[GoFundMe] MnemoD / Lobb


Well-Known Member
I know I'm not particularly well known or anything- especially with TFF not being what it used to be even way back in 2002-2003-ish when I joined, but between other issues and the like, I figured one more place to reach out wouldn't hurt. And yes, I know having my name attached is kind of spooky, but . . .

Due to life circumstances, I've barely kept a job here in the past three years, and my family no longer are willing to support me. If I had the option to sell this house and leave- and had somewhere to go- I absolutely would. I live in the one fucking state where they completely outlawed HRT and my family is so completely transphobic and hateful that I've spent my whole life being abused by them and I haven't even come out at all. A friend convinced me to make a GoFundMe to at least lighten the load on myself while I hunt for work- and that was over a month ago when I still had a functioning phone- so nowadays I can't even job hunt since there's no way for people to reach me save through Email- and I'm sure most of you already know how there's no way someone is going to email me for a job.

I put it in a few little bits I put onto AO3 as well, but I figured it doesn't hurt to at least ask and see if I can make it through this month without losing my electricity and everything. I apologize for how this looks, and I should preface that it took a lot of convincing from my friend to even put one up- well, and a few weeks of honest starvation.

Here is the link to my GoFundMe, if you can't comfortably give, don't. I appreciate it if you do, and I appreciate well-wishes as well. Thanks, TFFers. I don't like getting hand-outs and if I had the option to even remotely take care of myself, I would- but between my depression worsening and the fact the area I live in has basically no job openings and the like- and if there is, it's a commute of over an hour for minimum wage jobs that I can't afford to pay gas for trips on. It's just been a complete struggle, to the point I spend more time just comatose in bed than anything else.

And I realize how that sounds- I apologize. I'm not asking for sympathy, moreso just . . . throwing another feeler out- since I put it onto my Twitter and what other 'social' sites I could safely do so. Thank you for at least reading, folks.