General What?


Well-Known Member


ôWhereàwhere am I?ö He touched his head and rubbed his temples. ôWhat is this place?ö

It was dark, so dark he could not see ahead of himself. His hands reached out into the darkness, and nothing happened. He could not even see his hand, not a glimpse. Frowning, he tried again, and the same thing happened.

ôI wouldnÆt do that if I were you.ö He heard a voice say.

ôWhy not?ö he asked.

ôBecause it would be pointless.ö He felt a hand touch his face. Immediately he flinched. ôWhatÆs going on?ö This wasnÆt right. The last thing he remembered was being on a blimp. This place, wherever it was, was not likely to be one.

For one thing it felt evil. He knew a thing or two about evil.

ôI canÆt see.ö

ôI know.ö

ôIs there anything you can do?ö

ôMaybe.ö The voice got closer. ôMaybe not.ö

ôThat doesnÆt answer my question.ö Then again, most of the people he met talked this way. It was just something he had grown accustomed too. ôWhat do you want from me?ö

The voice paused. He took the time to wonder if that was the right thing to ask. ôWhy do you think we want anything from you?ö

ôThen why kidnap me?ö

ôWhy do you think we kidnapped you?ö

He frowned. ôBecause thatÆs what everyone seems to do.ö Every bad guy he had ever faced used this strategy, so why not this one? ôIÆm tired of playing games-ô

ôTired of games?ö The man laughed. He knew it was a man now. However, something was off about this one, he just could not place what.

ôWhatÆs so funny?ö Someone was laughing. Or something. Voices, there were more than one. How could he have missed it?

ôGames, you tell me you donÆt want to play games.ö

He grit his teeth. ôThere is a time to play, and a time to get serious.ö He struggled to move his hands. They were bound. When did the voice have the time to do that?

The voices became loader. ôEnough.ö The voice came closer, once again, this time reaching his ear. ôIÆm in need of your skills.ö

ôSkills?ö He knew perfectly well what skills this man was talking about. But he also knew he wouldnÆt let his skills go that easy. His kinder self would disagree, but his kinder self wasnÆt in charge now. ôWhat kind of skills?ö

ôDonÆt play games with ME.ö

ôGames? Oh, but IÆm a man made of games.ö He smiled a nasty smile. ôWhat is a man made of games to do?ö

He thought he heard a chuckle. ôYour sense of humor is awful.ö The man reached out to touch him. ôBut I wonder, will you be laughing when I take off your blinds?ö

ôBlinds?ö he moved his face. It made sense now, that annoying itch.

ôOr we could leave them on until you behave.ö

ôIÆm no animal.ö

ôI never said you were.ö

He paused. What was he supposed to do? He was far from home, far from the blimp, far from grandpa, and from his friends. He didnÆt know where his magical items were, and there was just no way he could get back to the tournament to finish off his enemy in time.

Not when he had been kidnapped intoàwhere?

A thought hit him. ôTake off this blind, and IÆll see for myself.ö

ôSee what?ö

ôWhether IÆll laugh, iÆve seen some strange things before.ö So many monsters. Big, small, medium, or tall.

ôTrust me, you wonÆt laugh.ö His blinds came off.

There was no blindness, or flash of light. No sting, or pain. There was, however, darkness, and much more. The more came a second later when the shadows, that he previously thought was darkness, started to morph and contort. They were forming shapes, human shapes, and were coming closer. They were reaching out to him.

ôDo you want to run?ö

He looked at the man. Sure enough it was a man, but a strange one at that. He was extremely feminine. Silver hair, or was it blond? He couldnÆt tell. He wore an odd suit. Grey, and something the SS from Germany would have worn during WWII, or at least thatÆs what his history books told him.

ôWhy should I run?ö

ôBecause they arenÆt human.ö

He looked back at the shadows. Sure enough, they werenÆt human. ôÆIÆve seen stranger.ö A five-headed dragon for one, each with a head made from a different element. ôAt least they arenÆt very big.ö

ôNo, they tend not to get very big.ö The shadows started taking solid form, very feminine ones.

He looked down at his shackled hands, then back to the forming females. ôI donÆt want to be handcuffed when they come near.ö




ôBecause most girls donÆt have fangs, teeth, horns, or pointy ears.ö

ôMost?ö the fem-man asked.

He shrugged. ôWhen youÆve played the game as long as I have, you kind of get used to girls with wings.ö

ôAnd tails?ö

ôAnd fins, laser beams, and magic too.ö The girls were almost here. Up close some of them looked scary, some not. ôEither way, they look hungry.ö

ôThey are hungry.ö The man took a step back.

He watched the background. It was a cave? A cave made of black marble. No, that wasnÆt right. The walls looked to be made of stone woodàwhat?

ôWhat is this place?ö

ôTake a guess.ö The man melded into the wall, like he was fading. ôOr not.ö He vanished completely.

He looked back at the girls. Most of them looked at him with curiosity. All of them with hunger. He frowned. This had to be another game. He must have woken up in another one of those virtual reality worlds. What would this be? A second time? The first when his rival became trapped in that fantasy land, and the second when his rivalÆs step-brother summoned him into ANOTHER virtual reality land?

He frowned. ôYou there?ö

æYes, IÆm here.Æ

ôSo what do you think is happening,ö he said to the voice in his head. ôYou think weÆre stuck in another virtual reality game?ö

æMaybe, IÆve been watching them, and, well, youÆre not going to believe me.Æ


æSeems like they were doing some kind of summoning ritual and they failed, I think.Æ

ôWhy do you say that?ö

æBecause they DID get you,Æ the voice in his head said.

ôThat doesnÆt make any sense,ö he mumbled. ôYouÆre the owner of this body.ö

æYes, but they were trying to summon something. I think a Shadow Warrior?Æ

He thought about that. ôNothing good ever comes from dealing with Shadows.ö

æBut youÆre a shadowàand I think that worked out well.Æ

He smiled. ôThank you.ö


The monster girls had him surrounded from all sides. ôMay I help you?ö

The girls looked at one another, then at him. From the centre, four girls started walking through the crowd. They looked like faeries, with long dragon fly wings. He wasnÆt sure but they carried whips?

ôI donÆt know.ö The leader of these four titled her head, looking him up and down.

ôThen try me.ö

ôOh, we plan to.ö The blue one-stepped in front of the green one. Clearly, there was a leadership issue between the two, he thought.

ôThen ask.ö

æAre you sure this is a good idea,Æ his inner self asked. æMaybe you should take more time to evaluate your situation?Æ

He ignored that advice. He had some things to establish first. ôYou are monsters, arenÆt you?ö

ôYes.ö The all said in unison.

ôAnd you are hungry, arenÆt you?ö


ôThen why arenÆt you eating me,ö he finished lamely.

The four faeries looked at his hand, then back at him. ôBecause of those deck of cards you held when you arrived here.ö

ôMy deck?ö This was getting interesting.

ôYes,ö Blue said. ôour General placed those cards into the strange device and, oddly enough, one of our brethren came out.ö

That got a raised eyebrow. ôOne of your brethren?ö

The four looked nervous. ôOne of the creatures of the Shadow Realm.ö

æYami, I have a bad feeling about this.Æ


Well-Known Member
...............another start of what looks like an awesome fic, which you will probably abandon :( .


Well-Known Member
This can't possibly end well. Especially if that deck still held the Exodia pieces.


Well-Known Member
@Beserk: I'll try not to abandon. I'm just post poning those. You wouldn't want me to write while I'm unmotivated would you?

@Heart: Lol, oh boy. This is Battle City arch. If you think Exodia was powerful, wait till you see the God Cards.




ôHold on, this might not be as bad as you think,ö he said in his head. He turned back to Blue, and, not surprisingly, Green had taken her place. Leadership dynamics were a tricky thing indeed, especially when Red and Purple were trying to get on the action.

ôI think we have a misunderstanding here, hmm, maybe not a complete one.ö

ôWhat do you mean?ö Green asked.

ôI mean you think those monsters were real.ö

ôThey are real,ö Red said, still studying him. ôWe saw it before our very eyes.ö

æYami, you need to hear this. That guy you saw before is apparently some kind of General. Now, I donÆt know much about politics, but IÆm pretty sure there arenÆt supposed to be war leaders who control monsters in the real world.Æ

ôAgreed, so weÆre possibly not in the human world?ö he said to his inner self or was it his outer self? Sometimes Yami didnÆt know where he ended, and his child version began.

æI donÆt know, maybe IÆm reading into this too much. All I know is I have seen any sunlight ever since weÆve been brought here.Æ

ôHow long have we been here?ö Wait, this was the wrong question to ask! ôHow long have I been unconscious?ö

æà.Three weeks, Yami.ö

Three weeks? How was he NOT sick? DidnÆt the human body need water every single day? He looked at his arms. No, they hadnÆt forced liquids into his body via injection. So what? What were they doing to keep him healthy while he was unconscious?

ôWe are still waiting for our answer, Misteràö

He snapped out of his conversation. ôAhh, I suppose I didnÆt give you my name.ö

ôNo, you didnÆt,ö Green said, giving Blue the evil eye.

ôAnd you probably donÆt know what to call me do you?ö

ôWe would have called you human,ö Purple said, giving him a crooked grin. ôBut, considering how long you lasted without food and water, we were sure you were something much closer to us.ö

He mulled that over. ôSomething closer to you? ThatÆs fascinating.ö He looked her up and down, and then did the same for the other three. Tall, slender figures draped in skimpy bikinis.

ôDo we interest you?ö Blue asked, looking him up and down.

æYami, are you checking them out?Æ the voice asked. Oddly, it didnÆt sound disapproving.

ôHow often do we get to see ACTUAL monster girls, Yu-ô

æNo, donÆt say my name,ö his inner voice said in a panic. ôWe donÆt know if they have telepaths here.Æ

Yami cursed. ôNames are important.ö

æNames have power.Æ

Yami knew a thing about names having power. He didnÆt know his own name and used the name of his host.

ôI repeat,ö Blue said, this time kneeling down to look him in the eye. She had strange eyes. They were blue, but instead of floating on white, they floated on a pool of abyssal black.

It didnÆt make her look any less stunning, but, still, it wasnÆt human.

æYami, stop looking down her cleavage, I can see what you see, you know?Æ

Yami ignored his mini-me. He wasnÆt doing any such thing. Yami was above that. He was carefully analyzing the shadow, trying to find its flaws and weaknesses. The first was her wavy blond hair that cascaded down her tall form. The second were those blue high heels.

ôWhere those stilettos?ö

æProbably,Æ his inner self muttered.

The last would be the pair of wings floating diagonally from her forehead. It made it look like she was wearing some kind of crown.

Over all, Blue was made and dressed to kill in more ways than one. ôIÆve never seen monster girls in real life before.ö

ôI find that hard to believe,ö Green snorted.

ôAffirmative,ö Pink said.

æWhen did Pink get here? I didnÆt even see her,Æ his inner voice mumbled.

Yami didnÆt know either. ôWhy do you think IÆve seen your kind before?ö

ôLike we said, that deck of cards and that device you used,ö Blue said, shaking her head in annoyance. ôWhen General Kunzite put them together ancient monsters we long thought lost came out.ö

ôYou mean just an image donÆt you?ö That was supposed to be a hologram. Kaiba Corp. designed it that way.

Green blinked and turned to Red. The two had a silent conversation, as far as Yami could tell, then turned to him. ôExplain what an image is?ö

He sighed. ôBefore I begin, do you know what a hologram is?ö

The demons, surprisingly, nodded their heads. Strange, so these were modern demons. ô Well, thatÆs what they are. They are made by my RivalÆs company.ö He tried NOT to put any heat into the RIVAL part. It was hard.

Kaiba was a grade A asshole. ôAnd they were designed for a game called Duel Monsters.ö

ôDuel Monsters?ö Pink asked, tilting her head.

Yami noticed her boobs bounce once as she did this. Combined with her red bikini and long curly grey hair, hmm, he would have to think on her later.

This wasnÆt the time to get distracted. ôDuel monsters,ö he affirmed. ôItÆs a game we play. I guess youÆve never heard of it?ö

Green scowled. Her straight blue hair combined with her green complexion made it seem more ominous than she meant to, as far as Yami could tell.

ôI donÆt think weÆve heard of this game you speak of,ö she said slowly. She looked at Pink, Purple, and Red. Yami noticed she completely ignored the busty blond (Blue).

æI think they are all busty, Yami,Æ his inner voice said nervously.

Yami whole heartedly agreed. ôThen do you want me to explain the rules?ö

The girls looked at each other again. ôYes,ö Blue said, before they could make a unified reply. ôPlease do.ö

Yami nodded. Where should he begin? Well, it was best to start with common knowledge. ôDuel Monsters is a game we play with cards.ö

Seeing their knowing expressions he continued on. ôWe each have a deck of fifty or so cards. Each deck contains mostly monsters, spells, and special cards.ö He paused. ôThe object of the game is to use your monsters to defeat your opponent.ö

ôHow many opponents?ö Pink asked. Yami noticed her hair color was normal: short, curly, and brown.

ôOne,ö Yami said.

ôAnd how do you know when your opponent is destroyed?ö Purple asked, tilting her head cutely. Her long, stone colored hair draped to the floor. Yami wondered what it would feel like to put his hands through it, just for a second.

His inner voice would chide him otherwise.

ôWe know because we are assigned life points on our Duel Disks,ö he said.

ôDuel disks?ö Green asked.

Yami sighed. ôThat device you put the cards into, you know, the one that makes the projections of those monsters.ö

ôAhh,ö Blue said, nodding her head. ôI see.ö

ôBut that doesnÆt explain anything,ö Red muttered, while biting her thumb.

ôNo, it does not,ö Pink finished for her. Yami noticed she had her hand on GreenÆs shoulder. There was something going on there.

ôListen, I donÆt know much about your rules, but I think I deserve some kind of explanation,ö Yami said.

ôYou deserve an explanation?ö Blue said, sounding amused.

ôA human asks US for an explanation?ö Green asked, sounding as arrogant as she looked.

ôYou really donÆt know where you are, do you?ö Purple said with a melodious laugh.

ôIf you did, you wouldnÆt be so calm,ö Pink muttered, getting closer to Green.

Red sighed and ran her hand through her hair. ôYou really have no idea who you are talking to, do you?ö

æYami, what are you doing?Æ

ôLetÆs take a gamble, Yu.ö

æYami, maybe we shoul-ô

ôAlright,ö he said, smirking. ôTell me who I am talking to.ö After all, names have power. He hadnÆt given him his, ôif you would be so kind my fair ladies.ö

That brought a small smile from the five. æThey must not be used to compliments.Æ

ôGood, we can use that,ö he said in his mind.

Blue grinned. ôWe are the DD girls.ö She gestured to the girls. Her grinned turned feral. ôAnd this is our home.ö

She whirled her hand around and suddenly there was light. Yami put his hand on his eye to cover it. Lights, flashes, and colors appeared to be coming out of the stonework. They morphed and twisted. Turned and flipped. All around him was light, until it started to fade to a dim glow.

He put his hand away from his eye and marveled.

In front of him were thousands, upon thousands of monster-girls. ôWelcome to the Dark Kingdom.ö


Well-Known Member
icefire said:
@Heart: Lol, oh boy. This is Battle City arch. If you think Exodia was powerful, wait till you see the God Cards.
Storywise, once properly assembled and unsealed, Exodia's attack power is infinite. The only reason why Simon's Exodia lost to Zorc Necrophades was because Simon ran out of lifeforce (being old and all, and also being hurt whenever Exodia was damaged), and with his summoner unable to mantain it, it disappeared. Up until that point it had a definite advantage over the Dark Master.

You'd need the Creator God of Light, Horakhty, to exceed Exodia's power at its best.


Well-Known Member
@GH: Ahh, I see what you're talking about. No, I don't think Yugi had Exodia during battle city arch. If he did, let me know. It'll give me some more stuff to work with.




Yami walked down the rows of demonic females. They came in all shapes and sizes. Most were taller than he, as to be expected, but there were a few his size. Almost all of them looked older. How old exactly? He couldnÆt tell. Especially the ones that looked decidedly less human.

ôWhere are the males?ö he asked. Not a single one of the demons were masculine.

Blue looked confused. ôMales?ö

ôYour male demons,ö he finished. ôThere are a lot of monsters here. To get a population this large, you need at least one male.ö

Red looked at Green, and Green stared at Yami blankly. ôYou honestly donÆt think we reproduce like humans, do you?"

Yami shrugged. How was he supposed to know? This was his first time seeing creatures like this. Well, technically this was his second time, or third if he counted that time with Pegasus. ôYouÆre girls,ö he said. ôAnd girls give birth toàö He let that hang. What would demons give birth to? Do they start in a larvae form?

An egg? Like his dragon cards? Did he have to use special potions to make them grow?

æYami, I think youÆre using Duel Monster terms to explain things,Æ his inner voice said.

Yami rolled his eyes. ôI donÆt see how thatÆs a problem.ö

æYou canÆt solve every problem with a deck of cards,Æ Yugi replied.

Yami snorted. The girls were looking at him oddly again. He wasnÆt surprised, in the past many people gave him that look; like he was crazy. Truth be told, he was crazy, or Yugi was, at least, technically he was the shadow, and Yugi was the host. So if anyone was going to go to an asylum it would Yugi. Not that Yami would ever let them take Yugi away from him.

Yugi was his best friend, and the boy who had saved him from the loneliness of being trapped in the Millennium Puzzle forever. If that attractive Egyptian woman spoke true, Yugi might even be HIS reincarnation. Not that he believed that story. Kaiba certainly did not, and Seto Kaiba believed in a lot of bullshit.

ôWe are the Youma of the Dark Kingdom,ö Red said. At some point, she had gotten behind him.

ôAnd we do not NEED males to reproduce.ö Green gave him the evil eye. It was unnerving. Envy colored eyes on pools of deep black.

Yami resisted the urge to snort. It would be rude and being rude might get him killed. He didnÆt have any of the Millennium Items. If he had the Eye, he could read their minds. If he had the necklace, he could see into the future. If he had the puzzle, well, he didnÆt know what powers it contained, but he knew it was vast and great.

After all, Ishizu said he was the Pharaoh, and the Millennium Puzzle contained the manÆs memories.

ôPerhaps we shouldn't scare away our new host so readily,ö Purple said, giving Yami a smile.

ôHungry?ö Blue asked.

ôA little,ö Purple laughed. Her smile grew wider. Sharp teeth, thatÆs all he saw. There was a tongue in there. What color was it? Yami couldnÆt be sure, but, for one reason or other, he didnÆt mind finding out.

For academic reasons of course, he studied monsters after all.

ôWe arenÆt allowed to drain him,ö Pink warned nervously.

ôIf itÆs just a little bite, IÆm sure the Queen wonÆt mind,ö Green said, also giving Yami a smile.

Blue glared at Purple, then Green. ôNo.ö

ôJust a taste?ö Purple said playfully.

ôNo.ö She showed her fangs, for an instant, and the purple skinned fairy took a step back.

Green wasnÆt so easily cowed. ôIt doesnÆt take much energy to stand and talk,ö she said, smiling at Blue. ôWhatÆs the harm?ö

ôWe shouldnÆt take the risk,ö Red said, looking at Yami as if he were an interesting specimen.

Risk. Yami liked the sound of that. ôRisk? Pray, may I ask what you ladies are talking about?ö He knew it had something to do with him.

Blue whirled her blond head to face him. ôOur Queen will want to meet you soon.ö

ôQueen you say?ö Interesting. So this Dark Kingdom had some kind of monarchy? How fitting.

ôOur Great and Glorious Queen Beryl,ö they all said in unison, some with more enthusiasm.

ôIs she like you?ö he asked.

ôIn what way?ö Red asked back. Smart. This one had a brain on her, Yami thought.

He wondered how to approach this, and then figured a straightforward approach would do. ôIs she also a Youma?ö

The DD girls stopped. A few folded theirs arms on well proportioned bosoms; Yami made sure to not stare. He was far too much of a gentleman for that kind of thing. Let Katsuya do that kind of stuff. He was in this for the win, or, in this case, to get the hell out of here.

Wherever HERE was.

ôQueen Beryl is not a Youma, not exactly,ö Blue said.

ôShe is much greater,ö Red finished for her.

ôIf you value your life,ö Green started, ôyou will show her respect.ö

ôOtherwise, youÆll be dead,ö Purple said cheerfully.

Pink looked down. ôShe can be frightening.ö

æSounds like every enemy weÆve faced so far, Yami.Æ

ôNo kidding, Yu,ö Yami muttered. He saw a gate. ôAnd I suppose you are leading me to meet with her now?ö

Blue nodded. She smirked at his annoyed face. ôSheÆs most interested in your projections of Shadow Realm Beings.ö

ôEnthralled, even,ö Red supplied.

ôThat a Shadow, such as yourself, has the power to call fourth Ancient monsters such as that, with simply a device, well, itÆs short of astounding.ö Green didnÆt look happy to admit this, but she smiled regardless.

For some reason none of the girls bore him any ill will, even if he was clearly different from them.

They being clearly evil, and all. æIf only all our rivals were this polite.Æ

ôI believe Ishizu was polite,ö Yami answered.

æYeah, but she didnÆt wear a bikini.ö

ôàIÆm not sure how to answer that.ö He really didnÆt, he knew Yugi was sort of a pervert. With all the time he spent between AnzuÆs chest, when the na´ve girl gave him her bear hugs, but this was getting ridiculous.

ôWeÆre here,ö Blue said, putting a hand on his shoulder. It wasnÆt for comfort, he noticed. It was to make sure he didnÆt run away. How scary was this Queen Beryl?

ôI guess I have no choice, do I?ö

Purple laughed, Green smiled, Red nodded, and Pink looked worried. ôWhy do I even bother,ö Yami finished, sighing.

ôRemember to kneel before anything else,ö Blue said, still giving him that fanged smile. ôItÆll save your life.ö

ôIÆll keep that in mind.ö

With that the Five DD girls vanished, leaving him by the gate. æLetÆs go, Yami.Æ

Yami turned to the Gate. ôYes, letÆs this over with.ö

After all, he had to get back to the Kaiba Corp Blimp and beat up Kaibaà

àin a childrenÆs card game.


Well-Known Member
Is this the part where you abandon the story?


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
Is this the part where you abandon the story?
I find your lack of faith disturbing, Zeebee. Fear not, for this is my first original invention, which I can claim no one has accomplished before.

(If someone did don't tell me!)



At this point in YamiÆs existence, he had gotten used to walking into evil lairs, fighting the boss, and coming out the victor. A regular person would be terrified passing the rows of demons, faeries, tentacle creatures, and, oddly enough, some kind of giant refrigerator with arms?

He shook his head. No time to laugh. Time for that later. He looked up and saw her; Queen Beryl, the Leader of the Dark Kingdom. Before he could take another look Yugi told him to kneel. Taking BlueÆs advice was probably a good idea, if he wanted to come out of this alive that is.

He bent down on one knee and looked at the ground. ôYour Highness.ö This was the only thing he could think of. How many people met royalty?

The Queen stared at down at his kneeling form. Yami couldnÆt see her expression, but from the upper corner of his eye he saw a blur of a pale blue face. ôContinue to kneel, Shadow.ö

Yami tried not to frown. Not many referred to him as Shadow. Bakura did, of course, as did Pegasus, but they were the only ones who knew of his identity. Ishizu thought he was the Pharaoh, and Marik did likewise. Kaiba? Kaiba was a douche bag, so what he thought mattered little.

ôYou seem troubled, Shadow.ö Yami detected a hint of amusement. ôDoes being referred to as a Shadow displease you?ö

Yami continued to look down. ôNo, your Majesty, I care little what you call me.ö As long as she didnÆt talk about his height, they would be cool.

ôHmm.ö The womanÆs amusement dimmed slightly. ôFace me.ö

He did. What he saw was nothing short of astounding. The woman before him was tall. Possibly one of the tallest woman he had ever seen, far taller than Mai, and certainly a foot taller than Anzu. Then there was the hair. Now, Yami knew perfectly well his hair was odd, but this one had him beat on sheer volume. It must have went up half a foot over her crown and fall past her back, and onto the floor. You could probably use it to sweep, if you wanted to.

It didnÆt help that it was the color of crimson, the same color of her eyes, until the eyes dimmed to a different color. So she had glowing eyes? Very much like his female monster cards, very much indeed. ôWhy do you not speak?ö she asked.

ôI only speak when IÆm spoken to, your Majesty,ö Yami said, trying to sound respectful. Truthfully, he cared very little about the honorifics, but if he was going to win KaibaÆs stupid tournament he would need to get back home on time.

He didnÆt want to think what Anzu would do to him when he got back. ôIÆm in dire need of passage.ö

ôAnd you think I can grant you this?ö she said, sounding slightly irritated.

ôCanÆt you?ö


There was a pause. Yami suspected she wanted him to continue. He sighed, ôWhat is the cost?ö

ôAnd what makes you think there is one?ö

ôThere is always a cost,ö he muttered. ôIÆve never gotten anything for free.ö Every victory, he had to pay for. Every win, he had to almost die. Every time he was close to achieving one moment of happiness, well, that didnÆt last long.

ôSmart boy,ö she said, nodding.


ôYou knelt before me as well,ö Beryl said, resting her face on one of her hands. She gave him a smile, showing rows of sharp teeth. It wasnÆt meant to be a pleasant smile, and it certainly didnÆt feel that way. The elf was baiting him, somewhat. ôI suppose I should get to the point, no?ö

ôIf that is your wish, Majesty.ö

ôThat is my wish.ö She reached out into nothing and a rod, or scepter, appeared before her. She grabbed onto it. In an instant it thrummed with power and something came out of the darkness.

It was his Duel Disk, with his cards inside. ôThat belongs to me.ö

The Queen looked at him oddly. ôWhat did you just say?ö

ôWhat I mean is, those were on my persons, your Highness.ö He resisted the urge to say something smart.

Now wasnÆt the time. She seemed to think so too. ôGood, for a moment I thought you implied I should be returning these back to you.ö

ôYes, your Grace.ö The elf was playing a dangerous game. He knew a thing or two about games.

Fine! So she wanted to play? HeÆll give it to her later. ôTell me, Shadow, what happened to your host?ö


She scrunched her red eyebrows. ôThe host you were supposed to reside in. Shadow Creatures such as yourself live in the hearts of pure souls, so what happened to him?ö

That was a good question, Yami thought. As far as he knew his host was in his own mind. ôI donÆt understand?ö

The Queen bared her teeth. ôWhat happened to his body?ö

Ahh, now it made sense. ôI donÆt know, perhaps I left the body when you summoned me?ö

The Queen looked at him calmly. She was measuring him. ôYes. Perhaps thatÆs what happened.ö

Yami tried not to look relieved. If this Queen thought he was something other than their version of a SHADOW, he was going to be in trouble. Not that he doubted he was any different from these creatures, it was just that he didnÆt want to test his limits. He was aware he was a parasite to Yugi, but even he didnÆt need to drain the boy.

ôMy Duel Disk, my Queen?ö

ôAhh, yes, those.ö She floated them toward herself. They gently fell on her lap. ôMy mirror has watched your conversation with the DD girls.ö She tilted her head slightly. ôYour story is rather amusing.ö

ôHow so, my Queen?ö

ôFor one, you claim that this is a card game?ö

ôYes.ö What else could it be?

ôAnd yet this game has creatures my previous successors would love to get their hands on.ö

ôI donÆt understand.ö He really didnÆt. ôYou make it seem like they are real.ö

Her eyes narrowed. ôThey are real, fool, and you best not take that tone with ME.ö

Yami closed his mouth. The purple QueenÆs eyes looked crazed, though it was nice to see her giant boobs bounce up and down, as she got angrier. æYami, donÆt push it!Æ

ôI wonÆt,ö he muttered to Yugi.

ôWhat was that?ö Beryl asked.

ôNothing, my Queen, simply talking to myself.ö

Once again, her eyes narrowed. She didnÆt believe him. ôAs I was saying, I require something from you.ö

She didnÆt mention that before, but Yami decided not to fight this. He wouldnÆt win without his Millennium items. ôOh?ö

ôYes,ö she said slowly, as if talking to a child. ôI want to see you test this power against one of my Generals.ö

ôMay I ask why?ö

She paused. ôI summoned you, didnÆt I?ö

ôYes, but-,ö

ôAnd as a summoned being it is your duty to listen to his or her Master?ö

Yami didnÆt know about that. ôYes, my Queen.ö

She gave him a smile. Pretty, but poisonous. ôGood.ö

She floated the disk to his direction.

æYami, maybe we should make a run for it when we have our deck back?Æ

Yami looked behind him; thousands of enemies, and no escape. ôFunny, Yugi, real funny.ö


Well-Known Member


ôDo you have a plan against General Jedite?ö Red asked.

ôDo I need one?ö He was curious.

No, not just curious. He needed to know. Yami had seen what these things could do. Fly, spurt fire, teleport, and change shape. If this General, who was supposed to be a Leader, could do the same, he wasnÆt sure if he could take him.

ôJedite.ö Blue pondered this. ôIt depends, really.ö Eyes trailed him closely. ôHow physically strong are you?ö

Yami frowned. Yugi was not fit. Not even close. He skipped gym class, spent half his life getting beaten up by bullies, and, sadly, eating junk food. ôWhat do you think?ö

Green laughed. Pink didnÆt see what was so funny. ôI donÆt think you know the situation you are getting into.ö

Red bit her thumb. ôOr maybe you do.ö Her eyes looked at the disk. ôOtherwise you wouldnÆt be so calm.ö

Yami shrugged. There was no use getting angry over this. If he was going to die, he was going to die. He never showed fear, never backed down, and usually came out the winner.

He went into PegasusÆs Tournament knowing full well the man could kill him anytime.

He went up against Kaiba, in his very own Tournament, knowing the man could simply cheat in every which way (which he did).

He went up against Marik, Bakura, and all those minor Millennium item users, despite knowing how much power they had. What annoyed him, however, was how they all had the ability to transport him, Yami, into the Shadow Realm. Why in the world didnÆt Yugi or him have that power? Honestly, it didnÆt make any sense. He had three of the items, and he couldnÆt do something so basic?

ôYou seem distracted,ö Green laughed.

Purple joined her. ôMaybe heÆs afraid.ö

Yami smirked. ôNo, IÆm not afraid.ö He rolled his shoulder once, showing off his bulky shoulder. Unlike Yugi, Yami was fairly strong. Yami was perfect Yugi, he was what Yugi could be if he actually worked out. The Shadow knew perfectly well that he didnÆt have the physical power of the other users, or even Kaiba, but he COULD hold his own.

ôHeads up,ö Blue muttered. ôYouÆre fight is about to begin.

Yami nodded. He wondered, briefly, if he should thank them, then decided to hold that off. His mind needed to be focused on his next opponent. ô There he is, Yu, do you have any ideas?ö

æWhy are you asking me? YouÆre the smart one!Æ

ôTrue.ö Yami was the one who came up with the ultimate plans, Yugi usually helped out.

He was like the problem checker; he checked for errors. Yami, on the other hand, created the strategy, the game plan, and the finisher. Anyone who got in their way would feel their combined force, but today he knew that he was mostly going to be on his own.

ôYou must be Yami.ö A tall man stood before YugiÆs Shadow. He was about KaibaÆs height, with his matching sneer. Instead of hair colored brown, it was blond, so light it was nearly silver. Yami couldnÆt get a good look at his eyes, but he was pretty sure it was blue. That seemed logical, it would certainly match his coloring.

Like the man-girl he had seen when he first got here, he wore a grey SS WWII suit. Yugi found that odd, but he decided not to comment. He wasnÆt entirely sure if the Dark Kingdom was aware that they were dressed to run a Concentration Camp.

ôDo you know who I am?ö

ôNo,ö Yami said, trying to be polite. ôBut I know you are a General.ö

ôClever,ö the man said, smiling slightly. ôAnyone could have told you that.ö

Yami didnÆt reply. The man was clearly trying to bait him. No. The Shadow wouldnÆt have that. ôAre you going to duel?ö

The man frowned. ôDuel?ö

ôDuel,ö Yami said slowly, ôwith our disks.ö

The man paused. ôI donÆt understand.ö

Yami showed him his duel disk. ôThis is my disk.ö He pressed a button on the disk. It ejected a deck of cards. ôHere is my deck of cards.ö Yami pulled out a card, saw that it was the Dark Magician, and showed it to him.

ôThis is a Dark Magician.ö

The man narrowed his eyes. ôI see.ö He didnÆt understand.

Yami tried again. He showed him another card. ôThis is a Dark Magician girl.ö

The General looked slightly amused. ôInteresting.ö His smile turned slightly more insidious. ôAnd you plan to fight me with this?ö

Yami frowned. ôNo,ö he said slowly. ôThat would be unfair.ö

ôTo you?ö

ôNo,ö Yami answered, shaking his head. ôTo you.ö

The blond narrowed his eyes. ôI can kill you before this match begins.ö

ôCan you really?ö Yami asked, giving him his best Kaiba smirk.

ôWhat makes you think I wonÆt?ö

Yami looked at Queen Beryl. They were in some kind of arena, and the Queen had not allowed the match to start yet. She was looking at him with curiosity. The General followed his gaze, turned back to him, looked at some demons on the side, then back to Yami again. ôA minute before you die.ö He smiled. ôI promise to make it quick.ö

Yami gave him a mock bow. ôThank you,ö he said. ôI wonÆt grant you the same favor.ö

æYami, I think I have a plan.Æ

ôSo do I, Yu, so do I.ö

Yugi bounced up and down. æIs it what Blue said?Æ

ôYes, she said the monsters donÆt know this is a hologram.ö Yami thought about the implications. ôAnd they said something about the Shadow Realm.ö

æYeah! Something about summoning creatures from the Shadow Realm?Æ Yugi pouted. æI wish we can transport this guy there, we can take him withàpretty much any monster.Æ

ôMe too, Yu.ö Yami put his deck in his disk. ôBut donÆt worry, IÆve got something that might work.ö

æIf you say soàÆ

Yami sighed. This was going to be a problem. ôGeneral!ö the Shadow roared.

The General turned to him. ôYes.ö

ôDo you know anything about the Shadow Realm?ö

The man paused. He seemed to be thinking. ôYesàI know something about it.ö

ôDo you know what kind of creatures live there?ö

The man frowned. ôOf course I do. The worst kind of creatures inhabit the shadow realms. Demons, dragons, monsters, and witches of vast legends.ö He flexed his fist. ôWhy do you ask?ö

Yami slowly smiled. ôDo you know I can send people there?ö

The demons stopped talking.

æYami, what are you doing?ö

ôYou lie.ö

ôI donÆt.ö

The General scowled. ôWhat does this have to do with this duel?ö

Yami shook his head. ôDo you know how people are sent to the Shadow Realm?ö

The General tilted his head. ôLegends say that it involved a game.ö

Yami continued to smile. ôGood, this will make it simple.ö He cleared his throat. ôIt involves something called a Shadow Game and Shadow Games are what IÆm all about.ö Yami closed his eyes. Slowly his forehead glowed.

It printed an odd Egyptian symbol. It was an eye that looked into the heart of his opponent. The demons took a step back, and so did the General. What was light doing in a Hall of Darkness? Where did he get it anyway? The General wasnÆt a creature of the Day, but this man, this Yami, was producing an intense glow, the glow of the sun, of the Sahara, of times Old and Fallen.

ôBut IÆm not just a Player of the Shadow Game.ö Yami roared. To the amazement of the audience the glow on his forehead intensified, while the rest of his body became darker.



Well-Known Member
Hmm, is this regular Yami or Abridged!Yami? Either way, funny crossover.


Well-Known Member
This isn't abridged Yami, but he's probably just as good.


Well-Known Member
icefire said:
This isn't abridged Yami, but he's probably just as good.
Actually this somewhat feels like early manga Yami. You know, the completely ruthless one who will set someone on fire just to make a point that nobody harasses his friends. Granted, it was an escaped convict, but still... Oh, and let's not forget that whole 'blow a school bully up with nitro to the face' part. Among other things.


Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
icefire said:
This isn't abridged Yami, but he's probably just as good.
Actually this somewhat feels like early manga Yami. You know, the completely ruthless one who will set someone on fire just to make a point that nobody harasses his friends. Granted, it was an escaped convict, but still... Oh, and let's not forget that whole 'blow a school bully up with nitro to the face' part. Among other things.
Is that such a bad thing though?


Well-Known Member
All I know about Yugioh is that the dude turns into a pharoah, they fight with monsters that come from cards, and the loser gets hit with a MIND CRUSH.


Well-Known Member
crazyfoxdemon said:
GenocideHeart said:
icefire said:
This isn't abridged Yami, but he's probably just as good.
Actually this somewhat feels like early manga Yami. You know, the completely ruthless one who will set someone on fire just to make a point that nobody harasses his friends. Granted, it was an escaped convict, but still... Oh, and let's not forget that whole 'blow a school bully up with nitro to the face' part. Among other things.
Is that such a bad thing though?
Hell no. I liked early series Atem/Yami. He was a DICK.


Well-Known Member
The Story said:
She didnÆt mention that before, but Yami decided not to fight this. He wouldnÆt win without his Millennium items. ôOh?ö
Doesn't Yugi only have the Millennium Puzzle? There are only seven of the things, and at this point in the series, I think they were distributed like so:


Also, does he not have the Puzzle with him? Off the top of my head, I can remember (somehow) two times when the Puzzle was stolen, and Yugi lost his mental link to Yami, and had to fight/play on his own. There was the time in the manga with the kid who had that soul jar game, and the time with Bandit Keith when he was mind controlled at the start of the Battle City arc. I'd guess that this is probably because of some weirdness with the summoning spell though. In the soul jar one, Yami was stuck in the puzzle, and was only able to help once Yugi was touching the puzzle again.

GenocideHeart said:
Hell no. I liked early series Atem/Yami. He was a DICK.
Yeah. He was awesome. By the way, you've seen Little Kuriboh's Season Zero Abridged, right? (If you haven't, here's a <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>link</a>)


Well-Known Member
Heh, I really liked the King of Games version. Mind Crush tossed around for no reason beyond bullying.


Well-Known Member

WHY DID YOU STOP!?!?!???????????????????????????

:blue: :blue: :blue:


Well-Known Member
Is that what she said? :snigger:

I'm calling you out Icefire! Defend your honor by finishing the story!


Well-Known Member
He has no honor. It's not commonly known. But honor among fanfiction writers is based upon completion. When you abandon a story you lose honor. Conversely, completing a story restores some of their honor.


Well-Known Member
What can I say? I get a good idea, then I lose inspiration. I know I should pick one of my current fics and finish them, but which one!


Well-Known Member
icefire said:
What can I say? I get a good idea, then I lose inspiration. I know I should pick one of my current fics and finish them, but which one!
This one, of course.