Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
Seeing as I'm just part of the peanut gallery rather than a writer I doubt this is really necessary. But for the benefit of anyone that mighta been wondering why I've been keeping my mouth shut (so to speak) so far this month, it's cause I'm likely to be too busy to post much till bout January. Working in the bakery department of a grocery store, November and December are the two busiest months of the year and I'm gonna be too busy working my ass off (head baker, yay me :blue: ) to really spend any time online.


Well-Known Member
While I'm not going AWOL, I have to agree that this time of year sucks to work in a grocery store. I'm not talking about the customers I have to deal with regardless of the season, now there is just a few more.

It's because the blasted bell ringers.

I understand it's for a good casue so I don't say much and just kind of accept the month long torture of the migraine inducing bell, but it's when the bell ringers take it a step further like when before they start I swear they have to have taken speed, because at the pitch and noise the damn bell is ringing they're goal must be to make everyone hear ringing in a 10 mile radius, but even worse then these are the singing bell ringers.

I'm not sure singing bell ringers is common, but my grocery store has one. He sings the same four christmas carols non stop while he's there at varying pitches. "Silent Night", "He's Making a List", "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", and one other I can't remember the name of at the moment.

What's worse is he only knows about a quarter of the words and to top it all of he sings worse then the She Bang guy from American Idol.

I'm not sure I'll survive until the end of the year with the little sanity I have left.