Suzaku Kururugi would cut down every enemy of Britannia he would meet.

So swear Sir Suzaku Kururugi, White God of Death of Britannia, the men who already slain untold numbers of mages in his serves of the crown.


Well-Known Member
Despite their overall nervousness and agitation, girls and their guest from the outside the borders of the Earth Empire spend this night sleeping peacefully. Nations of Earth puts a lot of efforts in strengthen their citizens’ mental fortitude along with their bodies and Yuuno’s many contacts with dangers during his expeditions taught him how to handle the stress.

Well, there also was a tea with herbs from Suzuka and four doses of the depressants from Nanoha and Arisa medical kits.

Thus, instead of wallowing in despair, four conspirators continued to work on their strategies for the upcoming battle and the possible ways of obtaining new equipment. The latest one was both the easiest and the hardest topic for them.

On one hand, Arisa, Nanoha and Suzuka had pretty solid amount of the moneys on their hands if they combined all of their funds together and also had the access to the discarded, yet still working machinery. The problem was that they also needed a weapon to defend themselves from both Jewel Seeds’ creations and the unwelcomed guests from the Belka. But now any operations of buying even the old military equipment would surely drag an attention from the army.

And the thoughts of the buy/sell operation with illegal dealers didn’t even last more than one second. Yuuno and his saviors couldn’t stomach the thought of dealing with the criminals and even if some superior unnatural force could make them forget about sheer wrongness of this deal even for few moments they were unwilling to drag the underground into their list of the problems.

The single more or less possible idea was proposed by Nanoha – to “borrow” some old Japanese equipment from the A-15 base, where Trial of Iron would occur. As they could see prom their past experience on the base – the base command transformed one of the massive storage facilities into impromptu museum where the rows and rows of the old weapon of the fallen empire were turned into the stands with exhibits.

Of course, the important parts of the firing mechanism were removed from the each present at demonstration gun. Also, through the nozzle, captured weaponry were filled with super-glue like liquid that made any repair attempts on those guns futile – it was much easier to break those auto rifles , rocket launchers and other deadly machinery apart, than remove the gun lock.

As Nanoha, Suzuka and Arisa knew, there were even the occasions, where some of those pieces of armament were sold as souvenirs to a some gung ho collectors. Of course those buyers needed to have a certain reputation so Army would even start to consider those deals… still, there were a people who received a right to buy those desired “gifts”. After all – they couldn’t be used as weaponry anymore.

Their firing mechanism were dismantled and the super-glue make sure that you can’t repair the gun into the operable state again – no matter how carefully you or your masters can be – there would be a further mechanical damage to the weapon’s mechanism, which render all your efforts useless in the end.

Thus, no criminals, nor JLF even tried to ride this museum – after all, for a much lesser price and with guaranteed results they could find a perfectly working armament on the black market.

All in, Nanoha thought that if they could use storage spell and take few weapon systems with them, base personnel wouldn’t be too driven by the desire to find a culprit. Because they would think, that the thieves only get themselves a fancy but useless in combat samples from the old Japanese arsenal.

But of course they didn’t know about the spells like Liquefier, which often were used by the images of Scrya family to remove the valuable artifacts from the frozen liquids. This time it would be used to remove the liquid itself from the valuable item.

After finishing her presentation, Nanoha sullenly admitted that she herself didn’t liked this plan, especially because it’s involved stealing and there were too many unknown factors and too many assumptions. How exactly base command would react at the fact of stealing? How could they activate the storage spells without triggering the alarm? And other question…

Eventually, Nanoha, Suzuka, Arisa and Yuuno decided to currently stick to Nanoha’s plan, trying to improve or create a better alternative. It would be great if they just could buy this equipment as a “personal belonging”, but Arisa pointed out that her or Suzuka’s fathers’ reputation still didn’t reach the heights where he could approach military with personal proposals. And even if they could, added Suzuka, in current dire situation any deals in Special Zone Japan that connected to weaponry, suited for knightmare frames would drag a lot of attention.

Once again, waking up before his friends, Yuuno Scrya spend his time sitting on the windowsill, observing the surroundings with great interest. Bannings family mansion had a vast and well-preserved garden, where many trees had various moving figures, small constructions and decors implanted in them.

Yes implanted – as golden haired scion of Bannings household explained, there were a sophisticated system of the implanted injectors, systematic operations and activities that would help tress not only cope but actually grow with all those additional stuff.

Arisa and her family also held a soft spot toward the dogs – numbers of the canines of various breeds, age and size that walked among the wooden giants long pasted thirty. Feeling bold, Yuuno created a small magical lens to have a better look – as he thought, each fog had the collar with Bannings family crest on them. Young mage was sure that each collar had the transmitter installed in them if dog somehow get lost.

Once he heard the soft groan from the behind and the rustle of blankets, Yuuno quickly moved to hide inside of the Nanoha’s bag. Patiently waiting until the moment when the door into the corridor closed behind the girls’ back, as Nanoha, Suzuka and Arisa, went to the kitchen he quickly sprung out of thr bag and darted into the bathroom where Arisa left a bowl with water and the tray for him. After all he also needed to clean himself… and answer the call of the nature.

Once he finished his cleaning, challenging get back into the room, hide beneath the bed and starts to satisfy his hunger with the breakfast girl left for him.

It didn’t take a long for trio of his generous helpers to come backs, exchanging the ideas about this day’s schedule and their plans. Aris atake a small pause to sit down and stretch out her hand invitingly – Yuuno take the invitation and jump on green eyed girl’s palm. Thus, few seconds later he was perched on the Arisa’s laps flanked by Suzuka and Nanoha on both sides. Young mage quickly found that he had a serious problem with hearing the ideas of his co-conspirators, simply because he was assaulted by a belly-tickling and head and back-caresses.

Mmm, what a bliss, thought Yuuno slowly as his tiny ferret body continued to emit small “kyun”-noises that made Nanoha, Suzuka and Arisa to giggle and smile in joy.

Once they had enough and Arisa carefully placed tan-colored ferret on her shoulder, four friends started to discuss a serious matters. Golden haired noble obtained a keycard from one of her family old warehouses in Uminari, where few old exoskeletons were left and they needed to check them today.

Suzuka on her part wanted to use the data from the military archives (said archives she get from her father – Tsukimuras were a nobles of the fallen empire and thus had the limited access to the army data-bank) of the Japan Empire to try and create the replica of the firing mechanism of the KMF’s auto rifles. Lavender haired maiden also wanted to work on the better stabilizations, gyroscopes and mount for weapon for their possible rides. Recoil that knightmare frame would barely notice could easily drop lighter and not optimized for weaponry of such size exoskeleton.

The problem was that each task – technological analysis and the investigation of the warehouse - required not only at least two persons, but also a lot of time. Suzuka could easily lead in both cases, but she couldn’t be in two places, Arisa had a rich experience with armament and weapon systems but wasn’t that good with civilian machinery. Nanoha had a much better knowledge about exoskeletons after spending the years helping her brother who worked on one of them, but she doubt she could match Suzuka’s proves and, just like Arisa, she was much more proficient with military equipment.

Yuuno remained silent as he heard their chatter and hoped that soon, with tutoring from the daughter of the Tsukimura clan, he would be able to help the trio better. Currently, his best call would be to provide the help with Exoskeletons – civilian machinery was his forte at home. He was sure that even with all differences he could help in some areas of exoskeletons’ check.

Eventually, they decided the composition of the groups and their task: Arisa and Suzuka would stay at school and use the workshop to try and re-create the equipment of the old Japan Empire, while Nanoha and Yuuno would take the keycard and the password from the Arisa and check the warehouse.

Once decision was made they quickly pick up their bags (and ferret) and sprint toward the door.


It was long past the time when the last lesson of the 9A class, when the pair of teenagers made another turn around the corner of the street, moving toward their point of destination. The auburn-haired girl, who wears the uniform of the Seishou High School, currently tried her best as impromptu guide for her companion – the blond bespectacled boy, clad in the green trousers, yellow jacket - who eagerly devours both the verbal and visual information of his surrounding, as he looked around cheerfully.

“…which further speed up the process of the creation of the merchant district in this area.” Explained purple eyed maiden, moving her arm in wide gesture, over the numerous stores on both sides of the road. Massive tides of the eager customers, despite the time, flow around them as hundreds of people moved in and out of the various doors each second. “Soon the demands of the store-owners convinced the municipality to give them the land nearby for another warehouse.”

Nanoha couldn’t help but giggle afterward, realizing how she may look from the perspective of her friend. “Nyahaha! Oh dear, I’m sure I look like Suzuka-chan when she goes into lecturing mode. Sorry, if I was too boring, Yuuno-kun.”

“No-no, I really glad that you took your time to show me more about the Uminari city.” Hastily reassured her blond mage, slightly wavering his right hand. He took a small break to take another shot from the camera in his glasses. It was a standard non-magical device inbuilt into the red glasses, uncle Kaien brought him on one of their trips on Mid-Childa.

Yuuno was a bit reluctant to walk around in his human form, fearing to drag unwanted attention to himself and his friends, but Nanoha reassured him that everything would be okay, until he wouldn’t use a magic stronger than the simplest spells (which could easily past as a natural mana surge). And the camera in the glasses not only wasn’t a something unusual, because of the widespread of the advanced medicine service, the spectacles without some sort of device was a true unusual sight.

Not too far away, over the four storey store, Yuuno noticed a massive long gray building, wrapped into the web of the pipes, cables and had at least few giant manipulator arms on its roof. Being a often guest of his tribe workshops he easily deduce that he look at their point of destination.

“I suppose, we almost there, right Nanoha?” Half-concluded half-asked Yuuno, moving his sight on the massive signboard of the “Happy Herring” shopping center after he received a nod from the purple eyed girl. He was happy that Nanoha proposed the idea to have a small walk toward the warehouse and show another part of their city to their new friend, needless to say, he gladly accepted.

To be honest, partly, Nanoha made this proposition because she could see how hungry scion of Scrya tribe was to see and learn more about the Earth and decided to help him. On other hand, youngest Takamachi wanted to buy a snaks for their group and thought that a small walk through lively district (which she liked to do) wouldn’t case much harm. And she also wanted to see more of Yuuno Scrya true human form.

He was really handsome, noted Nanoha inwardly – even through the thick matter of his clothes, she could see that blond teen had a strong and trained body, his golden hairs and emerald eyes (which were similar to her dear friend Arisa), made him look distinctly Britannian, and Nanoha even admitted inwardly that Yuuno really had a nice looking face.

What made it all better that Yuuno, unlike Arisa and Suzuka, both of whom had a great knowledge about Uminari on their own, very obviously listened to her with great devotion.

Overall she greatly enjoyed her walk and her company. And Yuuno, who, despite his hunger-like interest toward the new world, occasionally, shoot a very long glance at his pretty companion, savored every moment of this tour too.

“Um, sorry for interrupting you Yuuno-kun, but can we move faster?” Nanoha hoped that she didn’t sound too harsh, but her clock show that it’s already 3.30 PM and they still have a lot of work.

“Ah, yes, sorry for trouble.” Blushed slightly Yuuno, taking one last image before gradually speeding up after his guide.

They had no more time to waste – they needed to work hard this day before Nanoha, Suzuka and Arisa would left for the Trial of iron tomorrow.

Despite their determination to dive into their secret duties ASAP, they were forced to wait at least five days until they would get an opportunity to enter the warehouse, since all storage facilities currently were under lock down and subjected to the careful inspection by military. The D-34 base incident made the administration believe that enemy tried a new tactics of the terroristic attacks by smuggling powerful Creation-type magical artifacts into the places where they can find a proper amount of the material and equipment to create a berserk war machine to cause the havoc.

Unfortunately, school workshop also went under the strict surveillance until the conclusion of the Trial of Iron and Suzuka was reluctant to perform any suspicious activity until the new draconian laws would be called off.

Thus, four friends spent the remaining few days either preparing for the upcoming important event or trying to get even a grain of valuable information. Being a nobles give Suzuka and Arisa access to some close channels and many visitors of Midori-ya never find anything suspicious in the behavior of the youngest children of the cafe’s owner and her pet ferret, even when they moved around the tables where officers and soldiers of army discussed the recent events.

The biggest news, of course, was the arrival of a huge military contingent from the Torrinson base and the massive construction works on the D-34 base itself. One captain was unsure that enlargement of the garrison was necessary – airships needs only 40 minutes to move from the largest base in region to Uminari at cruising speed, after all? Other said that 40 minutes it’s a pretty huge amount of time to inflict horrendous amount damage on the outer city block if garrison would be overrun at its current state.

There were many various news: important or not. Like increase of the JLF activities on various planets, marriage of the Indian leader and the duchess of the Prussia Empire. New model of battle tank, created by Chinesse federation or radical boost of the medical supplies import by special administrative zone Japan. In short – nothing that could help them.

The only good news was a release of the lock down on the warehouse where Bannings family had a quarter. Which mean – they head a one evening at Thursday to check the storage by entire their team.

Originally, they obviously wanted to go together, but at last moment mr. Sawanaga asked Nanoha to stay for a half of hour to discuss with him and other squad commanders tomorrow’s departure at Trial of Iron. Both Yuuno and Nanoha felt a little bad that they dared to waste even a small amount of time but the Suzuka and Arisa’s response at their haphazard explanation give them a small reassurance (Suzuka couldn’t help but feel elation at the prospect of her best friend having a private time with boy and Arisa wanted to have some yummy stuff nearby as she would dig through the mess of the storage room).

Nanoha and Yuuno dashed forward, circling around the following passers, before they made a sharp turn and ducked into the small narrow passage between the houses, hoping to make a shortcut. The channel was barely wide enough for the teenagers like them to move without twisting their bodies, and they only need to watch for the garbage under their feet, which allowed blond man and auburn haired girl to maintain a suitable level of speed for a while. But them, rounding the corner of the house, they meet an unexpected obstacle - girl, few years older than Nanoha, tried her best to move through the passage, while holding a pretty high pile of the dark blue and white boxes with recognizable red cross on each of them in both arms. Actually, the height of the box-tower in the girl’s arms that was taller than carrier’s head allowed the student of the Seishou and her interstellar guest to see the cross.

On first thought it wasn’t weird for the curios teenagers to stick their noses in every corner they could found. What was strange that a maiden clad in the elegant ash gray knee-length skirt, leather car coat of the same color, which, considering the cost of such lovely garment, means she had a plethora of moneys, felt a desire to take all those boxes in her own hands, while she could easy rent a cargo-drone or entire group of loaders.

Yet, currently, this maiden with long wavy light brown hairs fight with uncooperative pile of boxes in this narrow space, while struggling with each step so she would stumble on every big rock or piece of garbage, grunting pretty often. While the girl indeed obstructed their patch, though Nanoha quickly deduced that girl also headed toward the warehouse, even if on much slower pace, she looked so pitiful, that both friends just couldn’t muster even a modicum of ire.

“Uh, sorry for the ask… But…Do you need a help miss?” Inquired scion of ancient line of archaeologists shyly, stopping just a meter away from the struggling maiden, preparing his hands to grab the boxes and hoping that girl allowed him to help. Thankfully, she did – with a small respectful nod; girl managed to carefully turns around, revealing a lovely face with a sleepy purple eye even in confined space of the passage and let blond gentlemen to take two-thirds of all boxes she carried. Nanoha immediately demanded for Yuuno to share his burden with her and after receiving an angry, pleading and yet cute look each of present teenagers had three boxes each to carry.

Once they divided the cargo, they newborn procession starts to move again. Girl introduced herself as Clarissa Widebridge – the daughter of the Britannia noble house. Her clan had its own chamber in the warehouse and they currently worked tirelessly on moving they supply in today, as they already lost many time during the lockdown.

When Nanoha asked why she carried all those boxes alone and without a proper equipment, Clarissa admitted than watching the dutiful loaders moving all those boxes from their store in the district into their storage, she felt like a slacker and she decided to help and carrying those supplies with drones would be slander against her pride… and she wasn’t afraid of the cargo-drones because they looked like giant bugs, that’s it!!

Miss Widebridge assistances pretended to believe her, thought both of them were forced to hide their smiles beside those convenient boxes. Clarissa pouted in response, showing that she was keen enough to see their mirth, but decided not to press on and instead thanked both of them again.

Widebridge family’s storage was thankfully placed in the same building as the facility of the Bannings family, though on 6th floor – one floor up from Nanoha and Yuuno’s point of destination. Despite Clarissa protests and pleas, both friends decided to waste a little more of their time, considering that their interlocutor slipped the info that her chamber was a next door away from the elevator. Arisa wouldn’t be pleased but they hoped that food would lessen her wrath. Clarissa, admitted Yuuno was just too cute, despite being older, to left her alone.

He also admitted that he was glad that he could hide his eyes behind the pile of boxes – Britannian maiden had pretty… alluring features beneath her waist which moved in a very elegant and graceful way with each of her step. Blond teen silently thanked the Goddess that he already developed some fortitude against opposite sex devastating charms – good thing his new friends were all voluptuous too. UWAAAAAH!!! Stop thinking like that, dumb Yuuno!!

Unaware of Yuuno’s woes, Nanoha on her part continued to chatter with her new acquaintance, learning that she came from the Ontario Dukedom, study at medical facility of the Ashford Academy and liked the solitary walks – the second reason why she went into this narrow passage with this pile of boxes (the main was that Clarissa wanted to avoid moving through chaotic crowd of people, with barely stable tower of medical supplies in her arms).

A turn on left moved closer to the trio – right behind it was a final segment of this channel, which leads to the massive warehouse. The closeness of their destination gave the teenagers a boost of vitality (even to sleepy Clarissa), increasing their speed. Moving closer, all of the supply-carriers caught the sounds of the footsteps, approaching from the front – seems someone moved from the warehouse, using the same passage.

Clarissa, who lead their procession sped up to inspect the situation behind the corner and see would there be a way for them to move around the unknown person(s) in this channel with their cargo.

Maiden with light brown hairs slowed down and carefully moved to the wall before them, revealing her own status before the eyes of the unseen passer. The way her face lightened up, show that everything is okay and they could move forward.

“Greeting, miss.” Following the code of the noblewoman, Clarissa give a polite node to the approaching person. “Sorry for this small inconvenience, but can you let me and my generous helpers to pass. I swear – we wouldn’t take more than few second of your time.”

“You don’t need to ask a permission from the aimlessly wandering ruffian like me.. Since you and you comrade are actually carry a things I’m obliged to clear a way for hard-working ones.” Came the reply; while it lacked the usual ways of addressing a person, there were apologetic and respectful notes. It was a defiantly a female voice and while distant and harsh, quiet a beautiful one.

Unfortunately, this voice made Nanoha and Yuuno’s blood froze. Right before the shocked pair, moving around the Clarissa, to take a place in the corner so they could pass, was no one but Signum Van Wolken – the pink haired mage that attacked them few days ago.

Blue eyed maiden raised her sight and froze on her place too – she may didn’t know Yuuno in his human form, but she definitely remembered Nanoha. The sudden change of the atmosphere made Clarissa jolted and her usually sleepy eyes suddenly flashed to the life, when all her senses were assaulted by a wave of the battle agitation coming from her recent interlocutor.